Table d45civi_b72v5.civicrm_membership_block Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int unsigned 10  √  Membership Id
entity_table varchar 64  √  null Name for Membership Status
entity_id int unsigned 10 FK_civicrm_membership_block_entity_id R
FK to
membership_types varchar 255  √  null Membership types to be exposed by this block
membership_type_default int unsigned 10  √  null FK_civicrm_membership_block_membership_type_default R
Optional foreign key to membership_type
display_min_fee tinyint 3  √  1 Display minimum membership fee
is_separate_payment tinyint 3  √  1 Should membership transactions be processed separately
new_title varchar 255  √  null Title to display at top of block
new_text text 65535  √  null Text to display below title
renewal_title varchar 255  √  null Title for renewal
renewal_text text 65535  √  null Text to display for member renewal
is_required tinyint 3  √  0 Is membership sign up optional
is_active tinyint 3  √  1 Is this membership_block enabled

Table contained 0 rows at Wed Nov 11 17:12 EST 2015

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc PRIMARY
entity_id Performance Asc FK_civicrm_membership_block_entity_id
membership_type_default Performance Asc FK_civicrm_membership_block_membership_type_default

Close relationships  within of separation: