class CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship extends CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship

Class CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship.











Various constants to indicate different type of relationships.


Various constants to indicate different type of relationships.


Various constants to indicate different type of relationships.


Various constants to indicate different type of relationships.


Various constants to indicate different type of relationships.


static null $_nullObject from CRM_Core_DAO
static array $_nullArray from CRM_Core_DAO
static $_dbColumnValueCache from CRM_Core_DAO
static array $_testEntitiesToSkip Define entities that shouldn't be created or deleted when creating/ deleting test objects - this prevents world regions, countries etc from being added / deleted from CRM_Core_DAO
static object $_factory The factory class for this application. from CRM_Core_DAO
static $_checkedSqlFunctionsExist from CRM_Core_DAO
protected $_options internal variable for DAO to hold per-query settings from CRM_Core_DAO
static string $_tableName Static instance to hold the table name. from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
static boolean $_log Should CiviCRM log any modifications to this table in the civicrm_log table. from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
int $id Relationship ID from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
int $contact_id_a id of the first contact from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
int $contact_id_b id of the second contact from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
int $relationship_type_id id of the relationship from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
date $start_date date when the relationship started from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
date $end_date date when the relationship ended from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
boolean $is_active is the relationship active ? from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
string $description Optional verbose description for the relationship. from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
boolean $is_permission_a_b is contact a has permission to view / edit contact and related data for contact b ? from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
boolean $is_permission_b_a is contact b has permission to view / edit contact and related data for contact a ? from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship
int $case_id FK to civicrm_case from CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship



Returns the names of this table

init(string $dsn)

Initialize the DAO object.

static DB_common

No description

assignTestFK(string $fieldName, $fieldDef, array $params)

No description

assignTestValue(string $fieldName, array $fieldDef, int $counter)

Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object.


Reset the DAO object.

static string
getLocaleTableName(string $tableName)

No description

query(string $query, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Execute a query by the current DAO, localizing it along the way (if needed).

setFactory(object $factory)

Static function to set the factory instance for this class.

factory(string $table = '')

Factory method to instantiate a new object from a table name.


Initialization for all DAO objects. Since we access DB_DO programatically we need to set the links manually.


Defines the default key as 'id'.


Tells DB_DataObject which keys use autoincrement.

static array

Returns foreign keys and entity references.

static array

Returns all the column names of this table


Get/set an associative array of table columns

save(bool $hook = TRUE)

Save DAO object.

delete(bool $useWhere = FALSE)

Deletes items from table which match current objects variables.

log(bool $created = FALSE)

No description

copyValues(array $params)

Given an associative array of name/value pairs, extract all the values that belong to this object and initialize the object with said values

storeValues(object $object, array $values)

Store all the values from this object in an associative array this is a destructive store, calling function is responsible for keeping sanity of id's.

static array|null
makeAttribute(array $field)

Create an attribute for this specific field. We only do this for strings and text

static array
getAttribute(string $class, string $fieldName = NULL)

Get the size and maxLength attributes for this text field.


No description

static bool
objectExists(string $value, string $daoName, string $daoID, string $fieldName = 'name', string $domainID = NULL)

Check if there is a record with the same name in the db.

static bool
checkFieldExists(string $tableName, string $columnName, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Check if there is a given column in a specific table.

static array

Scans all the tables using a slow query and table name.

static bool
isDBMyISAM(int $maxTablesToCheck = 10)

No description

static string

Get the name of the CiviCRM database.

static bool
checkConstraintExists(string $tableName, string $constraint)

Checks if a constraint exists for a specified table.

static bool
schemaRequiresRebuilding(array $tables = array("civicrm_contact"))

Checks if CONSTRAINT keyword exists for a specified table.

static bool
checkFKConstraintInFormat(string $tableName, string $columnName)

Checks if the FK constraint name is in the format 'FK_tableName_columnName' for a specified column of a table.

static bool
checkFieldHasAlwaysValue(string $tableName, string $columnName, string $columnValue)

Check whether a specific column in a specific table has always the same value.

static bool
checkFieldIsAlwaysNull(string $tableName, string $columnName)

Check whether a specific column in a specific table is always NULL.

static bool
checkTableExists(string $tableName)

Check if there is a given table in the database.


No description

static object
findById(int $id)

Find a DAO object for the given ID and return it.


Returns all results as array-encoded records.

fetchMap(string $keyColumn, string $valueColumn)

Get all the result records as mapping between columns.

static string|null
getFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $returnColumn = 'name', string $searchColumn = 'id', bool $force = FALSE)

Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and GET the value of another column in that record

static bool
setFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $setColumn, string $setValue, string $searchColumn = 'id')

Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and SET the value of another column in that record

static string
getSortString(array|object $sort, string $default = NULL)

Get sort string.

static object
commonRetrieve(string $daoName, array $params, array $defaults, array $returnProperities = NULL)

Fetch object based on array of properties.

deleteEntityContact(string $daoName, int $contactId)

Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.

static CRM_Core_DAO
executeUnbufferedQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE)

Execute an unbuffered query.

