Table of Contents
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Interface
- CRM_Core_Selector_API
- This interface defines the set of functions a class needs to implement to use the CRM/Selector object.
- CRM_Extension_Container_Interface
- An extension container is a locally-accessible source tree which can be scanned for extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Interface
- The extension manager handles installing, disabling enabling, and uninstalling extensions.
- CRM_Utils_Cache_Interface
- CiviContributeProcessor
- NullLock
- StaticTriggers
- Build a set of simple, literal SQL triggers.
- TimestampTriggers
- Build a set of SQL triggers for tracking timestamps on an entity.
- CryptoRegistry
- The CryptoRegistry tracks a list of available keys and cipher suites:
- PhpseclibCipherSuite
- This is an implementation of CipherSuiteInterface based on phpseclib 1.x/2.x.
- Bundle
- This class defines the `visual-bundle.js` asset, which combines `dc.js`, `d3.js`, and `crossfilter.js` into one asset -- and puts the services in the `CRM.visual` namespace.
- Access Control AclRole.
- Access Control Cache.
- CRM_ACL_BAO_EntityRole
- Access Control AclRole.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Base class for admin forms.
- CRM_ACL_Form_EntityRole
- Base class for admin forms.
- CRM_ACL_Form_WordPress_Permissions
- This class provides the functionality to Grant access to CiviCRM components and other CiviCRM permissions.
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_ACL_Page_EntityRole
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Activity_ActionMapping
- This defines the scheduled-reminder functionality for Activities.
- CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityAssignment
- This class is for activity assignment functions.
- CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact
- This class is for activity assignment functions.
- CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityType
- This class is a wrapper that moves some boilerplate code out of the Form class and helps remove some ambiguity with name and label.
- CRM_Activity_BAO_ICalendar
- Generate ical invites for activities.
- CRM_Activity_BAO_Query
- CRM_Activity_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Activity_DAO_ActivityContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Activity_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Activity_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Activity_Form_Activity
- This class generates form components for Activity.
- CRM_Activity_Form_ActivityFilter
- This class generates form components for Activity Filter.
- CRM_Activity_Form_ActivityLinks
- This class generates form components for Activity Links.
- CRM_Activity_Form_ActivityView
- This class handle activity view mode.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Search
- This file is for activity search.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_AddToTag
- This class provides the functionality to tag a group of activities (or a single activity)
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for Activities
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of Activities. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_FileOnCase
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_PickOption
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for Activity.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to print activity records.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_RemoveFromTag
- This class provides the functionality to remove tags of contact(s).
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task_SMS
- This class provides the functionality to sms a group of contacts.
- CRM_Activity_Form_Task
- Class for activity form task actions.
- CRM_Activity_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class gets the name of the file to upload.
- CRM_Activity_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload.
- CRM_Activity_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics.
- CRM_Activity_Import_Parser_Activity
- Class to parse activity csv files.
- CRM_Activity_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Activity_Page_Tab
- Main page for viewing activities,
- CRM_Activity_Page_UserDashboard
- This class is for building event(participation) block on user dashboard.
- CRM_Activity_Selector_Activity
- This class is used to retrieve and display activities for a contact.
- CRM_Activity_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria.
- CRM_Activity_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Activity_Task
- Class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms.
- CRM_Activity_Tokens
- Generate "activity.*" tokens.
- CRM_Admin_Form_CMSUser
- This class generates form components for Synchronizing CMS Users
- CRM_Admin_Form_ContactType
- This class generates form components for ContactSub Type.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Extensions
- This class generates form components for Extensions.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Generic
- Generic metadata based settings form.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Job
- Class for configuring jobs.
- CRM_Admin_Form_LabelFormats
- This class generates form components for Label Format Settings.
- CRM_Admin_Form_LocationType
- This class generates form components for Location Type.
- CRM_Admin_Form_MailSettings
- This class handles mail account settings.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Mapping
- This class generates form components for Mapping.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Navigation
- This class generates form components for Navigation.
- CRM_Admin_Form_OptionGroup
- This class generates form components for Option Group.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Options
- This class generates form components for Options.
- CRM_Admin_Form_ParticipantStatusType
- Base class for admin forms.
- CRM_Admin_Form_PaymentProcessor
- This class generates form components for Payment Processor.
- CRM_Admin_Form_PaymentProcessorType
- This class generates form components for Location Type.
- CRM_Admin_Form_PdfFormats
- This class generates form components for PDF Page Format Settings.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Address
- This class generates form components for Address Section.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Contribute
- This class generates form components for the display preferences.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Display
- This class generates form components for the display preferences.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Mailing
- This class generates form components for the mailing component preferences.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Member
- This class generates form components for component preferences.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences
- Base class for settings forms.
- CRM_Admin_Form_PreferencesDate
- This class generates form components for Location Type.
- CRM_Admin_Form_RelationshipType
- This class generates form components for Relationship Type.
- CRM_Admin_Form_ScheduleReminders
- ActionSchedule (aka Scheduled Reminder) create/edit/delete form.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Case
- This class generates form components for CiviCase.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Component
- This class generates form components for Component.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Date
- This class generates form components for Date Formatting.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Debugging
- This class generates form components for Error Handling and Debugging.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Localization
- This class generates form components for Localization.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Mail
- This class generates form components for CiviMail.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Mapping
- This class generates form components for Mapping and Geocoding.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Miscellaneous
- This class generates form components for Miscellaneous.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Path
- This class generates form components for File System Path.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Search
- This class generates form components for Search Parameters
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Smtp
- This class generates form components for Smtp Server.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_UF
- This class generates form components for Site Url.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_UpdateConfigBackend
- This class generates form components for Error Handling and Debugging
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Url
- This class generates form components for Site Url.
- CRM_Admin_Form_Setting
- This class generates form components generic to CiviCRM settings.
- CRM_Admin_Form_WordReplacements
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Admin_Form
- Base class for admin forms.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Access
- Dashboard page for managing Access Control.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Admin
- Page for displaying Administer CiviCRM Control Panel.
- CRM_Admin_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX.
- CRM_Admin_Page_APIExplorer
- Api Explorer
- CRM_Admin_Page_ConfigTaskList
- Page for displaying list of site configuration tasks with links to each setting form.
- CRM_Admin_Page_ContactType
- Page for displaying list of contact Subtypes.
- CRM_Admin_Page_EventTemplate
- Page for displaying list of event templates.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Extensions
- This page displays the list of extensions registered in the system.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Job
- Page for displaying list of jobs.
- CRM_Admin_Page_JobLog
- Page for displaying log of jobs.
- CRM_Admin_Page_LabelFormats
- Page for displaying list of Label Formats.
- CRM_Admin_Page_LocationType
- Page for displaying list of location types.
- CRM_Admin_Page_MailSettings
- Page for displaying list of Mail account settings.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Mapping
- Page for displaying list of categories.
- CRM_Admin_Page_MessageTemplates
- Page for displaying list of message templates.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Navigation
- Page for editing the navigation menu.
- CRM_Admin_Page_Options
- Page for displaying list of option groups and option values.
- CRM_Admin_Page_ParticipantStatusType
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Admin_Page_PaymentProcessor
- Page for displaying list of payment processors.
- CRM_Admin_Page_PaymentProcessorType
- Page for displaying list of payment processor types.
- CRM_Admin_Page_PdfFormats
- Page for displaying list of PDF Page Formats.
- CRM_Admin_Page_PreferencesDate
- Page for displaying list of date preferences.
- CRM_Admin_Page_RelationshipType
- Page for displaying list of relationship types.
- CRM_Admin_Page_ScheduleReminders
- Page for displaying list of Reminders.
- CRM_Api4_Page_AJAX
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Api4_Page_Api4Explorer
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Badge_BAO_Badge
- Class CRM_Badge_Format_Badge.
- CRM_Badge_BAO_Layout
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Badge_Page_AJAX
- CRM_Badge_Page_Layout
- Page for list page badges.
- CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch
- Batch BAO class.
- CRM_Batch_BAO_EntityBatch
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Batch_DAO_Batch
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Batch_DAO_EntityBatch
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Batch_Form_Entry
- This class provides the functionality for batch entry for contributions/memberships.
- CRM_Batch_Form_Search
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Batch_Page_AJAX
- This class contains functions that are called using AJAX.
- CRM_Batch_Page_Batch
- Page for displaying list of current batches
- CRM_Bridge_OG_CiviCRM
- CRM_Bridge_OG_Drupal
- d6 compatible?
- CRM_Bridge_OG_Utils
- CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Campaign_BAO_Petition
- Class CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey.
- CRM_Campaign_BAO_Query
- CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey
- Class CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Campaign_DAO_Campaign
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Campaign_DAO_CampaignGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Campaign_DAO_Survey
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Campaign
- This class generates form components for processing a campaign.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Gotv
- Files required
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition_Signature
- This class generates form components for processing a petition signature.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Petition
- This class generates form components for adding a petition.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Search
- Files required.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey_Delete
- This class is to build the form for deleting a Survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey_Main
- This class generates form components for processing a survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey_Questions
- This class generates form components for processing a survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey_Results
- This class generates form components for processing a survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey_TabHeader
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Survey
- This class generates form components for processing a survey.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_SurveyType
- This class generates form components for Option Group.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Interview
- This class provides the functionality to record voter's interview.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to print voter records
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Release
- This class provides the functionality to add contacts for voter reservation.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Reserve
- This class provides the functionality to add contacts for voter reservation.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results.
- CRM_Campaign_Form_Task
- This class generates form components for relationship.
- CRM_Campaign_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Campaign_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all campaign related functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Campaign_Page_Petition_Confirm
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Campaign_Page_Petition_ThankYou
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Campaign_Page_Petition
- Page for displaying Petition Signatures.
- CRM_Campaign_Page_SurveyType
- Page for displaying list of survey types.
- CRM_Campaign_Page_Vote
- Page for voting tab interface.
- CRM_Campaign_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria.
- CRM_Campaign_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Campaign_SurveyTokens
- Generate "survey.*" tokens.
- CRM_Campaign_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of voters.
- CRM_Case_BAO_Case
- This class contains the functions for Case Management.
- CRM_Case_BAO_CaseContact
- This class contains the functions for Case Contact management.
- CRM_Case_BAO_CaseType
- This class contains the functions for Case Type management.
- CRM_Case_BAO_Query
- CRM_Case_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Case_DAO_Case
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Case_DAO_CaseActivity
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Case_DAO_CaseContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Case_DAO_CaseType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Case_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Case_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Case_Form_Activity_ChangeCaseStartDate
- This class generates form components for OpenCase Activity.
- CRM_Case_Form_Activity_ChangeCaseStatus
- This class generates form components for OpenCase Activity.
- CRM_Case_Form_Activity_ChangeCaseType
- This class generates form components for OpenCase Activity.
- CRM_Case_Form_Activity_LinkCases
- This class generates form components for LinkCase Activity.
- CRM_Case_Form_Activity
- This class create activities for a case.
- CRM_Case_Form_ActivityToCase
- This class generates form components for building activity to a case.
- CRM_Case_Form_ActivityView
- This class does pre processing for viewing an activity or their revisions.
- CRM_Case_Form_Case
- This class generates form components for case activity.
- CRM_Case_Form_CaseView
- This class generates view mode for CiviCase.
