
CRM_Logging_ReportSummary extends CRM_Report_Form
in package

Class CRM_Logging_ReportSummary

Table of Contents


ATTR_SPACING  = '     '
Constants for attributes for various form elements attempt to standardize on the number of variations that we use of the below form elements
CB_PREFIX  = 'mark_x_'
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision
CB_PREFIY  = 'mark_y_'
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision
CB_PREFIZ  = 'mark_z_'
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision
OP_DATE  = 4
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
OP_INT  = 1
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
OP_MONTH  = 128
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Operator types - used for displaying filter elements
Deprecated constant, Reports should be updated to use the getRowCount function.


$_absoluteUrl  : bool
Whether to generate absolute URLs (ex: in report emails).
$_action  : int
(QUASI-PROTECTED) The mode of operation for this form
$_columnHeaders  : mixed
$_dashBoardRowCount  : int
DashBoardRowCount Dashboard row count.
$_defaults  : array<string|int, mixed>
The default values for the form.
$_description  : string
Report description.
$_drilldownReport  : mixed
$_from  : string
SQL from clause. May be altered by hook_civicrm_alterReportVar.
$_groupBy  : mixed
$_having  : mixed
$_havingClauses  : mixed
$_navigation  : array<string|int, mixed>
Navigation fields
$_options  : array<string|int, mixed>
The set of optional columns in the report
$_orderBy  : mixed
$_orderByArray  : mixed
$_orderByFields  : mixed
$_paymentProcessorIDs  : array<string|int, mixed>
Available payment processors (IDS).
$_section  : int
$_select  : mixed
$_selectClauses  : mixed
$_where  : string
SQL where clause. May be altered by hook_civicrm_alterReportVar.
$_whereClauses  : mixed
$ajaxResponse  : array<string|int, mixed>
What to return to the client if in ajax mode (snippet=json)
$controller  : CRM_Core_Controller
$expectedSmartyVariables  : array<string|int, string>
Variables smarty expects to have set.
$html5Types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Extra input types we support via the "add" method
$noController  : bool
Is this being called without a form controller (ie. the report is being render outside the normal form - e.g the api is retrieving the rows.
$optimisedForOnlyFullGroupBy  : bool
Can this report use the sql mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.
$printOnly  : bool
Are we in print mode. Can be set by another outputMode, ex: sendmail.
$submitOnce  : bool
$urlPath  : array<string|int, mixed>
Url path used to reach this page
$_aclFrom  : string|null
Variables to hold the acl inner join and where clause
$_aclWhere  : mixed
$_actionButtonName  : string
Name of action button
$_add2groupSupported  : mixed
$_addressField  : bool
Is an address field selected.
$_aliases  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_autoIncludeIndexedFieldsAsOrderBys  : mixed
$_chartButtonName  : mixed
$_chartId  : int
$_charts  : array<string|int, string>
Determines which chart types are supported for this report
$_columns  : array<string|int, mixed>
The set of all columns in the report. An associative array with column name as the key and attributes as the value
$_createNew  : bool
Create new report instance? (or update existing) on save.
$_createNewButtonName  : mixed
$_criteriaForm  : mixed
$_csvSupported  : mixed
$_currencyColumn  : string|null
Variable to hold the currency alias.
$_customGroupExtends  : null
Object type that a custom group extends
$_customGroupExtendsJoin  : mixed
$_customGroupFilters  : mixed
$_customGroupGroupBy  : mixed
$_customGroupJoin  : mixed
$_databaseAttributes  : string
Database attributes - character set and collation.
$_emailField  : bool
Is an email field selected.
$_exposeContactID  : bool
By default most reports hide contact id.
$_filters  : array<string|int, mixed>
The set of filters in the report
$_force  : mixed
$_format  : string|null
Format of any chart in use.
$_formValues  : mixed
$_fourColumnAttribute  : array<string|int, mixed>
An attribute for checkbox/radio form field layout
$_grandFlag  : mixed
$_groupButtonName  : mixed
$_groupByArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of clauses to group by.
$_groupByDateFreq  : array<string|int, mixed>
To what frequency group-by a date column
$_groupFilter  : bool
Build groups filter.
$_groups  : mixed
$_id  : int
The id of the report instance
$_instanceButtonName  : mixed
$_instanceForm  : mixed
$_instanceValues  : mixed
$_interval  : string
$_limit  : string
SQL Limit clause
$_limitValue  : int
This can be set to specify a limit to the number of rows Since it is currently envisaged as part of the api usage it is only being applied when $_output mode is not 'html' or 'group' so as not to have to interpret / mess with that part of the code (see limit() fn.
$_logTables  : mixed
$_name  : string
The name of this form
$_noDisplay  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of fields not to be displayed
$_noFields  : mixed
$_noRepeats  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of fields not to be repeated during display
$_offsetValue  : int
This can be set to specify row offset See notes on _limitValue
$_outputMode  : string
Output mode e.g 'print', 'csv', 'pdf'.
$_params  : mixed
$_paymentProcessorID  : int
Default or selected processor id.
$_paymentProcessors  : array<string|int, mixed>
Available payment processors.
$_phoneField  : bool
Is a phone field selected.
$_renderer  : object
The renderer used for this form
$_resultSet  : bool
When _storeResultSet Flag is set use this var to store result set in form of array
$_rollup  : mixed
$_rowCount  : int
The Number of rows to display on screen
$_rowsFound  : mixed
$_sections  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_selectAliases  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_selectedTables  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of DAO tables having columns included in SELECT or ORDER BY clause.
$_sendmail  : bool
$_state  : object
The state object that this form belongs to
$_statFields  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set of statistic fields
$_statistics  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set of statistics data
$_storeResultSet  : bool
Flag to indicate if result-set is to be stored in a class variable which could be retrieved using getResultSet() method.
$_tagFilter  : bool
Build tags filter
$_tagFilterTable  : string
specify entity table for tags filter
$_template  : CRM_Core_Smarty
Cache the smarty template for efficiency reasons
$_templateID  : int
The id of the report template
$_title  : string
The report title
$addPaging  : bool
Should we add paging.
$campaigns  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of campaign data, populated by calling `$this::addCampaignFields()`
$cid  : mixed
$context  : string
Context of the form being loaded.
$currentLogTable  : string
The log table currently being processed.
$exportedValues  : array<string|int, mixed>
Values submitted by the user.
$filteredTables  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of DAO tables having columns included in WHERE or HAVING clause
$groupConcatTested  : mixed
$groupFilterNotOptimised  : bool
Has the report been optimised for group filtering.
$groupTempTable  : string
Table containing list of contact IDs within the group filter.
$isForceGroupBy  : mixed
$loggingDB  : mixed
$logTypeTableClause  : string
Clause used in the final run of buildQuery but not when doing preliminary work.
$noGroupBy  : bool
An instruction not to add a Group By.
$optionalQuickFormElements  : array<string|int, mixed>
Quick form elements which are conditionally added to the form.
$rollupRow  : array<string|int, mixed>
When a grand total row has calculated the status we pop it off to here.
$sql  : string
SQL being run in this report.
$sqlArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
SQL being run in this report as an array.
$submittableMoneyFields  : array<string|int, mixed>
Monetary fields that may be submitted.
$tabs  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of tabs to display on report.
$temporaryTable  : CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable
Set within `$this->buildTemporaryTables`
$temporaryTableName  : string
The name of the temporary table.
$temporaryTables  : array<string|int, mixed>
Tables created for the report that need removal afterwards.
$unsavedChangesWarn  : bool
Indicate if this form should warn users of unsaved changes
$authenticatedContactID  : int
The contact ID that has been authenticated and can be used for checking permissions.
$isValidated  : true
$outputHandler  : OutputHandlerInterface