static CRM_Core_DAO|object
executeQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE)

Execute a query.

static string|null
singleValueQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Execute a query and get the single result.

static string
composeQuery(string $query, array $params, bool $abort = TRUE)

Compose the query by merging the parameters into it.

freeResult(null $ids = NULL)

No description

static CRM_Core_DAO
copyGeneric(string $daoName, array $criteria, array $newData = NULL, string $fieldsFix = NULL, string $blockCopyOfDependencies = NULL)

make a shallow copy of an object.

static CRM_Core_DAO|null
cascadeUpdate(string $daoName, $fromId, $toId, array $newData = array())

Cascade update through related entities.

static array
getContactIDsFromComponent($componentIDs, string $tableName)

Given the component id, compute the contact id since its used for things like send email

static object
commonRetrieveAll(string $daoName, string $fieldIdName = 'id', int $fieldId, $details, array $returnProperities = NULL)

Fetch object based on array of properties.


No description

static string

No description

static string
escapeStrings(array $strings, string $default = NULL)

Escape a list of strings for use with "WHERE X IN (.

static string

No description

static object|array|NULL
createTestObject(string $daoName, array $params = array(), int $numObjects = 1, bool $createOnly = FALSE)

Creates a test object, including any required objects it needs via recursion createOnly: only create in database, do not store or return the objects (useful for perf testing) ONLY USE FOR TESTING

deleteTestObjects(string $daoName, array $params = array())

Deletes the this object plus any dependent objects that are associated with it.

setCreateDefaults(array $params, $defaults)

Set defaults when creating new entity.

static string
createTempTableName(string $prefix = 'civicrm', bool $addRandomString = TRUE, null $string = NULL)

No description

static bool
checkTriggerViewPermission(bool $view = TRUE, bool $trigger = TRUE)

No description

debugPrint(null $message = NULL, bool $printDAO = TRUE)

No description

triggerRebuild(string $tableName = NULL, bool $force = FALSE) deprecated

Build a list of triggers via hook and add them to (err, reconcile them with) the database.


Because sql functions are sometimes lost, esp during db migration, we check here to avoid numerous support requests

dropTriggers(string $tableName = NULL) deprecated

Wrapper function to drop triggers.

createTriggers(array $info, string $onlyTableName = NULL) deprecated

No description

static array
createReferenceColumns(string $className)

Given a list of fields, create a list of references.


Find all records which refer to this entity.


No description

static array
getReferencesToTable(string $tableName)

List all tables which have hard foreign keys to this table.

static mixed
getGlobalSetting(string $name, mixed $default = NULL)

Lookup the value of a MySQL global configuration variable.

appendPseudoConstantsToFields(array $fields)

Update the fields array to also hold keys for pseudoconstant fields that relate to contained fields.

static array|bool
buildOptions(string $fieldName, string $context = NULL, array $props = array())

Get options for the called BAO object's field.


Populate option labels for this object's fields.

static array
buildOptionsContext(string $context = NULL)

Provides documentation and validation for the buildOptions $context param

getFieldSpec(string $fieldName)

No description

static NULL|string|array
createSQLFilter(string $fieldName, array $filter, string $type = NULL, string $alias = NULL, bool $returnSanitisedArray = FALSE)

Get SQL where clause for SQL filter syntax input parameters.

static array

No description

static string
shortenSQLName(string $string, int $length = 60, bool $makeRandom = FALSE)

SQL has a limit of 64 characters on various names: table name, trigger name, column name .

setOptions(array $options) Sets the internal options to be used on a query

_setDBOptions(array $options) wrapper to pass internal DAO options down to DB_mysql/DB_Common level

setApiFilter(array $params) deprecated

No description


Generates acl clauses suitable for adding to WHERE or ON when doing an api.get for this entity

static array
getSelectWhereClause(string $tableAlias = NULL)

This returns the final permissioned query string for this entity

static bool

ensure database name is 'safe', i.e. only contains word characters (includes underscores) and dashes, and contains at least one [a-z] case insenstive.

static array

Return a mapping from field-name to the corresponding key (as used in fields()).


Returns if this table needs to be logged

static array
import(bool $prefix = false)

Returns the list of fields that can be imported

static array
export(bool $prefix = false)

Returns the list of fields that can be exported

indices($localize = TRUE)

Returns the list of indices

create(array $params)

Create function - use the API instead.

static array
createMultiple(array $params, string $primaryContactLetter)

Create multiple relationships for one contact.

legacyCreateMultiple(array $params, array $ids = array()) deprecated

Takes an associative array and creates a relationship object.

add(array $params, array $ids = array(), int $contactId = NULL)

This is the function that check/add if the relationship created is valid.

addRecent(array $params, CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship $relationship)

Add relationship to recent links.

static array
loadExistingRelationshipDetails(array $params)

Load contact ids and relationship type id when doing a create call if not provided.

static array
setContactABFromIDs(array $params, array $ids = array(), null $contactID = NULL)

Resolve passed in contact IDs to contact_id_a & contact_id_b.

static array

Specify defaults for creating a relationship.

