
CRM_Core_Controller_Simple extends CRM_Core_Controller
in package

We use QFC for both single page and multi page wizards. We want to make creation of single page forms as easy and as seamless as possible. This class is used to optimize and make single form pages a relatively trivial process



Table of Contents


$_destination  : string
The destination if set will override the destination the code wants to send it to.
$_entryURL  : string
The entry url for a top level form or wizard. Typically the URL with a reset=1 used to redirect back to when we land into some session wierdness
$_generateQFKey  : bool
Should we generate a qfKey, true by default
$_key  : string
The key associated with this controller.
$_print  : int|string
Are we in print mode? if so we need to modify the display functionality to do a minimal display :)
$_QFResponseType  : string
QF response type.
$_embedded  : bool
Is this object being embedded in another object. If so the display routine needs to not do any work. (The parent object takes care of the display)
$_parent  : object
The parent of this form if embedded.
$_scope  : object
The name of the session scope where values are stored.
$_session  : CRM_Core_Session
Cache the session for efficiency reasons.
$_skipRedirection  : bool
After entire form execution complete, do we want to skip control redirection.
$_stateMachine  : object
The state machine associated with this controller.
$_template  : CRM_Core_Smarty
Cache the smarty template for efficiency reasons.
$_title  : string
The title associated with this controller.


__construct()  : CRM_Core_Controller_Simple
addActions()  : mixed
Helper function to add all the needed default actions.
addPages()  : mixed
Add pages to the controller. Note that the controller does not really care the order in which the pages are added
addUploadAction()  : mixed
addWizardStyle()  : mixed
append()  : mixed
Appends values to template variables.
assign()  : mixed
Assign value to name in template.
assign_by_ref()  : mixed
Assign value to name in template by reference.
cancelAction()  : mixed
fini()  : mixed
get()  : mixed
Get the variable from the form scope.
get_template_vars()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array containing template variables.
getButtonName()  : string
QFC does not provide native support to have different 'submit' buttons.
getDestination()  : string
getEmbedded()  : bool
Getter for embedded.
getHookedTemplateFileName()  : mixed
A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.
getParent()  : object
getPrint()  : int|string
Getter for print.
getSkipRedirection()  : bool
Getter for skipRedirection.
getStateMachine()  : CRM_Core_StateMachine
Getter method for stateMachine.
getTemplateFile()  : string
getTemplateFileName()  : string
Get template file name.
getTemplateVars()  : mixed
Get the value/s assigned to the Template Engine (Smarty).
invalidKey()  : mixed
Write a simple fatal error message.
invalidKeyCommon()  : mixed
invalidKeyRedirect()  : mixed
Instead of outputting a fatal error message, we'll just redirect to the entryURL if present
key()  : mixed|string
process()  : mixed
Virtual function to do any processing of data.
reset()  : mixed
Destroy all the session state of the controller.
run()  : mixed
Process the request, overrides the default QFC run method This routine actually checks if the QFC is modal and if it is the first invalid page, if so it call the requested action if not, it calls the display action on the first invalid page avoids the issue of users hitting the back button and getting a broken page
set()  : mixed
Store the variable with the value in the form scope.
setDestination()  : mixed
setEmbedded()  : mixed
Setter for embedded.
setExcel()  : void
Output HTTP headers for Excel document (note .xls, not the newer .xlsx format)
setParent()  : mixed
Set parent.
setPrint()  : void
Setter for print.
setSkipRedirection()  : mixed
Setter for skipRedirection.
setStateMachine()  : mixed
Setter method for stateMachine.
setWord()  : void
Output HTTP headers for Word document (note .doc, not the newer .docx format)
validate()  : bool
wizardHeader()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Create the header for the wizard from the list of pages.



The destination if set will override the destination the code wants to send it to.

public string $_destination = \NULL


The entry url for a top level form or wizard. Typically the URL with a reset=1 used to redirect back to when we land into some session wierdness

public string $_entryURL = \NULL


Should we generate a qfKey, true by default

public bool $_generateQFKey = \TRUE


The key associated with this controller.

public string $_key


Are we in print mode? if so we need to modify the display functionality to do a minimal display :)

public int|string $_print = 0

Should match a CRM_Core_Smarty::PRINT_* constant, or equal 0 if not in print mode


QF response type.

public string $_QFResponseType = 'html'


Is this object being embedded in another object. If so the display routine needs to not do any work. (The parent object takes care of the display)

protected bool $_embedded = \FALSE


The parent of this form if embedded.

protected object $_parent = \NULL


The name of the session scope where values are stored.

protected object $_scope


After entire form execution complete, do we want to skip control redirection.

protected bool $_skipRedirection = \FALSE

Default - It get redirect to user context.

Useful when we run form in non civicrm context and we need to transfer control back.(eg. drupal)


The state machine associated with this controller.

protected object $_stateMachine


The title associated with this controller.

protected string $_title




public __construct(string $path, bool $title[, string $mode = NULL ][, bool $imageUpload = FALSE ][, bool $addSequence = FALSE ][, bool $ignoreKey = FALSE ][, bool $attachUpload = FALSE ]) : CRM_Core_Controller_Simple
$path : string

The class Path of the form being implemented

$title : bool
$mode : string = NULL
$imageUpload : bool = FALSE
$addSequence : bool = FALSE

Should we add a unique sequence number to the end of the key.

$ignoreKey : bool = FALSE

Should we not set a qfKey for this controller (for standalone forms).