__construct()  : CRM_Core_Form
Class constructor.
add()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.
add2group()  : mixed
Add contact to group.
addAddressFields()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Add address fields.
addAutocomplete()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
addAutoSelector()  : mixed
Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g
addBreadCrumb()  : mixed
Add bread crumb.
addButtons()  : mixed
Add default Next / Back buttons.
addCampaignFields()  : mixed
Add campaign fields.
addChainSelect()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.
addChartOptions()  : mixed
Add chart options to the report.
addCheckBox()  : mixed
addCIDZeroOptions()  : mixed
Add the options appropriate to cid = zero - ie. autocomplete
addClass()  : mixed
Add one or more css classes to the form.
addColumns()  : mixed
Add columns to report.
addCurrency()  : mixed
Add currency element to the form.
addCustomDataToColumns()  : mixed
Add custom data to the columns.
addDate()  : mixed
Add date.
addDatePickerRange()  : mixed
Add a search for a range using date picker fields.
addDateRange()  : mixed
addDateTime()  : mixed
Function that will add date and time.
addDefaultButtons()  : mixed
Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit
addEntityRef()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
Create a single or multiple entity ref field.
addExpectedSmartyVariable()  : void
Add an expected smarty variable to the array.
addExpectedSmartyVariables()  : void
Add an expected smarty variable to the array.
addField()  : mixed
Adds a field based on metadata.
addFilters()  : mixed
Add filters to report.
addFinancialTrxnFromClause()  : mixed
Add Financial Transaction into From Table if required.
addGroupBys()  : mixed
Add group by options to the report.
addMoney()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
Add a currency and money element to the form.
addOptionalQuickFormElement()  : void
Add an optional element to the optional elements array.
addOptions()  : mixed
Add options defined in $this->_options to the report.
addOrderBys()  : mixed
Add data for order by tab.
addProfileSelector()  : mixed
Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form
addRadio()  : HTML_QuickForm_group
addRules()  : mixed
This is a virtual function that adds group and global rules to the form.
addSelect()  : HTML_QuickForm_Element
Adds a select based on field metadata.
addTaskMenu()  : mixed
Add actions menu to results form.
addToDeveloperTab()  : void
The intent is to add a tab for developers to view the sql.
addUploadElement()  : mixed
addYesNo()  : mixed
allowAjaxSubmit()  : mixed
Sets form attribute.
alterCustomDataDisplay()  : mixed
Alter the way in which custom data fields are displayed.
alterDisplay()  : mixed
Alter display of rows.
alterDisplayAddressFields()  : bool
Do AlterDisplay processing on Address Fields.
alterDisplayContactFields()  : bool
Do AlterDisplay processing on Address Fields.
alterSectionHeaderForDateTime()  : mixed
CRM-17793 - Alter DateTime section header to group by date from the datetime field.
append()  : mixed
Appends values to template variables.
assign()  : mixed
Assign value to name in template.
assign_by_ref()  : mixed
Assign value to name in template by reference.
assignBillingName()  : string
Assign billing name to the template.
assignBillingType()  : mixed
Assign billing type id to bltID.
assignVariables()  : mixed
Assign an array of variables to the form/tpl
beginPostProcess()  : mixed
Post Processing function for Form.
beginPostProcessCommon()  : mixed
Common processing, also via api/unit tests.
buildACLClause()  : mixed
Build contact acl clause
buildChart()  : mixed
Build chart.
buildForm()  : mixed
Core function that builds the form.
buildGroupFilter()  : mixed
Adds group filters to _columns (called from _Construct).
buildGroupTempTable()  : void
Create a table of the contact ids included by the group filter.
buildInstanceAndButtons()  : mixed
This adds the tab referred to as Title and Format, rendered through Instance.tpl.
buildPermissionClause()  : mixed
Build the permission clause for all entities in this report
buildQuery()  : string
Build the report query.
buildQuickForm()  : mixed
Main build form function.
buildRows()  : mixed
Build output rows.
buildTagFilter()  : mixed
Build the tag filter field to display on the filters tab.
cancelAction()  : mixed
Function that can be defined in Form to override or.
canUseAjaxContactLookups()  : bool
cleanUpTemporaryTables()  : mixed
Remove any temporary tables.
compileContent()  : string
Compile the report content.
countStat()  : mixed
Add count statistics.
createTemporaryTable()  : string
Create a temporary table.
customDataFormRule()  : array<string|int, mixed>
A form rule function for custom data.
customDataFrom()  : mixed
Build custom data from clause.
dateClause()  : null|string
Get SQL where clause for a date field.
doTemplateAssignment()  : mixed
Assign rows to the template.
endPostProcess()  : mixed
End post processing.
error()  : mixed
Error reporting mechanism.
filterStat()  : mixed
Filter statistics.
fiscalYearOffset()  : string
Adjusts dates passed in to YEAR() for fiscal year.
fixSubTotalDisplay()  : mixed
Fix subtotal display.
formatDisplay()  : mixed
Format display output.
get()  : mixed
Get the variable from the form scope.
get_template_vars()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array containing template variables.
getAction()  : int|null
Getter for action.
getAuthenticatedContactID()  : int
Get the authenticated contact ID.
getBasicContactFields()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a standard set of contact fields.
getBasicContactFilters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a standard set of contact filters.
getCompleteTitle()  : string
getContactID()  : int|null
Get the contact id that the form is being submitted for.
getContext()  : string
getCurrency()  : string
Get the currency for the form.
getDefaultContext()  : mixed
Classes extending CRM_Core_Form should implement this method.
getDefaultEntity()  : mixed
Classes extending CRM_Core_Form should implement this method.
getDefaultValues()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Getter for $_defaultValues.
getElementFromGroup()  : object|bool
Get element from group.
getEntityAction()  : null|string
Get entity action.
getEntityValue()  : mixed|null|string
Get entity value.
getFromTo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get values for from and to for date ranges.
getHookedTemplateFileName()  : mixed
A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.
getID()  : int
Getter for $_id.
getLabels()  : mixed
Get all labels for fields that are used in a group concat.
getLoggedInUserContactID()  : int|false
Get the contact id of the logged in user.
getLogType()  : string
Get log type.
getName()  : string
Getter function for Name.
getOperationPair()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get operators to display on form.
getOptionalQuickFormElements()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get any quick-form elements that may not be present in the form.
getOutputMode()  : string
Getter for _outputMode
getParams()  : void|array<string|int, mixed>
Getter for $_params.
getPaymentProcessorID()  : int|null
getPhoneColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get phone columns to add to array.
getProfileDefaults()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)
getRenderer()  : CRM_Core_Form_Renderer
Getter function for renderer.
getReportFooter()  : string
Getter for report footer form field value
getReportHeader()  : string
Getter for report header form field value
getReportSql()  : string
Get the sql used to generate the report.
getRequestedContactID()  : int|null
Get the contact ID that has been requested (via url or form value).
getResultSet()  : bool
Get result set.
getResultsLabel()  : string
Get label for show results buttons.
getRootTitle()  : null
getRowCount()  : int
Get the number of rows to show
getSelectColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get an array of the columns that have been selected for display.
getSQLOperator()  : string
Get SQL operator from form text version.
getState()  : object
Getter function for State.
getStateType()  : int
Getter function for StateType.
getSubmittedValue()  : mixed|null
Get value submitted by the user.
getSubmittedValues()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get values submitted by the user.
getTemplate()  : CRM_Core_Smarty
getTemplateFileName()  : string
Use the form name to create the tpl file name.
getTemplateVars()  : mixed
Get the value/s assigned to the Template Engine (Smarty).
getTitle()  : string
Getter function for title.
getUFGroupIDs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the active UFGroups (profiles) on this form Many forms load one or more UFGroups (profiles).
getVar()  : mixed
grandTotal()  : bool
Calculate grant total.
groupBy()  : mixed
Build group by clause.
groupByStat()  : mixed
Add group by statistics.
isFieldSelected()  : bool
Check if the field is selected.
isFormInEditMode()  : bool
Is the form in edit mode.
isFormInViewMode()  : bool
Is the form in view mode.
isTableFiltered()  : bool
Check if table name has columns in WHERE or HAVING clause.
isTableSelected()  : bool
Check if table name has columns in SELECT clause.
joinGroupTempTable()  : mixed
Join the temp table contacting contacts who are members of the filtered groups.
legacySlowGroupFilterClause()  : string
Build a group filter with contempt for large data sets.
limit()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set limit.
mainProcess()  : mixed
Main process wrapper.
modifyColumnHeaders()  : mixed
Modify column headers.
moveSummaryColumnsToTheRightHandSide()  : mixed
Move totals columns to the right edge of the table.
orderBy()  : mixed
Build order by clause.
overrideExtraTemplateFileName()  : string
Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.
postProcess()  : mixed
Post process function.
postProcessHook()  : mixed
The postProcess hook is typically called by the framework.
preProcess()  : mixed
Pre process function.
preProcessCommon()  : mixed
Shared pre-process function.
preProcessOrderBy()  : mixed
Check for empty order_by configurations and remove them.
preventAjaxSubmit()  : mixed
Sets form attribute.
processReportMode()  : mixed
Set output mode.
registerFileField()  : void
Register a field with quick form as supporting a file upload.
registerRules()  : mixed
Register all the standard rules that most forms potentially use.
removeDuplicates()  : mixed
Remove duplicate rows.
removeFileRequiredRules()  : mixed
resetValues()  : mixed
resultsDisplayed()  : bool
Has this form been submitted already?
sectionTotals()  : mixed
Calculate section totals.
select()  : mixed
Generate the SELECT clause and set class variable $_select.
selectClause()  : string
Adjust query for the activity_contact table.
selectedTables()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetch array of DAO tables having columns included in SELECT or ORDER BY clause.
selectivelyAddLocationTablesJoinsToFilterQuery()  : mixed
Add location tables to the query if they are used for filtering.
sendEmail()  : mixed
Send report by email
set()  : mixed
Store the variable with the value in the form scope.
setAction()  : mixed
Setter for action.
setAddPaging()  : mixed
Setter for $addPaging.
setContext()  : mixed
Set context variable.
setDefaultValues()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set default values.
setEntityRefDefaults()  : mixed
Apply common settings to entityRef fields.
setForce()  : mixed
Setter for $_force.
setFromBase()  : mixed
Set the base table for the FROM clause.
setID()  : mixed
Setter for $_id.
setLimitValue()  : mixed
Setter for $_limitValue.
setOffsetValue()  : mixed
Setter for $_offsetValue.
setOptions()  : mixed
Setter function for options.
setOutputHandler()  : void
Retrieve a suitable object from the factory depending on the report parameters, which typically might just be dependent on outputMode.
setPager()  : mixed
Set pager.
setPageTitle()  : void
Sets page title based on entity and action.
setParams()  : mixed
Setter for $_params.
setPurifiedDefaults()  : mixed
setRowCount()  : void
set the number of rows to show
setSelectedChild()  : mixed
Set the active tab
setTitle()  : mixed
Setter function for title.
setVar()  : mixed
statistics()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Build report statistics.
storeOrderByArray()  : mixed
Extract order by fields and store as an array.
storeResultSet()  : mixed
Set store result set indicator to TRUE.
storeWhereHavingClauseArray()  : mixed
Store Where clauses into an array.
toSmarty()  : string
Render form and return contents.
unselectedOrderByColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Determine unselected columns.
unselectedSectionColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Determine unselected columns.
validate()  : bool
Performs the server side validation.
validateMandatoryFields()  : mixed
Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.
where()  : mixed
Build where clause.
whereClause()  : null|string
Generate where clause.
whereGroupClause()  : string
Build where clause for groups.
whereMembershipOrgClause()  : string
Generate membership organization clause.
whereMembershipTypeClause()  : string
Generate Membership Type SQL Clause.
whereSubtypeClause()  : string
Get SQL where clause for contact subtypes
whereTagClause()  : string
Build where clause for tags.
addBasicFieldToSelect()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Add a basic field to the select clause.
addLinkToRow()  : mixed
Add link fields to the row.
addStatisticsToSelect()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Add statistics columns.
alterBoolean()  : mixed
alterCommunicationtMethod()  : mixed
alterContactID()  : mixed
alterCountryID()  : array<string|int, mixed>
alterCountyID()  : array<string|int, mixed>
alterLocationTypeID()  : mixed
alterStateProvinceID()  : array<string|int, mixed>
assignPaymentProcessor()  : mixed
This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.
assignTabs()  : mixed
Function to assign the tabs to the template in the correct order.
buildColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Build the columns.
buildTemporaryTables()  : mixed
Build the temporary tables for the query.
executeReportQuery()  : CRM_Core_DAO|object
Execute query and add it to the developer tab.
formatParamsForPaymentProcessor()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.
generateFilterClause()  : string
Generate clause for the selected filter.
getActions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the actions for this report instance.
getAddressColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get address columns to add to array.
getApiAction()  : mixed
Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.
getAuthenticatedCheckSumContactID()  : int
Get the contact ID authenticated as a valid by checksum.
getColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Function to add columns to reports.
getContactColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get columns for contact table.
getContactIDIfAccessingOwnRecord()  : int|false
Get the contact if from the url, using the checksum or the cid if it is the logged in user.
getDefaultsFromOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getFieldsToExcludeFromPurification()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Override this in a subclass to prevent fields intended to contain "raw html" from getting broken. E.g. system message templates
getSelectClauseWithGroupConcatIfNotGroupedBy()  : string
Get the select clause for a field, wrapping in GROUP_CONCAT if appropriate.
getSubmittableFields()  : array<string|int, string>
Get the fields that can be submitted in this form flow.
handlePreApproval()  : mixed
Handle pre approval for processors.
isFieldFiltered()  : bool
Check if the field is used as a filter.
isFormInViewOrEditMode()  : bool
Is the form in view or edit mode.
joinAddressFromContact()  : mixed
Add Address into From Table if required.
joinCountryFromAddress()  : mixed
Add Country into From Table if required.
joinEmailFromContact()  : mixed
Add Email into From Table if required.
joinPhoneFromContact()  : mixed
Add Phone into From Table if required.
prepareParamsForPaymentProcessor()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.
preProcessPaymentOptions()  : mixed
Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.
pushUrlToUserContext()  : void
Push path to the userContext (defaults to current url path).
setContactID()  : null|int
Get contact iD for a form object.
setOutputMode()  : mixed
Determine the output mode from the url or input.
setTableAlias()  : string
Set table alias.
setTranslatedFields()  : mixed
Set translated fields.
storeGroupByArray()  : mixed
Store group bys into array - so we can check elsewhere what is grouped.
validateAuthenticatedCheckSumContactID()  : int
Verify that a contact ID is authenticated as a valid contact by checksum
formatReferenceFieldAttributes()  : mixed
preProcessChainSelectFields()  : mixed
Set options and attributes for chain select fields based on the controlling field's value
selectOrAnyPlaceholder()  : string
Handles a repeated bit supplying a placeholder for entity selection
validateChainSelectFields()  : mixed
Validate country / state / county match and suppress unwanted "required" errors