static bool
dataExists(array $params)

Check if there is data to create the object.

static array
getContactRelationshipType(int $contactId = NULL, null $contactSuffix = NULL, string $relationshipId = NULL, string $contactType = NULL, bool $all = FALSE, string $column = 'label', bool $biDirectional = TRUE, array $contactSubType = NULL, bool $onlySubTypeRelationTypes = FALSE)

Get get list of relationship type based on the contact type.

static array
removeRelationshipTypeDuplicates(array $relationshipTypeList, string $suffix = NULL)

Given a list of relationship types, return the list with duplicate types removed, being careful to retain only the duplicate which matches the given 'a_b' or 'b_a' suffix.

clearCurrentEmployer(int $id, int $action)

Delete current employer relationship.

static null
del(int $id)

Delete the relationship.

disableEnableRelationship(int $id, int $action, array $params = array(), array $ids = array(), bool $active = FALSE)

Disable/enable the relationship.

deleteContact(int $contactId)

Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.

getRelationshipByID(int $id)

Get the other contact in a relationship.

static bool
checkRelationshipType(int $contact_a, int $contact_b, int $relationshipTypeId)

Check if the relationship type selected between two contacts is correct.

static string
checkValidRelationship(array $params, array $ids, int $contactId)

This function does the validtion for valid relationship.

static bool
checkDuplicateRelationship(array $params, int $id, int $contactId, int $relationshipId)

This function checks for duplicate relationship.

static Object
setIsActive(int $id, bool $is_active)

Update the is_active flag in the db.

static array
getValues(array $params, array $values)

Fetch a relationship object and store the values in the values array.

static array
makeURLClause(int $contactId, int $status, int $numRelationship, int $count, int $relationshipId, string $direction, array $params = array())

Helper function to form the sql for relationship retrieval.

static array|int
getRelationship(int $contactId = NULL, int $status, int $numRelationship, int $count, int $relationshipId, array $links = NULL, int $permissionMask = NULL, bool $permissionedContact = FALSE, array $params = array())

Get a list of relationships.

static array
getRelationType(string $targetContactType)

Get get list of relationship type based on the target contact type.

relatedMemberships(int $contactId, array $params, array $ids, const|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::ADD, bool $active = TRUE)

Create / update / delete membership for related contacts.

static bool
isRelatedMembershipExpired(array $membershipTypeRelationshipTypeIDs, int $contactId, int $mainRelatedContactId, int $relTypeId, array $relIds)

Helper function to check whether the membership is expired or not.

static array

Get Current Employer for Contact.

static array
getPermissionedContacts(int $contactID, int $relTypeId = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $contactType = NULL)

Function to return list of permissioned contacts for a given contact and relationship type.

mergeRelationships(int $mainId, int $otherId, array $sqls)

Merge relationships from otherContact to mainContact.

static bool

Set 'is_valid' field to false for all relationships whose end date is in the past, ie. are expired.

static array|void
membershipTypeToRelationshipTypes(array $params, null $direction = NULL)

Function filters the query by possible relationships for the membership type.

static array
getContactRelationshipSelector(array $params)

Wrapper for contact relationship selector.


CRM_Core_DAO __construct()

Class constructor.

Return Value


static getTableName()

Returns the names of this table

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 112
static init(string $dsn)

Initialize the DAO object.


string $dsn The database connection string.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 131
static DB_common getConnection()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 142
protected assignTestFK(string $fieldName, $fieldDef, array $params)


string $fieldName
array $params

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 191
protected assignTestValue(string $fieldName, array $fieldDef, int $counter)

Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object.


string $fieldName
array $fieldDef
int $counter The globally-unique ID of the test object.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 303

Reset the DAO object.

DAO is kinda crappy in that there is an unwritten rule of one query per DAO.

We attempt to get around this crappy restriction by resetting some of DAO's internal fields. Use this with caution

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 323
static string getLocaleTableName(string $tableName)


string $tableName

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 345
object query(string $query, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Execute a query by the current DAO, localizing it along the way (if needed).


string $query The SQL query for execution.
bool $i18nRewrite Whether to rewrite the query.

Return Value

object the current DAO object after the query execution

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 374
static setFactory(object $factory)

Static function to set the factory instance for this class.


object $factory The factory application object.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 383
factory(string $table = '')

Factory method to instantiate a new object from a table name.


string $table

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 395

Initialization for all DAO objects. Since we access DB_DO programatically we need to set the links manually.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 411
array keys()

Defines the default key as 'id'.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 426
array sequenceKey()

Tells DB_DataObject which keys use autoincrement.

'id' is autoincrementing by default.

Return Value


static array getReferenceColumns()

Returns foreign keys and entity references.

Return Value

array Array of CRM_Core_Reference_Interface

static array fields()

Returns all the column names of this table

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 462
array table()

Get/set an associative array of table columns

Return Value

array (associative)

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 485
CRM_Core_DAO save(bool $hook = TRUE)

Save DAO object.


bool $hook

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 536
delete(bool $useWhere = FALSE)

Deletes items from table which match current objects variables.

Returns the true on success

for example

Designed to be extended

$object = new mytable(); $object->ID=123; echo $object->delete(); // builds a conditon

$object = new mytable(); $object->whereAdd('age > 12'); $object->limit(1); $object->orderBy('age DESC'); $object->delete(true); // dont use object vars, use the conditions, limit and order.


bool $useWhere (optional) If DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY is passed in then we will build the condition only using the whereAdd's. Default is to build the condition only using the object parameters.

* @return mixed Int (No. of rows affected) on success, false on failure, 0 on no data affected

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 552
log(bool $created = FALSE)


bool $created

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 587
bool copyValues(array $params)

Given an associative array of name/value pairs, extract all the values that belong to this object and initialize the object with said values


array $params (reference ) associative array of name/value pairs.

Return Value

bool Did we copy all null values into the object

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 628
static storeValues(object $object, array $values)

Store all the values from this object in an associative array this is a destructive store, calling function is responsible for keeping sanity of id's.


object $object The object that we are extracting data from.
array $values (reference ) associative array of name/value pairs.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 650
static array|null makeAttribute(array $field)

Create an attribute for this specific field. We only do this for strings and text


array $field The field under task.

Return Value

array|null the attributes for the object

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 703
static array getAttribute(string $class, string $fieldName = NULL)

Get the size and maxLength attributes for this text field.

(or for all text fields) in the DAO object.


string $class Name of DAO class.
string $fieldName Field that i'm interested in or null if. you want the attributes for all DAO text fields

Return Value

array assoc array of name => attribute pairs

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 731
static transaction($type)





in CRM_Core_DAO at line 754
static bool objectExists(string $value, string $daoName, string $daoID, string $fieldName = 'name', string $domainID = NULL)

Check if there is a record with the same name in the db.


string $value The value of the field we are checking.
string $daoName The dao object name.
string $daoID The id of the object being updated. u can change your name. as long as there is no conflict
string $fieldName The name of the field in the DAO.
string $domainID The id of the domain. Object exists only for the given domain.

Return Value

bool true if object exists

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 780
static bool checkFieldExists(string $tableName, string $columnName, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Check if there is a given column in a specific table.


string $tableName
string $columnName
bool $i18nRewrite Whether to rewrite the query on multilingual setups.

Return Value

bool true if exists, else false

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 798
static array getTableNames()

Scans all the tables using a slow query and table name.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 820
static bool isDBMyISAM(int $maxTablesToCheck = 10)


int $maxTablesToCheck

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 837
static string getDatabaseName()

Get the name of the CiviCRM database.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 851
static bool checkConstraintExists(string $tableName, string $constraint)

Checks if a constraint exists for a specified table.


string $tableName
string $constraint

Return Value

bool true if constraint exists, false otherwise

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 879
static bool schemaRequiresRebuilding(array $tables = array("civicrm_contact"))

Checks if CONSTRAINT keyword exists for a specified table.


array $tables

Return Value

bool true if CONSTRAINT keyword exists, false otherwise



in CRM_Core_DAO at line 915
static bool checkFKConstraintInFormat(string $tableName, string $columnName)

Checks if the FK constraint name is in the format 'FK_tableName_columnName' for a specified column of a table.


string $tableName
string $columnName

Return Value

bool true if in format, false otherwise

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 944
static bool checkFieldHasAlwaysValue(string $tableName, string $columnName, string $columnValue)

Check whether a specific column in a specific table has always the same value.


string $tableName
string $columnName
string $columnValue

Return Value

bool true if the value is always $columnValue, false otherwise

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 961
static bool checkFieldIsAlwaysNull(string $tableName, string $columnName)

Check whether a specific column in a specific table is always NULL.


string $tableName
string $columnName

Return Value

bool true if if the value is always NULL, false otherwise

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 977
static bool checkTableExists(string $tableName)

Check if there is a given table in the database.


string $tableName

Return Value

bool true if exists, else false

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 995
bool checkVersion($version)



Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1013
static object findById(int $id)

Find a DAO object for the given ID and return it.


int $id Id of the DAO object being searched for.

Return Value

object Object of the type of the class that called this function.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1027
array fetchAll()

Returns all results as array-encoded records.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1045
array fetchMap(string $keyColumn, string $valueColumn)

Get all the result records as mapping between columns.


string $keyColumn Ex: "name"
string $valueColumn Ex: "label"

Return Value

array Ex: ["foo" => "The Foo Bar", "baz" => "The Baz Qux"]

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1070
static string|null getFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $returnColumn = 'name', string $searchColumn = 'id', bool $force = FALSE)

Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and GET the value of another column in that record


string $daoName Name of the DAO (Example: CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact to retrieve value from a contact).
int $searchValue Value of the column you want to search by.
string $returnColumn Name of the column you want to GET the value of.
string $searchColumn Name of the column you want to search by.
bool $force Skip use of the cache.