- CRM_Case_Form_CustomData
- This class generates form components for custom data
- CRM_Case_Form_EditClient
- This class assigns the current case to another client.
- CRM_Case_Form_Report
- This class generates form components for case report.
- CRM_Case_Form_Search
- This file is for Case search.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for cases
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of case records.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_PDF
- This class provides the functionality to create PDF letter for a group of contacts.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for case
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to save a search Saved Searches are used for saving frequently used queries
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Restore
- This class provides the functionality to restore a group of participations.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results.
- CRM_Case_Form_Task
- This class generates form task actions for CiviCase.
- CRM_Case_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Case_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all case related functions that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Case_Page_CaseDetails
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Case_Page_DashBoard
- This page is for Case Dashboard.
- CRM_Case_Page_Tab
- This class handle case related functions.
- CRM_Case_PseudoConstant
- This class holds all the Pseudo constants that are specific for CiviCase.
- CRM_Case_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria.
- CRM_Case_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Case_Task
- Class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts.
- CRM_Case_XMLProcessor_Process
- CRM_Case_XMLProcessor_Report
- CRM_Case_XMLProcessor_Settings
- CRM_Case_XMLProcessor
- CRM_Case_XMLRepository
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_DashboardContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Group
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupNesting
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupNestingCache
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupOrganization
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Household
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Individual
- Class contains functions for individual contact type.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_ProximityQuery
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Query_Hook
- Delegate query functions based on hook system.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Query_Interface
- Abstract class for search BAO query objects
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Query
- This is the heart of the search query building mechanism.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_RelationshipType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch
- Business object for Saved searches.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_SubscriptionHistory
- BAO object for civicrm_subscription_history table.
- CRM_Contact_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_ACLContactCache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_ContactType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_DashboardContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_Group
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContactCache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupNesting
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupOrganization
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipCache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_DAO_SubscriptionHistory
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contact_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Contact_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Contact_Form_Contact
- This class generates form components generic to all the contact types.
- CRM_Contact_Form_CustomData
- This class generates form components for custom data.
- CRM_Contact_Form_DedupeFind
- This class generates form components for DedupeRules.
- CRM_Contact_Form_DedupeRules
- This class generates form components for DedupeRules.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Domain
- This class is to build the form for adding Group.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Address
- This class is used to build address block.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_CommunicationPreferences
- Form helper class for an Communication Preferences object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_CustomData
- Form helper class for an Demographics object (ahem).
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Demographics
- Form helper class for an Demographics object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Email
- Form helper class for an Email object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Household
- Auxiliary class to provide support to the Contact Form class.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_IM
- Form helper class for an IM object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Individual
- Auxiliary class to provide support to the Contact Form class.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Lock
- Auxiliary class to provide support for locking (and ignoring locks on) contact records.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Notes
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_OpenID
- Form helper class for an OpenID object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Organization
- Auxiliary class to provide support to the Contact Form class.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Phone
- Form helper class for a phone object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_TagsAndGroups
- CRM_Contact_Form_Edit_Website
- Form helper class for an Website object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_GroupContact
- This class generates form components for groupContact.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Address
- Form helper class for address section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CommunicationPreferences
- Form helper class for communication preferences inline edit section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_ContactInfo
- Form helper class for contact info section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_ContactName
- Form helper class for contact name section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData
- Form helper class for custom data section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Demographics
- Form helper class for demographics section.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Email
- Form helper class for an Email object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_IM
- Form helper class for an IM object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Lock
- Auxiliary class to provide support for locking (and ignoring locks on) contact records.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_OpenID
- Form helper class for an OpenID object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Phone
- Form helper class for an Phone object.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_Website
- Form helper class for an Website object,
- CRM_Contact_Form_Inline
- Parent class for inline contact forms.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Location
- CRM_Contact_Form_Merge
- Class CRM_Contact_Form_Merge.
- CRM_Contact_Form_RelatedContact
- This class generates form components generic to all the contact types.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Advanced
- Advanced search, extends basic search.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Basic
- Base Search / View form for *all* listing of multiple contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Builder
- This class is for search builder processing.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Criteria
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search
- Base Search / View form for *all* listing of multiple contacts
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AddToGroup
- This class provides the functionality to group contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AddToIndividual
- This class provides the functionality to add contact(s) to Individual.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AddToOrganization
- This class provides the functionality to add contact(s) to Organization.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AddToTag
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AlterPreferences
- This class provides the functionality to alter a privacy options for selected contacts
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_EmailCommon
- This class provides the common functionality for sending email to one or a group of contact ids. This class is reused by all the search components in CiviCRM (since they all have send email as a task)
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_HookSample
- This class provides the functionality to save a search.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Label
- This class helps to print the labels for contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_LabelCommon
- This class provides the common functionality for sending email to one or a group of contact ids.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Map_Event
- This class provides the functionality to map the address for group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Map
- This class provides the functionality to map the address for group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Merge
- This class provides the functionality to Merge contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDF
- This class provides the functionality to create PDF letter for a group of contacts or a single contact.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon
- This class provides the common functionality for creating PDF letter for one or a group of contact ids.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for Update multiple contacts
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to save a search Saved Searches are used for saving frequently used queries
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_ProximityCommon
- This class provides the functionality to support Proximity Searches.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_RemoveFromGroup
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of contacts. This class provides functionality for the actual addition of contacts to groups.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_RemoveFromTag
- This class provides the functionality to remove tags of contact(s).
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SaveSearch_Update
- This class provides the functionality to update a saved search.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SaveSearch
- This class provides the functionality to save a search.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMS
- This class provides the functionality to sms a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMSCommon
- This class provides the common functionality for sending sms to one or a group of contact ids.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task
- This class generates form components for search-result tasks.
- CRM_Contact_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class delegates to the chosen DataSource to grab the data to be imported.
- CRM_Contact_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload.
- CRM_Contact_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics.
- CRM_Contact_Import_Form_Summary
- This class summarizes the import results.
- CRM_Contact_Import_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX.
- CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all contact related functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Contact_Page_DashBoard
- CiviCRM Dashboard.
- CRM_Contact_Page_DedupeException
- Main page for viewing contact.
- CRM_Contact_Page_DedupeFind
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_DedupeMerge
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_DedupeRules
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_ImageFile
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Actions
- Dummy page for actions button.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Address
- Dummy page for details of address.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_CommunicationPreferences
- Dummy page for details of communication preferences.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_ContactInfo
- Page to display contact information on top of summary.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_ContactName
- Page to display contact name on top of the summary.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_CustomData
- This page displays custom data during inline edit.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Demographics
- Dummy page for details of demographics.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Email
- Dummy page for details of Email.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_IM
- Dummy page for details for IM.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_OpenID
- Dummy page for details for OpenID.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Phone
- Dummy page for details of Phone.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Inline_Website
- Dummy page for details of website.
- CRM_Contact_Page_SavedSearch
- Main page for viewing all Saved searches.
- CRM_Contact_Page_Task
- This is a dummy class that does nothing at the moment.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_ContactSmartGroup
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_CustomData
- Page for displaying custom data.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_GroupContact
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Log
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Print
- Main page for viewing contact.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Relationship
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Summary
- Main page for viewing contact.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Tag
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Useradd
- Dummy page for details of Email.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_UserDashBoard_GroupContact
- This class is used to build User Dashboard
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_UserDashBoard
- This class is used to build User Dashboard
- CRM_Contact_Page_View_Vcard
- vCard export class.
- CRM_Contact_Page_View
- Main page for viewing contact.
- CRM_Contact_Selector_Controller
- This class is a generic class to be used when we want to display a list of rows along with a set of associated actions
- CRM_Contact_Selector
- Class is to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria.
- CRM_Contact_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Contact_Task
- Class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage
- This class contains Contribution Page related functions.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Premium
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Product
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Query
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Widget
- Class to retrieve information about a contribution page.
- CRM_Contribute_Controller_Contribution
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Contribute_Controller_ContributionPage
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Contribute_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_ContributionPage
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_ContributionProduct
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_ContributionRecur
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_ContributionSoft
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_Premium
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_PremiumsProduct
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_DAO_Widget
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Contribute_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Contribute_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Contribute_Form_AbstractEditPayment
- This class generates form components for processing a contribution CRM-16229 - During the event registration bulk action via search we need to inherit CRM_Contact_Form_Task so that we can inherit functions like getContactIds and make use of controller state. But this is not possible because CRM_Event_Form_Participant inherits this class.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_AdditionalInfo
- CRM_Contribute_Form_AdditionalPayment
- This form records additional payments needed when event/contribution is partially paid.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Confirm
- form to process actions on the group aspect of Custom Data
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Main
- This class generates form components for processing a Contribution.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_ThankYou
- Form for thank-you / success page - 3rd step of online contribution process.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionBase
- This class generates form components for processing a contribution.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionCharts
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_AddProduct
- form to process actions fo adding product to contribution page
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Amount
- form to process actions on the group aspect of Custom Data
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Custom
- Form to process actions on the group aspect of Custom Data.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Delete
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Group.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Premium
- Form to process actions on Premiums.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Settings
- Contribution Page form.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_TabHeader
- Helper class to build navigation links.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_ThankYou
- Form to configure thank-you messages and receipting features for an online contribution page.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage_Widget
- Contribution Page form.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionPage
- Contribution Page form.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ContributionRecur
- Shared parent class for recurring contribution forms.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_ManagePremiums
- This class generates form components for Premiums.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Search
- Advanced search, extends basic search.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_SearchContribution
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Contribute_Form_SoftCredit
- This class build form elements for select existing or create new soft block.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for contributions.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of contributions.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Invoice
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_PDF
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for contributions.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to print contribution records.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_Status
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task
- Class for contribute form task actions.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_UpdateBilling
- This class generates form components for processing a contribution.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_UpdateSubscription
- This class generates form components generic to recurring contributions.
- CRM_Contribute_Form
- This class generates form components generic to Contribution admin.
- CRM_Contribute_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Contribute_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload.
- CRM_Contribute_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics.
- CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_Contribution
- Class to parse contribution csv files.
- CRM_Contribute_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Contribute_Page_ContributionPage
- Create a page for displaying Contribute Pages Contribute Pages are pages that are used to display contributions of different types. Pages consist of many customizable sections which can be accessed.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_ContributionRecur
- Main page for viewing Recurring Contributions.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_DashBoard
- Page for displaying list of Payment-Instrument.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_ManagePremiums
- Page for displaying list of Premiums.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_PaymentInfo
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_Premium
- Page for displaying list of Premiums.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_SubscriptionStatus
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_Tab
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contribute_Page_UserDashboard
- This class is used to build User Dashboard
- CRM_Contribute_Page_Widget
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Contribute_Selector_Search
- Class to render contribution search results.
- CRM_Contribute_StateMachine_Contribution
- State machine for managing different states of the Import process.
- CRM_Contribute_StateMachine_ContributionPage
- State machine for managing different states of the Import process.
- CRM_Contribute_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Contribute_Task
- Class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts.
- CRM_Core_Action
- The core concept of the system is an action performed on an object. Typically this will be a "data model" object as specified in the API specs. We attempt to keep the number and type of actions consistent and similar across all objects (thus providing both reuse and standards)
- CRM_Core_BAO_ActionLog
- This class contains functions for managing Action Logs
- CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule
- This class contains functions for managing Scheduled Reminders
- CRM_Core_BAO_Address
- This is class to handle address related functions.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Block
- Add static functions to include some common functionality used across location sub object BAO classes.
- CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting
- File contains functions used in civicrm configuration.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Country
- This class contains functions for managing Action Logs
- CRM_Core_BAO_County
- This class contains functions for managing Counties.
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup
- Business object for managing custom data groups.
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption
- Business objects for managing custom data options.
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValue
- Business objects for managing custom data values.
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable
- CRM_Core_BAO_Dashboard
- Class contains Contact dashboard related functions.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Discount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Domain
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Email
- This class contains functions for email handling.
- CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag
- This class contains functions for managing Tag(tag) for a contact
- CRM_Core_BAO_Extension
- This class contains functions for managing extensions
- CRM_Core_BAO_File
- BAO object for crm_log table
- CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- This class contain function for IM handling
- CRM_Core_BAO_Job
- This class contains scheduled jobs related functions.
- CRM_Core_BAO_LabelFormat
- This class contains functions for managing Label Formats.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Location
- This class handle creation of location block elements.
- CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Log
- BAO object for crm_log table
- CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Managed
- This class contains functions for managed entities.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Mapping
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Navigation
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Note
- BAO object for crm_note table.
- CRM_Core_BAO_OpenID
- This class contains function for Open Id
- CRM_Core_BAO_OptionGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_OptionValue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_PaperSize
- This class contains functions for managing Paper Sizes.
- CRM_Core_BAO_PdfFormat
- This class contains functions for managing PDF Page Formats.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Phone
- Class contains functions for phone.
- CRM_Core_BAO_PreferencesDate
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache
- BAO object for civicrm_prevnext_cache table.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Query
- CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity.
- CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler
- This file contains functions for creating and altering CiviCRM-tables structure.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Setting
- BAO object for civicrm_setting table. This table is used to store civicrm settings that are not used very frequently (i.e. not on every page load)
- CRM_Core_BAO_SiteToken
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_StatusPreference
- This class contains functions for managing Status Preferences.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Tag
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Translation
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_UFField
- This class contains function for UFField.
- CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup
- UF group BAO class.
- CRM_Core_BAO_UFJoin
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch
- The basic class that interfaces with the external user framework.
- CRM_Core_BAO_UserJob
- This class contains user jobs functionality.
- CRM_Core_BAO_Website
- This class contain function for Website handling.
- CRM_Core_BAO_WordReplacement
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_WordReplacement.
- CRM_Core_Block
- Defines a simple implementation of a drupal block.
- CRM_Core_ClassLoader
- CRM_Core_Component_Info
- This interface defines methods that need to be implemented for a component to introduce itself to the system.
- CRM_Core_Component
- Component stores all the static and dynamic information of the various CiviCRM components
- CRM_Core_Config
- Class CRM_Core_Config
- CRM_Core_Controller_Simple
- We use QFC for both single page and multi page wizards. We want to make creation of single page forms as easy and as seamless as possible. This class is used to optimize and make single form pages a relatively trivial process
- CRM_Core_Controller
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_Core_DAO_ActionLog
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Address
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_AddressFormat
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables
- CRM_Core_DAO_Cache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Component
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Country
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_County
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Dashboard
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Discount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Domain
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Email
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_EntityTag
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Extension
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_File
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Job
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_JobLog
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_LocationType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_LocBlock
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Log
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_MailSettings
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Managed
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Mapping
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_MappingField
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Menu
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_MessageTemplate
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Navigation
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Note
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_OpenID
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_OptionGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_OptionValue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Phone
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_PreferencesDate
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_PrevNextCache
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_PrintLabel
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_RecurringEntity
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Setting
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_SiteToken
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_StateProvince
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_StatusPreference
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_SystemLog
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Tag
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Timezone
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Translation
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_UFField
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_UFGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_UFJoin
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_UserJob
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Website
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_WordReplacement
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO_Worldregion
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Core_DAO
- Class CRM_Core_DAO
- CRM_Core_Error
- Class CRM_Core_Error
- CRM_Core_Form_Date
- CRM_Core_Form_RecurringEntity
- This class generates form components for processing Entity.
- CRM_Core_Form_Renderer
- Customize QF output to meet our specific requirements
- CRM_Core_Form_ShortCode
- Builds a form of shortcodes that can be added to WP posts.
- CRM_Core_Form_Tag
- This class generates form element for free tag widget.
- CRM_Core_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update
- CRM_Core_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon
- This is the base class for common PDF/Doc Merge functionality.
- CRM_Core_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for case
- CRM_Core_Form
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Core_I18n_Form
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Core_I18n_NativeGettext
- CRM_Core_I18n_PseudoConstant
- CRM_Core_I18n_Schema
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_4_7_31
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_13_alpha1
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_20_alpha1
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_31_alpha1
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_4_alpha1
- CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_61_alpha1
- CRM_Core_I18n
- CRM_Core_IDS
- CRM_Core_Invoke
- Given an argument list, invoke the appropriate CRM function Serves as a wrapper between the UserFrameWork and Core CRM
- CRM_Core_JobManager
- This interface defines methods that need to be implemented by every scheduled job (cron task) in CiviCRM.
- CRM_Core_Joomla
- Joomla class.
- CRM_Core_Key
- CRM_Core_Lock
- CRM_Core_Menu
- Class CRM_Core_Menu.
- CRM_Core_Module
- A module is any software package that participates in the hook system, such as CiviCRM Module-Extension, a Drupal Module, or a Joomla Plugin.
- CRM_Core_OptionGroup
- CRM_Core_OptionValue
- CRM_Core_Page_AJAX_Location
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Core_Page_AJAX
- This is base class for all ajax calls
- CRM_Core_Page_Basic
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Core_Page_File
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Core_Page_Inline_Help
- This loads a smarty help file via ajax and returns as html
- CRM_Core_Page_RecurringEntityPreview
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Core_Page
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Core_Payment_AuthorizeNet
- NOTE: When looking up response codes in the Authorize.Net API, they begin at one, so always delete one from the "Position in Response"
- CRM_Core_Payment_AuthorizeNetIPN
- Class CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN.
- CRM_Core_Payment_Dummy
- Dummy payment processor
- CRM_Core_Payment_Form
- Class for constructing the payment processor block.
- CRM_Core_Payment_Manual
- Class CRM_Core_Payment.
- CRM_Core_Payment_PayPalIPN
- Class CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN.
- CRM_Core_Payment_PayPalProIPN
- Class CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN.
- CRM_Core_Payment_Realex
- Class CRM_Core_Payment.
- CRM_Core_Permission_Backdrop
- CRM_Core_Permission_Base
- CRM_Core_Permission_Drupal
- CRM_Core_Permission_Drupal8
- CRM_Core_Permission_DrupalBase
- CRM_Core_Permission_Joomla
- CRM_Core_Permission_Soap
- CRM_Core_Permission_Standalone
- Permissions class for Standalone.
- CRM_Core_Permission_Temp
- This supplements the permissions of the CMS system, allowing us to temporarily acknowledge permission grants for API keys.
- CRM_Core_Permission_UnitTests
- CRM_Core_Permission_WordPress
- CRM_Core_Permission
- This is the basic permission class wrapper
- CRM_Core_PseudoConstant
- Stores all constants and pseudo constants for CRM application.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Back
- Redefine the back action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Cancel
- Redefine the cancel action
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Display
- Redefine the display action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Done
- Redefine the back action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Jump
- Redefine the jump action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Next
- Redefine the next action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Process
- Redefine the process action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Refresh
- Redefine the refresh action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Reload
- Define the reload action. Reload the page but do not do any validation.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Submit
- Redefine the submit action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Upload
- Redefine the upload action.
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action
- Class CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_GroupMultiSelect
- Class CRM_Core_QuickForm_NestedAdvMultiSelect
- CRM_Core_QuickForm_NestedAdvMultiSelect
- Class CRM_Core_QuickForm_NestedAdvMultiSelect
- CRM_Core_Resources_Strings
- Manage translatable strings on behalf of resource files.
- CRM_Core_Resources
- This class facilitates the loading of resources such as JavaScript files and CSS files.
- CRM_Core_ScheduledJob
- This interface defines methods that need to be implemented by every scheduled job (cron task) in CiviCRM.
- CRM_Core_Selector_Base
- A simple base class for objects that need to implement the selector api interface. This class provides common functionality with regard to actions and display names
- CRM_Core_Selector_Controller
- This class is a generic class to be used when we want to display a list of rows along with a set of associated actions
- CRM_Core_SelectValues
- One place to store frequently used values in Select Elements. Note that some of the below elements will be dynamic, so we'll probably have a smart caching scheme on a per domain basis
- CRM_Core_ShowHideBlocks
- CRM_Core_Smarty
- CRM_Core_State
- The basic state element. Each state element is linked to a form and represents the form in the transition diagram. We use the state to determine what action to take on various user input. Actions include things like going back / stepping forward / process etc
- CRM_Core_StateMachine
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Core_TableHierarchy
- Class representing the table relationships
- CRM_Core_Task
- Class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms.
- CRM_Core_TestEntity
- Class CRM_Core_TestEntity.
- CRM_Core_Transaction
- CRM_Custom_Form_CustomData
- Deprecated class no longer used in core.
- CRM_Custom_Form_CustomDataByType
- This form is loaded when custom data is loaded by ajax.
- CRM_Custom_Form_DeleteField
- This class is to build the form for deleting a field
- CRM_Custom_Form_DeleteGroup
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Group
- CRM_Custom_Form_Field
- form to process actions on the field aspect of Custom
- CRM_Custom_Form_Group
- form to process actions on the set aspect of Custom Data
- CRM_Custom_Form_MoveField
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Group
- CRM_Custom_Form_Option
- form to process actions on the field aspect of Custom
- CRM_Custom_Form_Preview
- This class generates form components for previewing custom data
- CRM_Custom_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Custom_Page_AJAX
- This class contains the functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Custom_Page_Field
- Create a page for displaying Custom Fields.
- CRM_Custom_Page_Group
- Create a page for displaying Custom Sets.
- CRM_Custom_Page_Option
- Create a page for displaying Custom Options.
- CRM_Cxn_DAO_Cxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_Activity
- Main page for activity dashlet
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_AllCases
- Main page for Cases dashlet
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_Blog
- Main page for blog dashlet
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_CaseDashboard
- Main page for Case Dashboard dashlet
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_GettingStarted
- Main page for getting started dashlet
- CRM_Dashlet_Page_MyCases
- Main page for Cases dashlet
- CRM_Dedupe_BAO_DedupeException
- Manages dedupe exceptions - ie pairs marked as non-duplicates.
- CRM_Dedupe_BAO_DedupeRule
- The CiviCRM duplicate discovery engine is based on an algorithm designed by David Strauss <>.
- CRM_Dedupe_BAO_DedupeRuleGroup
- The CiviCRM duplicate discovery engine is based on an algorithm designed by David Strauss <>.
- CRM_Dedupe_BAO_Exception
- Manages dedupe exceptions - ie pairs marked as non-duplicates.
- CRM_Dedupe_DAO_DedupeException
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Dedupe_DAO_DedupeRule
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Dedupe_DAO_DedupeRuleGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Dedupe_Finder
- The CiviCRM duplicate discovery engine is based on an algorithm designed by David Strauss <>.