Constants for attributes for various form elements attempt to standardize on the number of variations that we use of the below form elements

public string ATTR_SPACING = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision

public string|int CB_PREFIX = 'mark_x_'


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision

public string|int CB_PREFIX_LEN = 7


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision

public string|int CB_PREFIY = 'mark_y_'


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision

public string|int CB_PREFIZ = 'mark_z_'


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_DATE = 4


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_DATETIME = 5


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_ENTITYREF = 256


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_FLOAT = 8


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_INT = 1


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_MONTH = 128


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_MULTISELECT = 65


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements



Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_SELECT = 64


Operator types - used for displaying filter elements

public mixed OP_STRING = 2


Deprecated constant, Reports should be updated to use the getRowCount function.

public mixed ROW_COUNT_LIMIT = 50



Whether to generate absolute URLs (ex: in report emails).

public bool $_absoluteUrl = \FALSE


(QUASI-PROTECTED) The mode of operation for this form

public int $_action

This field should marked protected and is not generally intended for external callers, but some edge-cases do use it.


public mixed $_columnHeaders = []


DashBoardRowCount Dashboard row count.

public int $_dashBoardRowCount


The default values for the form.

public array<string|int, mixed> $_defaults = []


Report description.

public string $_description


public mixed $_drilldownReport = []


SQL from clause. May be altered by hook_civicrm_alterReportVar.

public string $_from


public mixed $_groupBy = \NULL


public mixed $_having = \NULL


public mixed $_havingClauses = []


Navigation fields

public array<string|int, mixed> $_navigation = []


The set of optional columns in the report

public array<string|int, mixed> $_options = []


public mixed $_orderBy = \NULL


public mixed $_orderByArray = []


public mixed $_orderByFields = []


Available payment processors (IDS).

public array<string|int, mixed> $_paymentProcessorIDs

As part of trying to consolidate various payment pages we store processors here & have functions at this level to manage them. An alternative would be to have a separate Form that is inherited by all forms that allow payment processing.

An array of the IDS available on this form.


public int $_section


public mixed $_select = \NULL


public mixed $_selectClauses = []


SQL where clause. May be altered by hook_civicrm_alterReportVar.

public string $_where


public mixed $_whereClauses = []


What to return to the client if in ajax mode (snippet=json)

public array<string|int, mixed> $ajaxResponse = []


Variables smarty expects to have set.

public array<string|int, string> $expectedSmartyVariables = ['pager', 'skip', 'sections', 'grandStat', 'chartEnabled', 'uniqueId', 'rows', 'group_bys_freq']

We ensure these are assigned (value = NULL) when Smarty is instantiated in order to avoid e-notices / having to use empty or isset in the template layer.


Extra input types we support via the "add" method

public static array<string|int, mixed> $html5Types = ['number', 'url', 'email', 'color']


Is this being called without a form controller (ie. the report is being render outside the normal form - e.g the api is retrieving the rows.

public bool $noController = \FALSE


Can this report use the sql mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.

public bool $optimisedForOnlyFullGroupBy = \TRUE


Are we in print mode. Can be set by another outputMode, ex: sendmail.

public bool $printOnly = \FALSE


public bool $submitOnce = \FALSE


Url path used to reach this page

public array<string|int, mixed> $urlPath = []


Variables to hold the acl inner join and where clause

protected string|null $_aclFrom = \NULL


protected mixed $_aclWhere = \NULL


Name of action button

protected string $_actionButtonName


protected mixed $_add2groupSupported = \TRUE


Is an address field selected.

protected bool $_addressField

This was intended to determine if the address table should be joined in The isTableSelected function is now preferred for this purpose


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_aliases = []


protected mixed $_autoIncludeIndexedFieldsAsOrderBys = 0


protected mixed $_chartButtonName = \NULL


protected int $_chartId


Determines which chart types are supported for this report

protected array<string|int, string> $_charts = []


The set of all columns in the report. An associative array with column name as the key and attributes as the value

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_columns = []


Create new report instance? (or update existing) on save.

protected bool $_createNew


protected mixed $_createNewButtonName = \NULL


protected mixed $_criteriaForm = \FALSE


protected mixed $_csvSupported = \TRUE


Variable to hold the currency alias.

protected string|null $_currencyColumn = \NULL


Object type that a custom group extends

protected null $_customGroupExtends = \NULL


protected mixed $_customGroupExtendsJoin = []


protected mixed $_customGroupFilters = \TRUE


protected mixed $_customGroupGroupBy = \FALSE


protected mixed $_customGroupJoin = 'LEFT JOIN'


Database attributes - character set and collation.

protected string $_databaseAttributes = ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'


Is an email field selected.

protected bool $_emailField

This was intended to determine if the email table should be joined in The isTableSelected function is now preferred for this purpose


By default most reports hide contact id.

protected bool $_exposeContactID = \TRUE

Setting this to true makes it available


The set of filters in the report

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_filters = []


protected mixed $_force = 1


Format of any chart in use.

protected string|null $_format

(it's unclear if this could be merged with outputMode at this stage)


protected mixed $_formValues = \NULL


An attribute for checkbox/radio form field layout

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_fourColumnAttribute = ['</td><td width="25%">', '</td><td width="25%">', '</td><td width="25%">', '</tr><tr><td>']


protected mixed $_grandFlag = \FALSE


protected mixed $_groupButtonName = \NULL


Array of clauses to group by.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_groupByArray = []


To what frequency group-by a date column

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_groupByDateFreq = ['MONTH' => 'Month', 'YEARWEEK' => 'Week', 'QUARTER' => 'Quarter', 'YEAR' => 'Year']


Build groups filter.

protected bool $_groupFilter = \FALSE


protected mixed $_groups = \NULL


The id of the report instance

protected int $_id


protected mixed $_instanceButtonName = \NULL


protected mixed $_instanceForm = \FALSE


protected mixed $_instanceValues = \NULL


protected string $_interval


SQL Limit clause

protected string $_limit = \NULL


This can be set to specify a limit to the number of rows Since it is currently envisaged as part of the api usage it is only being applied when $_output mode is not 'html' or 'group' so as not to have to interpret / mess with that part of the code (see limit() fn.

protected int $_limitValue = \NULL


The name of this form

protected string $_name


List of fields not to be displayed

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_noDisplay = []


protected mixed $_noFields = \FALSE


List of fields not to be repeated during display

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_noRepeats = []


This can be set to specify row offset See notes on _limitValue

protected int $_offsetValue = \NULL


Output mode e.g 'print', 'csv', 'pdf'.

protected string $_outputMode


protected mixed $_params = \NULL


Default or selected processor id.

protected int $_paymentProcessorID

As part of trying to consolidate various payment pages we store processors here & have functions at this level to manage them. An alternative would be to have a separate Form that is inherited by all forms that allow payment processing.