Return Value

string|null Value of $returnColumn in the retrieved record

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1120
static bool setFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $setColumn, string $setValue, string $searchColumn = 'id')

Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and SET the value of another column in that record


string $daoName Name of the DAO (Example: CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact to retrieve value from a contact).
int $searchValue Value of the column you want to search by.
string $setColumn Name of the column you want to SET the value of.
string $setValue SET the setColumn to this value.
string $searchColumn Name of the column you want to search by.

Return Value

bool true if we found and updated the object, else false

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1146
static string getSortString(array|object $sort, string $default = NULL)

Get sort string.


array|object $sort either array or CRM_Utils_Sort
string $default Default sort value.

Return Value

string sortString

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1177
static object commonRetrieve(string $daoName, array $params, array $defaults, array $returnProperities = NULL)

Fetch object based on array of properties.


string $daoName Name of the dao object.
array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
array $defaults (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values.
array $returnProperities An assoc array of fields that need to be returned, eg array( 'first_name', 'last_name').

Return Value

object an object of type referenced by daoName

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1202
static deleteEntityContact(string $daoName, int $contactId)

Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.


string $daoName Name of the dao object.
int $contactId Id of the contact to delete.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1227
static CRM_Core_DAO executeUnbufferedQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE)

Execute an unbuffered query.

This is a wrapper around new functionality exposed with CRM-17748.


string $query query to be executed
array $params
bool $abort
null $daoName
bool $freeDAO
bool $i18nRewrite
bool $trapException

Return Value

CRM_Core_DAO Object that points to an unbuffered result set

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1293
static CRM_Core_DAO|object executeQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE)

Execute a query.


string $query Query to be executed.
array $params
bool $abort
null $daoName
bool $freeDAO
bool $i18nRewrite
bool $trapException

Return Value

CRM_Core_DAO|object object that holds the results of the query NB - if this is defined as just returning a DAO phpstorm keeps pointing out all the properties that are not part of the DAO

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1343
static string|null singleValueQuery(string $query, array $params = array(), bool $abort = TRUE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)

Execute a query and get the single result.


string $query Query to be executed.
array $params
bool $abort
bool $i18nRewrite

Return Value

string|null the result of the query if any

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1381
static string composeQuery(string $query, array $params, bool $abort = TRUE)

Compose the query by merging the parameters into it.


string $query
array $params
bool $abort

Return Value




in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1428
static freeResult(null $ids = NULL)


null $ids

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1474
static CRM_Core_DAO copyGeneric(string $daoName, array $criteria, array $newData = NULL, string $fieldsFix = NULL, string $blockCopyOfDependencies = NULL)

make a shallow copy of an object.

and all the fields in the object


string $daoName Name of the dao.
array $criteria Array of all the fields & values. on which basis to copy
array $newData Array of all the fields & values. to be copied besides the other fields
string $fieldsFix Array of fields that you want to prefix/suffix/replace.
string $blockCopyOfDependencies Fields that you want to block from. getting copied

Return Value

CRM_Core_DAO the newly created copy of the object

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1557
static CRM_Core_DAO|null cascadeUpdate(string $daoName, $fromId, $toId, array $newData = array())

Cascade update through related entities.


string $daoName
array $newData

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1601
static array getContactIDsFromComponent($componentIDs, string $tableName)

Given the component id, compute the contact id since its used for things like send email


string $tableName

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1636
static object commonRetrieveAll(string $daoName, string $fieldIdName = 'id', int $fieldId, $details, array $returnProperities = NULL)

Fetch object based on array of properties.


string $daoName Name of the dao object.
string $fieldIdName
int $fieldId
array $returnProperities An assoc array of fields that need to be returned, eg array( 'first_name', 'last_name').

Return Value

object an object of type referenced by daoName

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1658
static dropAllTables()

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1680
static string escapeString($string)



Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1709
static string escapeStrings(array $strings, string $default = NULL)

Escape a list of strings for use with "WHERE X IN (.

..)" queries.


array $strings
string $default the value to use if $strings has no elements.

Return Value

string eg "abc","def","ghi"

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1728
static string escapeWildCardString($string)



Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1756
static object|array|NULL createTestObject(string $daoName, array $params = array(), int $numObjects = 1, bool $createOnly = FALSE)

Creates a test object, including any required objects it needs via recursion createOnly: only create in database, do not store or return the objects (useful for perf testing) ONLY USE FOR TESTING


string $daoName
array $params
int $numObjects
bool $createOnly

Return Value

object|array|NULL NULL if $createOnly. A single object if $numObjects==1. Otherwise, an array of multiple objects.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1839
static deleteTestObjects(string $daoName, array $params = array())

Deletes the this object plus any dependent objects that are associated with it.



string $daoName
array $params

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1885
static setCreateDefaults(array $params, $defaults)

Set defaults when creating new entity.