- CRM_Dedupe_MergeHandler
- This class exists primarily for the purposes of supporting code clean up in the Merger class.
- CRM_Dedupe_Merger
- CRM_Event_Badge_NameTent
- This class print the name badges for the participants It isn't supposed to be called directly, but is the parent class of the classes in CRM/Event/Badges/XXX.php
- CRM_Event_Badge_Simple
- This class print the name badges for the participants It isn't supposed to be called directly, but is the parent class of the classes in CRM/Event/Badges/XXX.php
- CRM_Event_Badge
- This class print the name badges for the participants It isn't supposed to be called directly, but is the parent class of the classes in CRM/Event/Badges/XXX.php
- CRM_Event_BAO_Event
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_BAO_Participant
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantPayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantStatusType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_BAO_Query
- CRM_Event_DAO_Event
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_DAO_Participant
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantStatusType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Event_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Event_Form_EventFees
- This class generates form components for processing a participation fee block
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Delete
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Group.
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_EventInfo
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Fee
- This class generates form components for Event Fees.
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Registration
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_ScheduleReminders
- This class generates form components for scheduling reminders for Event
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_TabHeader
- Helper class to build navigation links
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_Participant_Delete
- Back office participant delete form.
- CRM_Event_Form_Participant
- Back office participant form.
- CRM_Event_Form_ParticipantFeeSelection
- This form used for changing / updating fee selections for the events event/contribution is partially paid
- CRM_Event_Form_ParticipantView
- This class generates form components for Participant
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration_AdditionalParticipant
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration_ParticipantConfirm
- This class generates form components for processing Event
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Register
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration_ThankYou
- This class generates form components for processing Event
- CRM_Event_Form_Registration
- This class generates form components for processing Event.
- CRM_Event_Form_Search
- This file is for civievent search
- CRM_Event_Form_SearchEvent
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Event_Form_SelfSvcTransfer
- This class generates form components to transfer an Event to another participant
- CRM_Event_Form_SelfSvcUpdate
- This class generates form components to allow an Event to be cancelled or transferred from an email link
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_AddToGroup
- This class provides the functionality to group contacts. This class provides functionality for the actual addition of contacts to groups.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Badge
- This class helps to print the labels for contacts.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for events.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Cancel
- This class provides the functionality for cancel registration for event participations
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of participations. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_ParticipantStatus
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for events.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_PDF
- This class provides the functionality to create PDF letter for a group of participants or a single participant.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for event participations
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to participant records
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Register
- This class provides the register functionality from a search context.
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_SaveSearch_Update
- This class provides the functionality to update a saved search
- CRM_Event_Form_Task_SaveSearch
- This class provides the functionality to save a search Saved Searches are used for saving frequently used queries regarding the event participations
- CRM_Event_Form_Task
- Class for event form task actions.
- CRM_Event_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Event_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Event_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics
- CRM_Event_Import_Parser_Participant
- class to parse membership csv files
- CRM_Event_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Event_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Event_Page_EventInfo
- Event Info Page - Summary about the event
- CRM_Event_Page_ManageEvent
- Page for displaying list of events
- CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_Name
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_NameAndEmail
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_NameStatusAndDate
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_Simple
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_Tab
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Event_Page_UserDashboard
- This class is for building event(participation) block on user dashboard
- CRM_Event_PseudoConstant
- Stores all constants and pseudo constants for CRM application.
- CRM_Event_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Event_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms
- CRM_Export_BAO_Export
- This class contains the functions for Component export
- CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor
- Class CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor
- CRM_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Export_StateMachine_Standalone
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Extension_Browser
- This class glues together the various parts of the extension system.
- CRM_Extension_Container_Basic
- An extension container is a locally-accessible source tree which can be scanned for extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Container_Collection
- An extension container is a locally-accessible source tree which can be scanned for extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Container_Default
- The default container is just a basic container which can be configured via the web UI.
- CRM_Extension_Container_Static
- An extension container is a locally-accessible source tree which can be scanned for extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Downloader
- This class handles downloads of remotely-provided extensions
- CRM_Extension_Exception_DependencyException
- An extension management operation failed because it would break a dependency.
- CRM_Extension_Exception_MissingException
- An extension could not be located
- CRM_Extension_Exception_ParseException
- Error reading XML for an extension
- CRM_Extension_Exception
- Class CRM_Extension_Exception
- CRM_Extension_Info
- Metadata for an extension (e.g. the extension's "info.xml" file)
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Base
- The extension manager handles installing, disabling enabling, and uninstalling extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Module
- This class stores logic for managing CiviCRM extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Payment
- This class stores logic for managing CiviCRM extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Report
- This class stores logic for managing CiviCRM extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager_Search
- This class stores logic for managing CiviCRM extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Manager
- The extension manager handles installing, disabling enabling, and uninstalling extensions.
- CRM_Extension_Mapper
- This class proivdes various helper functions for locating extensions data. It's designed for compatibility with pre-existing functions from CRM_Core_Extensions.
- CRM_Extension_System
- This class glues together the various parts of the extension system.
- CRM_Extension_Upgrades
- This class stores logic for managing schema upgrades in CiviCRM extensions.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_EntityFinancialAccount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_EntityFinancialTrxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_ExportFormat_CSV
- Base class for Export Formats Create a subclass for a specific format.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_ExportFormat_IIF
- Base class for Export Formats Create a subclass for a specific format.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_ExportFormat
- Base class for Export Formats Create a subclass for a specific format.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialAccount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialTrxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_Payment
- This class contains payment related functions.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessor
- This class contains payment processor related functions.
- CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessorType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_Currency
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_EntityFinancialAccount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_EntityFinancialTrxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialAccount
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialItem
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialTrxn
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentToken
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Financial_Form_BatchTransaction
- This class generates form components for Financial Type
- CRM_Financial_Form_Export
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of contributions. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Financial_Form_FinancialAccount
- This class generates form components for Financial Account
- CRM_Financial_Form_FinancialBatch
- This class generates form components for Accounting Batch
- CRM_Financial_Form_FinancialType
- This class generates form components for Financial Type
- CRM_Financial_Form_FinancialTypeAccount
- This class generates form components for Financial Type Account
- CRM_Financial_Form_Payment
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Financial_Form_PaymentEdit
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Financial_Form_Search
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Financial_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Financial_Page_Batch
- Page for displaying list of current batches
- CRM_Financial_Page_BatchTransaction
- Page for displaying list of financial batches
- CRM_Financial_Page_FinancialAccount
- Page for displaying list of financial accounts
- CRM_Financial_Page_FinancialBatch
- Page for displaying list of financial batches
- CRM_Financial_Page_FinancialType
- Page for displaying list of financial types
- CRM_Financial_Page_FinancialTypeAccount
- Page for displaying list of financial type accounts
- CRM_Friend_DAO_Friend
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Group_Controller
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_Group_Form_Edit
- This class is to build the form for adding Group.
- CRM_Group_Form_Search
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Group_Page_AJAX
- This class contains the functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
- CRM_Group_Page_Group
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Group_StateMachine
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Import_Controller
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV
- This class defines the DataSource interface but must be subclassed to be useful.
- CRM_Import_DataSource_SQL
- This class defines the DataSource interface but must be subclassed to be useful.
- CRM_Import_DataSource
- This class defines the DataSource interface but must be subclassed to be useful.
- CRM_Import_Form_DataSource
- Base class for upload-only import forms (all but Contact import).
- CRM_Import_Form_DataSourceConfig
- This class allows datasource specific fields to be added to the datasource form.
- CRM_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload.
- CRM_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics.
- CRM_Import_Forms
- This class helps the forms within the import flow access submitted & parsed values.
- CRM_Invoicing_Utils
- CRM_Logging_Differ
- CRM_Logging_ReportDetail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Logging_Reverter
- CRM_Logging_Schema
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_BouncePattern
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing
- Class CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingAB
- Class CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingAB
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingRecipients
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingTrackableURL
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_Query
- CRM_Mailing_BAO_Spool
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Config
- CRM_Mailing_Controller_Send
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_BouncePattern
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_BounceType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingAB
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingComponent
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingJob
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingRecipients
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingTrackableURL
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_DAO_Spool
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventBounce
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventDelivered
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventForward
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventOpened
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventQueue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventReply
- Class CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Reply
- CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_MailingEventTrackableURLOpen
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventBounce
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventConfirm
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventDelivered
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventForward
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventOpened
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventQueue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventReply
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventSubscribe
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventTrackableURLOpen
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_MailingEventUnsubscribe
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Approve
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Browse
- Build the form object for disable mail feature
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Component
- This class generates form components for Location Type.
- CRM_Mailing_Form_ForwardMailing
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Optout
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Search
- Base class for most search forms
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Subscribe
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Task_AdhocMailing
- Given the selected contacts, prepare a mailing with a hidden group.
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to print mailing recipient records
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Task
- Class for mailing form task actions.
- CRM_Mailing_Form_Unsubscribe
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Mailing_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Imap
- Class CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Imap
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Localdir
- Class CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Localdir
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Maildir
- Class CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Maildir
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Mbox
- Class CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Mbox
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Pop3
- Class CRM_Mailing_MailStore_Pop3
- CRM_Mailing_MailStore
- CRM_Mailing_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Browse
- This implements the profile page for all contacts. It uses a selector object to do the actual display. The fields displayed are controlled by the admin
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Common
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Component
- Page to display / edit the header / footer of a mailing
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Confirm
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Event
- This implements the profile page for all contacts.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Open
- Indicate that a CiviMail message has been opened
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Report
- Page to display / edit the header / footer of a mailing.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Resubscribe
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Tab
- This class handle mailing and contact related functions
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Unsubscribe
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_Url
- Redirects a user to the full url from a mailing url.
- CRM_Mailing_Page_View
- A page for mailing preview.
- CRM_Mailing_PseudoConstant
- This class holds all the Pseudo constants that are specific to Mass mailing. This avoids polluting the core class and isolates the mass mailer class.
- CRM_Mailing_Selector_Browse
- This class is used to browse past mailings.
- CRM_Mailing_Selector_Event
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Mailing_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Mailing_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms.
- CRM_Member_BAO_Membership
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipBlock
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipLog
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipPayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_BAO_Query
- CRM_Member_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Member_DAO_Membership
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipBlock
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipLog
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipPayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipStatus
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipType
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Member_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Member_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Member_Form_MembershipConfig
- Base class for offline membership / membership type / membership renewal and membership status forms
- CRM_Member_Form_MembershipRenewal
- This class generates form components for Membership Renewal
- CRM_Member_Form_MembershipStatus
- This class generates form components for Membership Type
- CRM_Member_Form_MembershipType
- This class generates form components for Membership Type
- CRM_Member_Form_MembershipView
- This class generates form components for Payment-Instrument
- CRM_Member_Form_Search
- Membership search.
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Batch
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for members
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of members. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Email
- This class provides the functionality to email a group of contacts.
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Label
- This class helps to print the labels for contacts
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_PDFLetter
- This class provides the functionality to create PDF letter for a group of contacts or a single contact.
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_PickProfile
- This class provides the functionality for batch profile update for membership
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to print members
- CRM_Member_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results
- CRM_Member_Form_Task
- Class for member form task actions.