Available payment processors.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_paymentProcessors

As part of trying to consolidate various payment pages we store processors here & have functions at this level to manage them.

An array of payment processor details with objects loaded in the 'object' field.


Is a phone field selected.

protected bool $_phoneField

This was intended to determine if the phone table should be joined in The isTableSelected function is now preferred for this purpose


The renderer used for this form

protected object $_renderer


When _storeResultSet Flag is set use this var to store result set in form of array

protected bool $_resultSet = []


protected mixed $_rollup


The Number of rows to display on screen

protected int $_rowCount


protected mixed $_rowsFound


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_sections = []


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_selectAliases = []


Array of DAO tables having columns included in SELECT or ORDER BY clause.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_selectedTables = []

Where has also been added to this although perhaps the 'includes both' array should have a different name.


protected bool $_sendmail


The state object that this form belongs to

protected object $_state


Set of statistic fields

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_statFields = []


Set of statistics data

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_statistics = []


Flag to indicate if result-set is to be stored in a class variable which could be retrieved using getResultSet() method.

protected bool $_storeResultSet = \FALSE


Build tags filter

protected bool $_tagFilter = \FALSE


specify entity table for tags filter

protected string $_tagFilterTable = 'civicrm_contact'


Cache the smarty template for efficiency reasons

protected static CRM_Core_Smarty $_template


The id of the report template

protected int $_templateID


The report title

protected string $_title


Should we add paging.

protected bool $addPaging = \TRUE


Array of campaign data, populated by calling `$this::addCampaignFields()`

protected array<string|int, mixed> $campaigns = []


Context of the form being loaded.

protected string $context

'event' or null


The log table currently being processed.

protected string $currentLogTable


Values submitted by the user.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $exportedValues = []

These values have been checked for injection per and are as submitted.

Once set this array should be treated as read only.


Array of DAO tables having columns included in WHERE or HAVING clause

protected array<string|int, mixed> $filteredTables


protected mixed $groupConcatTested = \FALSE


Has the report been optimised for group filtering.

protected bool $groupFilterNotOptimised = \TRUE

The functionality for group filtering has been improved but not all reports have been adjusted to take care of it.

This property exists to highlight the reports which are still using the slow method & allow group filtering to still work for them until they can be migrated.

In order to protect extensions we have to default to TRUE - but I have separately marked every class with a groupFilter in the hope that will trigger people to fix them as they touch them.



Table containing list of contact IDs within the group filter.

protected string $groupTempTable = ''


protected mixed $isForceGroupBy = \FALSE


Clause used in the final run of buildQuery but not when doing preliminary work.

protected string $logTypeTableClause

(We do this to all the api to run this report since it doesn't call postProcess).


An instruction not to add a Group By.

protected bool $noGroupBy = \FALSE

This is relevant where the group by might be otherwise added after the code that determines the group by array.

e.g. where stat fields are being added but other settings cause it to not be desirable to add a group by such as in pivot charts when no row header is set


Quick form elements which are conditionally added to the form.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $optionalQuickFormElements = []

Elements in this array will be added to the form at the end if not present so that smarty does not e-notice on things like '{if $}' when 'group' is not added to the form (e.g when no groups exist).


When a grand total row has calculated the status we pop it off to here.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $rollupRow = []

This allows us to access it from the stats function and avoid recalculating.


SQL being run in this report.

protected string $sql

The sql in the report is stored in this variable in order to be displayed on the developer tab.


SQL being run in this report as an array.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $sqlArray

The sql in the report is stored in this variable in order to be returned to api & test calls.


Monetary fields that may be submitted.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $submittableMoneyFields = []

Any fields in this list will be converted to non-localised format if retrieved by getSubmittedValue


Array of tabs to display on report.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $tabs = []

E.g we define the tab title, the tpl and the tab-specific part of the css or html link.

$this->tabs['OrderBy'] = array( 'title' => ts('Sorting'), 'tpl' => 'OrderBy', 'div_label' => 'order-by', );


The name of the temporary table.

protected string $temporaryTableName

Set within $this->buildTemporaryTables


Tables created for the report that need removal afterwards.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $temporaryTables = []

['civicrm_temp_report_x' => ['temporary' => TRUE, 'name' => 'civicrm_temp_report_x']


Indicate if this form should warn users of unsaved changes

protected bool $unsavedChangesWarn


The contact ID that has been authenticated and can be used for checking permissions.

private int $authenticatedContactID

It could be a combination of cid in the url plus a checksum or the logged in user. Importantly it can be used to run permission checks on.


private true $isValidated = \FALSE



Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.

public & add(string $type, string $name[, string $label = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = NULL ][, bool $required = FALSE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra = NULL ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element

Deal with simple validation rules.

$type : string
$name : string
$label : string = ''
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

(options for select elements)

$required : bool = FALSE
$extra : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

(attributes for select elements). For datepicker elements this is consistent with the data from CRM_Utils_Date::getDatePickerExtra





Return values

Could be an error object


Add contact to group.

public add2group(int $groupID) : mixed
$groupID : int


Add address fields.

public addAddressFields([bool $groupBy = TRUE ][, bool $orderBy = FALSE ][, bool $filters = TRUE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $defaults = ['country_id' => TRUE] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
  • use getAddressColumns which is a more accurate description and also accepts an array of options rather than a long list

adding address fields to construct function in reports

$groupBy : bool = TRUE

Add GroupBy? Not appropriate for detail report.

$orderBy : bool = FALSE

Add GroupBy? Not appropriate for detail report.

$filters : bool = TRUE
$defaults : array<string|int, mixed> = ['country_id' => TRUE]
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

address fields for construct clause


public addAutocomplete(string $name[, string $label = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $props = [] ][, bool $required = FALSE ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element
$name : string
$label : string = ''
$props : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$required : bool = FALSE
Return values


Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g

public addAutoSelector([array<string|int, mixed> $profiles = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $autoCompleteField = [] ]) : mixed

{if !empty($selectable)}

$profiles : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Ids of profiles that are on the form (to be autofilled).

$autoCompleteField : array<string|int, mixed> = []
  • name_field
  • id_field
  • url (for ajax lookup)

add data attributes so we can deal with multiple instances on a form


Add bread crumb.

public addBreadCrumb() : mixed


Add default Next / Back buttons.

public addButtons(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : mixed
$params : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of associative arrays in the order in which the buttons should be displayed. The associate array has 3 fields: 'type', 'name' and 'isDefault' The base form class will define a bunch of static arrays for commonly used formats.


Add campaign fields.

public addCampaignFields([string $entityTable = 'civicrm_contribution' ][, bool $groupBy = FALSE ][, bool $orderBy = FALSE ][, bool $filters = TRUE ]) : mixed
$entityTable : string = 'civicrm_contribution'
$groupBy : bool = FALSE

Add GroupBy? Not appropriate for detail report.

$orderBy : bool = FALSE

Add OrderBy? Not appropriate for detail report.

$filters : bool = TRUE


Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.

public addChainSelect(string $elementName[, array<string|int, mixed> $settings = [] ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element
$elementName : string
$settings : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Add chart options to the report.

public addChartOptions() : mixed


public addCheckBox(int $id, string $title, array<string|int, mixed> $values[, null $other = NULL ][, null $attributes = NULL ][, null $required = NULL ][, null $javascriptMethod = NULL ][, string $separator = '<br />' ][, bool $flipValues = FALSE ]) : mixed
$id : int
$title : string
$values : array<string|int, mixed>
$other : null = NULL
$attributes : null = NULL
$required : null = NULL
$javascriptMethod : null = NULL
$separator : string = '<br />'
$flipValues : bool = FALSE


Add the options appropriate to cid = zero - ie. autocomplete

public addCIDZeroOptions() : mixed

there is considerable code duplication between the contribution forms & event forms. It is apparent that small pieces of duplication are not being refactored into separate functions because their only shared parent is this form. Inserting a class FrontEndForm.php between the contribution & event & this class would allow functions like this and a dozen other small ones to be refactored into a shared parent with the reduction of much code duplication


Add one or more css classes to the form.

public addClass(string $className) : mixed
$className : string


Add columns to report.

public addColumns() : mixed


Add currency element to the form.

public addCurrency([string $name = 'currency' ][, string $label = NULL ][, bool $required = TRUE ][, string $defaultCurrency = NULL ][, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE ][, bool $setDefaultCurrency = TRUE ]) : mixed
$name : string = 'currency'
$label : string = NULL
$required : bool = TRUE
$defaultCurrency : string = NULL
$freezeCurrency : bool = FALSE
$setDefaultCurrency : bool = TRUE


Add custom data to the columns.

public addCustomDataToColumns([bool $addFields = TRUE ]) : mixed
$addFields : bool = TRUE


Add date.

public addDate(string $name, string $label[, bool $required = FALSE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = NULL ]) : mixed

Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.

$name : string

Name of the element.

$label : string

Label of the element.

$required : bool = FALSE

True if required.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

Key / value pair.


Add a search for a range using date picker fields.

public addDatePickerRange(string $fieldName, string $label[, bool $isDateTime = FALSE ][, bool $required = FALSE ][, string $fromLabel = 'From' ][, string $toLabel = 'To' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $additionalOptions = [] ][, string $to = '_high' ][, string $from = '_low' ]) : mixed
$fieldName : string
$label : string
$isDateTime : bool = FALSE

Is this a date-time field (not just date).

$required : bool = FALSE
$fromLabel : string = 'From'
$toLabel : string = 'To'
$additionalOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$to : string = '_high'

string to append to the to field.

$from : string = '_low'

string to append to the from field.


public addDateRange(string $name[, string $from = '_from' ][, string $to = '_to' ][, string $label = 'From:' ][, string $dateFormat = 'searchDate' ][, bool $required = FALSE ][, bool $displayTime = FALSE ]) : mixed

Use $this->addDatePickerRange() instead.

