Table of Contents
- ACL (Access Control List).
- ACLEntityRole
- This api exposes CiviCRM ACLEntityRole.
- ActionSchedule
- Scheduled Reminders.
- Activity
- Activity entity.
- ActivityContact
- ActivityContact BridgeEntity.
- Address
- Address Entity.
- Batch
- Batch entity.
- BouncePattern
- BouncePattern entity.
- BounceType
- BounceType entity.
- Contact
- Contacts - Individuals, Organizations, Households.
- ContactType
- ContactType entity.
- Country
- Country entity.
- County
- Country entity.
- CustomField
- CustomField entity.
- CustomGroup
- CustomGroup entity.
- CustomValue
- Provides virtual api entities for every multi-record custom group.
- Dashboard
- Dashboard entity.
- DashboardContact
- DashboardContact entity.
- DedupeException
- DedupeException entity.
- DedupeRule
- DedupeRule entity.
- DedupeRuleGroup
- DedupeRuleGroup entity.
- Discount
- Discounts - time based discounts for events.
- Domain
- Domains - multisite instances of CiviCRM.
- Email entity.
- Entity
- Retrieves information about all Api4 entities.
- EntityBatch
- EntityBatch entity.
- EntityFile
- EntityFile Bridge.
- EntitySet
- API to query multiple entities with a UNION.
- EntityTag
- EntityTag - links tags to contacts, activities, etc.
- ExampleData
- Search for example data.
- Extension
- Extensions - add-on modules extend the functionality of CiviCRM.
- File
- File entity.
- Group
- Group entity.
- GroupContact
- GroupContact entity - link between groups and contacts.
- GroupNesting
- GroupNesting entity.
- GroupOrganization
- GroupOrganization entity.
- GroupSubscription
- Group Subscriptions.
- Household
- Contacts of type Household.
- IM
- IM entity.
- Individual
- Contacts of type Individual.
- Job
- Job entity.
- JobLog
- JobLog entity.
- LineItem
- LineItem entity.
- LocationType
- LocationType entity.
- LocBlock
- LocBlock entity.
- Log
- Log
- Managed
- Records "packaged" by extensions and managed by CiviCRM.
- Mapping
- Mapping entity.
- MappingField
- MappingField entity.
- MessageTemplate
- MsgTemplate entity.
- Navigation
- Navigation menu items.
- Note
- Note entity.
- OpenID
- OpenID entity.
- OptionGroup
- OptionGroup entity.
- OptionValue
- OptionValue entity.
- Order
- Order manipulation
- Organization
- Contacts of type Organization.
- Personal Campaign Pages.
- PCPBlock
- Persoanl Campaign Page Blocks.
- Permission
- (Read-only) Available permissions
- Phone
- Phone entity.
- PreferencesDate
- PreferencesDate entity.
- PriceField
- PriceField entity.
- PriceFieldValue
- PriceFieldValue entity.
- PriceSet
- PriceSet entity.
- PriceSetEntity
- PriceSetEntity entity.
- PrintLabel
- PrintLabel entity.
- Queue
- Track a list of durable/scannable queues.
- RecentItem
- Recent Items API.
- Relationship
- Relationship entity.
- RelationshipCache
- RelationshipCache - readonly table to facilitate joining and finding contacts by relationship.
- RelationshipType
- RelationshipType entity.
- Route
- CiviCRM menu route.
- SavedSearch
- SavedSearch entity.
- Setting
- CiviCRM settings api.
- SiteToken
- SiteToken entity.
- SmsProvider
- Provider entity.
- StateProvince
- StateProvince entity.
- StatusPreference
- StatusPreference entity.
- SubscriptionHistory
- SubscriptionHistory entity.
- System
- A collection of system maintenance/diagnostic utilities.
- Tag
- Tag entity.
- Translation
- Attach supplemental translations to strings stored in the database.
- UFField
- UFField entity - aka profile fields.
- UFGroup
- UFGroup entity - AKA profiles.
- UFJoin
- UFJoin entity - links profiles to the components/extensions they are used for.