- CRM_Member_Form
- Base class for offline membership / membership type / membership renewal and membership status forms
- CRM_Member_Import_Form_DataSource
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Member_Import_Form_MapField
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Member_Import_Form_Preview
- This class previews the uploaded file and returns summary statistics
- CRM_Member_Import_Parser_Membership
- class to parse membership csv files
- CRM_Member_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Member_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX (dojo)
- CRM_Member_Page_DashBoard
- Page for displaying members.
- CRM_Member_Page_MembershipStatus
- Page for displaying list of membership statuses
- CRM_Member_Page_MembershipType
- Page for displaying list of membership types
- CRM_Member_Page_Tab
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Member_Page_UserDashboard
- This class is for building membership block on user dashboard
- CRM_Member_PseudoConstant
- This class holds all the Pseudo constants that are specific to the civimember component. This avoids polluting the core class and isolates the mass mailer class
- CRM_Member_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Member_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Member_StatusOverrideTypes
- Membership status override types.
- CRM_Member_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts (CiviMember) used by the search forms
- CRM_Note_Form_Note
- This class generates form components generic to note
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_PCP_Controller_PCP
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_PCP_Form_Campaign
- This class generates form components for processing a pcp page.
- CRM_PCP_Form_Contribute
- This class generates form components for Tell A Friend
- CRM_PCP_Form_Event
- This class generates form components for PCP
- Administer Personal Campaign Pages - Search form
- CRM_PCP_Form_PCPAccount
- This class generates form components for processing a contribution.
- Page for displaying list of personal campaign pages
- CRM_PCP_Page_PCPInfo
- PCP Info Page - Summary about the PCP
- CRM_PCP_StateMachine_PCP
- State machine for managing different pages while setting up PCP flow.
- CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgeBlock
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_BAO_Query
- CRM_Pledge_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgeBlock
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Pledge_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Pledge_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Payment
- This class generates form components for processing a pledge payment.
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Pledge
- This class generates form components for processing a pledge
- CRM_Pledge_Form_PledgeView
- This class generates form components for Pledge
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Search
- This file is for Pledge search
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of participations. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to save a search Saved Searches are used for saving frequently used queries
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results.
- CRM_Pledge_Form_Task
- Class for pledge form task actions.
- CRM_Pledge_Info
- This class introduces component to the system and provides all the information about it. It needs to extend CRM_Core_Component_Info abstract class.
- CRM_Pledge_Page_AJAX
- This class contains all the function that are called using AJAX
- CRM_Pledge_Page_DashBoard
- This page is for the Pledge Dashboard.
- CRM_Pledge_Page_Payment
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Pledge_Page_Tab
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Pledge_Page_UserDashboard
- This class is used to build User Dashboard
- CRM_Pledge_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Pledge_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Pledge_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms.
- CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem
- Business objects for Line Items generated by monetary transactions
- CRM_Price_BAO_PriceFieldValue
- Business objects for managing price fields values.
- CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet
- Business object for managing price sets.
- CRM_Price_DAO_LineItem
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Price_DAO_PriceFieldValue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSetEntity
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Price_Form_DeleteField
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Group
- CRM_Price_Form_DeleteSet
- This class is to build the form for Deleting Set
- CRM_Price_Form_Field
- form to process actions on the field aspect of Price
- CRM_Price_Form_Option
- form to process actions on the field aspect of Custom
- CRM_Price_Form_Preview
- This class generates form components for previewing custom data
- CRM_Price_Form_Set
- Form to process actions on Price Sets.
- CRM_Price_Page_Field
- Create a page for displaying Price Fields.
- CRM_Price_Page_Option
- Create a page for displaying Custom Options.
- CRM_Price_Page_Set
- Create a page for displaying Price Sets.
- CRM_Profile_Form_Dynamic
- This class generates form components for custom data
- CRM_Profile_Form_Edit
- This class generates form components for custom data
- CRM_Profile_Form_Search
- This class generates form components generic to all the contact types.
- CRM_Profile_Form
- This class generates form components for custom data
- CRM_Profile_Page_Listings
- This implements the profile page for all contacts. It uses a selector object to do the actual display. The fields displayed are controlled by the admin.
- CRM_Profile_Page_MultipleRecordFieldsListing
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Profile_Page_Router
- This is some kind of special-purpose router/front-controller for the various profile URLs.
- CRM_Profile_Page_View
- Main page for viewing contact.
- CRM_Profile_Selector_Listings
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Queue_BAO_Queue
- Track a list of known queues.
- CRM_Queue_BAO_QueueItem
- Helpers for managing SQL-backed queue items
- CRM_Queue_DAO_Queue
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Queue_DAO_QueueItem
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Queue_Menu
- Class CRM_Queue_Menu
- CRM_Report_BAO_Hook
- Report hooks that allow extending a particular report.
- CRM_Report_BAO_HookInterface
- Interface class for Report hook query objects
- CRM_Report_BAO_ReportInstance
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Report_DAO_ReportInstance
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Report_Form_Activity
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_ActivitySummary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Campaign_SurveyDetails
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Case_Demographics
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Case_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Case_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Case_TimeSpent
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_CurrentEmployer
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Log
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_LoggingDetail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_LoggingSummary
- Class CRM_Logging_ReportSummary
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Relationship
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Bookkeeping
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_DeferredRevenue
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_History
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_HouseholdSummary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Lybunt
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_OrganizationSummary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_PCP
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Recur
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_RecurSummary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Repeat
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_SoftCredit
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Sybunt
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_TopDonor
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Event_Income
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Event_IncomeCountSummary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Event_ParticipantListCount
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Event_ParticipantListing
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Event_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Bounce
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Clicks
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Opened
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Member_ContributionDetail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Member_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Member_Lapse
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Member_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Membership_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Pbnp
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Summary
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Register
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Walklist_Walklist
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Page_Instance
- Page for invoking report instances
- CRM_Report_Page_InstanceList
- Page for invoking report instances.
- CRM_Report_Page_Options
- Page for displaying list of report options
- CRM_Report_Page_Report
- Page for invoking report templates.
- CRM_Report_Page_TemplateList
- Page for displaying list of Report templates available.
- CRM_Report_Utils_Get
- CRM_Report_Utils_Report
- CRM_SMS_BAO_SmsProvider
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_SMS_Controller_Send
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_SMS_DAO_SmsProvider
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_SMS_Form_Group
- Choose include / exclude groups and mass sms.
- CRM_SMS_Form_Provider
- SMS Form.
- CRM_SMS_Form_Schedule
- Class CRM_Core_Form
- CRM_SMS_Form_Upload
- This file is used to build the form configuring mass sms details.
- CRM_SMS_Message
- CRM_SMS_Page_Callback
- CRM_SMS_Page_Provider
- Page for displaying list of Providers
- CRM_SMS_Provider
- CRM_SMS_StateMachine_Send
- State machine for managing different states of the Import process.
- CRM_Tag_Form_Edit
- This class generates form components for Tag.
- CRM_Tag_Form_Merge
- Form for merging tags.
- CRM_Tag_Form_Tag
- This class generates form components for tags
- CRM_Tag_Page_Tag
- Page for managing tags.
- CRM_UF_Form_AbstractPreview
- This class generates form components for previewing Civicrm Profile Group
- CRM_UF_Form_AdvanceSetting
- This class is for UF Group (Profile) configuration.
- CRM_UF_Form_Field
- Form to process actions on the field aspect of Custom.
- CRM_UF_Form_Group
- This class is for UF Group (Profile) configuration.
- CRM_UF_Form_Inline_PreviewById
- This class generates form components for previewing Civicrm Profile Group
- CRM_UF_Form_Preview
- This class generates form components for previewing Civicrm Profile Group
- CRM_UF_Page_Field
- Create a page for displaying CiviCRM Profile Fields.
- CRM_UF_Page_Group
- Create a page for displaying UF Groups.
- CRM_Upgrade_Controller
- Class CRM_Core_Controller
- CRM_Upgrade_DispatchPolicy
- CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_General
- This class contains generic upgrade logic which runs regardless of version.
- CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_MessageTemplates
- CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_SmartGroups
- CRM_Upgrade_Page_Upgrade
- A Page is basically data in a nice pretty format.
- CRM_Upgrade_StateMachine
- State machine for managing different states of the upgrade process.
- CRM_Utils_Address_BatchUpdate
- A PHP cron script to format all the addresses in the database. Currently it only does geocoding if the geocode values are not set. At a later stage we will also handle USPS address cleanup and other formatting issues
- CRM_Utils_Address_USPS
- Address utilities.
- CRM_Utils_Address
- Address Utilities
- CRM_Utils_API_AbstractFieldCoder
- Class CRM_Utils_API_AbstractFieldCoder.
- CRM_Utils_API_HTMLInputCoder
- This class captures the encoding practices of CRM-5667 in a reusable fashion. In this design, all submitted values are partially HTML-encoded before saving to the database. If a DB reader needs to output in non-HTML medium, then it should undo the partial HTML encoding.
- CRM_Utils_API_MatchOption
- Class CRM_Utils_API_MatchOption
- CRM_Utils_API_NullOutputCoder
- Class CRM_Utils_API_NullOutputCoder
- CRM_Utils_API_ReloadOption
- Class CRM_Utils_API_ReloadOption
- CRM_Utils_Array
- Provides a collection of static methods for array manipulation.
- CRM_Utils_AutoClean
- Class CRM_Utils_AutoClean
- CRM_Utils_Cache_APCcache
- CRM_Utils_Cache_APCucache
- CRM_Utils_Cache_ArrayCache
- Class CRM_Utils_Cache_ArrayCache
- CRM_Utils_Cache_ArrayDecorator
- Class CRM_Utils_Cache_ArrayDecorator
- CRM_Utils_Cache_CacheWrapper
- CRM_Utils_Cache_FastArrayDecorator
- Class CRM_Utils_Cache_FastArrayDecorator
- CRM_Utils_Cache_Memcache
- CRM_Utils_Cache_Memcached
- CRM_Utils_Cache_NoCache
- CRM_Utils_Cache_Redis
- CRM_Utils_Cache_SqlGroup
- This caching provider stores all cached items as a "group" in the "civicrm_cache" table. The entire 'group' may be prefetched when instantiating the cache provider.
- CRM_Utils_Cache_Tiered
- Class CRM_Utils_Cache_Tiered
- CRM_Utils_Cache
- Cache is an empty base object, we'll modify the scheme when we have different caching schemes
- CRM_Utils_Chart
- Build various graphs using the dc chart library.
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_AddressParsing
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Case
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Cms
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_ContactTypes
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_DedupeRules
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Env
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_LocationTypes
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Mailing
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_OptionGroups
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_PriceFields
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Schema
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Security
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Smarty
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Source
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Timestamps
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component_Tokens
- CRM_Utils_Check_Component
- CRM_Utils_Check_Message
- CRM_Utils_Check
- CRM_Utils_Color
- Static utility functions for working with colors
- CRM_Utils_Constant
- Class CRM_Utils_Constant
- CRM_Utils_Crypt
- CRM_Utils_Date
- Date utilties
- CRM_Utils_EchoLogger
- CRM_Utils_EnglishNumber
- CRM_Utils_FakeObject
- This is a quick-and-dirty way to define a vaguely-class-ish structure. It's non-performant, abnormal, and not a complete OOP system. Only use for testing/mocking.