(don't call this set defaults as already in use with different signature in some places)


array $params

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1903
static string createTempTableName(string $prefix = 'civicrm', bool $addRandomString = TRUE, null $string = NULL)


string $prefix
bool $addRandomString
null $string

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1923
static bool checkTriggerViewPermission(bool $view = TRUE, bool $trigger = TRUE)


bool $view
bool $trigger

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1971
static debugPrint(null $message = NULL, bool $printDAO = TRUE)


null $message
bool $printDAO

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1995
static triggerRebuild(string $tableName = NULL, bool $force = FALSE) deprecated


Build a list of triggers via hook and add them to (err, reconcile them with) the database.


string $tableName the specific table requiring a rebuild; or NULL to rebuild all tables.
bool $force

See also


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2006
static checkSqlFunctionsExist()

Because sql functions are sometimes lost, esp during db migration, we check here to avoid numerous support requests

See also TODO: Alternative solutions might be * Stop using functions and find another way to strip numeric characters from phones * Give better error messages (currently a missing fn fatals with "unknown error")

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2023
static dropTriggers(string $tableName = NULL) deprecated


Wrapper function to drop triggers.


string $tableName the specific table requiring a rebuild; or NULL to rebuild all tables.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2034
static createTriggers(array $info, string $onlyTableName = NULL) deprecated



array $info per hook_civicrm_triggerInfo.
string $onlyTableName the specific table requiring a rebuild; or NULL to rebuild all tables.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2045
static array createReferenceColumns(string $className)

Given a list of fields, create a list of references.


string $className BAO/DAO class name.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2068
array findReferences()

Find all records which refer to this entity.

Return Value

array Array of objects referencing this

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2097
array getReferenceCounts()

Return Value

array each item has keys: - name: string - type: string - count: int - table: string|null SQL table name - key: string|null SQL column name

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2134
static array getReferencesToTable(string $tableName)

List all tables which have hard foreign keys to this table.

For now, this returns a description of every entity_id/entity_table reference. TODO: filter dynamic entity references on the $tableName, based on schema metadata in dynamicForeignKey which enumerates a restricted set of possible entity_table's.


string $tableName Table referred to.

Return Value

array structure of table and column, listing every table with a foreign key reference to $tableName, and the column where the key appears.

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2158
static mixed getGlobalSetting(string $name, mixed $default = NULL)

Lookup the value of a MySQL global configuration variable.


string $name E.g. "thread_stack".
mixed $default

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2183
static protected appendPseudoConstantsToFields(array $fields)

Update the fields array to also hold keys for pseudoconstant fields that relate to contained fields.

This is relevant where we want to offer both the ID field and the label field as an option, e.g. search builder.

It is currently limited for optionGroupName for purposes keeping the scope of the change small, but is appropriate for other sorts of pseudoconstants.


array $fields

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2209
static array|bool buildOptions(string $fieldName, string $context = NULL, array $props = array())

Get options for the called BAO object's field.

This function can be overridden by each BAO to add more logic related to context. The overriding function will generally call the lower-level CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get


string $fieldName
string $context
array $props whatever is known about this bao object.

Return Value


See also


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2220

Populate option labels for this object's fields.


exception if called directly on the base class

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2246
static array buildOptionsContext(string $context = NULL)

Provides documentation and validation for the buildOptions $context param


string $context

Return Value




in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2266
bool|array getFieldSpec(string $fieldName)


string $fieldName

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2309
static NULL|string|array createSQLFilter(string $fieldName, array $filter, string $type = NULL, string $alias = NULL, bool $returnSanitisedArray = FALSE)

Get SQL where clause for SQL filter syntax input parameters.

SQL version of api function to assign filters to the DAO based on the syntax $field => array('IN' => array(4,6,9)) OR $field => array('LIKE' => array('%me%)) etc


string $fieldName Name of fields.
array $filter filter to be applied indexed by operator.
string $type type of field (not actually used - nor in api @todo ).
string $alias alternative field name ('as') @todo- not actually used.
bool $returnSanitisedArray Return a sanitised array instead of a clause. this is primarily so we can add filters @ the api level to the Query object based fields

Return Value

NULL|string|array a string is returned if $returnSanitisedArray is not set, otherwise and Array or NULL depending on whether it is supported as yet



in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2372
static array acceptedSQLOperators()

Return Value


See also support for other syntaxes is discussed in ticket but being put off for now

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2409
static string shortenSQLName(string $string, int $length = 60, bool $makeRandom = FALSE)

SQL has a limit of 64 characters on various names: table name, trigger name, column name .


For custom groups and fields we generated names from user entered input which can be longer than this length, this function helps with creating strings that meet various criteria.


string $string The string to be shortened.
int $length The max length of the string.
bool $makeRandom

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2435
setOptions(array $options) Sets the internal options to be used on a query


array $options

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2448
protected _setDBOptions(array $options) wrapper to pass internal DAO options down to DB_mysql/DB_Common level


array $options

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2463
setApiFilter(array $params) deprecated



array $params

in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2480
array addSelectWhereClause()

Generates acl clauses suitable for adding to WHERE or ON when doing an api.get for this entity

Return format is in the form of fieldname => clauses starting with an operator. e.g.:

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2521
static array getSelectWhereClause(string $tableAlias = NULL)

This returns the final permissioned query string for this entity

With acls from related entities + additional clauses from hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause


string $tableAlias

Return Value


in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2544
static bool requireSafeDBName($database)

ensure database name is 'safe', i.e. only contains word characters (includes underscores) and dashes, and contains at least one [a-z] case insenstive.