$name : string
$from : string = '_from'
$to : string = '_to'
$label : string = 'From:'
$dateFormat : string = 'searchDate'
$required : bool = FALSE
$displayTime : bool = FALSE


Function that will add date and time.

public addDateTime(string $name, string $label[, bool $required = FALSE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = NULL ]) : mixed

Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.

$name : string
$label : string
$required : bool = FALSE
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL


Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit

public addDefaultButtons(string $title[, string $nextType = 'next' ][, string $backType = 'back' ][, bool|string $submitOnce = FALSE ]) : mixed
$title : string

Title of the main button.

$nextType : string = 'next'

Button type for the form after processing.

$backType : string = 'back'
$submitOnce : bool|string = FALSE


Create a single or multiple entity ref field.

public addEntityRef(string $name[, string $label = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $props = [] ][, bool $required = FALSE ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element
$name : string
$label : string = ''
$props : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Mix of html and widget properties, including:.

  • select - params to give to select2 widget
  • entity - defaults to Contact
  • create - can the user create a new entity on-the-fly? Set to TRUE if entity is contact and you want the default profiles, or pass in your own set of links. @see CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getEntityRefCreateLinks for format note that permissions are checked automatically
  • api - array of settings for the getlist api wrapper note that it accepts a 'params' setting which will be passed to the underlying api
  • placeholder - string
  • multiple - bool
  • class, etc. - other html properties
$required : bool = FALSE
Return values


Add an expected smarty variable to the array.

public addExpectedSmartyVariable(string $elementName) : void
$elementName : string


Add an expected smarty variable to the array.

public addExpectedSmartyVariables(array<string|int, mixed> $elementNames) : void
$elementNames : array<string|int, mixed>


Adds a field based on metadata.

public addField(mixed $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $props = [] ][, bool $required = FALSE ][, bool $legacyDate = TRUE ]) : mixed
$name : mixed

Field name to go on the form.

$props : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Mix of html attributes and special properties, namely.

  • entity (api entity name, can usually be inferred automatically from the form class)
  • name (field name - only needed if different from name used on the form)
  • option_url - path to edit this option list - usually retrieved automatically - set to NULL to disable link
  • placeholder - set to NULL to disable
  • multiple - bool
  • context - @see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext
$required : bool = FALSE
$legacyDate : bool = TRUE

Temporary param to facilitate the conversion of fields to use the datepicker in a controlled way. To convert the field the jcalendar code needs to be removed from the tpl as well. That file is intended to be EOL.

Return values

HTML_QuickForm_element void


Add Financial Transaction into From Table if required.

public addFinancialTrxnFromClause() : mixed


Add group by options to the report.

public addGroupBys() : mixed


Add a currency and money element to the form.

public addMoney(string $name, string $label[, bool $required = FALSE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = NULL ][, bool $addCurrency = TRUE ][, string $currencyName = 'currency' ][, string $defaultCurrency = NULL ][, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element
$name : string
$label : string
$required : bool = FALSE
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
$addCurrency : bool = TRUE
$currencyName : string = 'currency'
$defaultCurrency : string = NULL
$freezeCurrency : bool = FALSE
Return values


Add an optional element to the optional elements array.

public addOptionalQuickFormElement(string $elementName) : void

These elements are assigned as empty (null) variables if there is no real field - allowing smarty to use them without notices.

$elementName : string


Add options defined in $this->_options to the report.

public addOptions() : mixed


Add data for order by tab.

public addOrderBys() : mixed


Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form

public addProfileSelector(string $name, string $label, string $allowCoreTypes, string $allowSubTypes, array<string|int, mixed> $entities[, bool $default = FALSE ][, string $usedFor = NULL ]) : mixed
$name : string

HTML form-element name.

$label : string

Printable label.

$allowCoreTypes : string

Only present a UFGroup if its group_type includes a subset of $allowCoreTypes; e.g. 'Individual', 'Activity'.

$allowSubTypes : string

Only present a UFGroup if its group_type is compatible with $allowSubypes.

$entities : array<string|int, mixed>
$default : bool = FALSE


$usedFor : string = NULL


public & addRadio(string $name, string $title, array<string|int, mixed> $values[, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = [] ][, string $separator = NULL ][, bool $required = FALSE ][, array<string|int, mixed> $optionAttributes = [] ]) : HTML_QuickForm_group
$name : string
$title : string
$values : array<string|int, mixed>
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$separator : string = NULL
$required : bool = FALSE
$optionAttributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []
  • Option specific attributes
Return values


This is a virtual function that adds group and global rules to the form.

public addRules() : mixed

Keeping it distinct from the form to keep code small and localized in the form building code


Adds a select based on field metadata.

public addSelect(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $props = [] ][, bool $required = FALSE ]) : HTML_QuickForm_Element

TODO: This could be even more generic and widget type (select in this case) could also be read from metadata Perhaps a method like $form->bind($name) which would look up all metadata for named field

$name : string

Field name to go on the form.

$props : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Mix of html attributes and special properties, namely.

  • entity (api entity name, can usually be inferred automatically from the form class)
  • field (field name - only needed if different from name used on the form)
  • option_url - path to edit this option list - usually retrieved automatically - set to NULL to disable link
  • placeholder - set to NULL to disable
  • multiple - bool
  • context - @see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext
$required : bool = FALSE
Return values


Add actions menu to results form.

public addTaskMenu(array<string|int, mixed> $tasks) : mixed
$tasks : array<string|int, mixed>


The intent is to add a tab for developers to view the sql.

public addToDeveloperTab(string $sql) : void

Currently using dpm.

$sql : string


public addUploadElement(array<string|int, string>|string $elementName) : mixed
$elementName : array<string|int, string>|string


public addYesNo(string $id, string $title[, bool $allowClear = FALSE ][, bool $required = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = [] ]) : mixed
$id : string
$title : string
$allowClear : bool = FALSE
$required : bool = NULL
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Sets form attribute.

public allowAjaxSubmit() : mixed



Alter the way in which custom data fields are displayed.

public alterCustomDataDisplay(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>


Alter display of rows.

public alterDisplay(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed

Iterate through the rows retrieved via SQL and make changes for display purposes, such as rendering contacts as links.

$rows : array<string|int, mixed>

Rows generated by SQL, with an array for each row.


Do AlterDisplay processing on Address Fields.

public alterDisplayAddressFields(array<string|int, mixed> &$row, array<string|int, mixed> &$rows, int &$rowNum, string|null $baseUrl, string|null $linkText[, string $separator = ',' ]) : bool

If there are multiple address field values then on basis of provided separator the code values are translated into respective labels

$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>
$rowNum : int
$baseUrl : string|null
$linkText : string|null
$separator : string = ','
Return values


Do AlterDisplay processing on Address Fields.

public alterDisplayContactFields(array<string|int, mixed> &$row, array<string|int, mixed> &$rows, int &$rowNum, string|null $baseUrl, string|null $linkText) : bool
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>
$rowNum : int
$baseUrl : string|null
$linkText : string|null
Return values


CRM-17793 - Alter DateTime section header to group by date from the datetime field.

public alterSectionHeaderForDateTime(string $tempTable, string $columnName) : mixed
$tempTable : string
$columnName : string


Appends values to template variables.

public append(array<string|int, mixed>|string $tpl_var[, mixed $value = NULL ][, bool $merge = FALSE ]) : mixed
$tpl_var : array<string|int, mixed>|string

the template variable name(s)

$value : mixed = NULL

The value to append.

$merge : bool = FALSE


Assign value to name in template.

public assign(string $var[, mixed $value = NULL ]) : mixed
$var : string

Name of variable.

$value : mixed = NULL

Value of variable.


Assign value to name in template by reference.

public assign_by_ref(string $var, mixed &$value) : mixed

since 5.72 will be removed around 5.84

$var : string

Name of variable.

$value : mixed

Value of variable.


Assign billing name to the template.

public assignBillingName([array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : string
$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Form input params, default to $this->_params.

Return values


Assign billing type id to bltID.

public assignBillingType() : mixed


Assign an array of variables to the form/tpl

public assignVariables(array<string|int, mixed> $values, array<string|int, mixed> $keys) : mixed
$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of [key => value] to assign to the form

$keys : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of keys to assign from the values array


Post Processing function for Form.

public beginPostProcess() : mixed

postProcessCommon should be used to set other variables from input as the api accesses that function. This function is not accessed when the api calls the report.


Common processing, also via api/unit tests.

public beginPostProcessCommon() : mixed


Build contact acl clause

public buildACLClause([string $tableAlias = 'contact_a' ]) : mixed

in favor of buildPermissionClause

Note that if the buildPermissionClause function is called (which most reports do from buildQuery then the results of this function are re-calculated and overwritten.

$tableAlias : string = 'contact_a'


Build chart.

public buildChart(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>


Core function that builds the form.

public buildForm() : mixed

We redefine this function here and expect all CRM forms to build their form in the function buildQuickForm.


Adds group filters to _columns (called from _Construct).

public buildGroupFilter() : mixed


Create a table of the contact ids included by the group filter.

public buildGroupTempTable() : void

This function is called by both the api (tests) and the UI.



This adds the tab referred to as Title and Format, rendered through Instance.tpl.

public buildInstanceAndButtons() : mixed

call this tab into the report template in the same way as OrderBy etc, ie by adding a description of the tab to $this->tabs, causing the tab to be added in Criteria.tpl.


Build the permission clause for all entities in this report

public buildPermissionClause() : mixed


Build the report query.

public buildQuery([bool $applyLimit = TRUE ]) : string

We override this in order to be able to run from the api.

