
in package

Class Civi

The "Civi" class provides a facade for accessing major subsystems, such as the service-container and settings manager. It serves as a bridge which allows procedural code to access important objects.

General principles:

  • Each function provides access to a major subsystem.
  • Each function performs a simple lookup.
  • Each function returns an interface.
  • Whenever possible, interfaces should be well-known (e.g. based on a standard or well-regarded provider).

Table of Contents


$statics  : array<string|int, mixed>
A central location for static variable storage.


cache()  : CRM_Utils_Cache_Interface
Retrieve a named cache instance.
contactSettings()  : SettingsBag
Obtain the contact's personal settings.
container()  : ContainerInterface
Get the service container.
dispatcher()  : CiviEventDispatcherInterface
Get the event dispatcher.
entity()  : EntityProvider
Get the canonical entityProvider for a given entity type.
format()  : Format
Obtain the formatting object.
lockManager()  : LockManager
log()  : LoggerInterface
Find or create a logger.
paths()  : Paths
Obtain the core file/path mapper.
pipe()  : void
Initiate a bidirectional pipe for exchanging a series of multiple API requests.
queue()  : CRM_Queue_Queue
Fetch a queue object.
reset()  : mixed
Reset all ephemeral system state, e.g. statics, singletons, containers.
resources()  : CRM_Core_Resources
schemaHelper()  : SchemaHelperInterface
Get the schema-helper for CiviCRM (core-core).
service()  : mixed
Fetch a service from the container.
settings()  : SettingsBag
Obtain the domain settings.
table()  : EntityProvider
Get the canonical entityProvider for a given entity table.
url()  : Url
Construct a URL based on a logical service address. For example:



A central location for static variable storage.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $statics = []
`Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['foo'] = 'bar';



Retrieve a named cache instance.

public static cache([string $name = 'default' ]) : CRM_Utils_Cache_Interface
$name : string = 'default'

The name of the cache. The 'default' cache is biased toward high-performance caches (eg memcache/redis/apc) when available and falls back to single-request (static) caching. Ex: 'short' or 'default' is useful for high-speed, short-lived cache data. This is appropriate if you believe that latency (millisecond-level read time) is the main factor. For example: caching data from a couple SQL queries. Ex: 'long' can be useful for longer-lived cache data. It's appropriate if you believe that longevity (e.g. surviving for several hours or a day) is more important than millisecond-level access time. For example: caching the result of a simple metadata-query.

Return values

NOTE: Beginning in CiviCRM v5.4, the cache instance complies with PSR-16 (\Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface).


Obtain the contact's personal settings.

public static contactSettings([null|int $contactID = NULL ][, null|int $domainID = NULL ]) : SettingsBag
$contactID : null|int = NULL

For the default/active user's contact, leave $domainID as NULL.

$domainID : null|int = NULL

For the default domain, leave $domainID as NULL.


If there is no contact, then there's no SettingsBag, and we'll throw an exception.

Return values


Get the service container.

public static container() : ContainerInterface
Return values


Get the canonical entityProvider for a given entity type.

public static entity(string $entityName) : EntityProvider
$entityName : string
Return values


Obtain the formatting object.

public static format() : Format
Return values


Find or create a logger.

public static log([string $channel = 'default' ]) : LoggerInterface
$channel : string = 'default'

Symbolic name (or channel) of the intended log. This should correlate to a service "log.{NAME}".

Return values


Obtain the core file/path mapper.

public static paths() : Paths
Return values


Initiate a bidirectional pipe for exchanging a series of multiple API requests.

public static pipe([string $negotiationFlags = 'vtl' ]) : void
$negotiationFlags : string = 'vtl'

List of pipe initialization flags. Some combination of the following:

  • 'v': Report version in connection header.
  • 'j': Report JSON-RPC flavors in connection header.
  • 'l': Report on login support in connection header.
  • 't': Trusted session. Logins do not require credentials. API calls may execute with or without permission-checks.
  • 'u': Untrusted session. Logins require credentials. API calls may only execute with permission-checks.

The Civi::pipe() entry-point is designed to be amenable to shell orchestration (SSH/cv/drush/wp-cli/etc). The negotiation flags are therefore condensed to individual characters.

It is possible to preserve compatibility while adding new default-flags. However, removing default-flags is more likely to be a breaking-change.

When adding a new flag, consider whether mutable option()s may be more appropriate.



Fetch a queue object.

public static queue(string $name[, array{type: string, is_autorun: bool, reset: bool, is_persistent: bool} $params = [] ]) : CRM_Queue_Queue

Note: Historically, CRM_Queue_Queue objects were not persistently-registered. Persistence is now encouraged. This facade has a bias towards persistently-registered queues.