Return Value


static array fieldKeys()

Return a mapping from field-name to the corresponding key (as used in fields()).

Return Value

array Array(string $name => string $uniqueName).

boolean getLog()

Returns if this table needs to be logged

Return Value


static array import(bool $prefix = false)

Returns the list of fields that can be imported


bool $prefix

Return Value


static array export(bool $prefix = false)

Returns the list of fields that can be exported


bool $prefix

Return Value


static indices($localize = TRUE)

Returns the list of indices



at line 53
static CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship create(array $params)

Create function - use the API instead.

Note that the previous create function has been renamed 'legacyCreateMultiple' and this is new in 4.6 All existing calls have been changed to legacyCreateMultiple except the api call - however, it is recommended that you call that as the end to end testing here is based on the api & refactoring may still be done.


array $params

Return Value




at line 110
static array createMultiple(array $params, string $primaryContactLetter)

Create multiple relationships for one contact.

The relationship details are the same for each relationship except the secondary contact id can be an array.


array $params Parameters for creating multiple relationships. The parameters are the same as for relationship create function except that the non-primary end of the relationship should be an array of one or more contact IDs.
string $primaryContactLetter a or b to denote the primary contact for this action. The secondary may be multiple contacts and should be an array.

Return Value




at line 162
static CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship legacyCreateMultiple(array $params, array $ids = array()) deprecated

deprecated For single creates use the api instead (it's tested). For multiple a new variant of this function needs to be written and migrated to as this is a bit nasty

Takes an associative array and creates a relationship object.


array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
array $ids The array that holds all the db ids. per "we are moving away from the $ids param "

Return Value


at line 281
static CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship add(array $params, array $ids = array(), int $contactId = NULL)

This is the function that check/add if the relationship created is valid.


array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
array $ids The array that holds all the db ids.
int $contactId This is contact id for adding relationship.

Return Value


at line 352
static addRecent(array $params, CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship $relationship)

Add relationship to recent links.


array $params
CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship $relationship

at line 397
static array loadExistingRelationshipDetails(array $params)

Load contact ids and relationship type id when doing a create call if not provided.

There are are various checks done in create which require this information which is optional when using id.


array $params Parameters passed to create call.

Return Value

array Parameters with missing fields added if required.

at line 432
static array setContactABFromIDs(array $params, array $ids = array(), null $contactID = NULL)

Resolve passed in contact IDs to contact_id_a & contact_id_b.


array $params
array $ids
null $contactID

Return Value




at line 468
static array getdefaults()

Specify defaults for creating a relationship.

Return Value

array array of defaults for creating relationship

at line 489
static bool dataExists(array $params)

Check if there is data to create the object.


array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.

Return Value


at line 521
static array getContactRelationshipType(int $contactId = NULL, null $contactSuffix = NULL, string $relationshipId = NULL, string $contactType = NULL, bool $all = FALSE, string $column = 'label', bool $biDirectional = TRUE, array $contactSubType = NULL, bool $onlySubTypeRelationTypes = FALSE)

Get get list of relationship type based on the contact type.


int $contactId This is the contact id of the current contact.
null $contactSuffix
string $relationshipId The id of the existing relationship if any.
string $contactType Contact type.
bool $all If true returns relationship types in both the direction.
string $column Name/label that going to retrieve from db.
bool $biDirectional
array $contactSubType Includes relationship types between this subtype.
bool $onlySubTypeRelationTypes If set only subtype which is passed by $contactSubType related relationship types get return

Return Value

array array reference of all relationship types with context to current contact.

at line 617
static array removeRelationshipTypeDuplicates(array $relationshipTypeList, string $suffix = NULL)

Given a list of relationship types, return the list with duplicate types removed, being careful to retain only the duplicate which matches the given 'a_b' or 'b_a' suffix.


array $relationshipTypeList A list of relationship types, in the format returned by self::getContactRelationshipType().
string $suffix Either 'a_b' or 'b_a'; defaults to 'a_b'

Return Value

array The modified value of $relationshipType

at line 646
static CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship clearCurrentEmployer(int $id, int $action)

Delete current employer relationship.


int $id
int $action

Return Value


at line 686
static null del(int $id)

Delete the relationship.


int $id Relationship id.

Return Value


at line 736
static disableEnableRelationship(int $id, int $action, array $params = array(), array $ids = array(), bool $active = FALSE)

Disable/enable the relationship.


int $id Relationship id.
int $action
array $params
array $ids
bool $active

at line 777
static deleteContact(int $contactId)

Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.


int $contactId Id of the contact to delete.

at line 799
static CRM_Contact_DAO_Relationship getRelationshipByID(int $id)

Get the other contact in a relationship.


int $id Relationship id.

$returns returns the contact ids in the realtionship

Return Value


at line 823
static bool checkRelationshipType(int $contact_a, int $contact_b, int $relationshipTypeId)

Check if the relationship type selected between two contacts is correct.


int $contact_a 1st contact id.
int $contact_b 2nd contact id.
int $relationshipTypeId Relationship type id.

