Table d47civi_0z3xa.civicrm_cxn Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int unsigned 10  √  Connection ID
app_guid varchar 128  √  null Application GUID
app_meta text 65535  √  null Application Metadata (JSON)
cxn_guid varchar 128  √  null Connection GUID
secret text 65535  √  null Shared secret
perm text 65535  √  null Permissions approved for the service (JSON)
options text 65535  √  null Options for the service (JSON)
is_active tinyint 3  √  1 Is connection currently enabled?
created_date timestamp 19  √  null When was the connection was created.
modified_date timestamp 19  √  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP When the connection was created or modified.
fetched_date timestamp 19  √  null The last time the application metadata was fetched.

Table contained 0 rows at mer. avr. 13 16:52 EDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name Anomalies
id Primary key Asc PRIMARY  
app_guid Must be unique Asc UI_appid This unique column is also nullable
cxn_guid Must be unique Asc UI_keypair_cxnid This unique column is also nullable