Table of Contents
- AfformAutocompleteUsageTest
- Test case for Afform with autocomplete.
- AfformConditionalUsageTest
- Test case for Afform with autocomplete.
- AfformContactUsageTest
- Test case for Afform.checkAccess, Afform.prefill and Afform.submit.
- AfformCustomFieldUsageTest
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit.
- AfformEventUsageTest
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit with Event records.
- AfformFileUploadTest
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit.
- AfformGroupSubscriptionUsageTest
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit with GroupSubscription records.
- AfformPrefillUsageTest
- Test case for Afform with autocomplete.
- AfformRelationshipUsageTest
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit.
- AfformRoutingTest
- Ensure that the routes created by Afform are working.
- AfformTest
- Afform.Get API Test Case This is a generic test class implemented with PHPUnit.
- AfformTestCase
- Base class for Afform API tests.
- AfformUsageTestCase
- Test case for Afform.prefill and Afform.submit.