
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Contribution Id

contribution_page_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_contribution_widget_contribution_page_idC

The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution

is_active TINYINT 3 null

Is this property active?

title VARCHAR 255 null

Widget title.

VARCHAR 255 null

URL to Widget logo

button_title VARCHAR 255 null

Button title.

about TEXT 65535 null

About description.

url_homepage VARCHAR 255 null

URL to Homepage.

color_title VARCHAR 10 null
color_button VARCHAR 10 null
color_bar VARCHAR 10 null
color_main_text VARCHAR 10 null
color_main VARCHAR 10 null
color_main_bg VARCHAR 10 null
color_bg VARCHAR 10 null
color_about_link VARCHAR 10 null
color_homepage_link VARCHAR 10 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
FK_civicrm_contribution_widget_contribution_page_id Performance Asc contribution_page_id
