
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
civicrm_batch.saved_search_id FK_civicrm_batch_saved_search_idN
civicrm_group.saved_search_id FK_civicrm_group_saved_search_idN

Saved search ID

form_values TEXT 65535 null

Submitted form values for this search

mapping_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_saved_search_mapping_idR

Foreign key to civicrm_mapping used for saved search-builder searches.

search_custom_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Foreign key to civicrm_option value table used for saved custom searches.

where_clause TEXT 65535 null

the sql where clause if a saved search acl

select_tables TEXT 65535 null

the tables to be included in a select data

where_tables TEXT 65535 null

the tables to be included in the count statement


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
FK_civicrm_saved_search_mapping_id Performance Asc mapping_id