Return Value

bool true if it is valid relationship else false

at line 865
static string checkValidRelationship(array $params, array $ids, int $contactId)

This function does the validtion for valid relationship.


array $params This array contains the values there are subitted by the form.
array $ids The array that holds all the db ids.
int $contactId This is contact id for adding relationship.

Return Value


at line 891
static bool checkDuplicateRelationship(array $params, int $id, int $contactId, int $relationshipId)

This function checks for duplicate relationship.


array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
int $id This the id of the contact whom we are adding relationship.
int $contactId This is contact id for adding relationship.
int $relationshipId This is relationship id for the contact.

Return Value

bool true if record exists else false

at line 1013
static Object setIsActive(int $id, bool $is_active)

Update the is_active flag in the db.


int $id Id of the database record.
bool $is_active Value we want to set the is_active field.

Return Value

Object DAO object on success, null otherwise



at line 1044
static array getValues(array $params, array $values)

Fetch a relationship object and store the values in the values array.


array $params Input parameters to find object.
array $values Output values of the object.

Return Value

array (reference) the values that could be potentially assigned to smarty

at line 1088
static array makeURLClause(int $contactId, int $status, int $numRelationship, int $count, int $relationshipId, string $direction, array $params = array())

Helper function to form the sql for relationship retrieval.


int $contactId Contact id.
int $status (check const at top of file).
int $numRelationship No of relationships to display (limit).
int $count Get the no of relationships. $param int $relationshipId relationship id
int $relationshipId
string $direction The direction we are interested in a_b or b_a.
array $params Array of extra values including relationship_type_id per api spec.

Return Value

array [select, from, where]

at line 1240
static array|int getRelationship(int $contactId = NULL, int $status, int $numRelationship, int $count, int $relationshipId, array $links = NULL, int $permissionMask = NULL, bool $permissionedContact = FALSE, array $params = array())

Get a list of relationships.


int $contactId Contact id.
int $status 1: Past 2: Disabled 3: Current.
int $numRelationship No of relationships to display (limit).
int $count Get the no of relationships.
int $relationshipId
array $links the list of links to display
int $permissionMask the permission mask to be applied for the actions
bool $permissionedContact to return only permissioned Contact
array $params

Return Value

array|int relationship records

at line 1453
static array getRelationType(string $targetContactType)

Get get list of relationship type based on the target contact type.


string $targetContactType It's valid contact tpye(may be Individual , Organization , Household).

Return Value

array array reference of all relationship types with context to current contact type .

at line 1486
static relatedMemberships(int $contactId, array $params, array $ids, const|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::ADD, bool $active = TRUE)

Create / update / delete membership for related contacts.

This function will create/update/delete membership for related contact based on 1) contact have active membership 2) that membership is is extedned by the same relationship type to that of the existing relationship.


int $contactId contact id.
array $params array of values submitted by POST.
array $ids array of ids.
const|int $action which action called this function
bool $active



at line 1786
static bool isRelatedMembershipExpired(array $membershipTypeRelationshipTypeIDs, int $contactId, int $mainRelatedContactId, int $relTypeId, array $relIds)

Helper function to check whether the membership is expired or not.

Function takes a list of related membership types and if it is not also passed a relationship ID of that types evaluates whether the membership status should be changed to expired.


array $membershipTypeRelationshipTypeIDs Relation type IDs related to the given membership type.
int $contactId
int $mainRelatedContactId
int $relTypeId
array $relIds

Return Value


at line 1827
static array getCurrentEmployer($contactIds)

Get Current Employer for Contact.


$contactIds Contact Ids.

Return Value

array array of the current employer

at line 1859
static array getPermissionedContacts(int $contactID, int $relTypeId = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $contactType = NULL)

Function to return list of permissioned contacts for a given contact and relationship type.


int $contactID contact id whose permissioned contacts are to be found.
int $relTypeId one or more relationship type id's.
string $name
string $contactType

Return Value

array Array of contacts

at line 1921
static mergeRelationships(int $mainId, int $otherId, array $sqls)

Merge relationships from otherContact to mainContact.

Called during contact merge operation


int $mainId Contact id of main contact record.
int $otherId Contact id of record which is going to merge.
array $sqls (reference) array of sql statements to append to.

See also


at line 1956
static bool disableExpiredRelationships()

Set 'is_valid' field to false for all relationships whose end date is in the past, ie. are expired.

Return Value

bool True on success, false if error is encountered.

at line 1983
static array|void membershipTypeToRelationshipTypes(array $params, null $direction = NULL)

Function filters the query by possible relationships for the membership type.

It is intended to be called when constructing queries for the api (reciprocal & non-reciprocal) and to add clauses to limit the return to those relationships which COULD inherit a membership type (as opposed to those who inherit a particular membership


array $params Api input array.
null $direction

Return Value


at line 2032
static array getContactRelationshipSelector(array $params)

Wrapper for contact relationship selector.


array $params Associated array for params record id.

Return Value

array associated array of contact relationships