$applyLimit : bool = TRUE
Return values


Main build form function.

public buildQuickForm() : mixed


Build output rows.

public buildRows(string $sql, array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed
$sql : string
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>


Build the tag filter field to display on the filters tab.

public buildTagFilter() : mixed


Function that can be defined in Form to override or.

public cancelAction() : mixed

perform specific action on cancel action


public canUseAjaxContactLookups() : bool
Return values


Remove any temporary tables.

public cleanUpTemporaryTables() : mixed


Compile the report content.

public compileContent() : string

Although this function is super-short it is useful to keep separate so it can be over-ridden by report classes.

Return values


Add count statistics.

public countStat(array<string|int, mixed> &$statistics, int $count) : mixed
$statistics : array<string|int, mixed>
$count : int


Create a temporary table.

public createTemporaryTable(string $identifier, string $sql[, bool $isColumns = FALSE ][, bool $isMemory = FALSE ]) : string

This function creates a table AND adds the details to the developer tab & $this->>temporary tables.

$identifier : string

This is the key that will be used for the table in the temporaryTables property.

$sql : string

Sql select statement or column description (the latter requires the columns flag)

$isColumns : bool = FALSE

Is the sql describing columns to create (rather than using a select query).

$isMemory : bool = FALSE

Create a memory table rather than a normal INNODB table.

Return values


A form rule function for custom data.

public customDataFormRule(array<string|int, mixed> $fields[, array<string|int, mixed> $ignoreFields = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The rule ensures that fields selected in group_by if any) should only be the ones present in display/select fields criteria; note: works if and only if any custom field selected in group_by.

$fields : array<string|int, mixed>
$ignoreFields : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Build custom data from clause.

public customDataFrom([bool $joinsForFiltersOnly = FALSE ]) : mixed
$joinsForFiltersOnly : bool = FALSE

Only include joins to support filters. This would be used if creating a table of contacts to include first.


Get SQL where clause for a date field.

public dateClause(string $fieldName, string $relative, string $from, string $to[, string $type = NULL ][, string $fromTime = NULL ][, string $toTime = NULL ]) : null|string
$fieldName : string
$relative : string
$from : string
$to : string
$type : string = NULL
$fromTime : string = NULL
$toTime : string = NULL
Return values


Assign rows to the template.

public doTemplateAssignment(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>


End post processing.

public endPostProcess([array<string|int, mixed>|null &$rows = NULL ]) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>|null = NULL


Error reporting mechanism.

public error(string $message[, int $code = NULL ][, CRM_Core_DAO $dao = NULL ]) : mixed
$message : string

Error Message.

$code : int = NULL

Error Code.

$dao : CRM_Core_DAO = NULL

A data access object on which we perform a rollback if non - empty.


Filter statistics.

public filterStat(array<string|int, mixed> &$statistics) : mixed
$statistics : array<string|int, mixed>


Adjusts dates passed in to YEAR() for fiscal year.

public fiscalYearOffset(string $fieldName) : string
$fieldName : string
Return values


Fix subtotal display.

public fixSubTotalDisplay(array<string|int, mixed> &$row, array<string|int, mixed> $fields[, bool $subtotal = TRUE ]) : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$fields : array<string|int, mixed>
$subtotal : bool = TRUE


Format display output.

public formatDisplay(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows[, bool $pager = TRUE ]) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>
$pager : bool = TRUE


Get the variable from the form scope.

public get(string $name) : mixed
$name : string

Name of the variable


Returns an array containing template variables.

public get_template_vars([string $name = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

since 5.69 will be removed around 5.93. use getTemplateVars.

$name : string = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Getter for action.

public getAction() : int|null
Return values


Get the authenticated contact ID.

public getAuthenticatedContactID() : int

This is either

  • a contact ID authenticated by checksum
  • the logged in user
  • 0 for none.
Return values


Get a standard set of contact fields.

public getBasicContactFields() : array<string|int, mixed>
  • use getColumns('Contact') instead
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get a standard set of contact filters.

public getBasicContactFilters([array<string|int, mixed> $defaults = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$defaults : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public getCompleteTitle() : string
Return values


Get the contact id that the form is being submitted for.

public getContactID() : int|null
Return values


public getContext() : string
Return values


Get the currency for the form.

public getCurrency() : string
Return values


Classes extending CRM_Core_Form should implement this method.

public getDefaultContext() : mixed

TODO: Merge with CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext($context) and add validation.



Classes extending CRM_Core_Form should implement this method.

public getDefaultEntity() : mixed


Getter for $_defaultValues.

public getDefaultValues() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get element from group.

public getElementFromGroup(string $group, string $grpFieldName) : object|bool
$group : string
$grpFieldName : string
Return values


Get entity action.

public getEntityAction(int $id, int $connId, mixed $entity, mixed $oldAction) : null|string
$id : int
$connId : int
$entity : mixed
$oldAction : mixed
Return values


Get entity value.

public getEntityValue(int $id, mixed $entity, mixed $logDate) : mixed|null|string
$id : int
$entity : mixed
$logDate : mixed
Return values


Get values for from and to for date ranges.

public getFromTo(bool $relative, string $from, string $to[, string $fromTime = NULL ][, string $toTime = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$relative : bool
$from : string
$to : string
$fromTime : string = NULL
$toTime : string = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.

public getHookedTemplateFileName() : mixed

This includes calling the hook to prevent us from having to copy & paste the logic of calling the hook.


Getter for $_id.

public getID() : int
Return values


Get all labels for fields that are used in a group concat.

public getLabels(string $options, string $baoName, string $fieldName) : mixed
$options : string

comma separated option values.

$baoName : string

The BAO name for the field.

$fieldName : string

The name of the field for which labels should be retrieved.

return string


Get the contact id of the logged in user.

public getLoggedInUserContactID() : int|false
Return values


Get log type.

public getLogType(string $entity) : string
$entity : string
Return values


Getter function for Name.

public getName() : string
Return values


Get operators to display on form.

public getOperationPair([int|string $type = "string" ][, string $fieldName = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Note: $fieldName param allows inheriting class to build operationPairs specific to a field.

$type : int|string = "string"
$fieldName : string = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get any quick-form elements that may not be present in the form.

public getOptionalQuickFormElements() : array<string|int, mixed>

To make life simpler for smarty we ensure they are set to null rather than unset. This is done at the last minute when $this is converted to an array to be assigned to the form.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Getter for _outputMode

public getOutputMode() : string

Note you can implement hook_civicrm_alterReportVar('actions', ...) which indirectly allows setting _outputMode if the user chooses your action.

Return values


Getter for $_params.

public getParams() : void|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
void|array<string|int, mixed>



public getPaymentProcessorID() : int|null
Return values


Get phone columns to add to array.

public getPhoneColumns([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
  • prefix Prefix to add to table (in case of more than one instance of the table)
  • prefix_label Label to give columns from this phone table instance
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

phone columns definition


Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)

public getProfileDefaults([mixed $profile_id = 'Billing' ][, int $contactID = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$profile_id : mixed = 'Billing'

(can be id, or profile name).

$contactID : int = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Getter for report footer form field value

public getReportFooter() : string
Return values


Getter for report header form field value

public getReportHeader() : string
Return values


Get the sql used to generate the report.

public getReportSql() : string
Return values


Get the contact ID that has been requested (via url or form value).

public getRequestedContactID() : int|null

Ideally the forms would override this so only the cid in the url would be checked in the shared form function.

Return values


Get result set.

public getResultSet() : bool
Return values


Get label for show results buttons.

public getResultsLabel() : string
Return values


public getRootTitle() : null
Return values


Get the number of rows to show

public getRowCount() : int
Return values


Get an array of the columns that have been selected for display.

public getSelectColumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get SQL operator from form text version.

public getSQLOperator([string $operator = "like" ]) : string
$operator : string = "like"
Return values


Getter function for State.

public & getState() : object
Return values


Getter function for StateType.

public getStateType() : int
Return values


Get value submitted by the user.

public getSubmittedValue(string $fieldName) : mixed|null

These values have been validated against the fields added to the form. unless the function is being called during before the submission has been validated. In which the values are not yet validated & hence taking directly from $_POST.

Fields with money or number formats are converted from localised formats before returning.

$fieldName : string
Return values


Get values submitted by the user.

public getSubmittedValues() : array<string|int, mixed>

Compared with $this->controller->exportValues this has a couple of changes

  1. any fields declared in $this->submittableMoneyFields will be de-formatted first.
  2. it is possible to store access fields from related forms if they are declared in getSubmittableFields(). This is notably used in imports to combine fields from the various screens & save the resulting 'submitted_values' to the UserJob.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use the form name to create the tpl file name.

public getTemplateFileName() : string
Return values


Get the value/s assigned to the Template Engine (Smarty).

public getTemplateVars([string|null $name = NULL ]) : mixed
$name : string|null = NULL


Getter function for title.

public getTitle() : string

Should be over-ridden by derived class.

Return values


Get the active UFGroups (profiles) on this form Many forms load one or more UFGroups (profiles).

public getUFGroupIDs() : array<string|int, mixed>

This provides a standard function to retrieve the IDs of those profiles from the form so that you can implement things such as "is is_captcha field set on any of the active profiles on this form?"


Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public getVar(string $name) : mixed
  • use of this function assumes that an otherwise unavailable variable can be used form outside the class in question. However, the very fact it is otherwise unavailable means there is no contract that it will not be changed or become unused. This function is OK for temporary usage but should be accompanied with an effort to establish a more correct method or property tested hook / api interface if this is being done from outside of core.
$name : string


Calculate grant total.

public grandTotal(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : bool
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Add group by statistics.

public groupByStat(array<string|int, mixed> &$statistics) : mixed
$statistics : array<string|int, mixed>


Check if the field is selected.

public isFieldSelected(string $prop) : bool
$prop : string
Return values


Is the form in edit mode.

public isFormInEditMode() : bool

Helper function, notably for extensions implementing the buildForm hook, so that they can return early.

Return values


Is the form in view mode.

public isFormInViewMode() : bool

Helper function, notably for extensions implementing the buildForm hook, so that they can return early.