- UFMatch
- Matches CiviCRM contacts with their CMS user accounts
- UserJob
- UserJob entity.
- Website
- Website entity.
- WordReplacement
- WordReplacement entity.
- WorkflowMessage
- A WorkflowMessage describes the inputs to an automated email messages, and it allows you to render or preview the content fo automated email messages.
- WorldRegion
- WordRegion entity.
- Afform
- User-configurable forms.
- AfformBehavior
- Form Builder Behaviors.
- AfformSubmission
- AfformSubmission entity.
- Campaign
- Campaign entity.
- Survey
- Survey entity.
- CaseActivity
- CaseActivity BridgeEntity.
- CaseContact
- CaseContact BridgeEntity.
- CaseType
- CaseType Entity.
- CiviCase
- Case entity.
- Contribution
- Contribution entity.
- ContributionPage
- ContributionPage entity.
- ContributionProduct
- Contribution Product entity.
- ContributionRecur
- ContributionRecur entity.
- ContributionSoft
- ContributionSoft entity.
- EntityFinancialAccount
- EntityFinancialAccount. Joins financial accounts to financial types.
- EntityFinancialTrxn
- EntityFinancialTrxns. Joins financial transactions to contributions and financial items.
- FinancialAccount
- Financial Account entity.
- FinancialItem
- Financial Item entity.
- FinancialTrxn
- Financial Trxn entity.
- FinancialType
- Financial Type entity.
- Payment
- Payment abstract entity API.
- PaymentProcessor
- Payment Processor entity.
- PaymentProcessorType
- Payment Processor Type entity.
- PaymentToken
- Payment Token entity.
- Premium
- Premiums Product entity.
- PremiumsProduct
- Premiums Product entity.
- Product
- Product entity.
- Event
- Event entity.
- Participant
- Participant entity, stores the participation record of a contact in an event.
- ParticipantStatusType
- Configurable event participant statuses.
- Mailing
- Mailing.
- MailingComponent
- MailingComponent
- MailingEventBounce
- Mailings that failed to reach the inbox of the recipient
- MailingEventConfirm
- Handles double-opt-in confirmations to mailing group subscriptions.
- MailingEventDelivered
- Tracks when a queued email is actually delivered to the MTA.
- MailingEventForward
- Tracks when a contact forwards a mailing to a (new) contact
- MailingEventOpened
- Tracks users who have opened sent mailings.
- MailingEventQueue
- Joins mailing jobs to mailing events
- MailingEventReply
- Tracks when a contact replies to a mailing.
- MailingEventSubscribe
- Subscriptions to mailing groups.
- MailingEventTrackableURLOpen
- Tracks clickthrough events when users open links in mailings.
- MailingEventUnsubscribe
- Opt-outs from mailing group subscriptions.
- MailingGroup
- Mailing groups are the groups or mailings included or excluded from mailing recipients.
- MailingJob
- Mailing job.
- MailingTrackableURL
- Links in mailings which can be tracked when users click on them.
- MailSettings
- MailSettings entity.
- Membership
- Membership entity.
- MembershipBlock
- MembershipBlock entity.
- MembershipLog
- MembershipLog entity.
- MembershipStatus
- MembershipStatus entity.
- MembershipType
- MembershipType entity.
- Pledge
- Pledge entity.
- PledgePayment
- PledgePayment entity.
- ReportInstance
- ReportInstance entity.
- Grant
- Grant entity.
- Import
- Import entity.
- OAuthClient
- OAuthClient entity.
- OAuthContactToken
- OAuthContactToken entity.
- OAuthSessionToken
- OAuth Access Tokens stored in the session
- OAuthSysToken
- OAuthSysToken entity.
- SearchDisplay
- SearchDisplay entity.
- SearchSegment
- Data segmentation sets for searches.
- SKEntity
- Virtual API entities provided by SearchDisplays of type "entity"
- Role
- Role entity.
- Session
- Session entity.
- Totp
- Totp entity.
- User
- User entity.
- UserRole
- UserRole entity: links Users with their Role(s).
- MockArrayEntity
- MockArrayEntity entity.
- MockBasicEntity
- MockBasicEntity entity.