SchemaSpy Analysis of d47civi_0z3xa - Columns | Generated by SchemaSpy |
Generated by SchemaSpy on mer. avr. 13 16:52 EDT 2016 |
| ||||||
d47civi_0z3xa contains 1801 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Comments |
civicrm_acl | acl_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the ACL or ACL group being granted/revoked | |
civicrm_acl | acl_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | If this is a grant/revoke entry, what table are we granting? | |
civicrm_acl | deny | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Is this ACL entry Allow (0) or Deny (1) ? | ||
civicrm_acl | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the object possessing this ACL | |
civicrm_acl | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Table of the object possessing this ACL entry (Contact, Group, or ACL Group) | |||
civicrm_acl | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_acl | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_acl | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ACL Name. | |
civicrm_acl | object_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The ID of the object controlled by this ACL entry | |
civicrm_acl | object_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The table of the object controlled by this ACL entry | |
civicrm_acl | operation | varchar | 8 | What operation does this ACL entry control? | |||
civicrm_acl_cache | acl_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign Key to ACL | |||
civicrm_acl_cache | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign Key to Contact | |
civicrm_acl_cache | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_acl_cache | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | When was this cache entry last modified | |
civicrm_acl_contact_cache | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_contact | |||
civicrm_acl_contact_cache | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_acl_contact_cache | operation | varchar | 8 | What operation does this user have permission on? | |||
civicrm_acl_contact_cache | user_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact (could be null for anon user) | |
civicrm_acl_entity_role | acl_role_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign Key to ACL Role (which is an option value pair and hence an implicit FK) | |||
civicrm_acl_entity_role | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of the group/contact object being joined | |||
civicrm_acl_entity_role | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Table of the object joined to the ACL Role (Contact or Group) | |||
civicrm_acl_entity_role | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_acl_entity_role | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_action_log | action_date_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date time that the action was performed on. | |
civicrm_action_log | action_schedule_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to the action schedule that this action originated from. | |||
civicrm_action_log | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_action_log | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to id of the entity that the action was performed on. Pseudo - FK. | |||
civicrm_action_log | entity_table | varchar | 255 | √ | null | name of the entity table for the above id, e.g. civicrm_activity, civicrm_participant | |
civicrm_action_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_action_log | is_error | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Was there any error sending the reminder? | |
civicrm_action_log | message | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description / text in case there was an error encountered. | |
civicrm_action_log | reference_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Stores the date from the entity which triggered this reminder action (e.g. membership.end_date for most membership renewal reminders) | |
civicrm_action_log | repetition_number | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Keeps track of the sequence number of this repetition. | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity for which the reminder is created | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_date_end | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity date | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_date_start | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity date | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_recipient | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity recipient | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_status | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity status | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_status_label | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity status label | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_value | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity value | |
civicrm_action_mapping | entity_value_label | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity value label | |
civicrm_action_mapping | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_action_schedule | absolute_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which the reminder be sent. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | body_html | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Body of the mailing in html format. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | body_text | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Body of the mailing in text format. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | communication_language | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Used for multilingual installation | |
civicrm_action_schedule | end_action | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Reminder Action till repeating the reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | end_date | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity end date | |
civicrm_action_schedule | end_frequency_interval | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Time interval till repeating the reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | end_frequency_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Time units till repetition of reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | entity_status | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity status | |
civicrm_action_schedule | entity_value | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Entity value | |
civicrm_action_schedule | filter_contact_language | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Used for multilingual installation | |
civicrm_action_schedule | from_email | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Email address in "from" field | |
civicrm_action_schedule | from_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Name in "from" field | |
civicrm_action_schedule | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Group | |
civicrm_action_schedule | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_action_schedule | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this option active? | |
civicrm_action_schedule | is_repeat | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_action_schedule | limit_to | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this the recipient criteria limited to OR in addition to? | |
civicrm_action_schedule | mapping_id | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name/ID of the mapping to use on this table | |
civicrm_action_schedule | mode | varchar | 128 | √ | Send the message as email or sms or both. | ||
civicrm_action_schedule | msg_template_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the message template. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of the action(reminder) | |
civicrm_action_schedule | recipient | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Recipient | |
civicrm_action_schedule | recipient_listing | varchar | 128 | √ | null | listing based on recipient field. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | recipient_manual | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Contact IDs to which reminder should be sent. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | record_activity | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Record Activity for this reminder? | |
civicrm_action_schedule | repetition_frequency_interval | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Time interval for repeating the reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | repetition_frequency_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Time units for repetition of reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | sms_body_text | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Content of the SMS text. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | sms_provider_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_action_schedule | sms_template_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the message template. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | start_action_condition | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Reminder Action | |
civicrm_action_schedule | start_action_date | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Entity date | |
civicrm_action_schedule | start_action_offset | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Reminder Interval. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | start_action_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Time units for reminder. | |
civicrm_action_schedule | subject | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Subject of mailing | |
civicrm_action_schedule | title | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Title of the action(reminder) | |
civicrm_action_schedule | used_for | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Used for repeating entity | |
civicrm_activity | activity_date_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this activity is scheduled to occur. Formerly named scheduled_date_time. | |
civicrm_activity | activity_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | FK to, that has to be valid, registered activity type. | ||
civicrm_activity | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this activity has been triggered. | |
civicrm_activity | details | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Details about the activity (agenda, notes, etc). | |
civicrm_activity | duration | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Planned or actual duration of activity expressed in minutes. Conglomerate of former duration_hours and duration_minutes. | |
civicrm_activity | engagement_level | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Assign a specific level of engagement to this activity. Used for tracking constituents in ladder of engagement. | |
civicrm_activity | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Other Activity ID | ||
civicrm_activity | is_auto | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_activity | is_current_revision | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civicrm_activity | is_deleted | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_activity | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_activity | location | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Location of the activity (optional, open text). | |
civicrm_activity | medium_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Activity Medium, Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = encounter_medium. | |
civicrm_activity | original_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Activity ID of the first activity record in versioning chain. | |
civicrm_activity | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Parent meeting ID (if this is a follow-up item). This is not currently implemented | |
civicrm_activity | phone_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Phone ID of the number called (optional - used if an existing phone number is selected). | |
civicrm_activity | phone_number | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Phone number in case the number does not exist in the civicrm_phone table. | |
civicrm_activity | priority_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the priority given to this activity. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_activity | relationship_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Relationship ID | |
civicrm_activity | result | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Currently being used to store result id for survey activity, FK to option value. | |
civicrm_activity | source_record_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Artificial FK to original transaction (e.g. contribution) IF it is not an Activity. Table can be figured out through activity_type_id, and further through component registry. | |
civicrm_activity | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the status this activity is currently in. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_activity | subject | varchar | 255 | √ | null | The subject/purpose/short description of the activity. | |
civicrm_activity | weight | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_activity_contact | activity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the activity for this record. | |||
civicrm_activity_contact | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the contact for this record. | |||
civicrm_activity_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Activity contact id | ||
civicrm_activity_contact | record_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Nature of this contact's role in the activity: 1 assignee, 2 creator, 3 focus or target. | |
civicrm_address | city | varchar | 64 | √ | null | City, Town or Village Name. | |
civicrm_address | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_address | country_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Country does this address belong to. | |
civicrm_address | county_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which County does this address belong to. | |
civicrm_address | geo_code_1 | double | 22 | √ | null | Latitude | |
civicrm_address | geo_code_2 | double | 22 | √ | null | Longitude | |
civicrm_address | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Address ID | ||
civicrm_address | is_billing | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the billing address. | |
civicrm_address | is_primary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the primary address. | |
civicrm_address | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Location does this address belong to. | |
civicrm_address | manual_geo_code | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this a manually entered geo code | |
civicrm_address | master_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Address ID | |
civicrm_address | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_address | postal_code | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Store both US (zip5) AND international postal codes. App is responsible for country/region appropriate validation. | |
civicrm_address | postal_code_suffix | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Store the suffix, like the +4 part in the USPS system. | |
civicrm_address | state_province_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which State_Province does this address belong to. | |
civicrm_address | street_address | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Concatenation of all routable street address components (prefix, street number, street name, suffix, unit number OR P.O. Box). Apps should be able to determine physical location with this data (for mapping, mail delivery, etc.). |
civicrm_address | street_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Actual street name, excluding St, Dr, Rd, Ave, e.g. For 112 Main St, the street_name = Main. | |
civicrm_address | street_number | int | 10 | √ | null | Numeric portion of address number on the street, e.g. For 112A Main St, the street_number = 112. | |
civicrm_address | street_number_postdirectional | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Directional prefix, e.g. Main St S, S is the suffix. | |
civicrm_address | street_number_predirectional | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Directional prefix, e.g. SE Main St, SE is the prefix. | |
civicrm_address | street_number_suffix | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Non-numeric portion of address number on the street, e.g. For 112A Main St, the street_number_suffix = A | |
civicrm_address | street_type | varchar | 8 | √ | null | St, Rd, Dr, etc. | |
civicrm_address | street_unit | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Secondary unit designator, e.g. Apt 3 or Unit # 14, or Bldg 1200 | |
civicrm_address | supplemental_address_1 | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Supplemental Address Information, Line 1 | |
civicrm_address | supplemental_address_2 | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Supplemental Address Information, Line 2 | |
civicrm_address | supplemental_address_3 | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Supplemental Address Information, Line 3 | |
civicrm_address | timezone | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Timezone expressed as a UTC offset - e.g. United States CST would be written as "UTC-6". | |
civicrm_address | usps_adc | varchar | 32 | √ | null | USPS Bulk mailing code. | |
civicrm_address_format | format | text | 65535 | √ | null | The format of an address | |
civicrm_address_format | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Address Format Id | ||
civicrm_batch | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was this item created | |
civicrm_batch | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_batch | data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | cache entered data | |
civicrm_batch | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description of this batch set. | |
civicrm_batch | exported_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_batch | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Address ID | ||
civicrm_batch | item_count | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of items in a batch. | |
civicrm_batch | mode_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | fk to Batch mode options in civicrm_option_values | |
civicrm_batch | modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was this item created | |
civicrm_batch | modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_batch | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Variable name/programmatic handle for this batch. | |
civicrm_batch | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | fk to Payment Instrument options in civicrm_option_values | |
civicrm_batch | saved_search_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Saved Search ID | |
civicrm_batch | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | fk to Batch Status options in civicrm_option_values | |||
civicrm_batch | title | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Friendly Name. | |
civicrm_batch | total | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Total amount for this batch. | |
civicrm_batch | type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | fk to Batch Type options in civicrm_option_values | |
civicrm_cache | component_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Component that this menu item belongs to | |
civicrm_cache | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was the cache item created | |
civicrm_cache | data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | data associated with this path | |
civicrm_cache | expired_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When should the cache item expire | |
civicrm_cache | group_name | varchar | 32 | group name for cache element, useful in cleaning cache elements | |||
civicrm_cache | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_cache | path | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Unique path name for cache element | |
civicrm_campaign | campaign_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Campaign Type ID.Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = campaign_type | |
civicrm_campaign | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Campaign was created. | |
civicrm_campaign | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Full description of Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Campaign ends. | |
civicrm_campaign | external_identifier | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Unique trusted external ID (generally from a legacy app/datasource). Particularly useful for deduping operations. | |
