
6 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Unique table ID

is_active TINYINT 3 1

Is this join currently active?

module VARCHAR 64 null

Module which owns this uf_join instance, e.g. User Registration, CiviDonate, etc.

entity_table VARCHAR 64 null

Name of table where item being referenced is stored. Modules which only need a single collection of uf_join instances may choose not to populate entity_table and entity_id.

entity_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Foreign key to the referenced item.

weight INT 10 1

Controls display order when multiple user framework groups are setup for concurrent display.

uf_group_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_uf_join_uf_group_idR

Which form does this field belong to.

module_data LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Json serialized array of data used by the ufjoin.module


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
FK_civicrm_uf_join_uf_group_id Performance Asc uf_group_id
index_entity Performance Asc/Asc entity_table + entity_id
