
in package

Class CRM_Core_Session.

Table of Contents


USER_CONTEXT  = 'userContext'


$_managedNames  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache of all the session names that we manage.
$_key  : string
Key is used to allow the application to have multiple top level scopes rather than a single scope. (avoids naming conflicts). We also extend this idea further and have local scopes within a global scope. Allows us to do cool things like resetting a specific area of the session code while keeping the rest intact
$_session  : object
This is just a reference to the real session. Allows us to debug this class a wee bit easier
$_singleton  : CRM_Core_Session
We only need one instance of this object. So we use the singleton pattern and cache the instance in this variable


__construct()  : CRM_Core_Session
createScope()  : mixed
Creates a session local scope.
debug()  : mixed
Dumps the session to the log.
get()  : mixed
Gets the value of the named variable in the session scope.
getLoggedInContactDisplayName()  : string
Get display name of the logged in user.
getLoggedInContactID()  : int|null
Retrieve contact id of the logged in user.
getStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches status messages.
getVars()  : mixed
Gets all the variables in the current session scope and stuffs them in an associate array.
initialize()  : mixed
Creates an array in the session.
isEmpty()  : bool
Check if session is empty.
popUserContext()  : string
Pops the top userContext stack.
pushUserContext()  : mixed
Adds a userContext to the stack.
readUserContext()  : string
Reads the top userContext stack.
registerAndRetrieveSessionObjects()  : mixed
Register and retrieve session objects.
replaceUserContext()  : mixed
Replace the userContext of the stack with the passed one.
reset()  : mixed
Resets the session store.
resetScope()  : mixed
Resets the session local scope.
set()  : mixed
Store a name-value pair in the session scope.
setStatus()  : mixed
Stores an alert to be displayed to the user via crm-messages.
singleton()  : CRM_Core_Session
Singleton function used to manage this object.
storeSessionObjects()  : mixed
Store session objects.
timer()  : mixed
Set and check a timer.
useFakeSession()  : mixed
Replace the session object with a fake session.



public mixed USER_CONTEXT = 'userContext'



Cache of all the session names that we manage.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $_managedNames = \NULL


Key is used to allow the application to have multiple top level scopes rather than a single scope. (avoids naming conflicts). We also extend this idea further and have local scopes within a global scope. Allows us to do cool things like resetting a specific area of the session code while keeping the rest intact

protected string $_key = 'CiviCRM'


This is just a reference to the real session. Allows us to debug this class a wee bit easier

protected object $_session = \NULL


We only need one instance of this object. So we use the singleton pattern and cache the instance in this variable

private static CRM_Core_Session $_singleton




public __construct() : CRM_Core_Session

The CMS takes care of initiating the php session handler session_start().

All crm code should always use the session using CRM_Core_Session. we prefix stuff to avoid collisions with the CMS and also collisions with other crm modules!

This constructor is invoked whenever any module requests an instance of the session and one is not available.

Return values


Creates a session local scope.

public createScope(string $prefix[, bool $isRead = FALSE ]) : mixed
$prefix : string

Local scope name.

$isRead : bool = FALSE

Is this a read operation, in this case, the session will not be touched.


Dumps the session to the log.

public debug([int $all = 1 ]) : mixed
$all : int = 1


Gets the value of the named variable in the session scope.

public get(string $name[, string $prefix = NULL ]) : mixed

This function takes a name and retrieves the value of this variable from the session scope.

$name : string

name of the variable.

$prefix : string = NULL

adds another level of scope to the session.


Get display name of the logged in user.

public getLoggedInContactDisplayName() : string
Return values


Retrieve contact id of the logged in user.

public static getLoggedInContactID() : int|null
Return values

contact ID of logged in user


Fetches status messages.

public getStatus([bool $reset = FALSE ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$reset : bool = FALSE

Should we reset the status variable?.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the status message if any


Gets all the variables in the current session scope and stuffs them in an associate array.

public getVars(array<string|int, mixed> &$vars[, string $prefix = '' ]) : mixed
$vars : array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array to store name/value pairs.

$prefix : string = ''

Will be stripped from the key before putting it in the return.


Creates an array in the session.

public initialize([bool $isRead = FALSE ]) : mixed

All variables now will be stored under this array.

$isRead : bool = FALSE

Is this a read operation, in this case, the session will not be touched.


Check if session is empty.

public isEmpty() : bool

if so we don't cache stuff that we can get away with, helps proxies like varnish.

Return values


Pops the top userContext stack.

public popUserContext() : string
Return values

the top of the userContext stack (also pops the top element)


Adds a userContext to the stack.

public pushUserContext(string $userContext[, bool $check = TRUE ]) : mixed
$userContext : string

The url to return to when done.

$check : bool = TRUE

Should we do a dupe checking with the top element.


Reads the top userContext stack.

public readUserContext() : string
Return values

the top of the userContext stack


Register and retrieve session objects.

public static registerAndRetrieveSessionObjects(string|array<string|int, mixed> $names) : mixed
$names : string|array<string|int, mixed>


Replace the userContext of the stack with the passed one.

public replaceUserContext(string $userContext) : mixed
$userContext : string

The url to return to when done.


Resets the session store.

public reset([int $all = 1 ]) : mixed
$all : int = 1


Resets the session local scope.

public resetScope(string $prefix) : mixed
$prefix : string

Local scope name.


Store a name-value pair in the session scope.

public set(string $name[, mixed $value = NULL ][, string $prefix = NULL ]) : mixed
$name : string

Name of the variable.

$value : mixed = NULL

Value of the variable. It is safe to use scalar values here, as well as arrays whose leaf nodes are scalar values. Instances of built-in classes like DateTime may be safe, although the retrieved objects will be copies of the ones saved here. Instances of custom classes (such as those defined in CiviCRM core or extension code) will probably not be rebuilt correctly on retrieval. Resources and other special variable types are not safe to use. References will be dereferenced.

$prefix : string = NULL

A string to prefix the keys in the session with.


Stores an alert to be displayed to the user via crm-messages.

public static setStatus(string $text[, string $title = '' ][, string $type = 'alert' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed
$text : string

The status message

$title : string = ''

The optional title of this message

$type : string = 'alert'

The type of this message (printed as a css class). Possible options:

  • 'alert' (default)
  • 'info'
  • 'success'
  • 'error' (this message type by default will remain on the screen until the user dismisses it)
  • 'no-popup' (will display in the document like old-school)
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Additional options. Possible values:

  • 'unique' (default: true) Check if this message was already set before adding
  • 'expires' how long to display this message before fadeout (in ms) set to 0 for no expiration defaults to 10 seconds for most messages, 5 if it has a title but no body, or 0 for errors or messages containing links


Store session objects.

public static storeSessionObjects([bool $reset = TRUE ]) : mixed
$reset : bool = TRUE


Set and check a timer.

public timer(string $name, int $expire) : mixed

If it's expired, it will be set again.

Good for showing a message to the user every hour or day (so not bugging them on every page) Returns true-ish values if the timer is not set or expired, and false if the timer is still running If you want to get more nuanced, you can check the type of the return to see if it's 'not set' or actually expired at a certain time

$name : string

name of the timer.

$expire : int

expiry time (in seconds).


Replace the session object with a fake session.

public static useFakeSession() : mixed

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