civicrm_campaign | goal_general | text | 65535 | √ | null | General goals for Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | goal_revenue | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | The target revenue for this campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Campaign ID. | ||
civicrm_campaign | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this Campaign enabled or disabled/cancelled? | |
civicrm_campaign | last_modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Campaign was edited last time. | |
civicrm_campaign | last_modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who recently edited this Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | name | varchar | 255 | Name of the Campaign. | |||
civicrm_campaign | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional parent id for this Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign | start_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Campaign starts. | |
civicrm_campaign | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Campaign status ID.Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = campaign_status | |
civicrm_campaign | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title of the Campaign. | |
civicrm_campaign_group | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the activity Campaign. | |||
civicrm_campaign_group | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Entity id of referenced table. | |
civicrm_campaign_group | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. | |
civicrm_campaign_group | group_type | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Type of Group. | |
civicrm_campaign_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Campaign Group id. | ||
civicrm_case | case_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to | |
civicrm_case | details | text | 65535 | √ | null | Details about the meeting (agenda, notes, etc). | |
civicrm_case | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which given case ends. | |
civicrm_case | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Case ID | ||
civicrm_case | is_deleted | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_case | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which given case starts. | |
civicrm_case | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | Id of case status. | |||
civicrm_case | subject | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Short name of the case. | |
civicrm_case_activity | activity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Activity ID of case-activity association. | |||
civicrm_case_activity | case_id | int unsigned | 10 | Case ID of case-activity association. | |||
civicrm_case_activity | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique case-activity association id | ||
civicrm_case_contact | case_id | int unsigned | 10 | Case ID of case-contact association. | |||
civicrm_case_contact | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Contact ID of contact record given case belongs to. | |||
civicrm_case_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique case-contact association id | ||
civicrm_case_type | definition | blob | 65535 | √ | null | xml definition of case type | |
civicrm_case_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of the Case Type | |
civicrm_case_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Autoincremented type id | ||
civicrm_case_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this entry active? | |
civicrm_case_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this case type a predefined system type? | |
civicrm_case_type | name | varchar | 64 | Machine name for Case Type | |||
civicrm_case_type | title | varchar | 64 | Natural language name for Case Type | |||
civicrm_case_type | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Ordering of the case types | ||
civicrm_component | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Component ID | ||
civicrm_component | name | varchar | 64 | Name of the component. | |||
civicrm_component | namespace | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Path to components main directory in a form of a class namespace. |
civicrm_contact | addressee_custom | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Custom Addressee. | |
civicrm_contact | addressee_display | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Cache Addressee. | |
civicrm_contact | addressee_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to, that has to be valid registered Addressee. | |
civicrm_contact | api_key | varchar | 32 | √ | null | API Key for validating requests related to this contact. | |
civicrm_contact | birth_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date of birth | |
civicrm_contact | communication_style_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Communication style (e.g. formal vs. familiar) to use with this contact. FK to communication styles in civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_contact | contact_sub_type | varchar | 255 | √ | null | May be used to over-ride contact view and edit templates. | |
civicrm_contact | contact_type | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Type of Contact. | |
civicrm_contact | created_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | null | When was the contact was created. | |
civicrm_contact | deceased_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date of deceased | |
civicrm_contact | display_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Formatted name representing preferred format for display/print/other output. | |
civicrm_contact | do_not_email | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | do_not_mail | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | do_not_phone | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | do_not_sms | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | do_not_trade | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | email_greeting_custom | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Custom Email Greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | email_greeting_display | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Cache Email Greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | email_greeting_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to, that has to be valid registered Email Greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | employer_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | OPTIONAL FK to civicrm_contact record. | |
civicrm_contact | external_identifier | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Unique trusted external ID (generally from a legacy app/datasource). Particularly useful for deduping operations. | |
civicrm_contact | first_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | First Name. | |
civicrm_contact | formal_title | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Formal (academic or similar) title in front of name. (Prof., Dr. etc.) | |
civicrm_contact | gender_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to gender ID | |
civicrm_contact | hash | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Key for validating requests related to this contact. | |
civicrm_contact | household_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Household Name. | |
civicrm_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Contact ID | ||
civicrm_contact | image_URL | varchar | 255 | √ | null | optional URL for preferred image (photo, logo, etc.) to display for this contact. | |
civicrm_contact | is_deceased | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contact | is_deleted | tinyint | 3 | 0 | |||
civicrm_contact | is_opt_out | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Has the contact opted out from receiving all bulk email from the organization or site domain? | ||
civicrm_contact | job_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Job Title | |
civicrm_contact | last_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Last Name. | |
civicrm_contact | legal_identifier | varchar | 32 | √ | null | May be used for SSN, EIN/TIN, Household ID (census) or other applicable unique legal/government ID. | |
civicrm_contact | legal_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Legal Name. | |
civicrm_contact | middle_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Middle Name. | |
civicrm_contact | modified_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | When was the contact (or closely related entity) was created or modified or deleted. | |
civicrm_contact | nick_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Nickname. | |
civicrm_contact | organization_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Organization Name. | |
civicrm_contact | postal_greeting_custom | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Custom Postal greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | postal_greeting_display | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Cache Postal greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | postal_greeting_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to, that has to be valid registered Postal Greeting. | |
civicrm_contact | preferred_communication_method | varchar | 255 | √ | null | What is the preferred mode of communication. | |
civicrm_contact | preferred_language | varchar | 5 | √ | null | Which language is preferred for communication. FK to languages in civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_contact | preferred_mail_format | varchar | 8 | √ | Both | What is the preferred mode of sending an email. | |
civicrm_contact | prefix_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Prefix or Title for name (Ms, Mr...). FK to prefix ID | |
civicrm_contact | primary_contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional FK to Primary Contact for this household. | |
civicrm_contact | sic_code | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Standard Industry Classification Code. | |
civicrm_contact | sort_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Name used for sorting different contact types | |
civicrm_contact | source | varchar | 255 | √ | null | where contact come from, e.g. import, donate module insert... | |
civicrm_contact | suffix_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Suffix for name (Jr, Sr...). FK to suffix ID | |
civicrm_contact | user_unique_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | the OpenID (or OpenID-style http://username.domain/) unique identifier for this contact mainly used for logging in to CiviCRM | |
civicrm_contact_type | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | localized Optional verbose description of the type. | |
civicrm_contact_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contact Type ID | ||
civicrm_contact_type | image_URL | varchar | 255 | √ | null | URL of image if any. | |
civicrm_contact_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this entry active? | |
civicrm_contact_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this contact type a predefined system type | |
civicrm_contact_type | label | varchar | 64 | √ | null | localized Name of Contact Type. | |
civicrm_contact_type | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Internal name of Contact Type (or Subtype). | |
civicrm_contact_type | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional FK to parent contact type. | |
civicrm_contribution | address_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Conditional foreign key to We insert an address record for each contribution when we have associated billing name and address data. | |
civicrm_contribution | amount_level | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this contribution has been triggered. | |
civicrm_contribution | cancel_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | when was gift cancelled | |
civicrm_contribution | cancel_reason | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution | check_number | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_contribution | contribution_page_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution | |
civicrm_contribution | contribution_recur_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Conditional foreign key to civicrm_contribution_recur id. Each contribution made in connection with a recurring contribution carries a foreign key to the recurring contribution record. This assumes we can track these processor initiated events. | |
civicrm_contribution | contribution_status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | ||
civicrm_contribution | creditnote_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | unique credit note id, system generated or passed in | |
civicrm_contribution | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_contribution | fee_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | actual processor fee if known - may be 0. | |
civicrm_contribution | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type for (total_amount - non_deductible_amount). | |
civicrm_contribution | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contribution ID | ||
civicrm_contribution | invoice_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | unique invoice id, system generated or passed in | |
civicrm_contribution | is_pay_later | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contribution | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contribution | net_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | actual funds transfer amount. total less fees. if processor does not report actual fee during transaction, this is set to total_amount. | |
civicrm_contribution | non_deductible_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | 0.00 | Portion of total amount which is NOT tax deductible. Equal to total_amount for non-deductible financial types. | |
civicrm_contribution | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Payment Instrument | |
civicrm_contribution | receipt_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | when (if) receipt was sent. populated automatically for online donations w/ automatic receipting | |
civicrm_contribution | receive_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date contribution was received - not necessarily the creation date of the record | |
civicrm_contribution | source | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Origin of this Contribution. | |
civicrm_contribution | tax_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Total tax amount of this contribution. | |
civicrm_contribution | thankyou_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | when (if) was donor thanked | |
civicrm_contribution | total_amount | decimal | 20,2 | Total amount of this contribution. Use market value for non-monetary gifts. | |||
civicrm_contribution | trxn_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | unique transaction id. may be processor id, bank id + trans id, or account number + check number... depending on payment_method | |
civicrm_contribution_page | amount_block_is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_contribution_page | bcc_receipt | varchar | 255 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to bcc each time a receipt is sent | |
civicrm_contribution_page | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which we are collecting contributions with this page. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | cc_receipt | varchar | 255 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to cc each time a receipt is sent | |
civicrm_contribution_page | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that contribution page was created. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this contribution page | |
civicrm_contribution_page | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | default_amount_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that this page ends. May be NULL if no defined end date/time | |
civicrm_contribution_page | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | default financial type assigned to contributions submitted via this page, e.g. Contribution, Campaign Contribution | |
civicrm_contribution_page | footer_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text and html allowed. Displayed at the bottom of the first page of the contribution wizard. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | goal_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | The target goal for this page, allows people to build a goal meter | |
civicrm_contribution_page | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contribution Id | ||
civicrm_contribution_page | initial_amount_help_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Initial amount help text for partial payment | |
civicrm_contribution_page | initial_amount_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Initial amount label for partial payment | |
civicrm_contribution_page | intro_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text and html allowed. Displayed below title. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_allow_other_amount | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true, page will include an input text field where user can enter their own amount | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_billing_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - billing block is required for online contribution page | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_confirm_enabled | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | if false, the confirm page in contribution pages gets skipped | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_credit_card_only | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - processing logic must reject transaction at confirmation stage if pay method != credit card | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_email_receipt | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true, receipt is automatically emailed to contact on success | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_monetary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | if true - allows real-time monetary transactions otherwise non-monetary transactions | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_partial_payment | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | is partial payment enabled for this online contribution page | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_pay_later | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - allows the user to send payment directly to the org later | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_recur | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - allows recurring contributions, valid only for PayPal_Standard | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_recur_installments | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - asks user for recurring installments | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_recur_interval | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - supports recurring intervals | |
civicrm_contribution_page | is_share | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Can people share the contribution page through social media? | |
civicrm_contribution_page | max_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | if other amounts allowed, user can configure maximum allowed. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | min_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | if other amounts allowed, user can configure minimum allowed. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | min_initial_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Minimum initial amount for partial payment | |
civicrm_contribution_page | pay_later_receipt | text | 65535 | √ | null | The receipt sent to the user instead of the normal receipt text | |
civicrm_contribution_page | pay_later_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | The text displayed to the user in the main form | |
civicrm_contribution_page | payment_processor | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Payment Processors configured for this contribution Page | |
civicrm_contribution_page | receipt_from_email | varchar | 255 | √ | null | FROM email address used for receipts generated by contributions to this contribution page. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | receipt_from_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | FROM email name used for receipts generated by contributions to this contribution page. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | receipt_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | text to include above standard receipt info on receipt email. emails are text-only, so do not allow html for now | |