Return values


Check if table name has columns in WHERE or HAVING clause.

public isTableFiltered(string $tableName) : bool
$tableName : string

Name of table (index of $this->_columns array).

Return values


Check if table name has columns in SELECT clause.

public isTableSelected(string $tableName) : bool
$tableName : string

Name of table (index of $this->_columns array).

Return values


Join the temp table contacting contacts who are members of the filtered groups.

public joinGroupTempTable(string $baseTable, string $field, string $tableAlias) : mixed

If we are using an IN filter we use an inner join, otherwise a left join.

$baseTable : string
$field : string
$tableAlias : string


Build a group filter with contempt for large data sets.

public legacySlowGroupFilterClause(array<string|int, mixed> $field, mixed $value, string $op) : string

This function has been retained as it takes time to migrate the reports over to the new method which will not crash on large datasets.

$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$op : string
Return values


Set limit.

public limit([int|null $rowCount = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$rowCount : int|null = NULL
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Main process wrapper.

public mainProcess([bool $allowAjax = TRUE ]) : mixed

Implemented so that we can call all the hook functions.

$allowAjax : bool = TRUE

FIXME: This feels kind of hackish, ideally we would take the json-related code from this function. and bury it deeper down in the controller


Modify column headers.

public modifyColumnHeaders() : mixed


Move totals columns to the right edge of the table.

public moveSummaryColumnsToTheRightHandSide() : mixed

It seems like a more logical layout to have any totals columns on the far right regardless of the location of the rest of their table.


Build order by clause.

public orderBy() : mixed


Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.

public overrideExtraTemplateFileName() : string

i.e. we do not override.

Return values


Post process function.

public postProcess() : mixed


The postProcess hook is typically called by the framework.

public postProcessHook() : mixed

However in a few cases, the form exits or redirects early in which case it needs to call this function so other modules can do the needful Calling this function directly should be avoided if possible. In general a better way is to do setUserContext so the framework does the redirect


Pre process function.

public preProcess() : mixed

Called prior to build form.


Shared pre-process function.

public preProcessCommon() : mixed

If overriding preProcess function this should still be called.



Check for empty order_by configurations and remove them.

public preProcessOrderBy(array<string|int, mixed> &$formValues) : mixed

Also set template to hide them.

$formValues : array<string|int, mixed>


Sets form attribute.

public preventAjaxSubmit() : mixed



Set output mode.

public processReportMode() : mixed


Register a field with quick form as supporting a file upload.

public registerFileField(array<string|int, mixed> $fieldNames) : void
$fieldNames : array<string|int, mixed>


Register all the standard rules that most forms potentially use.

public registerRules() : mixed


Remove duplicate rows.

public removeDuplicates(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : mixed
$rows : array<string|int, mixed>


public removeFileRequiredRules(mixed $elementName) : mixed
$elementName : mixed


public resetValues() : mixed


Has this form been submitted already?

public resultsDisplayed() : bool
Return values


Calculate section totals.

public sectionTotals() : mixed

When "order by" fields are marked as sections, this assigns to the template an array of total counts for each section. This data is used by the Smarty plugin {sectionTotal}.


Generate the SELECT clause and set class variable $_select.

public select() : mixed


Adjust query for the activity_contact table.

public selectClause(string &$tableName, string $tableKey, string &$fieldName, string &$field) : string

As this is just a join table the ID we REALLY care about is the activity id.

$tableName : string
$tableKey : string
$fieldName : string
$field : string
Return values


Fetch array of DAO tables having columns included in SELECT or ORDER BY clause.

public selectedTables() : array<string|int, mixed>

If the array is unset it will be built.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>



Add location tables to the query if they are used for filtering.

public selectivelyAddLocationTablesJoinsToFilterQuery() : mixed

This is for when we are running the query separately for filtering and retrieving display fields.


Send report by email

public sendEmail() : mixed


Store the variable with the value in the form scope.

public set(string $name, mixed $value) : mixed
$name : string

Name of the variable.

$value : mixed

Value of the variable.


Setter for action.

public setAction(int $action) : mixed
$action : int

The mode we want to set the form.


Setter for $addPaging.

public setAddPaging(bool $value) : mixed
$value : bool


Set context variable.

public setContext() : mixed


Set default values.

public setDefaultValues([bool $freeze = TRUE ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$freeze : bool = TRUE
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Apply common settings to entityRef fields.

public setEntityRefDefaults(array<string|int, mixed> &$field, string $table) : mixed
$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$table : string


Setter for $_force.

public setForce(bool $isForce) : mixed
$isForce : bool


Set the base table for the FROM clause.

public setFromBase(string $baseTable[, string $field = 'id' ][, string|null $tableAlias = NULL ]) : mixed

Sets up the from clause, allowing for the possibility it might be a temp table pre-filtered by groups if a group filter is in use.

$baseTable : string
$field : string = 'id'
$tableAlias : string|null = NULL


Setter for $_id.

public setID(int $instanceID) : mixed
$instanceID : int


Setter for $_limitValue.

public setLimitValue(int $_limitValue) : mixed
$_limitValue : int


Setter for $_offsetValue.

public setOffsetValue(int $_offsetValue) : mixed
$_offsetValue : int


Setter function for options.

public setOptions(mixed $options) : mixed
$options : mixed


Retrieve a suitable object from the factory depending on the report parameters, which typically might just be dependent on outputMode.

public setOutputHandler() : void

If there is no suitable output handler, e.g. if outputMode is "copy", then this sets it to NULL.


Set pager.

public setPager([int|null $rowCount = NULL ]) : mixed
$rowCount : int|null = NULL


Sets page title based on entity and action.

public setPageTitle([string|null $entityLabel = NULL ]) : void
$entityLabel : string|null = NULL


Setter for $_params.

public setParams(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : mixed
$params : array<string|int, mixed>


public setPurifiedDefaults(mixed $defaults) : mixed
$defaults : mixed


set the number of rows to show

public setRowCount(int $rowCount) : void
$rowCount : int


Set the active tab

public setSelectedChild([string $default = NULL ]) : mixed
$default : string = NULL



Setter function for title.

public setTitle(string $title) : mixed
$title : string

The title of the form.


public setVar(string $name, mixed $value) : mixed
  • use of this function assumes that an otherwise unavailable variable can be used form outside the class in question. However, the very fact it is otherwise unavailable means there is no contract that it will not be changed or become unused. This function is OK for temporary usage but should be accompanied with an effort to establish a more correct method or property tested hook / api interface if this is being done from outside of core.
$name : string
$value : mixed


Build report statistics.

public statistics(array<string|int, mixed> &$rows) : array<string|int, mixed>

Override this method to build your own statistics.

$rows : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Extract order by fields and store as an array.

public storeOrderByArray() : mixed

In some cases other functions want to know which fields are selected for ordering by Separating this into a separate function allows it to be called separately from constructing the order by clause


Set store result set indicator to TRUE.

public storeResultSet() : mixed

This is used by unit tests, along with getResultSet(), to get just the output rows unformatted.


Store Where clauses into an array.

public storeWhereHavingClauseArray() : mixed

Breaking out this step makes over-riding more flexible as the clauses can be used in constructing a temp table that may not be part of the final where clause or added in other functions


Render form and return contents.

public toSmarty() : string
Return values


Determine unselected columns.

public unselectedOrderByColumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Determine unselected columns.

public unselectedSectionColumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Performs the server side validation.

public validate() : bool
Return values

true if no error found


Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.

public static validateMandatoryFields(array<string|int, mixed> $fields, array<string|int, mixed> $values, array<string|int, mixed> &$errors) : mixed

Typically called within the scope of a FormRule function

$fields : array<string|int, mixed>
$values : array<string|int, mixed>
$errors : array<string|int, mixed>


Generate where clause.

public whereClause(array<string|int, mixed> &$field, string $op, mixed $value, float $min, float $max) : null|string

This can be overridden in reports for special treatment of a field

$field : array<string|int, mixed>

Field specifications

$op : string

Query operator (not an exact match to sql)

$value : mixed
$min : float
$max : float
Return values


Build where clause for groups.

public whereGroupClause(array<string|int, mixed> $field, mixed $value, string $op) : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$op : string
Return values


Generate membership organization clause.

public whereMembershipOrgClause(mixed $value, string $op) : string
$value : mixed
$op : string

SQL Operator

Return values


Generate Membership Type SQL Clause.

public whereMembershipTypeClause(mixed $value, string $op) : string
$value : mixed
$op : string
Return values

SQL query string


Get SQL where clause for contact subtypes

public whereSubtypeClause(array<string|int, mixed> $field, mixed $value, string $op) : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>

Field specifications

$value : mixed
$op : string

SQL Operator

Return values


Build where clause for tags.

public whereTagClause(array<string|int, mixed> $field, mixed $value, string $op) : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$op : string
Return values


Add a basic field to the select clause.

protected addBasicFieldToSelect(string $tableName, string $fieldName, array<string|int, mixed> $field, array<string|int, mixed> $select) : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
$fieldName : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$select : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Add link fields to the row.

protected addLinkToRow(array<string|int, mixed> &$row, string $baseUrl, string $linkText, string $value, string $fieldName, string $tablePrefix, string $fieldLabel) : mixed

Function adds the _link & _hover fields to the row.

$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$baseUrl : string
$linkText : string
$value : string
$fieldName : string
$tablePrefix : string
$fieldLabel : string


Add statistics columns.

protected addStatisticsToSelect(array<string|int, mixed> $field, string $tableName, string $fieldName, array<string|int, mixed> $select) : array<string|int, mixed>

If a group by is in play then add columns for the statistics fields.

This would lead to a new field in the $row such as $fieldName_sum and a new, matching column header field.

