interface CRM_Core_Selector_API

This interface defines the set of functions a class needs to implement to use the CRM/Selector object.

Using this interface allows us to standardize on multiple things including list display, pagination, sorting and export in multiple formats (CSV is supported right now, XML support will be added as and when needed


getPagerParams(string $action, array $params)

Get pager parameters.

getSortOrder(string $action)

Returns the sort order array for the given action.

getColumnHeaders(string $action = NULL, string $type = NULL)

Returns the column headers as an array of tuples.

getTotalCount(string $action)

Returns the number of rows for this action.

getRows(string $action, int $offset, int $rowCount, string $sort, string $type = NULL)

Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount.

getTemplateFileName(string $action = NULL)

Return the template (.tpl) filename.

getExportFileName(string $type = 'csv')

Return the filename for the exported CSV.


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getPagerParams(string $action, array $params)

Get pager parameters.

Based on the action, the GET variables and the session state it adds various key => value pairs to the params array including

status - the status message to display. Modifiers will be defined to integrate the total count and the current state of the page: e.g. Displaying Page 3 of 5 csvString - The html string to display for export as csv rowCount - the number of rows to be included


string $action The action being performed.
array $params The array that the pagerParams will be inserted into.

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array getSortOrder(string $action)

Returns the sort order array for the given action.


string $action The action being performed.

Return Value

array the elements that can be sorted along with their properties

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array getColumnHeaders(string $action = NULL, string $type = NULL)

Returns the column headers as an array of tuples.

(name, sortName (key to the sort array))


string $action The action being performed.
string $type What should the result set include (web/email/csv).

Return Value

array the column headers that need to be displayed

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int getTotalCount(string $action)

Returns the number of rows for this action.


string $action The action being performed.

Return Value

int the total number of rows for this action

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int getRows(string $action, int $offset, int $rowCount, string $sort, string $type = NULL)

Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount.


string $action The action being performed.
int $offset The row number to start from.
int $rowCount The number of rows to return.
string $sort The sql string that describes the sort order.
string $type What should the result set include (web/email/csv).

Return Value

int the total number of rows for this action

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string getTemplateFileName(string $action = NULL)

Return the template (.tpl) filename.


string $action The action being performed.

Return Value


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string getExportFileName(string $type = 'csv')

Return the filename for the exported CSV.


string $type The type of export required: csv/xml/foaf etc.

Return Value

string the fileName which we will munge to skip spaces and special characters to avoid various browser issues