- CRM_Utils_File
- class to provide simple static functions for file objects
- CRM_Utils_Geocode_Google
- Class that uses google geocoder
- CRM_Utils_GeocodeProvider
- CRM_Utils_GlobalStack
- Temporarily change a global variable.
- CRM_Utils_Hook_DrupalBase
- CRM_Utils_Hook_WordPress
- CRM_Utils_HttpClient
- This class handles HTTP downloads
- CRM_Utils_ICalendar
- CRM_Utils_JS
- Parse Javascript content and extract translatable strings.
- CRM_Utils_JSON
- Class handles functions for JSON format
- CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail
- Class CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail.
- CRM_Utils_Mail_EmailProcessor
- Class CRM_Utils_Mail_EmailProcessor.
- CRM_Utils_Mail_FilteredPearMailer
- The filtered-mailer is a utility to wrap an existing PEAR Mail class and apply extra filters. It is primarily intended for resolving quirks in the standard implementations.
- CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming
- CRM_Utils_Mail_Logger
- An attachment to PEAR Mail which logs emails to files based on the CIVICRM_MAIL_LOG configuration.
- CRM_Utils_Mail
- CRM_Utils_Migrate_Export
- CRM_Utils_Migrate_ExportJSON
- CRM_Utils_Migrate_Import
- CRM_Utils_Migrate_ImportJSON
- CRM_Utils_Money
- Money utilties
- CRM_Utils_Network
- Simple static helpers for network operations
- CRM_Utils_Number
- Class CRM_Utils_Number
- CRM_Utils_OptionBag
- Class CRM_Utils_OptionBag.
- CRM_Utils_Pager
- Class CRM_Utils_Pager
- CRM_Utils_PagerAToZ
- This class is for displaying alphabetical bar
- CRM_Utils_PDF_Document
- Class CRM_Utils_PDF_Document.
- CRM_Utils_PDF_Label
- Class CRM_Utils_PDF_Label
- CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils
- CRM_Utils_PseudoConstant
- Utilities for manipulating/inspecting CRM_*_PseudoConstant classes.
- CRM_Utils_Recent
- Recent items utility class.
- CRM_Utils_Request
- Class for managing a http request
- CRM_Utils_REST
- This class handles all REST client requests.
- CRM_Utils_Rule
- Class CRM_Utils_Rule
- CRM_Utils_Schema
- Helper classes for parsing the xml schema files.
- CRM_Utils_Signer
- A utility which signs and verifies a list of key-value pairs
- CRM_Utils_SoapServer
- (OBSOLETE) This class previously handled SOAP requests.
- CRM_Utils_Sort
- Base class to provide generic sort functionality.
- CRM_Utils_SQL_Delete
- Object-oriented SQL builder for DELETE queries.
- CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
- Object-oriented SQL builder for SELECT queries.
- CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable
- CRM_Utils_SQL
- Just another collection of static utils functions.
- CRM_Utils_String
- This class contains string functions.
- CRM_Utils_System_Backdrop
- Backdrop-specific logic that differs from Drupal.
- CRM_Utils_System_Drupal
- Drupal specific stuff goes here
- CRM_Utils_System_Drupal8
- Drupal specific stuff goes here.
- CRM_Utils_System_DrupalBase
- Drupal specific stuff goes here
- CRM_Utils_System_Joomla
- Joomla specific stuff goes here.
- CRM_Utils_System_Soap
- Soap specific stuff goes here.
- CRM_Utils_System_Standalone
- Standalone specific stuff goes here.
- CRM_Utils_System_UnitTests
- Helper authentication class for unit tests
- CRM_Utils_System_WordPress
- WordPress specific stuff goes here
- CRM_Utils_System
- System wide utilities.
- CRM_Utils_SystemLogger
- CRM_Utils_Time
- Date time utilties
- CRM_Utils_Type
- CRM_Utils_Verp
- Class to handle encoding and decoding Variable Enveleope Return Path (VERP) headers.
- CRM_Utils_VersionCheck
- CRM_Utils_Wrapper
- The Contact Wrapper is a wrapper class which is called by contact.module after it parses the menu path.
- CRM_Utils_XML
- CRM_Utils_Zip
- Utilities for working with zip files
- CRM_Afform_DAO_AfformSubmission
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- Bundle
- This class defines the `chart_kit.js` assets, which combines `dc.js`, `d3.js`, and `crossfilter.js` into one asset -- and puts the services in the `CRM.chart_kit` namespace.
- CRM_Grant_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Grant_DAO_Grant
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Grant_Export_Form_Map
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Grant_Export_Form_Select
- This class gets the name of the file to upload
- CRM_Grant_Form_GrantView
- Not a real form: displays a grant in view mode.
- CRM_Grant_Form_Search
- This file is for CiviGrant search
- CRM_Grant_Form_Task_Delete
- This class provides the functionality to delete a group of participations. This class provides functionality for the actual deletion.
- CRM_Grant_Form_Task_Print
- This class provides the functionality to grant list
- CRM_Grant_Form_Task_Result
- Used for displaying results
- CRM_Grant_Form_Task_Update
- This class provides the functionality to update a group of grants. This class provides functionality for the actual update.
- CRM_Grant_Page_DashBoard
- This is page is for Grant Dashboard
- CRM_Grant_Selector_Search
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Grant_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Grant_Task
- class to represent the actions that can be performed on a group of contacts used by the search forms
- CRM_Report_Form_Grant_Detail
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- CRM_Report_Form_Grant_Statistics
- Class CRM_Report_Form
- ImportSubscriber
- Listening class that registers each Import table as an entity.
- Import
- Class CRM_Core_DAO
- CRM_Ckeditor4_Form_CKEditorConfig
- Form for configuring CKEditor options.
- CRM_Event_Cart_DAO_Cart
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_Cart_DAO_EventCartParticipant
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_Cart_DAO_EventInCart
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent_Conference
- This class generates form components for Conference Slots.
- CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Action_Export
- This is a shared parent class for form task actions.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ActivitySearch
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Base
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Basic
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContribSYBNT
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContributionAggregate
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_DateAdded
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_EventAggregate
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_AbstractPartialQuery
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Activity
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Case
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Contact
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Contribution
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Membership
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText_Participant
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Group
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_MultipleValues
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PostalMailing
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PriceSet
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Proximity
- This search now functions as a subset of advanced search since at some point it was added to advanced search.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_RandomSegment
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Sample
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_TagContributions
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ZipCodeRange
- CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom
- Base Search / View form for *all* listing of multiple contacts
- CRM_Contact_Page_CustomSearch
- Main page for viewing all Saved searches.
- CRM_Contact_Selector_Custom
- This class is used to retrieve and display a range of contacts that match the given criteria (specifically for results of advanced search options.
- CRM_Legacycustomsearches_Controller_Search
- This class is used by the Search functionality.
- CRM_Legacycustomsearches_StateMachine_Search
- Core StateMachine.
- CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter
- Class CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter
- CRM_OAuth_BAO_OAuthClient
- Database access object for the OAuthClient entity.
- CRM_OAuth_BAO_OAuthSysToken
- Database access object for the OAuthSysToken entity.
- CRM_OAuth_DAO_OAuthClient
- Database access object for the OAuthClient entity.
- CRM_OAuth_DAO_OAuthContactToken
- Database access object for the OAuthContactToken entity.
- CRM_OAuth_DAO_OAuthSysToken
- Database access object for the OAuthSysToken entity.
- ActionMapping
- This enables scheduled-reminders to be run based on a SavedSearch.
- SK_Entity
- Class CRM_Core_DAO
- CRM_Search_DAO_SearchDisplay
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Search_DAO_SearchSegment
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_BAO_Role
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_BAO_User
- Business access object for the User entity.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_DAO_Role
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_DAO_Session
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_DAO_User
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Standaloneusers_DAO_UserRole
- Placeholder class retained for legacy compatibility.
- CRM_Friend_BAO_Friend
- This class contains the functions for Friend
- CRM_Friend_Form_Contribute
- This class generates form components for Tell A Friend
- CRM_Friend_Form_Event
- This class generates form components for Tell A Friend
- CRM_Shimmy_DAO_ShimThing
- Database access object for the ShimThing entity.
- Class CRM_GCD
- CRM_Omnimail_DAO_MailingProviderData
- CRM_Omnimail_DAO_MailingProviderData constructor.
- CRM_Omnimail_BAO_MailingProviderData
- CRM_Omnimail_BAO_MailingProviderData constructor.
- AbstractActionFunctionTest
- AbstractActionTest
- ActionNameTest
- AddressGetCoordinatesTest
- AutocompleteQuicksearchTest
- AutocompleteTest
- BasicActionsTest
- ChainTest
- ContactAclTest
- ContactApiKeyTest
- ContactChecksumTest
- ContactDuplicatesTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- ContactGetTest
- ContactIsDeletedTest
- CurrentFilterTest
- DateTest
- EntityFileTest
- EntitySetUnionTest
- EvaluateConditionTest
- EventTest
- ExportTest
- FieldsCallbackTest
- FkJoinTest
- GetActionsTest
- GetExtraFieldsTest
- GetFieldsTest
- GetFromArrayTest
- GetLinksTest
- IndexTest
- IsPrimaryTest
- NullValueTest
- RecentItemsTest
- ReplaceTest
- RequiredActionParameterTest
- RequiredFieldTest
- ResultTest
- SaveTest
- SqlExpressionTest
- SqlFunctionTest
- Api4TestBase
- BasicCustomFieldTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- ContactCustomJoinTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CoreUtilTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CreateCustomValueTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CreateWithOptionGroupTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomContactRefTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomEntityReferenceTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomFieldAlterTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomFieldGetFieldsTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomGroupACLTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomGroupTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomProfileFieldTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomTestBase
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- CustomValueTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- ExportCustomGroupTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- ExtendFromIndividualTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- FalseNotEqualsZeroTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- PseudoconstantTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- UpdateCustomValueTest
- Use this base class for any APIv4 tests which create custom groups/fields, to ensure they get cleaned up properly.
- ActivityTest
- AddressTest
- Test Address functionality
- CaseTest
- ConformanceTest
- ContactInterchangeTest
- Assert that interchanging data between APIv3 and APIv4 yields consistent encodings.
- ContactJoinTest
- ContactTypeTest
- ContributionTest
- DomainTest
- EntityTest
- ExampleDataTest
- ExtensionTest
- GroupContactTest
- GroupSubscriptionTest
- GroupTest
- LocBlockTest
- MailingEventTest
- ManagedEntityTest
- MembershipTest
- MessageTemplateTest
- NavigationTest
- NoteTest
- OptionValueTest
- ParticipantTest
- PaymentProcessorTest
- PermissionTest
- QueueTest
- RecentItemTest
- Test Address functionality
- RelationshipTest
- Assert that interchanging data between APIv3 and APIv4 yields consistent encodings.
- RouteTest
- SavedSearchTest
- SettingTest
- SubscriptionHistoryTest
- SurveyTest
- Test Address functionality
- SystemRotateKeyTest
- SystemTest
- TagTest
- TranslationTest
- ValidateValuesTest
- Assert that 'validateValues' runs during
- WordReplacementTest
- WorkflowMessageTest
- MockV4ReflectionChild
- MockV4ReflectionGrandchild
- Grandchild class for $ENTITY, with a 2-line description!
- TranslationModeTest
- Tests for the option `$apiRequest->setTranslationMode(...)`.