$field : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
$fieldName : string
$select : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


protected alterBoolean(mixed $value) : mixed
$value : mixed


protected alterCommunicationtMethod(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $fieldname) : mixed
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$fieldname : mixed


protected alterContactID(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $fieldname) : mixed
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$fieldname : mixed


protected alterCountryID(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $selectedField, mixed $criteriaFieldName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$selectedField : mixed
$criteriaFieldName : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


protected alterCountyID(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $selectedfield, mixed $criteriaFieldName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$selectedfield : mixed
$criteriaFieldName : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


protected alterLocationTypeID(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $selectedfield, mixed $criteriaFieldName) : mixed
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$selectedfield : mixed
$criteriaFieldName : mixed


protected alterStateProvinceID(mixed $value, array<string|int, mixed> &$row, mixed $selectedfield, mixed $criteriaFieldName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$value : mixed
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$selectedfield : mixed
$criteriaFieldName : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.

protected assignPaymentProcessor(bool $isPayLaterEnabled) : mixed

It would be good to sync it with the back-end function on abstractEditPayment & use one everywhere.

$isPayLaterEnabled : bool


Function to assign the tabs to the template in the correct order.

protected assignTabs() : mixed

We want the tabs to wind up in this order (if not overridden).

  • Field Selection
  • Group Bys
  • Order Bys
  • Other Options
  • Filters


Build the columns.

protected buildColumns(array<string|int, mixed> $specs, string $tableName[, string $daoName = NULL ][, string $tableAlias = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $defaults = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The normal report class needs you to remember to do a few things that are often erratic

  1. use a unique key for any field that might not be unique (e.g. start date, label)
  • this class will prepend an alias to the key & set the 'name' if you don't set it yourself. You can suppress the alias with 'no_field_disambiguation' if transitioning existing reports. This means any saved filters / fields on saved report instances. This will mean that matching names from different tables may be ambigious, but it will smooth any code transition.
  • note that it assumes the value being passed in is the actual table field name
  1. set the field & set it to no display if you don't want the field but you might want to use the field in other contexts - the code looks up the fields array for data - so it both defines the field spec & the fields you want to show

  2. this function also sets the 'metadata' array - the extended report class now uses this in place of the fields array to reduce the issues caused when metadata is needed but 'fields' are not defined. Code in the core classes can start to move towards that.

$specs : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
$daoName : string = NULL
$tableAlias : string = NULL
$defaults : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Build the temporary tables for the query.

protected buildTemporaryTables() : mixed


Execute query and add it to the developer tab.

protected executeReportQuery(string $query[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : CRM_Core_DAO|object
$query : string
$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.

protected formatParamsForPaymentProcessor(array<string|int, mixed> $fields) : array<string|int, mixed>

In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.

$fields : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Generate clause for the selected filter.

protected generateFilterClause(array<string|int, mixed> $field, string $fieldName) : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>

Field specification

$fieldName : string

Field name.

Return values

Relevant where clause.


Get the actions for this report instance.

protected getActions(int $instanceId) : array<string|int, mixed>
$instanceId : int
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get address columns to add to array.

protected getAddressColumns([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
  • prefix Prefix to add to table (in case of more than one instance of the table)
  • prefix_label Label to give columns from this address table instance
  • group_bys enable these fields for group by - default false
  • order_bys enable these fields for order by
  • filters enable these fields for filtering
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

address columns definition


Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.

protected getApiAction() : mixed

Used by addField method.

Return string


Get the contact ID authenticated as a valid by checksum.

protected getAuthenticatedCheckSumContactID() : int
Return values


Function to add columns to reports.

protected getColumns(string $type[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is ported from extended reports, which also adds join filters to the options.

$type : string
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
  • prefix - A string to prepend to the table name
  • prefix_label A string to prepend to the fields
  • fields (bool) - should the fields for this table be made available
  • group_by (bool) - should the group bys for this table be made available.
  • order_by (bool) - should the group bys for this table be made available.
  • filters (bool) - should the filters for this table by made available.
  • fields_defaults (array) array of fields that should be displayed by default.
  • filters_defaults (array) array of fields that should be filtered by default.
  • join_filters (array) fields available for filtering joins (requires additional custom code).
  • join_fields (array) fields available from join (requires additional custom code).
  • group_by_defaults (array) array of group bys that should be applied by default.
  • order_by_defaults (array) array of order bys that should be applied by default.
  • custom_fields (array) array of entity types for custom fields (not usually required).
  • contact_type (string) optional restriction on contact type for some tables.
  • fields_excluded (array) fields that are in the generic set for the table but not in the report.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get columns for contact table.

protected getContactColumns([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the contact if from the url, using the checksum or the cid if it is the logged in user.

protected getContactIDIfAccessingOwnRecord() : int|false

use getAuthenticatedContactID()

This function returns the user being validated. It is not intended to get another user they have permission to (setContactID does do that) and can be used to check if the user is accessing their own record.

Return values


protected getDefaultsFromOptions(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Override this in a subclass to prevent fields intended to contain "raw html" from getting broken. E.g. system message templates

protected getFieldsToExcludeFromPurification() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the select clause for a field, wrapping in GROUP_CONCAT if appropriate.

protected getSelectClauseWithGroupConcatIfNotGroupedBy(string $tableName, string &$fieldName, array<string|int, mixed> &$field) : string

Full group by mode dictates that a field must either be in the group by function or wrapped in a aggregate function. Here we wrap the field in GROUP_CONCAT if it is not in the group concat.

$tableName : string
$fieldName : string
$field : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Get the fields that can be submitted in this form flow.

protected getSubmittableFields() : array<string|int, string>

To make fields in related forms (ie within the same wizard like Contribution_Main and Contribution_Confirm) accessible you can override this function as CRM_Import_Forms does.

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Handle pre approval for processors.

protected handlePreApproval(array<string|int, mixed> &$params) : mixed

This fits with the flow where a pre-approval is done and then confirmed in the next stage when confirm is hit.

This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.

However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.

$params : array<string|int, mixed>


Check if the field is used as a filter.

protected isFieldFiltered(string $prop) : bool
$prop : string
Return values


Is the form in view or edit mode.

protected isFormInViewOrEditMode() : bool

The 'addField' function relies on the form action being one of a set list of actions. Checking for these allows for an early return.

Return values


Add Address into From Table if required.

protected joinAddressFromContact([string $prefix = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra = [] ]) : mixed

Prefix will be added to both tables as it is assumed you are using it to get address of a secondary contact.

$prefix : string = ''
$extra : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Additional options. Not currently used in core but may be used in override extensions.


Add Country into From Table if required.

protected joinCountryFromAddress([string $prefix = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra = [] ]) : mixed

Prefix will be added to both tables as it is assumed you are using it to get address of a secondary contact.

$prefix : string = ''
$extra : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Additional options. Not currently used in core but may be used in override extensions.


Add Email into From Table if required.

protected joinEmailFromContact([string $prefix = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra = [] ]) : mixed

Prefix will be added to both tables as it is assumed you are using it to get address of a secondary contact.

$prefix : string = ''
$extra : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Additional options. Not currently used in core but may be used in override extensions.


Add Phone into From Table if required.

protected joinPhoneFromContact([string $prefix = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra = [] ]) : mixed

Prefix will be added to both tables as it is assumed you are using it to get address of a secondary contact.

$prefix : string = ''
$extra : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Additional options. Not currently used in core but may be used in override extensions.


Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.

protected prepareParamsForPaymentProcessor(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : array<string|int, mixed>

In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.

$params : array<string|int, mixed>

Payment processor params

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>



Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.

protected preProcessPaymentOptions() : mixed

This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.

However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.

This function overlaps assignPaymentProcessor, in a bad way.


Push path to the userContext (defaults to current url path).

protected pushUrlToUserContext([string|null $path = NULL ]) : void

This is like a save point :-). The next status bounce will return the browser to this url unless another is added.

$path : string|null = NULL

Path string e.g. civicrm/foo/bar?reset=1, defaults to current path.


Get contact iD for a form object.

protected setContactID() : null|int

This checks the requestedContactID and returns it if

  • it is the number 0 (relevant for online contribution & event forms).
  • it is the logged in user
  • it is validated by a checksum in the url.
  • it is a contact that the logged in user has permission to view

Failing that it returns the logged in user, if any. This is may be useful for users taking actions from their contact dashboard (although usually one of the variants above would be hit).

Return values


Determine the output mode from the url or input.

protected setOutputMode() : mixed

Output could be

  • pdf : Render as pdf
  • csv : Render as csv
  • print : Render in print format
  • save : save the report and display the new report
  • copy : save the report as a new instance and display that.
  • group : go to the add to group screen.

Potentially chart variations could also be included but the complexity is that we might print a bar chart as a pdf.


Set table alias.

protected setTableAlias(array<string|int, mixed> $table, string $tableName) : string
$table : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
Return values

Alias for table.


Set translated fields.

protected setTranslatedFields() : mixed

This function is called from the class constructor, allowing us to set fields on the class that can't be set as properties due to need for translation or other non-input specific handling.


Store group bys into array - so we can check elsewhere what is grouped.

protected storeGroupByArray() : mixed


Verify that a contact ID is authenticated as a valid contact by checksum

protected validateAuthenticatedCheckSumContactID(int|null $contactID) : int
$contactID : int|null
Return values


private formatReferenceFieldAttributes(array<string|int, mixed> &$props, string $formName) : mixed
$props : array<string|int, mixed>
$formName : string


Set options and attributes for chain select fields based on the controlling field's value

private preProcessChainSelectFields() : mixed


Handles a repeated bit supplying a placeholder for entity selection

private static selectOrAnyPlaceholder(string $props, bool $required[, string $title = NULL ]) : string
$props : string

The field properties, including the entity and context.

$required : bool

If the field is required.

$title : string = NULL

A field title, if applicable.

Return values

The placeholder text.


Validate country / state / county match and suppress unwanted "required" errors

private validateChainSelectFields() : mixed
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