civicrm_contribution_page | recur_frequency_unit | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Supported recurring frequency units. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | start_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that this page starts. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | thankyou_footer | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text and html allowed. displayed at the bottom of the success page. Common usage is to include link(s) to other pages such as tell-a-friend, etc. | |
civicrm_contribution_page | thankyou_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | text and html allowed. displayed above result on success page | |
civicrm_contribution_page | thankyou_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for Thank-you page (header title tag, and display at the top of the page). | |
civicrm_contribution_page | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Contribution Page title. For top of page display | |
civicrm_contribution_product | comment | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_product | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_contribution_product | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Actual end date for a time-delimited premium (subscription, service or membership) | |
civicrm_contribution_product | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type(for membership price sets only). | |
civicrm_contribution_product | fulfilled_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Optional. Can be used to record the date this product was fulfilled or shipped. | |
civicrm_contribution_product | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_contribution_product | product_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_contribution_product | product_option | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Option value selected if applicable - e.g. color, size etc. | |
civicrm_contribution_product | quantity | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_product | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Actual start date for a time-delimited premium (subscription, service or membership) | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | amount | decimal | 20,2 | Amount to be contributed or charged each recurrence. | |||
civicrm_contribution_recur | auto_renew | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Some systems allow contributor to set a number of installments - but then auto-renew the subscription or commitment if they do not cancel. | ||
civicrm_contribution_recur | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this contribution has been triggered. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | cancel_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date this recurring contribution was cancelled by contributor- if we can get access to it | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to . | |||
civicrm_contribution_recur | contribution_status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | ||
civicrm_contribution_recur | create_date | datetime | 19 | When this recurring contribution record was created. | |||
civicrm_contribution_recur | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | cycle_day | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | Day in the period when the payment should be charged e.g. 1st of month, 15th etc. | ||
civicrm_contribution_recur | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date this recurring contribution finished successfully | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | failure_count | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of failed charge attempts since last success. Business rule could be set to deactivate on more than x failures. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | failure_retry_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date to retry failed attempt | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | frequency_interval | int unsigned | 10 | Number of time units for recurrence of payment. | |||
civicrm_contribution_recur | frequency_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | month | Time units for recurrence of payment. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contribution Recur ID | ||
civicrm_contribution_recur | installments | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Total number of payments to be made. Set this to 0 if this is an open-ended commitment i.e. no set end date. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | invoice_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | unique invoice id, system generated or passed in | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | is_email_receipt | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | if true, receipt is automatically emailed to contact on each successful payment | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contribution_recur | modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Last updated date for this record. mostly the last time a payment was received | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | next_sched_contribution_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Next scheduled date | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Payment Instrument | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | payment_processor_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | payment_token_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optionally used to store a link to a payment token used for this recurring contribution. | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | processor_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Possibly needed to store a unique identifier for this recurring payment order - if this is available from the processor?? | |
civicrm_contribution_recur | start_date | datetime | 19 | The date the first scheduled recurring contribution occurs. | |||
civicrm_contribution_recur | trxn_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | unique transaction id. may be processor id, bank id + trans id, or account number + check number... depending on payment_method | |
civicrm_contribution_soft | amount | decimal | 20,2 | Amount of this soft contribution. | |||
civicrm_contribution_soft | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_contribution_soft | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to contribution table. | |||
civicrm_contribution_soft | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_contribution_soft | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Soft Contribution ID | ||
civicrm_contribution_soft | pcp_display_in_roll | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_contribution_soft | pcp_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to | |
civicrm_contribution_soft | pcp_personal_note | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_soft | pcp_roll_nickname | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_soft | soft_credit_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Soft Credit Type ID.Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = soft_credit_type. | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | about | text | 65535 | √ | null | About description. | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | button_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Button title. | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_about_link | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_bar | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_bg | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_button | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_homepage_link | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_main | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_main_bg | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_main_text | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | color_title | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | contribution_page_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contribution Id | ||
civicrm_contribution_widget | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Widget title. | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | url_homepage | varchar | 255 | √ | null | URL to Homepage. | |
civicrm_contribution_widget | url_logo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | URL to Widget logo | |
civicrm_country | address_format_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to | |
civicrm_country | country_code | varchar | 4 | √ | null | National prefix to be used when dialing TO this country. | |
civicrm_country | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Country Id | ||
civicrm_country | idd_prefix | varchar | 4 | √ | null | International direct dialing prefix from within the country TO another country | |
civicrm_country | is_province_abbreviated | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should state/province be displayed as abbreviation for contacts from this country? | |
civicrm_country | iso_code | char | 2 | √ | null | ISO Code | |
civicrm_country | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Country Name | |
civicrm_country | ndd_prefix | varchar | 4 | √ | null | Access prefix to call within a country to a different area | |
civicrm_country | region_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to | |||
civicrm_county | abbreviation | varchar | 4 | √ | null | 2-4 Character Abbreviation of County | |
civicrm_county | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | County ID | ||
civicrm_county | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of County | |
civicrm_county | state_province_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of State/Province that County belongs | |||
civicrm_currency | full_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Full currency name | |
civicrm_currency | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Currency Id | ||
civicrm_currency | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Currency Name | |
civicrm_currency | numeric_code | varchar | 3 | √ | null | Numeric currency code | |
civicrm_currency | symbol | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Currency Symbol | |
civicrm_custom_field | attributes | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Store collection of type-appropriate attributes, e.g. textarea needs rows/cols attributes | |
civicrm_custom_field | column_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Name of the column that holds the values for this field. | |
civicrm_custom_field | custom_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_custom_group. | |||
civicrm_custom_field | data_type | varchar | 16 | Controls location of data storage in extended_data table. | |||
civicrm_custom_field | date_format | varchar | 64 | √ | null | date format for custom date | |
civicrm_custom_field | default_value | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Use form_options.is_default for field_types which use options. | |
civicrm_custom_field | end_date_years | int | 10 | √ | null | Date may be up to end_date_years years after the current date. | |
civicrm_custom_field | filter | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Stores Contact Get API params contact reference custom fields. May be used for other filters in the future. | |
civicrm_custom_field | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after this field. | |
civicrm_custom_field | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before this field. | |
civicrm_custom_field | html_type | varchar | 32 | HTML types plus several built-in extended types. | |||
civicrm_custom_field | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Custom Field ID | ||
civicrm_custom_field | in_selector | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should the multi-record custom field values be displayed in tab table listing | |
civicrm_custom_field | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_custom_field | is_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is a value required for this property. | |
civicrm_custom_field | is_search_range | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this property range searchable. | |
civicrm_custom_field | is_searchable | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property searchable. | |
civicrm_custom_field | is_view | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property set by PHP Code? A code field is viewable but not editable | |
civicrm_custom_field | javascript | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional scripting attributes for field. | |
civicrm_custom_field | label | varchar | 255 | Text for form field label (also friendly name for administering this custom property). | |||
civicrm_custom_field | mask | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional format instructions for specific field types, like date types. | |
civicrm_custom_field | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Variable name/programmatic handle for this group. | |
civicrm_custom_field | note_columns | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of columns in Note Field | |
civicrm_custom_field | note_rows | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of rows in Note Field | |
civicrm_custom_field | option_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | For elements with options, the option group id that is used | |
civicrm_custom_field | options_per_line | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | number of options per line for checkbox and radio | |
civicrm_custom_field | start_date_years | int | 10 | √ | null | Date may be up to start_date_years years prior to the current date. | |
civicrm_custom_field | text_length | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | field length if alphanumeric | |
civicrm_custom_field | time_format | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | time format for custom date | |
civicrm_custom_field | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Controls field display order within an extended property group. | ||
civicrm_custom_group | collapse_adv_display | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Will this group be in collapsed or expanded mode on advanced search display ? | |
civicrm_custom_group | collapse_display | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Will this group be in collapsed or expanded mode on initial display ? | |
civicrm_custom_group | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this custom group was created. | |
civicrm_custom_group | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this custom group | |
civicrm_custom_group | extends | varchar | 255 | √ | Contact | Type of object this group extends (can add other options later e.g. contact_address, etc.). | |
civicrm_custom_group | extends_entity_column_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to (for option group custom_data_type.) | |
civicrm_custom_group | extends_entity_column_value | varchar | 255 | √ | null | linking custom group for dynamic object | |
civicrm_custom_group | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after fields in form. | |
civicrm_custom_group | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before fields in form. | |
civicrm_custom_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Custom Group ID | ||
civicrm_custom_group | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_custom_group | is_multiple | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Does this group hold multiple values? | |
civicrm_custom_group | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this a reserved Custom Group? | |
civicrm_custom_group | max_multiple | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | maximum number of multiple records, if 0 - no max | |
civicrm_custom_group | min_multiple | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | minimum number of multiple records (typically 0?) | |
civicrm_custom_group | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Variable name/programmatic handle for this group. | |
civicrm_custom_group | style | varchar | 15 | √ | null | Visual relationship between this form and its parent. | |
civicrm_custom_group | table_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Name of the table that holds the values for this group. | |
civicrm_custom_group | title | varchar | 64 | Friendly Name. | |||
civicrm_custom_group | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Controls display order when multiple extended property groups are setup for the same class. | ||
civicrm_cxn | app_guid | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Application GUID | |
civicrm_cxn | app_meta | text | 65535 | √ | null | Application Metadata (JSON) | |
civicrm_cxn | created_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | null | When was the connection was created. | |
civicrm_cxn | cxn_guid | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Connection GUID | |
civicrm_cxn | fetched_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | null | The last time the application metadata was fetched. | |
civicrm_cxn | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Connection ID | ||
civicrm_cxn | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is connection currently enabled? | |
civicrm_cxn | modified_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | When the connection was created or modified. | |
civicrm_cxn | options | text | 65535 | √ | null | Options for the service (JSON) | |
civicrm_cxn | perm | text | 65535 | √ | null | Permissions approved for the service (JSON) | |
civicrm_cxn | secret | text | 65535 | √ | null | Shared secret | |
civicrm_dashboard | column_no | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | column no for this dashlet | |
civicrm_dashboard | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Domain for dashboard | |||
civicrm_dashboard | fullscreen_url | varchar | 255 | √ | null | fullscreen url for dashlet | |
civicrm_dashboard | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_dashboard | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this dashlet active? | |
civicrm_dashboard | is_fullscreen | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is Fullscreen? | |
civicrm_dashboard | is_minimized | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is Minimized? | |
civicrm_dashboard | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this dashlet reserved? | |
civicrm_dashboard | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | dashlet title | |
civicrm_dashboard | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Internal name of dashlet. | |
civicrm_dashboard | permission | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Permission for the dashlet | |
civicrm_dashboard | permission_operator | varchar | 3 | √ | null | Permission Operator | |
civicrm_dashboard | url | varchar | 255 | √ | null | url in case of external dashlet | |
civicrm_dashboard | weight | int | 10 | √ | 0 | Ordering of the dashlets. | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | column_no | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | column no for this widget | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Contact ID | |||
civicrm_dashboard_contact | content | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | dashlet content | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was content populated | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | dashboard_id | int unsigned | 10 | Dashboard ID | |||
civicrm_dashboard_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_dashboard_contact | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this widget active? | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | is_fullscreen | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is Fullscreen? | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | is_minimized | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is Minimized? | |
civicrm_dashboard_contact | weight | int | 10 | √ | 0 | Ordering of the widgets. | |
civicrm_dedupe_exception | contact_id1 | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_dedupe_exception | contact_id2 | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_dedupe_exception | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique dedupe exception id | ||
civicrm_dedupe_rule | dedupe_rule_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | The id of the rule group this rule belongs to | |||
civicrm_dedupe_rule | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique dedupe rule id | ||