- Api4SelectQueryTest
- OptionValueJoinTest
- PermissionCheckTest
- SqlExpressionParserTest
- SchemaMapperTest
- RequestSpecTest
- SpecGathererTest
- ArrayInsertionServiceTest
- ReflectionUtilsTest
- SelectUtilTest
- Get
- This class demonstrates how the getRecords method of Basic\Get can be overridden.
- BatchFrobnicate
- This class demonstrates how the getRecords method of Basic\Get can be overridden.
- MockEntityDataStorage
- Simple data backend for mock basic api.
- CiviDBAssert
- CRM_Campaign_BAO_PetitionTest
- Base class for CiviCRM unit tests
- CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTest
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTest
- CRM_Core_BAO_LocationTest
- Class CRM_Core_BAO_LocationTest
- BasicSpecTrait
- DataTypeSpecTrait
- Describe what values are allowed to be stored in this field.
- OptionsSpecTrait
- Describe what values are allowed to be stored in this field.
- PhpDataTypeSpecTrait
- Describe what values are allowed to be stored in this field.
- CRM_Admin_Form_SettingTrait
- This trait allows us to consolidate Preferences & Settings forms.
- CRM_Contact_AccessTrait
- Trait shared with entities attached to the contact record.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_EmailTrait
- This class provides the common functionality for tasks that send emails.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDFTrait
- This class provides the common functionality for tasks that send emails.
- CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMSTrait
- This trait provides the common functionality for tasks that send sms.
- CRM_Contribute_Form_Task_TaskTrait
- This class provides shared contribution task functionality.
- CRM_Core_DynamicFKAccessTrait
- Trait for with entities with an entity_table + entity_id dynamic FK.
- CRM_Core_Form_EntityFormTrait
- CRM_Core_Page_EntityPageTrait
- CRM_Financial_Form_FrontEndPaymentFormTrait
- This class holds functionality shared between various front end forms.
- CRM_Financial_Form_SalesTaxTrait
- CRM_Utils_Cache_NaiveHasTrait
- CRM_Utils_Cache_NaiveMultipleTrait
- OptionCleanupTrait
- TableDropperTrait
- _JEXEC = 1
- BACKDROP_ROOT = $cmsPath
- DB_DSN_MODE = 'auto'
- DRUPAL_ROOT = $cmsPath
- JPATH_BASE = $joomlaBase . DS . 'administrator'
- JVERSION = $jversion->getShortVersion()
- run() : mixed
- run() : mixed
- run() : mixed
- run() : mixed
- run() : mixed
- smarty_block_crmButton() : string|null
- Generate the html for a button-style link
- smarty_block_crmPermission() : string
- Show block conditionally, based on the permission
- smarty_block_edit() : string|null
- Smarty block function providing edit-only display support
- smarty_block_htxt() : string|null
- Smarty block function providing support for CiviCRM's helptext mechanism
- smarty_block_icon() : string|null
- Display an icon with some alternative text.
- smarty_block_localize() : string
- Smarty block function for multilingualizing upgrade SQL queries.
- smarty_block_ts() : string|null
- Smarty block function providing gettext support
- smarty_function_copyIcon() : string
- Display a copy icon that copies the first row's values down.
- smarty_function_crmAPI() : string|void
- smarty_function_crmAttributes() : string
- Formats an array of attributes as html
- smarty_function_crmCrudLink() : string
- Dynamically construct a link based on an entity-type and entity-id.
- smarty_function_crmGetAttribute() : string
- Fetch an attribute from html
- smarty_function_crmKey() : string
- Generate a CRM_Core_Key of a given name
- smarty_function_crmResPath() : string
- Determine the path of a resource file
- smarty_function_crmResURL() : string
- Determine the URL of a resource file
- smarty_function_crmScript() : mixed
- Add a Javascript file to a specific part of the page
- smarty_function_crmSetting() : int|string|null
- Retrieve CiviCRM settings from the api for use in templates.
- smarty_function_crmSigner() : mixed
- Generate a secure signature
- smarty_function_crmStyle() : mixed
- Add a stylesheet <LINK> to a specific part of the page
- smarty_function_crmURL() : string
- Generate a URL.
- smarty_function_crmVersion() : string
- Display the CiviCRM version
- smarty_function_docURL() : string|null
- Given one of: ( page, title, text ) parameters, generates an HTML link to documentation.
- smarty_function_help() : string
- Adds inline help.
- smarty_function_isValueChange() : null
- Smarty function for checking change in a property's value, for example when looping through an array.
- smarty_function_privacyFlag() : string
- Display a banned icon to flag privacy preferences
- smarty_function_sectionTotal() : string
- Smarty block function for printing the correct report section total
- smarty_modifier_colorContrast() : string
- Wrapper around CRM_Utils_Color::getContrast
- smarty_modifier_crmAddClass() : string
- Add a class to an html element
- smarty_modifier_crmBtnType() : string
- Grab the button type from a passed button element 'name' by checking for reserved QF button type strings
- smarty_modifier_crmDate() : string
- Convert the date string "YYYY-MM-DD" to "MM<long> DD, YYYY".
- smarty_modifier_crmDelete() : string
- Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
- smarty_modifier_crmFirstWord() : string
- Replace a string with the first word in the string
- smarty_modifier_crmICalDate() : string
- Format the given text in an ical suitable format
- smarty_modifier_crmICalText() : string
- Format the given text in an ical suitable format
- smarty_modifier_crmInsert() : string
- Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
- smarty_modifier_crmMoney() : string
- Format the given monetary amount (and currency) for display
- smarty_modifier_crmNumberFormat() : string
- Add thousands separator to numeric strings using PHP number_format() function.
- smarty_modifier_crmReplace() : string
- Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
- smarty_modifier_crmStripAlternatives() : string
- Given an ezComponents-parsed representation of a text with alternatives return only the first one
- smarty_modifier_crmUpper() : string
- Upper case a string but use the multibyte strtoupper function to better handle accents / umlaut
- smarty_modifier_htmlize() : string
- Convert a given text part a better HTML representation (add paragraphs and make URLs clickable)
- smarty_modifier_json() : string
- Convert the data to a JSON string
- smarty_modifier_nl2brIfNotHTML() : string
- If the given string looks like HTML, do nothing and return it.
- smarty_modifier_print_array() : string
- Smarty print_array modifier plugin
- smarty_modifier_purify() : string
- Purify HTML to mitigate against XSS attacks
- smarty_modifier_smarty() : string
- Implement smarty:nodefaults for Smarty3.
- smarty_modifier_substring() : string
- Smarty plugin Type: modifier Name: substring Version: 0.1 Date: 2006-16-02 Author: Thorsten Albrecht <> Purpose: "substring" allows you to retrieve a small part (substring) of a string.
- civicrm_smarty_resource_string_get_template() : bool
- generateRandomDate() : string
- user_access() : bool
- module_list() : array<string|int, mixed>
- civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_get() : array<string|int, mixed>
- MailingProviderData.get API
- _civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_get_spec() : mixed
- Metadata for MailingProviderData.get API
- civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_create() : array<string|int, mixed>
- MailingProviderData.create API
= 1
= $cmsPath
= 0x8
= 0x4
= -1
= 'auto'
= $cmsPath
= $joomlaBase . DS . 'administrator'
= $jversion->getShortVersion()
= 50
run() : mixed
run() : mixed
run() : mixed
run() : mixed
run() : mixed
Generate the html for a button-style link
smarty_block_crmButton(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $text, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty, bool &$repeat) : string|null
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Params of the {crmButton} call.
- $text : string
Contents of block.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
string|null —The generated html.
Show block conditionally, based on the permission
smarty_block_crmPermission(array<string|int, mixed> $params, mixed $content, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty, bool &$repeat) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Array containing the permission/s to check and optional contact ID.
- $content : mixed
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
string —The content in the black, if allowed.
Smarty block function providing edit-only display support
smarty_block_edit(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $text, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty, bool &$repeat) : string|null
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
- $text : string
{edit} block contents from the template.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
string|null —the string, translated by gettext
Smarty block function providing support for CiviCRM's helptext mechanism
smarty_block_htxt(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $text, CRM_Core_Smarty $smarty, bool &$repeat) : string|null
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
- $text : string
{ts} block contents from the template.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
string|null —the string, translated by gettext
Display an icon with some alternative text.
smarty_block_icon(mixed $params, mixed $text, mixed &$smarty, bool &$repeat) : string|null
This is a wrapper around CRM_Core_Page::icon().
- $params : mixed
- condition: if present and falsey, return empty
- icon: the icon class to display instead of fa-check
- anything else is passed along as attributes for the icon
- $text : mixed
The translated text to include in the icon's title and screen-reader text.
- $smarty : mixed
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
Smarty block function for multilingualizing upgrade SQL queries.
smarty_block_localize(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $text, CRM_Core_Smarty $smarty, bool &$repeat) : string
The string passed in $text is repeated locale-number times, with the param field (if provided) appended with a different locale every time.
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
- $text : string
{ts} block contents from the template.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Confusing variable that means it's either the opening tag or you can use it to signal back not to repeat.
Return values
string —multilingualized query
Smarty block function providing gettext support
smarty_block_ts(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $text, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty, bool &$repeat) : string|null
See CRM_Core_I18n class documentation for details.
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
- $text : string
{ts} block contents from the template.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
- $repeat : bool
Repeat is true for the opening tag, false for the closing tag
Return values
string|null —the string, translated by gettext
Display a copy icon that copies the first row's values down.
smarty_function_copyIcon(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string
- $params : mixed
- name: the field name
- title: the field title
- $smarty : mixed
Return values
smarty_function_crmAPI(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string|void
- $params : mixed
- $smarty : mixed
Return values
Formats an array of attributes as html
smarty_function_crmAttributes(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
['a'] array of attributes.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Return values
Dynamically construct a link based on an entity-type and entity-id.
smarty_function_crmCrudLink(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Array with keys:
- entity|table: string
- id: int
- action: string, 'view', 'update', 'delete', etc [default: view]
- title: string [optionally override default title]
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Return values
Fetch an attribute from html
smarty_function_crmGetAttribute(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Return values
Generate a CRM_Core_Key of a given name
smarty_function_crmKey(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Params of the {crmKey} call, with the ‘name’ key holding the name of the key.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
Return values
string —the generated key
Determine the path of a resource file
smarty_function_crmResPath(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Identify the resource by either 'ext'+'file' or 'expr'.
Array with keys:
- ext: string, extension name. see CRM_Core_Resources::getPath
- file: string, relative file path. see CRM_Core_Resources::getPath
- expr: string, a dynamic path expression. See: \Civi\Core\Paths::getPath()
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Return values
Determine the URL of a resource file
smarty_function_crmResURL(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Identify the resource by either 'ext'+'file' or 'expr'.
