
CRM_Utils_PDF_Label extends TCPDF
in package

Class CRM_Utils_PDF_Label

Table of Contents


$charSize  : float
Character size (in points)
$countX  : float
Counter for positioning labels
$countY  : float
Counter for positioning labels
$defaults  : array<string|int, mixed>
Default label format values
$fontName  : string
Name of the font
$fontStyle  : string
'B' bold, 'I' italic, 'BI' bold+italic
$format  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current label format values
$formatName  : string
Name of format
$height  : float
Height of label
$lineHeight  : float
Line Height of label - used in event code
$marginLeft  : float
Left margin of labels
$marginTop  : float
Top margin of labels
$metricDoc  : string
Metric used for all PDF doc measurements
$orientation  : string
Paper orientation
$paddingLeft  : float
Space between text and left edge of label
$paddingTop  : float
Space between text and top edge of label
$paper_dimensions  : array<string|int, mixed>
Paper dimensions array (w, h)
$paperSize  : string
Paper size name
$width  : float
Width of label
$xNumber  : float
Number of labels horizontally
$xSpace  : float
Horizontal space between 2 labels
$yNumber  : float
Number of labels vertically
$ySpace  : float
Vertical space between 2 labels
$generatorMethod  : string|null
Custom method for generating label, called against $this->generatorObject
$generatorObject  : object
Custom object used for generating label, used alongside $this->generatorMethod


__construct()  : mixed
AddPdfLabel()  : mixed
Print a label.
generateLabel()  : mixed
Generate the pdf of one label (can be modified using SetGenerator)
getFontNames()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the available font names.
getFormatValue()  : float|int|mixed
LabelSetFormat()  : mixed
initialize label format settings.
SetGenerator()  : mixed



Character size (in points)

public float $charSize


Counter for positioning labels

public float $countX = 0


Counter for positioning labels

public float $countY = 0


Default label format values

public array<string|int, mixed> $defaults


Name of the font

public string $fontName


'B' bold, 'I' italic, 'BI' bold+italic

public string $fontStyle


Current label format values

public array<string|int, mixed> $format


Name of format

public string $formatName


Height of label

public float $height


Line Height of label - used in event code

public float $lineHeight = 0


Left margin of labels

public float $marginLeft


Top margin of labels

public float $marginTop


Metric used for all PDF doc measurements

public string $metricDoc


Paper orientation

public string $orientation


Space between text and left edge of label

public float $paddingLeft


Space between text and top edge of label

public float $paddingTop


Paper dimensions array (w, h)

public array<string|int, mixed> $paper_dimensions


Paper size name

public string $paperSize


Width of label

public float $width


Number of labels horizontally

public float $xNumber


Horizontal space between 2 labels

public float $xSpace


Number of labels vertically

public float $yNumber


Vertical space between 2 labels

public float $ySpace


Custom method for generating label, called against $this->generatorObject

protected string|null $generatorMethod = \NULL


Custom object used for generating label, used alongside $this->generatorMethod

protected object $generatorObject




public __construct(mixed $format[, string|Unit $unit = 'mm' ]) : mixed
$format : mixed

Either the name of a Label Format in the Option Value table. or an array of Label Format values.

$unit : string|Unit = 'mm'

Unit of measure for the PDF document


Print a label.

public AddPdfLabel(mixed $texte) : mixed
$texte : mixed


Generate the pdf of one label (can be modified using SetGenerator)

public generateLabel(string $text) : mixed
$text : string


Get the available font names.

public getFontNames() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public getFormatValue(string $name[, bool $convert = FALSE ]) : float|int|mixed
$name : string
$convert : bool = FALSE
Return values


initialize label format settings.

public LabelSetFormat(mixed &$format, mixed $unit) : mixed
$format : mixed
$unit : mixed


public SetGenerator(mixed $objectinstance[, string $methodname = 'generateLabel' ]) : mixed
$objectinstance : mixed
$methodname : string = 'generateLabel'

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