civicrm_dedupe_rule | rule_field | varchar | 64 | The name of the field of the table referenced in rule_table | |||
civicrm_dedupe_rule | rule_length | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The length of the matching substring | |
civicrm_dedupe_rule | rule_table | varchar | 64 | The name of the table this rule is about | |||
civicrm_dedupe_rule | rule_weight | int | 10 | The weight of the rule | |||
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | contact_type | varchar | 12 | √ | null | The type of contacts this group applies to | |
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique dedupe rule group id | ||
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this a reserved rule - a rule group that has been optimized and cannot be changed by the admin | |
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of the rule group | |
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | threshold | int | 10 | The weight threshold the sum of the rule weights has to cross to consider two contacts the same | |||
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Label of the rule group | |
civicrm_dedupe_rule_group | used | varchar | 12 | Whether the rule should be used for cases where usage is Unsupervised, Supervised OR General(programatically) | |||
civicrm_discount | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date when discount ends. | |
civicrm_discount | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_discount | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to discount, e.g. civicrm_event | |
civicrm_discount | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_discount | price_set_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_price_set | |||
civicrm_discount | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date when discount starts. | |
civicrm_domain | config_backend | text | 65535 | √ | null | Backend configuration. | |
civicrm_domain | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID. This is specifically not an FK to avoid circular constraints | |
civicrm_domain | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of Domain. | |
civicrm_domain | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Domain ID | ||
civicrm_domain | locale_custom_strings | text | 65535 | √ | null | Locale specific string overrides | |
civicrm_domain | locales | text | 65535 | √ | null | list of locales supported by the current db state (NULL for single-lang install) | |
civicrm_domain | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of Domain / Organization | |
civicrm_domain | version | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The civicrm version this instance is running | |
civicrm_email | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_email | varchar | 254 | √ | null | Email address | ||
civicrm_email | hold_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When the address went on bounce hold | |
civicrm_email | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Email ID | ||
civicrm_email | is_billing | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the billing? | |
civicrm_email | is_bulkmail | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Is this address for bulk mail ? | ||
civicrm_email | is_primary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the primary? | |
civicrm_email | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Location does this email belong to. | |
civicrm_email | on_hold | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Is this address on bounce hold? | ||
civicrm_email | reset_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When the address bounce status was last reset | |
civicrm_email | signature_html | text | 65535 | √ | null | HTML formatted signature for the email. | |
civicrm_email | signature_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text formatted signature for the email. | |
civicrm_entity_batch | batch_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_batch | |||
civicrm_entity_batch | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_entity_batch | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to file, e.g. civicrm_contact | |
civicrm_entity_batch | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_entity_file | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_entity_file | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to file, e.g. civicrm_contact | |
civicrm_entity_file | file_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_file | |||
civicrm_entity_file | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_entity_financial_account | account_relationship | int unsigned | 10 | FK to a new civicrm_option_value (account_relationship) | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_account | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Links to an id in the entity_table, such as vid in civicrm_financial_type | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_account | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Links to an entity_table like civicrm_financial_type | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_account | financial_account_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to the financial_account_id | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_account | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | ID | ||
civicrm_entity_financial_trxn | amount | decimal | 20,2 | allocated amount of transaction to this entity | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_trxn | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_entity_financial_trxn | entity_table | varchar | 64 | May contain civicrm_financial_item, civicrm_contribution, civicrm_financial_trxn, civicrm_grant, etc | |||
civicrm_entity_financial_trxn | financial_trxn_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_entity_financial_trxn | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | ID | ||
civicrm_entity_tag | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_entity_tag | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to file, e.g. civicrm_contact | |
civicrm_entity_tag | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_entity_tag | tag_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_tag | |||
civicrm_event | allow_same_participant_emails | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - allows the user to register multiple registrations from same email address. | |
civicrm_event | allow_selfcancelxfer | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Allow self service cancellation or transfer for event? | |
civicrm_event | approval_req_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text to display when the approval is required to complete registration for an event. | |
civicrm_event | bcc_confirm | varchar | 255 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to bcc each time a confirmation is sent | |
civicrm_event | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this event has been created. | |
civicrm_event | cc_confirm | varchar | 255 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to cc each time a confirmation is sent | |
civicrm_event | confirm_email_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | text to include above standard event info on confirmation email. emails are text-only, so do not allow html for now | |
civicrm_event | confirm_footer_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form. | |
civicrm_event | confirm_from_email | varchar | 255 | √ | null | FROM email address used for confirmation emails. | |
civicrm_event | confirm_from_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | FROM email name used for confirmation emails. | |
civicrm_event | confirm_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Introductory message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the top of Event Registration form. | |
civicrm_event | confirm_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for Confirmation page. | |
civicrm_event | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that event was created. | |
civicrm_event | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this event | |
civicrm_event | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_event | dedupe_rule_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Rule to use when matching registrations for this event | |
civicrm_event | default_discount_fee_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_event | default_fee_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_event | default_role_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Participant role ID. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = participant_role. | |
civicrm_event | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Full description of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on built-in Event Information screens. | |
civicrm_event | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that event ends. May be NULL if no defined end date/time | |
civicrm_event | event_full_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Message to display on Event Information page and INSTEAD OF Event Registration form if maximum participants are signed up. Can include email address/info about getting on a waiting list, etc. Text and html allowed. | |
civicrm_event | event_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Event Type ID.Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = event_type. | |
civicrm_event | expiration_time | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Expire pending but unconfirmed registrations after this many hours. | |
civicrm_event | fee_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_event | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Financial type assigned to paid event registrations for this event. Required if is_monetary is true. | |
civicrm_event | footer_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form. | |
civicrm_event | has_waitlist | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Whether the event has waitlist support. | |
civicrm_event | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Event | ||
civicrm_event | initial_amount_help_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Initial amount help text for partial payment | |
civicrm_event | initial_amount_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Initial amount label for partial payment | |
civicrm_event | intro_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Introductory message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the top of Event Registration form. | |
civicrm_event | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this Event enabled or disabled/cancelled? | |
civicrm_event | is_billing_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true than billing block is required this event | |
civicrm_event | is_confirm_enabled | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | If false, the event booking confirmation screen gets skipped | |
civicrm_event | is_email_confirm | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | If true, confirmation is automatically emailed to contact on successful registration. | |
civicrm_event | is_map | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Include a map block on the Event Information page when geocode info is available and a mapping provider has been specified? | |
civicrm_event | is_monetary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | If true, one or more fee amounts must be set and a Payment Processor must be configured for Online Event Registration. | |
civicrm_event | is_multiple_registrations | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - allows the user to register multiple participants for event | |
civicrm_event | is_online_registration | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | If true, include registration link on Event Info page. | |
civicrm_event | is_partial_payment | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | is partial payment enabled for this event | |
civicrm_event | is_pay_later | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | if true - allows the user to send payment directly to the org later | |
civicrm_event | is_public | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Public events will be included in the iCal feeds. Access to private event information may be limited using ACLs. | |
civicrm_event | is_share | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Can people share the event through social media? | |
civicrm_event | is_show_location | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | If true, show event location. | |
civicrm_event | is_template | tinyint | 3 | 0 | whether the event has template | ||
civicrm_event | loc_block_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Location Block ID | |
civicrm_event | max_additional_participants | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Maximum number of additional participants that can be registered on a single booking | |
civicrm_event | max_participants | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Maximum number of registered participants to allow. After max is reached, a custom Event Full message is displayed. If NULL, allow unlimited number of participants. | |
civicrm_event | min_initial_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Minimum initial amount for partial payment | |
civicrm_event | parent_event_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Implicit FK to civicrm_event: parent event | |
civicrm_event | participant_listing_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Should we expose the participant list? Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = participant_listing. | |
civicrm_event | pay_later_receipt | text | 65535 | √ | null | The receipt sent to the user instead of the normal receipt text | |
civicrm_event | pay_later_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | The text displayed to the user in the main form | |
civicrm_event | payment_processor | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Payment Processors configured for this Event (if is_monetary is true) | |
civicrm_event | registration_end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that online registration ends. | |
civicrm_event | registration_link_text | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Text for link to Event Registration form which is displayed on Event Information screen when is_online_registration is true. | |
civicrm_event | registration_start_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that online registration starts. | |
civicrm_event | requires_approval | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Whether participants require approval before they can finish registering. | |
civicrm_event | selfcancelxfer_time | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of hours prior to event start date to allow self-service cancellation or transfer. | |
civicrm_event | slot_label_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Subevent slot label. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = conference_slot. | |
civicrm_event | start_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that event starts. | |
civicrm_event | summary | text | 65535 | √ | null | Brief summary of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on Event Registration form and can be used on other CMS pages which need an event summary. | |
civicrm_event | template_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Event Template Title | |
civicrm_event | thankyou_footer_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Footer message. | |
civicrm_event | thankyou_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | ThankYou Text. | |
civicrm_event | thankyou_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for ThankYou page. | |
civicrm_event | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Event Title (e.g. Fall Fundraiser Dinner) | |
civicrm_event | waitlist_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text to display when the event is full, but participants can signup for a waitlist. | |
civicrm_event_carts | completed | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_event_carts | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Cart Id | ||
civicrm_event_carts | user_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact who created this cart | |
civicrm_events_in_carts | event_cart_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Event Cart ID | |
civicrm_events_in_carts | event_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Event ID | |
civicrm_events_in_carts | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Event In Cart Id | ||
civicrm_extension | file | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Primary PHP file | |
civicrm_extension | full_name | varchar | 255 | Fully qualified extension name | |||
civicrm_extension | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Local Extension ID | ||
civicrm_extension | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this extension active? | |
civicrm_extension | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Short, printable name | |
civicrm_extension | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Short name | |
civicrm_extension | schema_version | varchar | 63 | √ | null | Revision code of the database schema; the format is module-defined | |
civicrm_extension | type | varchar | 8 | ||||
civicrm_file | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Additional descriptive text regarding this attachment (optional). | |
civicrm_file | document | mediumblob | 16777215 | √ | null | contents of the document | |
civicrm_file | file_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Type of file (e.g. Transcript, Income Tax Return, etc). FK to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_file | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique ID | ||
civicrm_file | mime_type | varchar | 255 | √ | null | mime type of the document | |
civicrm_file | upload_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that this attachment was uploaded or written to server. | |
civicrm_file | uri | varchar | 255 | √ | null | uri of the file on disk | |
civicrm_financial_account | account_type_code | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional value for mapping account types to accounting system account categories (QuickBooks Account Type Codes for example). | |
civicrm_financial_account | accounting_code | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional value for mapping monies owed and received to accounting system codes. | |
civicrm_financial_account | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID that is responsible for the funds in this account | |
civicrm_financial_account | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Financial Type Description. | |
civicrm_financial_account | financial_account_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | 3 | pseudo FK into civicrm_option_value. | ||
civicrm_financial_account | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | ID | ||
civicrm_financial_account | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_financial_account | is_deductible | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this account tax-deductible? | |
civicrm_financial_account | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this account the default one (or default tax one) for its financial_account_type? | |
civicrm_financial_account | is_header_account | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this a header account which does not allow transactions to be posted against it directly, but only to its sub-accounts? | |
civicrm_financial_account | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this a predefined system object? | |
civicrm_financial_account | is_tax | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this account for taxes? | |
civicrm_financial_account | name | varchar | 255 | Financial Account Name. | |||
civicrm_financial_account | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Parent ID in account hierarchy | |
civicrm_financial_account | tax_rate | decimal | 10,8 | √ | null | The percentage of the total_amount that is due for this tax. | |
civicrm_financial_item | amount | decimal | 20,2 | 0.00 | Total amount of this item | ||
civicrm_financial_item | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID of contact the item is from | |||
civicrm_financial_item | created_date | timestamp | 19 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Date and time the item was created | ||
civicrm_financial_item | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | Currency for the amount | |
civicrm_financial_item | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Human readable description of this item, to ease display without lookup of source item. | |