Array with keys:
- ext: string, extension name. see CRM_Core_Resources::getUrl
- file: string, relative file path. see CRM_Core_Resources::getUrl
- expr: string, a dynamic path expression. See: \Civi\Core\Paths::getUrl()
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Return values
Add a Javascript file to a specific part of the page
smarty_function_crmScript(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : mixed
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Array with keys:
- ext: string, extension name. see CRM_Core_Resources::addScriptFile
- file: string, relative file path. see CRM_Core_Resources::addScriptFile
- url: string. see CRM_Core_Resources::addScriptURL
- weight: int; default: CRM_Core_Resources::DEFAULT_WEIGHT (0)
- region: string; default: CRM_Core_Resources::DEFAULT_REGION ('html-header')
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Retrieve CiviCRM settings from the api for use in templates.
smarty_function_crmSetting(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : int|string|null
- $params : mixed
- $smarty : mixed
Return values
Generate a secure signature
smarty_function_crmSigner(array<string|int, mixed> $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
{code} {crmSigner var=mySig extra=123} var urlParams = ts={$mySig.ts}&extra={$mySig.extra}&sig={$mySig.signature} {endcode}
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Array with keys:
- var: string, a smarty variable to generate
- ts: int, the current time (if omitted, autogenerated)
- any other vars are put into the signature (sorted)
- $smarty : mixed
Add a stylesheet <LINK> to a specific part of the page
smarty_function_crmStyle(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : mixed
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Array with keys:
- ext: string, extension name. see CRM_Core_Resources::addStyleFile
- file: string, relative file path. see CRM_Core_Resources::addStyleFile
- url: string. see CRM_Core_Resources::addStyleURL
- weight: int; default: CRM_Core_Resources::DEFAULT_WEIGHT (0)
- region: string; default: CRM_Core_Resources::DEFAULT_REGION ('html-header')
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Generate a URL.
smarty_function_crmURL(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : string
Ex: {crmURL p='civicrm/acl/entityrole' q='reset=1'}
Ex: {crmURL p='civicrm/profile/create' q='id=123&reset=1' fe=1}
Each URL component uses an abbreviation (e.g. "p"<=>"path"; "q"<=>"query").
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
List of URL properties.
- "p" (string $path) The path being linked to, such as "civicrm/add".
- "q" (array|string $query) A query string to append to the link, or an array of key-value pairs.
- "a" (bool $absolute) Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with a URI-scheme such as 'http:'). Useful for links that will be displayed outside the site, such as in an RSS feed.
- "f" (string $fragment)
A "#" fragment to append to the link. This could a named anchor (as
) or a client-side route (as in#/mailing/new
). - "h" (bool $htmlize) Whether to encode special html characters such as &.
- "fe" (bool $frontend) This link should be to the CMS front end (applies to WP & Joomla).
- "fb" (bool $forceBackend) This link should be to the CMS back end (applies to WP & Joomla).
Return values
Display the CiviCRM version
smarty_function_crmVersion(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string
The version is {crmVersion}.
{crmVersion redact=auto assign=ver}The version is {$ver}.
- $params : mixed
- $smarty : mixed
Return values
Given one of: ( page, title, text ) parameters, generates an HTML link to documentation.
smarty_function_docURL(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : string|null
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
The function params.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
Reference to the smarty object.
Return values
string|null —HTML code of a link to documentation
Adds inline help.
smarty_function_help(array<string|int, mixed> $params, Smarty $smarty) : string
This function adds a call to the js function which loads the help text in a pop-up.
It does a lot of work to get the title which it passes into the crmHelp function but the main reason it gets that title is because it adds that to the css as title & aria-label. Since it's loaded it somewhat makes sense to pass it into but .. it's confusing.
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
The function params.
- $smarty : Smarty
Smarty object.
Return values
string —the help html to be inserted
Smarty function for checking change in a property's value, for example when looping through an array.
smarty_function_isValueChange(array<string|int, mixed> $params, CRM_Core_Smarty &$smarty) : null
Smarty param: string $key unique identifier for this property (REQUIRED) Smarty param: mixed $value the current value of the property Smarty param: string $assign name of template variable to which to assign result
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
- $smarty : CRM_Core_Smarty
The Smarty object.
Return values
Display a banned icon to flag privacy preferences
smarty_function_privacyFlag(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string
- $params : mixed
- field: the applicable privacy field
(one of CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy() or
) - condition: if present and falsey, return empty
- field: the applicable privacy field
(one of CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy() or
- $smarty : mixed
Return values
Smarty block function for printing the correct report section total
This is called from table.tpl but we aim to remove from there.
smarty_function_sectionTotal(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : string
Smarty param: string $key value of the current section column Smarty param: int $depth the depth of the current section (sections declared first have lesser depth, starting at 0)
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Template call's parameters.
Return values
string —the string, translated by gettext
Wrapper around CRM_Utils_Color::getContrast
smarty_modifier_colorContrast(string $color) : string
- $color : string
Return values
Add a class to an html element
smarty_modifier_crmAddClass(string $string, string $class) : string
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked.
- $class : string
The new class or classes to add (separate with a space).
Return values
string —the new modified html string
Grab the button type from a passed button element 'name' by checking for reserved QF button type strings
smarty_modifier_crmBtnType(string $btnName) : string
- $btnName : string
Return values
string —button type, one of: 'upload', 'next', 'back', 'cancel', 'refresh' 'submit', 'done', 'display', 'jump' 'process'
Convert the date string "YYYY-MM-DD" to "MM<long> DD, YYYY".
smarty_modifier_crmDate(string $dateString[, string|null $dateFormat = NULL ][, bool $onlyTime = FALSE ]) : string
- $dateString : string
Date which needs to converted to human readable format.
- $dateFormat : string|null = NULL
A string per or one of our configured formats name - eg
- dateformatDatetime
- dateformatFull
- dateformatPartial
- dateformatTime
- dateformatYear
- dateformatFinancialBatch
- dateformatshortdate
- $onlyTime : bool = FALSE
Return values
string —human readable date format | invalid date message
Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
smarty_modifier_crmDelete(string $string, string $attribute) : string
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked with.
- $attribute : string
The attribute to modify.
Return values
string —the new modified html string
Replace a string with the first word in the string
smarty_modifier_crmFirstWord(string $string) : string
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked with.
Return values
Format the given text in an ical suitable format
smarty_modifier_crmICalDate(string $str[, bool $gdata = FALSE ]) : string
- $str : string
- $gdata : bool = FALSE
Return values
string —formatted text
Format the given text in an ical suitable format
smarty_modifier_crmICalText(string $str[, mixed $keep_html = FALSE ][, mixed $position = 0 ]) : string
- $str : string
- $keep_html : mixed = FALSE
- $position : mixed = 0
Return values
string —formatted text
Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
smarty_modifier_crmInsert(string $string, string $attribute, string $value[, string $insertBefore = '/>' ]) : string
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked with.
- $attribute : string
The attribute to insert.
- $value : string
The new attribute value.
- $insertBefore : string = '/>'
The string before which we want this tag inserted.
Return values
string —the new modified html string
Format the given monetary amount (and currency) for display
smarty_modifier_crmMoney(string|int|float $amount[, string|null $currency = NULL ][, string|null $locale = NULL ]) : string
- $amount : string|int|float
The monetary amount up for display.
- $currency : string|null = NULL
The (optional) currency.
- $locale : string|null = NULL
The (optional) locale.
Return values
string —formatted monetary amount
Add thousands separator to numeric strings using PHP number_format() function.
smarty_modifier_crmNumberFormat(float $number[, int $decimals = 0 ][, string $dec_point = NULL ][, string $thousands_sep = NULL ]) : string
- $number : float
Numeric value to be formatted.
- $decimals : int = 0
Number of decimal places.
- $dec_point : string = NULL
Decimal point character (if other than ".").
- $thousands_sep : string = NULL
Thousands sep character (if other than ",").
Return values
string —the formatted string
For alternate decimal point and thousands separator, delimit values with single quotes in the template. EXAMPLE: {$number|crmNumberFormat:2:',':' '} for French notation - 1234.56 becomes 1 234,56
Replace the value of an attribute in the input string. Assume the the attribute is well formed, of the type name="value". If no replacement is mentioned the value is inserted at the end of the form element
smarty_modifier_crmReplace(string $string, string $attribute, string $value) : string
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked with.
- $attribute : string
The attribute to modify.
- $value : string
The new attribute value.
Return values
string —the new modified html string
Given an ezComponents-parsed representation of a text with alternatives return only the first one
smarty_modifier_crmStripAlternatives(string $full) : string
- $full : string
All alternatives as a long string (or some other text).
Return values
string —only the first alternative found (or the text without alternatives)
Upper case a string but use the multibyte strtoupper function to better handle accents / umlaut
smarty_modifier_crmUpper(string $string) : string
- $string : string
the string to upper case
Return values
Convert a given text part a better HTML representation (add paragraphs and make URLs clickable)
smarty_modifier_htmlize(string $text) : string
- $text : string
Text to HTML-ize.
Return values
string —HTML-ized version of $text
Convert the data to a JSON string
smarty_modifier_json(mixed $data) : string
Example usage: {$myArray|@json}
- $data : mixed
Return values
string —JSON
If the given string looks like HTML, do nothing and return it.
smarty_modifier_nl2brIfNotHTML(string $text) : string
If it doesn't, replace newlines with br tags. The HTML check is somewhat greedy and may not add br tags to some non-HTML text that contains angle brackets.
- $text : string
Return values
string —Text with br tags if input was non-HTML.
Smarty print_array modifier plugin
smarty_modifier_print_array(array<string|int, mixed>|object $var[, int $depth = 0 ][, int $length = 40 ]) : string
Type: modifier
Name: print_array
Purpose: formats array for output in DAO files and in APIv3 Examples
To find where this is used do a grep in Smarty templates for |@print_array
- $var : array<string|int, mixed>|object
- $depth : int = 0
- $length : int = 40
Return values
Purify HTML to mitigate against XSS attacks
smarty_modifier_purify(string $text) : string
- $text : string
Input text, potentially containing XSS
Return values
string —Output text, containing only clean HTML
Implement smarty:nodefaults for Smarty3.
smarty_modifier_smarty(string $string, string $modifier) : string
Adding |smarty:nodefaults to strings is the smarty v2 way to indicates that a string should not be escaped. It doesn't work with smarty 3 but it is a useful way to make strings findable for this purpose as we figure out the best way for smarty 3.
As a bridging mechanism this ensures the modifiers added in v2 do not error in v3.
Eventually we want to run v3/v4 to escape by default but we are deferring that challenge until we have achieved the first set of upgrading to v3.
- $string : string
The html to be tweaked.
- $modifier : string
Either nodefaults or nothing
Return values
string —the new modified html string
Smarty plugin Type: modifier Name: substring Version: 0.1 Date: 2006-16-02 Author: Thorsten Albrecht <> Purpose: "substring" allows you to retrieve a small part (substring) of a string.
smarty_modifier_substring(string $string, int $position, int $length) : string
Notes: The substring is specified by giving the start position and the length. Unlike the original function substr() in PHP the position of the characters in the string starts at 1 (not at 0 as usual in php). Example smarty code: {$my_string|substring:2:4} returns substring from character 2 until character 6
- $string : string
- $position : int
startposition of the substring, beginning with 0
- $length : int
length of substring
Return values
civicrm_smarty_resource_string_get_template(mixed $tpl_name, mixed &$tpl_source) : bool
- $tpl_name : mixed
- $tpl_source : mixed
Return values
generateRandomDate() : string
Return values
user_access([null $str = NULL ]) : bool
- $str : null = NULL
Return values
module_list() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_get()
MailingProviderData.get API
civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_get(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —API result descriptor
Metadata for MailingProviderData.get API
_civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_get_spec(array<string|int, mixed> &$params) : mixed
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
MailingProviderData.create API
civicrm_api3_mailing_provider_data_create(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —API result descriptor