$attachUpload : bool = FALSE
Return values


Helper function to add all the needed default actions.

public addActions([string $uploadDirectory = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $uploadNames = NULL ]) : mixed

Note that the framework redefines all of the default QFC actions.

$uploadDirectory : string = NULL

to store all the uploaded files

$uploadNames : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

for the various upload buttons (note u can have more than 1 upload)


Add pages to the controller. Note that the controller does not really care the order in which the pages are added

public addPages(CRM_Core_StateMachine &$stateMachine[, const|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::NONE ]) : mixed
$stateMachine : CRM_Core_StateMachine
$action : const|int = CRM_Core_Action::NONE

the mode in which the state machine is operating typically this will be add/view/edit


public addUploadAction(mixed $uploadDir, mixed $uploadNames) : mixed
$uploadDir : mixed
$uploadNames : mixed


public addWizardStyle(array<string|int, mixed> &$wizard) : mixed
$wizard : array<string|int, mixed>


Appends values to template variables.

public append(array<string|int, mixed>|string $tpl_var[, mixed $value = NULL ][, bool $merge = FALSE ]) : mixed
$tpl_var : array<string|int, mixed>|string

the template variable name(s)

$value : mixed = NULL

The value to append.

$merge : bool = FALSE


Assign value to name in template.

public assign(string $var[, mixed $value = NULL ]) : mixed
$var : string
$value : mixed = NULL

Value of variable.


Assign value to name in template by reference.

public assign_by_ref(string $var, mixed &$value) : mixed

since 5.72 will be removed around 5.84

$var : string
$value : mixed

(reference) value of variable.


Get the variable from the form scope.

public get(string $name) : mixed
$name : string

name of the variable.


Returns an array containing template variables.

public get_template_vars([string $name = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

since 5.69 will be removed around 5.93. use getTemplateVars.

$name : string = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


QFC does not provide native support to have different 'submit' buttons.

public getButtonName() : string

We introduce this notion to QFC by using button specific data. Thus if we have two submit buttons, we could have one displayed as a button and the other as an image, both are of type 'submit'.

Return values

the name of the button that has been pressed by the user


public getDestination() : string
Return values


Getter for embedded.

public getEmbedded() : bool
Return values

return the embedded value


A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.

public getHookedTemplateFileName() : mixed

This includes calling the hook to prevent us from having to copy & paste the logic of calling the hook


public getParent() : object
Return values


Getter for print.

public getPrint() : int|string
Return values

Value matching a CRM_Core_Smarty::PRINT_* constant, or 0 if not in print mode


Getter for skipRedirection.

public getSkipRedirection() : bool
Return values

return the skipRedirection value


public getTemplateFile() : string
Return values


Get template file name.

public getTemplateFileName() : string
Return values


Get the value/s assigned to the Template Engine (Smarty).

public getTemplateVars([string|null $name = NULL ]) : mixed
$name : string|null = NULL


Write a simple fatal error message.

public invalidKey() : mixed

Other controllers can decide to do something else and present the user a better message and/or redirect to the same page with a reset url


public invalidKeyCommon() : mixed


Instead of outputting a fatal error message, we'll just redirect to the entryURL if present

public invalidKeyRedirect() : mixed


public key(string $name[, bool $addSequence = FALSE ][, bool $ignoreKey = FALSE ]) : mixed|string
$name : string
$addSequence : bool = FALSE
$ignoreKey : bool = FALSE
Return values


Virtual function to do any processing of data.

public process() : mixed

Sometimes it is useful for the controller to actually process data. This is typically used when we need the controller to figure out what pages are potentially involved in this wizard. (this is dynamic and can change based on the arguments


Destroy all the session state of the controller.

public reset() : mixed


Process the request, overrides the default QFC run method This routine actually checks if the QFC is modal and if it is the first invalid page, if so it call the requested action if not, it calls the display action on the first invalid page avoids the issue of users hitting the back button and getting a broken page

public run() : mixed

This run is basically a composition of the original run and the jump action


Store the variable with the value in the form scope.

public set(string|array<string|int, mixed> $name[, mixed $value = NULL ]) : mixed
$name : string|array<string|int, mixed>

name of the variable or an assoc array of name/value pairs

$value : mixed = NULL

Value of the variable if string.


public setDestination([string|null $url = NULL ][, bool $setToReferer = FALSE ]) : mixed
$url : string|null = NULL
$setToReferer : bool = FALSE


Setter for embedded.

public setEmbedded(bool $embedded) : mixed
$embedded : bool


Output HTTP headers for Excel document (note .xls, not the newer .xlsx format)

public setExcel([string|null $fileName = NULL ]) : void
$fileName : string|null = NULL


Set parent.

public setParent(mixed $parent) : mixed
$parent : mixed


Setter for print.

public setPrint(int|string $print) : void

Historically the $print argument has also accepted a string (xls or doc), but this usage is now deprecated.

$print : int|string

Should match a CRM_Core_Smarty::PRINT_* constant, or equal 0 if not in print mode


Setter for skipRedirection.

public setSkipRedirection(bool $skipRedirection) : mixed
$skipRedirection : bool


Output HTTP headers for Word document (note .doc, not the newer .docx format)

public setWord([string|null $fileName = NULL ]) : void
$fileName : string|null = NULL


public validate() : bool
Return values


Create the header for the wizard from the list of pages.

public wizardHeader(string $currentPageName) : array<string|int, mixed>

Store the created header in smarty

$currentPageName : string

Name of the page being displayed.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>
On this page

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