civicrm_financial_item | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The specific source item that is responsible for the creation of this financial_item | |
civicrm_financial_item | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The table providing the source of this item such as civicrm_line_item | |
civicrm_financial_item | financial_account_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_financial_account | |
civicrm_financial_item | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_financial_item | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Payment status: test, paid, part_paid, unpaid (if empty assume unpaid) | |
civicrm_financial_item | transaction_date | datetime | 19 | Date and time of the source transaction | |||
civicrm_financial_trxn | check_number | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Check number | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | fee_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | actual processor fee if known - may be 0. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | from_financial_account_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to financial_account table. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_financial_trxn | is_payment | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this entry either a payment or a reversal of a payment? | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | net_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | actual funds transfer amount. total less fees. if processor does not report actual fee during transaction, this is set to total_amount. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to payment_instrument option group values | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | payment_processor_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Payment Processor for this financial transaction | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | pseudo FK to civicrm_option_value of contribution_status_id option_group | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | to_financial_account_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to financial_financial_account table. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | total_amount | decimal | 20,2 | amount of transaction | |||
civicrm_financial_trxn | trxn_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date transaction occurred | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | trxn_id | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Transaction id supplied by external processor. This may not be unique. | |
civicrm_financial_trxn | trxn_result_code | varchar | 255 | √ | null | processor result code | |
civicrm_financial_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Financial Type Description. | |
civicrm_financial_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | ID of original financial_type so you can search this table by the and then select the relevant version based on the timestamp | ||
civicrm_financial_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_financial_type | is_deductible | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this financial type tax-deductible? If true, contributions of this type may be fully OR partially deductible - non-deductible amount is stored in the Contribution record. | |
civicrm_financial_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this a predefined system object? | |
civicrm_financial_type | name | varchar | 64 | Financial Type Name. | |||
civicrm_grant | amount_granted | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Granted amount, in default currency. | |
civicrm_grant | amount_requested | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Requested grant amount, in original currency (optional). | |
civicrm_grant | amount_total | decimal | 20,2 | Requested grant amount, in default currency. | |||
civicrm_grant | application_received_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which grant application was received by donor. | |
civicrm_grant | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Contact ID of contact record given grant belongs to. | |||
civicrm_grant | currency | varchar | 3 | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |||
civicrm_grant | decision_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which grant decision was made. | |
civicrm_grant | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type. | |
civicrm_grant | grant_due_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which grant report is due. | |
civicrm_grant | grant_report_received | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Yes/No field stating whether grant report was received by donor. | |
civicrm_grant | grant_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | Type of grant. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value in grant_type option_group. | |||
civicrm_grant | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Grant id | ||
civicrm_grant | money_transfer_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date on which grant money transfer was made. | |
civicrm_grant | rationale | text | 65535 | √ | null | Grant rationale. | |
civicrm_grant | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | Id of Grant status. | |||
civicrm_group | cache_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date when we created the cache for a smart group | |
civicrm_group | children | text | 65535 | √ | null | IDs of the child(ren) | |
civicrm_group | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contact table. | |
civicrm_group | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Optional verbose description of the group. | |
civicrm_group | group_type | varchar | 128 | √ | null | FK to group type | |
civicrm_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Group ID | ||
civicrm_group | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this entry active? | |
civicrm_group | is_hidden | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this group hidden? | |
civicrm_group | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_group | modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contact table. | |
civicrm_group | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Internal name of Group. | |
civicrm_group | parents | text | 65535 | √ | null | IDs of the parent(s) | |
civicrm_group | refresh_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time when we need to refresh the cache next. | |
civicrm_group | saved_search_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to saved search table. | |
civicrm_group | select_tables | text | 65535 | √ | null | the tables to be included in a select data | |
civicrm_group | source | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Module or process which created this group. | |
civicrm_group | title | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of Group. | |
civicrm_group | visibility | varchar | 24 | √ | User and User Admin Only | In what context(s) is this field visible. | |
civicrm_group | where_clause | text | 65535 | √ | null | the sql where clause if a saved search acl | |
civicrm_group | where_tables | text | 65535 | √ | null | the tables to be included in the count statement | |
civicrm_group_contact | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_contact | |||
civicrm_group_contact | email_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional email to associate with this membership | |
civicrm_group_contact | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_group | |||
civicrm_group_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_group_contact | location_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional location to associate with this membership | |
civicrm_group_contact | status | varchar | 8 | √ | null | status of contact relative to membership in group | |
civicrm_group_contact_cache | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_contact | |||
civicrm_group_contact_cache | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_group | |||
civicrm_group_contact_cache | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_group_nesting | child_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of the child group | |||
civicrm_group_nesting | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Relationship ID | ||
civicrm_group_nesting | parent_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of the parent group | |||
civicrm_group_organization | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of the group | |||
civicrm_group_organization | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Relationship ID | ||
civicrm_group_organization | organization_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of the Organization Contact | |||
civicrm_im | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_im | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique IM ID | ||
civicrm_im | is_billing | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the billing? | |
civicrm_im | is_primary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the primary IM for this contact and location. | |
civicrm_im | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Location does this email belong to. | |
civicrm_im | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | IM screen name | |
civicrm_im | provider_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which IM Provider does this screen name belong to. | |
civicrm_install_canary | id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_job | api_action | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Action of the job api call | |
civicrm_job | api_entity | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Entity of the job api call | |
civicrm_job | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of the job | |
civicrm_job | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this scheduled job for | |||
civicrm_job | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Job Id | ||
civicrm_job | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this job active? | |
civicrm_job | last_run | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was this cron entry last run | |
civicrm_job | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title of the job | |
civicrm_job | parameters | text | 65535 | √ | null | List of parameters to the command. | |
civicrm_job | run_frequency | varchar | 8 | √ | Daily | Scheduled job run frequency. | |
civicrm_job | scheduled_run_date | timestamp | 19 | √ | null | When is this cron entry scheduled to run | |
civicrm_job_log | command | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Full path to file containing job script | |
civicrm_job_log | data | text | 65535 | √ | null | Potential extended data for specific job run (e.g. tracebacks). | |
civicrm_job_log | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title line of log entry | |
civicrm_job_log | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this scheduled job for | |||
civicrm_job_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Job log entry Id | ||
civicrm_job_log | job_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Pointer to job id - not a FK though, just for logging purposes | |
civicrm_job_log | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title of the job | |
civicrm_job_log | run_time | timestamp | 19 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Log entry date | ||
civicrm_line_item | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contribution | |
civicrm_line_item | deductible_amount | decimal | 20,2 | 0.00 | Tax-deductible portion of the amount | ||
civicrm_line_item | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | entry in table | |||
civicrm_line_item | entity_table | varchar | 64 | table which has the transaction | |||
civicrm_line_item | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type. | |
civicrm_line_item | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Line Item | ||
civicrm_line_item | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | descriptive label for item - from price_field_value.label | |
civicrm_line_item | line_total | decimal | 20,2 | qty * unit_price | |||
civicrm_line_item | participant_count | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Participant count for field | |
civicrm_line_item | price_field_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_price_field | |
civicrm_line_item | price_field_value_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_price_field_value | |
civicrm_line_item | qty | decimal | 20,2 | How many items ordered | |||
civicrm_line_item | tax_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | tax of each item | |
civicrm_line_item | unit_price | decimal | 20,2 | price of each item | |||
civicrm_loc_block | address_2_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | address_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | email_2_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | email_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique ID | ||
civicrm_loc_block | im_2_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | im_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | phone_2_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_loc_block | phone_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_location_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Location Type Description. | |
civicrm_location_type | display_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Location Type Display Name. | |
civicrm_location_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Location Type ID | ||
civicrm_location_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_location_type | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this location type the default? | |
civicrm_location_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this location type a predefined system location? | |
civicrm_location_type | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Location Type Name. | |
civicrm_location_type | vcard_name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | vCard Location Type Name. | |
civicrm_log | data | text | 65535 | √ | null | Updates does to this object if any. | |
civicrm_log | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |||
civicrm_log | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. | |||
civicrm_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Log ID | ||
civicrm_log | modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was the referenced entity created or modified or deleted. | |
civicrm_log | modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID of person under whose credentials this data modification was made. | |
civicrm_mail_settings | domain | varchar | 255 | √ | null | email address domain (the part after @) | |
civicrm_mail_settings | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this match entry for | |||
civicrm_mail_settings | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | primary key | ||
civicrm_mail_settings | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | whether this is the default set of settings for this domain | |
civicrm_mail_settings | is_ssl | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | whether to use SSL or not | |
civicrm_mail_settings | localpart | varchar | 255 | √ | null | optional local part (like civimail+ for addresses like | |
civicrm_mail_settings | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | name of this group of settings | |
civicrm_mail_settings | password | varchar | 255 | √ | null | password to use when polling | |
civicrm_mail_settings | port | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | port to use when polling | |
civicrm_mail_settings | protocol | varchar | 255 | √ | null | name of the protocol to use for polling (like IMAP, POP3 or Maildir) | |
civicrm_mail_settings | return_path | varchar | 255 | √ | null | contents of the Return-Path header | |
civicrm_mail_settings | server | varchar | 255 | √ | null | server to use when polling | |
civicrm_mail_settings | source | varchar | 255 | √ | null | folder to poll from when using IMAP, path to poll from when using Maildir, etc. | |
civicrm_mail_settings | username | varchar | 255 | √ | null | username to use when polling | |
civicrm_mailing | approval_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this mailing was approved. | |
civicrm_mailing | approval_note | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Note behind the decision. | |
civicrm_mailing | approval_status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The status of this mailing. Values: none, approved, rejected | |
civicrm_mailing | approver_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID who approved this mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | auto_responder | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Should we enable the auto-responder? | |
civicrm_mailing | body_html | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Body of the mailing in html format. | |
civicrm_mailing | body_text | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Body of the mailing in text format. | |
civicrm_mailing | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this mailing has been initiated. | |
civicrm_mailing | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this mailing was created. | |
civicrm_mailing | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID who first created this mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | dedupe_email | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Remove duplicate emails? | |
civicrm_mailing | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which site is this mailing for | |
civicrm_mailing | email_selection_method | varchar | 20 | √ | automatic | With location_type_id, determine how to choose the email address to use. | |
civicrm_mailing | footer_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the footer component. | |
civicrm_mailing | forward_replies | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Should we forward replies back to the author? | |
civicrm_mailing | from_email | varchar | 128 | √ | null | From Email of mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | from_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | From Header of mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | hash | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Key for validating requests related to this mailing. | |
civicrm_mailing | header_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the header component. | |
civicrm_mailing | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing | is_archived | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this mailing archived? | |
civicrm_mailing | is_completed | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Has at least one job associated with this mailing finished? | |
civicrm_mailing | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | With email_selection_method, determines which email address to use | |
civicrm_mailing | mailing_type | varchar | 32 | √ | null | differentiate between standalone mailings, A/B tests, and A/B final-winner | |
civicrm_mailing | msg_template_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the message template. | |
civicrm_mailing | name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Mailing Name. | |
civicrm_mailing | open_tracking | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Should we track when recipients open/read this mailing? | |
civicrm_mailing | optout_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the opt-out component. | |
civicrm_mailing | override_verp | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should we overrite VERP address in Reply-To | |
civicrm_mailing | reply_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the auto-responder component. | |
civicrm_mailing | replyto_email | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Reply-To Email of mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | resubscribe_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing | scheduled_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this mailing was scheduled. | |
civicrm_mailing | scheduled_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID who scheduled this mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | sms_provider_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing | subject | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Subject of mailing | |
civicrm_mailing | unsubscribe_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to the unsubscribe component. | |
civicrm_mailing | url_tracking | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Should we track URL click-throughs for this mailing? | |
