
2 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Membership Id

entity_table VARCHAR 64 null

Name for Membership Status

entity_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_membership_block_entity_idR

FK to

membership_types VARCHAR 1024 null

Membership types to be exposed by this block.

membership_type_default INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_membership_block_membership_type_defaultR

Optional foreign key to membership_type

display_min_fee TINYINT 3 1

Display minimum membership fee

is_separate_payment TINYINT 3 1

Should membership transactions be processed separately

is_required TINYINT 3 0

Is membership sign up optional

is_active TINYINT 3 1

Is this membership_block enabled

new_title_en_US VARCHAR 255 null
new_text_en_US TEXT 65535 null
renewal_title_en_US VARCHAR 255 null
renewal_text_en_US TEXT 65535 null
new_title_fr_CA VARCHAR 255 null
new_text_fr_CA TEXT 65535 null
renewal_title_fr_CA VARCHAR 255 null
renewal_text_fr_CA TEXT 65535 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
FK_civicrm_membership_block_entity_id Performance Asc entity_id
FK_civicrm_membership_block_membership_type_default Performance Asc membership_type_default
