class CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN

Class CRM_Core_Payment_BaseIPN.


static $_now
protected array $_inputParameters Input parameters from payment processor. Store these so that the code does not need to keep retrieving from the http request
protected bool $_isRecurring Only used by AuthorizeNetIPN.
protected bool $_isFirstOrLastRecurringPayment Only used by AuthorizeNetIPN.




setInputParameters(array $parameters)

Store input array on the class.

validateData(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, bool $required = TRUE, int $paymentProcessorID = NULL)

Validate incoming data.

loadObjects(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, bool $required, int $paymentProcessorID, array $error_handling = NULL)

Load objects related to contribution.

failed(array $objects, object $transaction, array $input = array())

Set contribution to failed.

pending(array $objects, object $transaction)

Handled pending contribution status.

cancelled(array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction, array $input = array())

Process cancelled payment outcome.

unhandled(array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction)

Rollback unhandled outcomes.

completeTransaction(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction, bool $recur = FALSE) deprecated

No description

getBillingID(array $ids)

Get site billing ID.

sendMail(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, array $values, bool $recur = FALSE, bool $returnMessageText = FALSE) deprecated

No description


at line 63


at line 74
setInputParameters(array $parameters)

Store input array on the class.


array $parameters



at line 104
bool validateData(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, bool $required = TRUE, int $paymentProcessorID = NULL)

Validate incoming data.

This function is intended to ensure that incoming data matches It provides a form of pseudo-authentication - by checking the calling fn already knows the correct contact id & contribution id (this can be problematic when that has changed in the meantime for transactions that are delayed & contacts are merged in-between. e.g Paypal allows you to resend Instant Payment Notifications if you, for example, moved site and didn't update your IPN URL.


array $input Interpreted values from the values returned through the IPN.
array $ids More interpreted values (ids) from the values returned through the IPN.
array $objects An empty array that will be populated with loaded object.
bool $required Boolean Return FALSE if the relevant objects don't exist.
int $paymentProcessorID Id of the payment processor ID in use.

Return Value


at line 154
bool|array loadObjects(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, bool $required, int $paymentProcessorID, array $error_handling = NULL)

Load objects related to contribution.


array $input
array $ids
array $objects
bool $required
int $paymentProcessorID
array $error_handling

Return Value


at line 209
bool failed(array $objects, object $transaction, array $input = array())

Set contribution to failed.


array $objects
object $transaction
array $input

Return Value


at line 291
bool pending(array $objects, object $transaction)

Handled pending contribution status.


array $objects
object $transaction

Return Value


at line 307
bool cancelled(array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction, array $input = array())

Process cancelled payment outcome.


array $objects
CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction
array $input

Return Value


at line 387
bool unhandled(array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction)

Rollback unhandled outcomes.


array $objects
CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction

Return Value


at line 449
completeTransaction(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction, bool $recur = FALSE) deprecated

deprecated Jumbled up function. The purpose of this function is to transition a pending transaction to Completed including updating any related entities. It has been overloaded to also add recurring transactions to the database, cloning the original transaction and updating related entities. It is recommended to avoid calling this function directly and call the api functions: - contribution.completetransaction - contribution.repeattransaction These functions are the focus of testing efforts and more accurately reflect the division of roles (the job of the IPN class is to determine the outcome, transaction id, invoice id & to validate the source and from there it should be possible to pass off transaction management.) This function has been problematic for some time but there are now several tests via the api_v3_Contribution test and the Paypal & IPN tests so any refactoring should be done in conjunction with those. This function needs to have the 'body' moved to the CRM_Contribution_BAO_Contribute class and to undergo refactoring to separate the complete transaction and repeat transaction functionality into separate functions with a shared function that updates related components. Note that it is not necessary payment processor extension to implement an IPN class now. In general the code on the IPN class is better accessed through the api which de-jumbles it a bit. e.g the payment class can have a function like (based on Omnipay extension): public function handlePaymentNotification() { $response = $this->getValidatedOutcome(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { try { // @todo check if it is a repeat transaction & call repeattransaction instead. civicrm_api3('contribution', 'completetransaction', array('id' => $this->transaction_id)); } catch (CiviCRM_API3_Exception $e) { if (!stristr($e->getMessage(), 'Contribution already completed')) { $this->handleError('error', $this->transaction_id . $e->getMessage(), 'ipn_completion', 9000, 'An error may have occurred. Please check your receipt is correct'); $this->redirectOrExit('success'); } elseif ($this->transaction_id) { civicrm_api3('contribution', 'create', array('id' => $this->transaction_id, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Failed')); }


array $input
array $ids
array $objects
CRM_Core_Transaction $transaction
bool $recur

at line 462
bool getBillingID(array $ids)

Get site billing ID.


array $ids

Return Value


at line 495
array sendMail(array $input, array $ids, array $objects, array $values, bool $recur = FALSE, bool $returnMessageText = FALSE) deprecated



array $input Incoming data from Payment processor.
array $ids Related object IDs.
array $objects
array $values Values related to objects that have already been loaded.
bool $recur Is it part of a recurring contribution.
bool $returnMessageText Should text be returned instead of sent. This. is because the function is also used to generate pdfs

Return Value