civicrm_mailing | visibility | varchar | 40 | √ | Public Pages | In what context(s) is the mailing contents visible (online viewing) | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was this item created | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | declare_winning_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | In how much time to declare winner | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which site is this mailing for | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | group_percentage | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing_abtest | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_abtest | mailing_id_a | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The first experimental mailing ("A" condition) | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | mailing_id_b | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The second experimental mailing ("B" condition) | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | mailing_id_c | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The final, general mailing (derived from A or B) | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Name of the A/B test | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | specific_url | varchar | 255 | √ | null | What specific url to track | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | status | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Status | |
civicrm_mailing_abtest | testing_criteria | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing_abtest | winner_criteria | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern | bounce_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | Type of bounce | |||
civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern | pattern | varchar | 255 | √ | null | A regexp to match a message to a bounce type | |
civicrm_mailing_bounce_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | A description of this bounce type | |
civicrm_mailing_bounce_type | hold_threshold | int unsigned | 10 | Number of bounces of this type required before the email address is put on bounce hold | |||
civicrm_mailing_bounce_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_bounce_type | name | varchar | 24 | Type of bounce | |||
civicrm_mailing_component | body_html | text | 65535 | √ | null | Body of the component in html format. | |
civicrm_mailing_component | body_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Body of the component in text format. | |
civicrm_mailing_component | component_type | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Type of Component. | |
civicrm_mailing_component | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_component | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this property active? | |
civicrm_mailing_component | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the default component for this component_type? | |
civicrm_mailing_component | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The name of this component | |
civicrm_mailing_component | subject | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mailing_event_bounce | bounce_reason | varchar | 255 | √ | null | The reason the email bounced. | |
civicrm_mailing_event_bounce | bounce_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | What type of bounce was it? | |
civicrm_mailing_event_bounce | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_bounce | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_bounce | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this bounce event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_confirm | event_subscribe_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_confirm | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_confirm | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this confirmation event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_delivered | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_delivered | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_delivered | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this delivery event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_forward | dest_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to EventQueue for destination | |
civicrm_mailing_event_forward | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_forward | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_forward | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this forward event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_opened | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_opened | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_opened | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this open event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | email_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Email | |
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | hash | varchar | 255 | Security hash | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | job_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Job | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_queue | phone_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Phone | |
civicrm_mailing_event_reply | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_reply | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_reply | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this reply event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Group | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | hash | varchar | 255 | Security hash | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this subscription event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this trackable URL open occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open | trackable_url_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to TrackableURL | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe | event_queue_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to EventQueue | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe | org_unsubscribe | tinyint | 3 | Unsubscribe at org- or group-level | |||
civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe | time_stamp | datetime | 19 | When this delivery event occurred. | |||
civicrm_mailing_group | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |||
civicrm_mailing_group | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. | |||
civicrm_mailing_group | group_type | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Are the members of the group included or excluded?. | |
civicrm_mailing_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_group | mailing_id | int unsigned | 10 | The ID of a previous mailing to include/exclude recipients. | |||
civicrm_mailing_group | search_args | text | 65535 | √ | null | The arguments to be sent to the search function | |
civicrm_mailing_group | search_id | int | 10 | √ | null | The filtering search. custom search id or -1 for civicrm api search | |
civicrm_mailing_job | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job ended. | |
civicrm_mailing_job | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_job | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this job for a test mail? | |
civicrm_mailing_job | job_limit | int | 10 | √ | 0 | Queue size limit for each child job | |
civicrm_mailing_job | job_offset | int | 10 | √ | 0 | Offset of the child job | |
civicrm_mailing_job | job_type | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Type of mailling job: null | child | |
civicrm_mailing_job | mailing_id | int unsigned | 10 | The ID of the mailing this Job will send. | |||
civicrm_mailing_job | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Parent job id | |
civicrm_mailing_job | scheduled_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job was scheduled. | |
civicrm_mailing_job | start_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job was started. | |
civicrm_mailing_job | status | varchar | 12 | √ | null | The state of this job | |
civicrm_mailing_recipients | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact | |||
civicrm_mailing_recipients | email_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Email | |
civicrm_mailing_recipients | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_recipients | mailing_id | int unsigned | 10 | The ID of the mailing this Job will send. | |||
civicrm_mailing_recipients | phone_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Phone | |
civicrm_mailing_spool | added_at | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job was added. | |
civicrm_mailing_spool | body | text | 65535 | √ | null | The body of this mailing. | |
civicrm_mailing_spool | headers | text | 65535 | √ | null | The header information of this mailing . | |
civicrm_mailing_spool | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_spool | job_id | int unsigned | 10 | The ID of the Job . | |||
civicrm_mailing_spool | recipient_email | text | 65535 | √ | null | The email of the receipients this mail is to be sent. | |
civicrm_mailing_spool | removed_at | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job was removed. | |
civicrm_mailing_trackable_url | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_mailing_trackable_url | mailing_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to the mailing | |||
civicrm_mailing_trackable_url | url | text | 65535 | The URL to be tracked. | |||
civicrm_managed | cleanup | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Policy on when to cleanup entity (always, never, unused) | |
civicrm_managed | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |||
civicrm_managed | entity_type | varchar | 64 | API entity type | |||
civicrm_managed | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Surrogate Key | ||
civicrm_managed | module | varchar | 127 | Name of the module which declared this object | |||
civicrm_managed | name | varchar | 127 | √ | null | Symbolic name used by the module to identify the object | |
civicrm_mapping | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of Mapping. | |
civicrm_mapping | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Mapping ID | ||
civicrm_mapping | mapping_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Mapping Type | |
civicrm_mapping | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of Mapping | |
civicrm_mapping_field | column_number | int unsigned | 10 | Column number for mapping set | |||
civicrm_mapping_field | contact_type | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Contact Type in mapping | |
civicrm_mapping_field | grouping | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Used to group mapping_field records into related sets (e.g. for criteria sets in search builder mappings). |
civicrm_mapping_field | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Mapping Field ID | ||
civicrm_mapping_field | im_provider_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which type of IM Provider does this name belong. | |
civicrm_mapping_field | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Location type of this mapping, if required | |
civicrm_mapping_field | mapping_id | int unsigned | 10 | Mapping to which this field belongs | |||
civicrm_mapping_field | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Mapping field key | |
civicrm_mapping_field | operator | varchar | 16 | √ | null | SQL WHERE operator for search-builder mapping fields (search criteria). | |
civicrm_mapping_field | phone_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which type of phone does this number belongs. | |
civicrm_mapping_field | relationship_direction | varchar | 6 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_mapping_field | relationship_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Relationship type, if required | |
civicrm_mapping_field | value | varchar | 255 | √ | null | SQL WHERE value for search-builder mapping fields. | |
civicrm_mapping_field | website_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which type of website does this site belong | |
civicrm_membership | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this membership is attached. | |
civicrm_membership | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_membership | contribution_recur_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Conditional foreign key to civicrm_contribution_recur id. Each membership in connection with a recurring contribution carries a foreign key to the recurring contribution record. This assumes we can track these processor initiated events. | |
civicrm_membership | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Current membership period expire date. | |
civicrm_membership | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Membership Id | ||
civicrm_membership | is_override | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Admin users may set a manual status which overrides the calculated status. When this flag is true, automated status update scripts should NOT modify status for the record. | |
civicrm_membership | is_pay_later | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_membership | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_membership | join_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Beginning of initial membership period (member since...). | |
civicrm_membership | max_related | int | 10 | √ | null | Maximum number of related memberships (membership_type override). | |
civicrm_membership | membership_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Membership Type | |||
civicrm_membership | owner_membership_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional FK to Parent Membership. | |
civicrm_membership | source | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_membership | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Beginning of current uninterrupted membership period. | |
civicrm_membership | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Membership Status | |||
civicrm_membership_block | display_min_fee | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Display minimum membership fee | |
civicrm_membership_block | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to | |||
civicrm_membership_block | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name for Membership Status | |
civicrm_membership_block | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Membership Id | ||
civicrm_membership_block | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this membership_block enabled | |
civicrm_membership_block | is_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is membership sign up optional | |
civicrm_membership_block | is_separate_payment | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Should membership transactions be processed separately | |
civicrm_membership_block | membership_type_default | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional foreign key to membership_type | |
civicrm_membership_block | membership_types | varchar | 1024 | √ | null | Membership types to be exposed by this block | |
civicrm_membership_block | new_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text to display below title | |
civicrm_membership_block | new_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title to display at top of block | |
civicrm_membership_block | renewal_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Text to display for member renewal | |
civicrm_membership_block | renewal_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for renewal | |
civicrm_membership_log | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | New membership period expiration date. | |
civicrm_membership_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_membership_log | max_related | int | 10 | √ | null | Maximum number of related memberships. | |
civicrm_membership_log | membership_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Membership table | |||
civicrm_membership_log | membership_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Membership Type. | |
civicrm_membership_log | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | Date this membership modification action was logged. | |
civicrm_membership_log | modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID of person under whose credentials this data modification was made. | |
civicrm_membership_log | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | New membership period start date | |
civicrm_membership_log | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | New status assigned to membership by this action. FK to Membership Status | |||
civicrm_membership_payment | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contribution table. | |
civicrm_membership_payment | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_membership_payment | membership_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Membership table | |||
civicrm_membership_status | end_event | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Event after which this status ends. | |
civicrm_membership_status | end_event_adjust_interval | int | 10 | √ | null | Status range ends this many units from end_event. | |
civicrm_membership_status | end_event_adjust_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Unit used for adjusting from the ending event. | |
civicrm_membership_status | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Membership Id | ||
civicrm_membership_status | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this membership_status enabled. | |
civicrm_membership_status | is_admin | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this status for admin/manual assignment only. | |
civicrm_membership_status | is_current_member | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE). | |
civicrm_membership_status | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found. | |
civicrm_membership_status | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this membership_status reserved. | |
civicrm_membership_status | label | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Label for Membership Status | |
civicrm_membership_status | name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Name for Membership Status | |
civicrm_membership_status | start_event | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Event when this status starts. | |
civicrm_membership_status | start_event_adjust_interval | int | 10 | √ | null | Status range begins this many units from start_event. | |
civicrm_membership_status | start_event_adjust_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Unit used for adjusting from start_event. | |
civicrm_membership_status | weight | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_membership_type | auto_renew | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | 0 = No auto-renew option; 1 = Give option, but not required; 2 = Auto-renew required; | |
civicrm_membership_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of Membership Type | |
civicrm_membership_type | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this match entry for | |||
civicrm_membership_type | duration_interval | int | 10 | √ | null | Number of duration units in membership period (e.g. 1 year, 12 months). | |
civicrm_membership_type | duration_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Unit in which membership period is expressed. | |
civicrm_membership_type | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | If membership is paid by a contribution - what financial type should be used. FK to | |||
civicrm_membership_type | fixed_period_rollover_day | int | 10 | √ | null | For fixed period memberships, signups after this day (mmdd) rollover to next period. | |
civicrm_membership_type | fixed_period_start_day | int | 10 | √ | null | For fixed period memberships, month and day (mmdd) on which subscription/membership will start. Period start is back-dated unless after rollover day. | |
civicrm_membership_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Membership Id | ||
civicrm_membership_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this membership_type enabled | |
civicrm_membership_type | max_related | int | 10 | √ | null | Maximum number of related memberships. | |
civicrm_membership_type | member_of_contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Owner organization for this membership type. FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_membership_type | minimum_fee | decimal | 20,2 | √ | 0.00 | Minimum fee for this membership (0 for free/complimentary memberships). | |
civicrm_membership_type | name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Name of Membership Type | |