$name : string

The name of a persistent/registered queue (stored in civicrm_queue)

$params : array{type: string, is_autorun: bool, reset: bool, is_persistent: bool} = []

Specification for a queue. This is not required for accessing an existing queue. Specify this if you wish to auto-create the queue or to include advanced options (eg reset). Example: ['type' => 'Sql', 'error' => 'abort'] Example: ['type' => 'SqlParallel', 'error' => 'delete'] Defaults: ['reset'=>FALSE, 'is_persistent'=>TRUE, 'is_autorun'=>FALSE]

Return values


Reset all ephemeral system state, e.g. statics, singletons, containers.

public static reset() : mixed


Get the schema-helper for CiviCRM (core-core).

public static schemaHelper([string $key = 'civicrm' ]) : SchemaHelperInterface
$key : string = 'civicrm'

Ex: 'civicrm' or 'org.example.myextension'

Return values


Fetch a service from the container.

public static service(string $id) : mixed
$id : string

The service ID.


Obtain the domain settings.

public static settings([int|null $domainID = NULL ]) : SettingsBag
$domainID : int|null = NULL

For the default domain, leave $domainID as NULL.

Return values


Get the canonical entityProvider for a given entity table.

public static table(string $tableName) : EntityProvider
$tableName : string
Return values


Construct a URL based on a logical service address. For example:

public static url([string|null $logicalUri = NULL ][, string|null $flags = NULL ]) : Url


Civi::url() ->setScheme('frontend') ->setPath(['civicrm', 'user']) ->setQuery(['reset' => 1])

URL building follows a few rules:

  1. You may initialize with a baseline URL.
  2. The scheme indicates the general type of URL ('frontend://', 'backend://', 'asset://', 'assetBuilder://').
  3. The result object provides getters, setters, and adders (e.g. getScheme(), setPath(...), addQuery(...))
  4. Strings are raw. Arrays are auto-encoded. (addQuery('name=John+Doughnut') or addQuery(['name' => 'John Doughnut']))
  5. You may use variable expressions (id=[contact]&gid=[profile]).
  6. The URL can be cast to string (aka __toString()).

If you are converting from CRM_Utils_System::url() to Civi::url(), then be sure to:

  • Pay attention to the scheme (eg 'current://' vs 'frontend://')
  • Pay attention to HTML escaping, as the behavior changed:
    • Civi::url() returns plain URLs (eg "id=100&gid=200") by default
    • CRM_Utils_System::url() returns HTML-escaped URLs (eg "id=100&gid=200") by default

Here are several examples:

Ex: Link to constituent's dashboard (on frontend UI or backend UI -- based on the active scheme of current page-view) $url = Civi::url('current://civicrm/user?reset=1'); $url = Civi::url('//civicrm/user?reset=1');

Ex: Link to constituent's dashboard (with method calls - good for dynamic options) $url = Civi::url('frontend:') ->setPath('civicrm/user') ->addQuery(['reset' => 1]);

Ex: Link to constituent's dashboard (with quick flags: absolute URL, SSL required, HTML escaping) $url = Civi::url('frontend://civicrm/user?reset=1', 'ash');

Ex: Link to constituent's dashboard (with method flags - good for dynamic options) $url = Civi::url('frontend://civicrm/user?reset=1') ->setPreferFormat('absolute') ->setSsl(TRUE) ->setHtmlEscape(TRUE);

Ex: Link to a dynamically generated asset-file. $url = Civi::url('assetBuilder://crm-l10n.js?locale=en_US');

Ex: Link to a static asset (resource-file) in one of core's configurable paths. $url = Civi::url('[civicrm.root]/js/Common.js');

Ex: Link to a static asset (resource-file) in an extension. $url = Civi::url('ext://org.civicrm.search_kit/css/crmSearchTasks.css');

Ex: Link with variable substitution $url = Civi::url('frontend://civicrm/ajax/api4/[entity]/[action]') ->addVars(['entity' => 'Foo', 'action' => 'bar']);

$logicalUri : string|null = NULL

Logical URI. The scheme of the URI may be one of:

  • 'frontend://' (Front-end page-route for constituents)
  • 'backend://' (Back-end page-route for staff)
  • 'service://' (Web-service page-route for automated integrations; aka webhooks and IPNs)
  • 'current://' (Whichever UI is currently active)
  • 'default://' (Whichever UI is recorded in the metadata)
  • 'asset://' (Static asset-file; see \Civi::paths())
  • 'assetBuilder://' (Dynamically-generated asset-file; see \Civi\Core\AssetBuilder)
  • 'ext://' (Static asset-file provided by an extension) An empty scheme (//hello.txt) is equivalent to current://hello.txt.
$flags : string|null = NULL

List of flags. Some combination of the following:

  • 'a': absolute (aka setPreferFormat('absolute'))
  • 'r': relative (aka setPreferFormat('relative'))
  • 'h': html (aka setHtmlEscape(TRUE))
  • 't': text (aka setHtmlEscape(FALSE))
  • 's': ssl (aka setSsl(TRUE))
  • 'c': cache code for resources (aka Civi::resources()->addCacheCode())
Return values

URL object which may be modified or rendered as text.

On this page

Search results