
in package

Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0 Written & Contributed by Dolphin Software P/L - March 2008

'eWAY_GatewayResponse.php' - Loosley based on the standard supplied eWay sample code 'GatewayResponse.php'

The 'simplexml_load_string' has been removed as it was causing major issues with Drupal V5.7 / CiviCRM 1.9 installtion's Home page. Filling the Home page with "Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no longer exists in ..." messages

Found web reference indicating 'simplexml_load_string' was a probable cause. As soon as 'simplexml_load_string' was removed the problem fixed itself.

Additionally the '$txStatus' var has been set as a string rather than a boolean. This is because the returned $params['trxn_result_code'] is in fact a string and not a boolean.

Table of Contents


$txAmount  : mixed
$txAuthCode  : mixed
$txBeagleScore  : mixed
$txError  : mixed
$txInvoiceReference  : mixed
$txOption1  : mixed
$txOption2  : mixed
$txOption3  : mixed
$txStatus  : mixed
$txTransactionNumber  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
Amount()  : mixed
AuthorisationCode()  : mixed
BeagleScore()  : mixed
Error()  : mixed
GetNodeValue()  : mixed
Simple function to use in place of the 'simplexml_load_string' call.
InvoiceReference()  : mixed
Option1()  : mixed
Option2()  : mixed
Option3()  : mixed
ProcessResponse()  : mixed
Status()  : mixed
TransactionNumber()  : mixed




Simple function to use in place of the 'simplexml_load_string' call.

public GetNodeValue(mixed $NodeName, mixed &$strXML) : mixed

It returns the NodeValue for a given NodeName or returns and empty string.

$NodeName : mixed
$strXML : mixed

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