civicrm_membership_type | period_type | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Rolling membership period starts on signup date. Fixed membership periods start on fixed_period_start_day. | |
civicrm_membership_type | receipt_text_renewal | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Receipt Text for membership renewal | |
civicrm_membership_type | receipt_text_signup | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Receipt Text for membership signup | |
civicrm_membership_type | relationship_direction | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_membership_type | relationship_type_id | varchar | 64 | √ | null | FK to Relationship Type ID | |
civicrm_membership_type | visibility | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_membership_type | weight | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_menu | access_arguments | text | 65535 | √ | null | Arguments to pass to access callback | |
civicrm_menu | access_callback | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Function to call to check access permissions | |
civicrm_menu | breadcrumb | text | 65535 | √ | null | Breadcrumb for the path. | |
civicrm_menu | component_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Component that this menu item belongs to | |
civicrm_menu | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this menu item for | |||
civicrm_menu | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_menu | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this menu item active? | |
civicrm_menu | is_exposed | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this menu exposed to the navigation system? | |
civicrm_menu | is_public | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this menu accessible to the public? | |
civicrm_menu | is_ssl | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Should this menu be exposed via SSL if enabled? | |
civicrm_menu | page_arguments | text | 65535 | √ | null | Arguments to pass to page callback | |
civicrm_menu | page_callback | varchar | 255 | √ | null | function to call for this url | |
civicrm_menu | page_type | int | 10 | 1 | CiviCRM menu type. | ||
civicrm_menu | path | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Path Name | |
civicrm_menu | path_arguments | text | 65535 | √ | null | Arguments to pass to the url | |
civicrm_menu | return_url | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Url where a page should redirected to, if next url not known. | |
civicrm_menu | return_url_args | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Arguments to pass to return_url | |
civicrm_menu | skipBreadcrumb | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | skip this url being exposed to breadcrumb | |
civicrm_menu | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_menu | type | int | 10 | 1 | Drupal menu type. | ||
civicrm_menu | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Ordering of the menu items in various blocks. | ||
civicrm_msg_template | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Message Template ID | ||
civicrm_msg_template | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civicrm_msg_template | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | is this the default message template for the workflow referenced by workflow_id? | |
civicrm_msg_template | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | is this the reserved message template which we ship for the workflow referenced by workflow_id? | |
civicrm_msg_template | is_sms | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this message template used for sms? | |
civicrm_msg_template | msg_html | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | HTML formatted message | |
civicrm_msg_template | msg_subject | text | 65535 | √ | null | Subject for email message. | |
civicrm_msg_template | msg_text | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Text formatted message | |
civicrm_msg_template | msg_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Descriptive title of message | |
civicrm_msg_template | pdf_format_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | a pseudo-FK to civicrm_option_value containing PDF Page Format. | |
civicrm_msg_template | workflow_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | a pseudo-FK to civicrm_option_value | |
civicrm_navigation | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this navigation item for | |||
civicrm_navigation | has_separator | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | If separator needs to be added after this menu item | |
civicrm_navigation | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_navigation | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this navigation item active? | |
civicrm_navigation | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Navigation Title | |
civicrm_navigation | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Internal Name | |
civicrm_navigation | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Parent navigation item, used for grouping | |
civicrm_navigation | permission | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Permission for menu item | |
civicrm_navigation | permission_operator | varchar | 3 | √ | null | Permission Operator | |
civicrm_navigation | url | varchar | 255 | √ | null | url in case of custom navigation link | |
civicrm_navigation | weight | int | 10 | √ | null | Ordering of the navigation items in various blocks. | |
civicrm_note | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID creator | |
civicrm_note | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |||
civicrm_note | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. | |||
civicrm_note | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Note ID | ||
civicrm_note | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | When was this note last modified/edited | |
civicrm_note | note | text | 65535 | √ | null | Note and/or Comment. | |
civicrm_note | privacy | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Foreign Key to Note Privacy Level (which is an option value pair and hence an implicit FK) | |
civicrm_note | subject | varchar | 255 | √ | null | subject of note description | |
civicrm_openid | allowed_to_login | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Whether or not this user is allowed to login | ||
civicrm_openid | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_openid | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique OpenID ID | ||
civicrm_openid | is_primary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the primary email for this contact and location. | |
civicrm_openid | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Location does this email belong to. | |
civicrm_openid | openid | varchar | 255 | √ | null | the OpenID (or OpenID-style http://username.domain/) unique identifier for this contact mainly used for logging in to CiviCRM | |
civicrm_option_group | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Option group description. | |
civicrm_option_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Option Group ID | ||
civicrm_option_group | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this option group active? | |
civicrm_option_group | is_locked | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | A lock to remove the ability to add new options via the UI. | |
civicrm_option_group | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this a predefined system option group (i.e. it can not be deleted)? | |
civicrm_option_group | name | varchar | 64 | Option group name. Used as selection key by class properties which lookup options in civicrm_option_value. | |||
civicrm_option_group | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Option Group title. | |
civicrm_option_value | component_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Component that this option value belongs/caters to. | |
civicrm_option_value | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Optional description. | |
civicrm_option_value | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Domain is this option value for | |
civicrm_option_value | filter | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Bitwise logic can be used to create subsets of options within an option_group for different uses. | |
civicrm_option_value | grouping | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Use to sort and/or set display properties for sub-set(s) of options within an option group. EXAMPLE: Use for college_interest field, to differentiate partners from non-partners. | |
civicrm_option_value | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Option ID | ||
civicrm_option_value | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this option active? | |
civicrm_option_value | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the default option for the group? | |
civicrm_option_value | is_optgroup | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this row simply a display header? Expected usage is to render these as OPTGROUP tags within a SELECT field list of options? | |
civicrm_option_value | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this a predefined system object? | |
civicrm_option_value | label | varchar | 512 | Option string as displayed to users - e.g. the label in an HTML OPTION tag. | |||
civicrm_option_value | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Stores a fixed (non-translated) name for this option value. Lookup functions should use the name as the key for the option value row. | |
civicrm_option_value | option_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | Group which this option belongs to. | |||
civicrm_option_value | value | varchar | 512 | The actual value stored (as a foreign key) in the data record. Functions which need lookup option_value.title should use civicrm_option_value.option_group_id plus civicrm_option_value.value as the key. | |||
civicrm_option_value | visibility_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_option_value | weight | int unsigned | 10 | Controls display sort order. | |||
civicrm_participant | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this participant has been registered. | |
civicrm_participant | cart_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_event_carts | |
civicrm_participant | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_participant | discount_amount | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Discount Amount | |
civicrm_participant | discount_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Discount ID | |
civicrm_participant | event_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Event ID | |||
civicrm_participant | fee_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | actual processor fee if known - may be 0. | |
civicrm_participant | fee_currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value derived from config setting. | |
civicrm_participant | fee_level | text | 65535 | √ | null | Populate with the label (text) associated with a fee level for paid events with multiple levels. Note that we store the label value and not the key |
civicrm_participant | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Participant Id | ||
civicrm_participant | is_pay_later | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_participant | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_participant | must_wait | int | 10 | √ | null | On Waiting List | |
civicrm_participant | register_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When did contact register for event? | |
civicrm_participant | registered_by_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Participant ID | |
civicrm_participant | role_id | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Participant role ID. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = participant_role. | |
civicrm_participant | source | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Source of this event registration. | |
civicrm_participant | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | Participant status ID. FK to civicrm_participant_status_type. Default of 1 should map to status = Registered. | ||
civicrm_participant | transferred_to_contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_participant_payment | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to contribution table. | |||
civicrm_participant_payment | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Participant Payment Id | ||
civicrm_participant_payment | participant_id | int unsigned | 10 | Participant Id (FK) | |||
civicrm_participant_status_type | class | varchar | 8 | √ | null | the general group of status type this one belongs to | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | unique participant status type id | ||
civicrm_participant_status_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | whether this status type is active | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | is_counted | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | whether this status type is counted against event size limit | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | whether this is a status type required by the system | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | localized label for display of this status type | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | non-localized name of the status type | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | visibility_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | whether the status type is visible to the public, an implicit foreign key to option_value.value related to the `visibility` option_group | |
civicrm_participant_status_type | weight | int unsigned | 10 | controls sort order | |||
civicrm_payment_processor | billing_mode | int unsigned | 10 | Billing Mode (deprecated) | |||
civicrm_payment_processor | class_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Payment Processor Description. | |
civicrm_payment_processor | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this match entry for | |||
civicrm_payment_processor | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Payment Processor ID | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this processor active? | |
civicrm_payment_processor | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this processor the default? | |
civicrm_payment_processor | is_recur | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Can process recurring contributions | |
civicrm_payment_processor | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this processor for a test site? | |
civicrm_payment_processor | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Payment Processor Name. | |
civicrm_payment_processor | password | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Payment Instrument ID | |
civicrm_payment_processor | payment_processor_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | payment_type | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Payment Type: Credit or Debit (deprecated) | |
civicrm_payment_processor | signature | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | subject | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | url_api | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | url_button | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | url_recur | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | url_site | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor | user_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | billing_mode | int unsigned | 10 | Billing Mode (deprecated) | |||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | class_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Payment Processor Description. | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Payment Processor Type ID | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this processor active? | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this processor the default? | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | is_recur | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Can process recurring contributions | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Payment Processor Name. | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | password_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | payment_instrument_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Payment Instrument ID | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | payment_type | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Payment Type: Credit or Debit (deprecated) | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | signature_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | subject_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | title | varchar | 127 | √ | null | Payment Processor Name. | |
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_api_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_api_test_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_button_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_button_test_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_recur_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_recur_test_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_site_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | url_site_test_default | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_processor_type | user_name_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_payment_token | billing_first_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Billing first name at the time of token creation. Useful for fraud forensics | |
civicrm_payment_token | billing_last_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Billing last name at the time of token creation. Useful for fraud forensics | |
civicrm_payment_token | billing_middle_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Billing middle name at the time of token creation. Useful for fraud forensics | |
civicrm_payment_token | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID for the owner of the token | |||
civicrm_payment_token | created_date | timestamp | 19 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Date created | ||
civicrm_payment_token | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Contact ID of token creator | |
civicrm_payment_token | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Email at the time of token creation. Useful for fraud forensics | ||
civicrm_payment_token | expiry_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date this token expires | |
civicrm_payment_token | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Payment Token ID | ||
civicrm_payment_token | ip_address | varchar | 255 | √ | null | IP used when creating the token. Useful for fraud forensics | |
civicrm_payment_token | masked_account_number | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Holds the part of the card number or account details that may be retained or displayed | |
civicrm_payment_token | payment_processor_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_payment_token | token | varchar | 255 | Externally provided token string | |||
civicrm_pcp | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Contact ID | |||
civicrm_pcp | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_pcp | donate_link_text | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_pcp | goal_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Goal amount of this Personal Campaign Page. | |
civicrm_pcp | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Personal Campaign Page ID | ||
civicrm_pcp | intro_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_pcp | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is Personal Campaign Page enabled/active? | |
civicrm_pcp | is_honor_roll | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_pcp | is_notify | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Notify owner via email when someone donates to page? | |
civicrm_pcp | is_thermometer | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_pcp | page_id | int unsigned | 10 | The Contribution or Event Page which triggered this pcp | |||
civicrm_pcp | page_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_pcp | page_type | varchar | 64 | √ | contribute | The type of PCP this is: contribute or event | |
civicrm_pcp | pcp_block_id | int unsigned | 10 | The pcp block that this pcp page was created from | |||
civicrm_pcp | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_pcp | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_pcp_block | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to OR | |||
civicrm_pcp_block | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_pcp_block | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | PCP block Id | ||
civicrm_pcp_block | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is Personal Campaign Page Block enabled/active? | |
civicrm_pcp_block | is_approval_needed | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Does Personal Campaign Page require manual activation by administrator? (is inactive by default after setup)? | |
civicrm_pcp_block | is_tellfriend_enabled | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Does Personal Campaign Page allow using tell a friend? | |
civicrm_pcp_block | link_text | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Link text for PCP. | |
civicrm_pcp_block | notify_email | varchar | 255 | √ | null | If set, notification is automatically emailed to this email-address on create/update Personal Campaign Page | |
civicrm_pcp_block | owner_notify_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | FK to civicrm_option_group with name = PCP owner notifications | |
civicrm_pcp_block | supporter_profile_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Does Personal Campaign Page require manual activation by administrator? (is inactive by default after setup)? | |
civicrm_pcp_block | target_entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | The entity that this pcp targets | |||
civicrm_pcp_block | target_entity_type | varchar | 255 | contribute | The type of entity that this pcp targets | ||
civicrm_pcp_block | tellfriend_limit | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Maximum recipient fields allowed in tell a friend | |
civicrm_persistent | context | varchar | 255 | Context for which name data pair is to be stored | |||
civicrm_persistent | data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | data associated with name | |
civicrm_persistent | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Persistent Record Id | ||
civicrm_persistent | is_config | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Config Settings | ||
civicrm_persistent | name | varchar | 255 | Name of Context | |||
civicrm_phone | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_phone | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Phone ID | ||
civicrm_phone | is_billing | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the billing? | |
civicrm_phone | is_primary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this the primary phone for this contact and location. | |
civicrm_phone | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Location does this phone belong to. | |
civicrm_phone | mobile_provider_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Mobile Provider does this phone belong to. | |
civicrm_phone | phone | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Complete phone number. | |
civicrm_phone | phone_ext | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Optional extension for a phone number. | |
civicrm_phone | phone_numeric | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Phone number stripped of all whitespace, letters, and punctuation. | |
civicrm_phone | phone_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which type of phone does this number belongs. | |
civicrm_pledge | acknowledge_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When a pledge acknowledgement message was sent to the contributor. | |
civicrm_pledge | additional_reminder_day | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 5 | Send additional reminder this many days after last one sent, up to maximum number of reminders. | |
civicrm_pledge | amount | decimal | 20,2 | Total pledged amount. | |||
civicrm_pledge | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign for which this pledge has been initiated. | |
civicrm_pledge | cancel_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date this pledge was cancelled by contributor. | |
civicrm_pledge | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to . | |||
civicrm_pledge | contribution_page_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution | |
civicrm_pledge | create_date | datetime | 19 | When this pledge record was created. | |||
civicrm_pledge | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_pledge | end_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date this pledge finished successfully (total pledge payments equal to or greater than pledged amount). | |
civicrm_pledge | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type | |
civicrm_pledge | frequency_day | int unsigned | 10 | 3 | Day in the period when the pledge payment is due e.g. 1st of month, 15th etc. Use this to set the scheduled dates for pledge payments. | ||
civicrm_pledge | frequency_interval | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | Number of time units for recurrence of pledge payments. | ||
civicrm_pledge | frequency_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | month | Time units for recurrence of pledge payments. | |
civicrm_pledge | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Pledge ID | ||
civicrm_pledge | initial_reminder_day | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 5 | Send initial reminder this many days prior to the payment due date. | |
civicrm_pledge | installments | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Total number of payments to be made. | |
civicrm_pledge | is_test | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_pledge | max_reminders | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | The maximum number of payment reminders to send for any given payment. | |
civicrm_pledge | modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Last updated date for this pledge record. | |
civicrm_pledge | original_installment_amount | decimal | 20,2 | Original amount for each of the installments. | |||
civicrm_pledge | start_date | datetime | 19 | The date the first scheduled pledge occurs. | |||
civicrm_pledge | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Implicit foreign key to civicrm_option_values in the contribution_status option group. | |
civicrm_pledge_block | additional_reminder_day | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 5 | Send additional reminder this many days after last one sent, up to maximum number of reminders. | |
civicrm_pledge_block | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_pledge_block | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to pledge, e.g. civicrm_contact | |
civicrm_pledge_block | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Pledge ID | ||
civicrm_pledge_block | initial_reminder_day | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 5 | Send initial reminder this many days prior to the payment due date. | |
civicrm_pledge_block | is_pledge_interval | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is frequency interval exposed on the contribution form. | |
civicrm_pledge_block | max_reminders | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | The maximum number of payment reminders to send for any given payment. | |
civicrm_pledge_block | pledge_frequency_unit | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Delimited list of supported frequency units | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | actual_amount | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Actual amount that is paid as the Pledged installment amount. | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contribution table. | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_pledge_payment | pledge_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to Pledge table | |||
civicrm_pledge_payment | reminder_count | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of payment reminders sent. | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | reminder_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | The date that the most recent payment reminder was sent. | |
civicrm_pledge_payment | scheduled_amount | decimal | 20,2 | Pledged amount for this payment (the actual contribution amount might be different). | |||
civicrm_pledge_payment | scheduled_date | datetime | 19 | The date the pledge payment is supposed to happen. | |||
civicrm_pledge_payment | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_preferences_date | date_format | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The date type | |
civicrm_preferences_date | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of this date type. | |
civicrm_preferences_date | end | int | 10 | The end offset relative to current year, can be negative | |||
civicrm_preferences_date | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_preferences_date | name | varchar | 64 | The meta name for this date (fixed in code) | |||
civicrm_preferences_date | start | int | 10 | The start offset relative to current year | |||
civicrm_preferences_date | time_format | varchar | 64 | √ | null | time format | |
civicrm_premiums | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_premiums | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Joins these premium settings to another object. Always civicrm_contribution_page for now. | |||
civicrm_premiums | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_premiums | premiums_active | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Is the Premiums feature enabled for this page? | ||
civicrm_premiums | premiums_contact_email | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This email address is included in receipts if it is populated and a premium has been selected. | |
civicrm_premiums | premiums_contact_phone | varchar | 50 | √ | null | This phone number is included in receipts if it is populated and a premium has been selected. | |
civicrm_premiums | premiums_display_min_contribution | tinyint | 3 | Boolean. Should we automatically display minimum contribution amount text after the premium descriptions. | |||
civicrm_premiums | premiums_intro_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Displayed in <div> at top of Premiums section of page. Text and HTML allowed. | |
civicrm_premiums | premiums_intro_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for Premiums section. | |
civicrm_premiums | premiums_nothankyou_label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Label displayed for No Thank-you option in premiums block (e.g. No thank you) | |
civicrm_premiums | premiums_nothankyou_position | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | ||
civicrm_premiums_product | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type. | |
civicrm_premiums_product | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Contribution ID | ||
civicrm_premiums_product | premiums_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to premiums settings record. | |||
civicrm_premiums_product | product_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to each product object. | |||
civicrm_premiums_product | weight | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_prevnext_cache | cacheKey | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Unique path name for cache element of the searched item | |
civicrm_prevnext_cache | data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | cached snapshot of the serialized data | |
civicrm_prevnext_cache | entity_id1 | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_prevnext_cache | entity_id2 | int unsigned | 10 | FK to entity table specified in entity_table column. | |||
civicrm_prevnext_cache | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | physical tablename for entity being joined to discount, e.g. civicrm_event | |
civicrm_prevnext_cache | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_prevnext_cache | is_selected | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_price_field | active_on | datetime | 19 | √ | null | If non-zero, do not show this field before the date specified | |
civicrm_price_field | expire_on | datetime | 19 | √ | null | If non-zero, do not show this field after the date specified | |
civicrm_price_field | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after this field. | |
civicrm_price_field | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before this field. | |
civicrm_price_field | html_type | varchar | 12 | ||||
civicrm_price_field | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Price Field | ||
civicrm_price_field | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this price field active | |
civicrm_price_field | is_display_amounts | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Should the price be displayed next to the label for each option? | |
civicrm_price_field | is_enter_qty | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Enter a quantity for this field? | |
civicrm_price_field | is_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this price field required (value must be > 1) | |
civicrm_price_field | javascript | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional scripting attributes for field | |
civicrm_price_field | label | varchar | 255 | Text for form field label (also friendly name for administering this field). | |||
civicrm_price_field | name | varchar | 255 | Variable name/programmatic handle for this field. | |||
civicrm_price_field | options_per_line | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | number of options per line for checkbox and radio | |
civicrm_price_field | price_set_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_price_set | |||
civicrm_price_field | visibility_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Implicit FK to civicrm_option_group with name = 'visibility' | |
civicrm_price_field | weight | int | 10 | √ | 1 | Order in which the fields should appear | |
civicrm_price_field_value | amount | varchar | 512 | Price field option amount | |||
civicrm_price_field_value | count | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of participants per field option | |
civicrm_price_field_value | deductible_amount | decimal | 20,2 | 0.00 | Tax-deductible portion of the amount | ||
civicrm_price_field_value | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | >Price field option description. | |
civicrm_price_field_value | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type. | |
civicrm_price_field_value | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Price Field Value | ||
civicrm_price_field_value | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this price field value active | |
civicrm_price_field_value | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this default price field option | |
civicrm_price_field_value | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Price field option label | |
civicrm_price_field_value | max_value | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Max number of participants per field options | |
civicrm_price_field_value | membership_num_terms | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of terms for this membership | |
civicrm_price_field_value | membership_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Membership Type | |
civicrm_price_field_value | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Price field option name | |
civicrm_price_field_value | price_field_id | int unsigned | 10 | FK to civicrm_price_field | |||
civicrm_price_field_value | weight | int | 10 | √ | 1 | Order in which the field options should appear | |
civicrm_price_set | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Domain is this price-set for | |
civicrm_price_set | extends | varchar | 255 | What components are using this price set? | |||
civicrm_price_set | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type(for membership price sets only). | |
civicrm_price_set | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after fields in form. | |
civicrm_price_set | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before fields in form. | |
civicrm_price_set | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Price Set | ||
civicrm_price_set | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this price set active | |
civicrm_price_set | is_quick_config | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is set if edited on Contribution or Event Page rather than through Manage Price Sets | |
civicrm_price_set | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this a predefined system price set (i.e. it can not be deleted, edited)? | |
civicrm_price_set | javascript | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional Javascript script function(s) included on the form with this price_set. Can be used for conditional | |
civicrm_price_set | name | varchar | 255 | Variable name/programmatic handle for this set of price fields. | |||
civicrm_price_set | title | varchar | 255 | Displayed title for the Price Set. | |||
civicrm_price_set_entity | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Item in table | |||
civicrm_price_set_entity | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Table which uses this price set | |||
civicrm_price_set_entity | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Price Set Entity | ||
civicrm_price_set_entity | price_set_id | int unsigned | 10 | price set being used | |||
civicrm_print_label | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this label layout | |
civicrm_print_label | data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | contains json encode configurations options | |
civicrm_print_label | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description of this label layout | |
civicrm_print_label | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_print_label | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this option active? | |
civicrm_print_label | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this default? | |
civicrm_print_label | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this reserved label? | |
civicrm_print_label | label_format_name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | This refers to name column of civicrm_option_value row in name_badge option group | |
civicrm_print_label | label_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value row in NEW label_type option group | |
civicrm_print_label | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | variable name/programmatic handle for this field. | |
civicrm_print_label | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | User title for for this label layout | |
civicrm_product | cost | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Actual cost of this product. Useful to determine net return from sale or using this as an incentive. | |
civicrm_product | currency | varchar | 3 | √ | null | 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. | |
civicrm_product | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Optional description of the product/premium. | |
civicrm_product | duration_interval | int | 10 | √ | null | Number of units for total duration of subscription, service, membership (e.g. 12 Months). | |
civicrm_product | duration_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | year | ||
civicrm_product | financial_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Financial Type. | |
civicrm_product | fixed_period_start_day | int | 10 | √ | 101 | Month and day (MMDD) that fixed period type subscription or membership starts. | |
civicrm_product | frequency_interval | int | 10 | √ | null | Number of units for delivery frequency of subscription, service, membership (e.g. every 3 Months). | |
civicrm_product | frequency_unit | varchar | 8 | √ | month | Frequency unit and interval allow option to store actual delivery frequency for a subscription or service. | |
civicrm_product | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_product | image | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Full or relative URL to uploaded image - fullsize. | |
civicrm_product | is_active | tinyint | 3 | Disabling premium removes it from the premiums_premium join table below. | |||
civicrm_product | min_contribution | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Minimum contribution required to be eligible to select this premium. | |
civicrm_product | name | varchar | 255 | Required product/premium name | |||
civicrm_product | options | text | 65535 | √ | null | Store comma-delimited list of color, size, etc. options for the product. | |
civicrm_product | period_type | varchar | 8 | √ | rolling | Rolling means we set start/end based on current day, fixed means we set start/end for current year or month (e.g. 1 year + fixed -> we would set start/end for 1/1/06 thru 12/31/06 for any premium chosen in 2006) |
civicrm_product | price | decimal | 20,2 | √ | null | Sell price or market value for premiums. For tax-deductible contributions, this will be stored as non_deductible_amount in the contribution record. | |
civicrm_product | sku | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Optional product sku or code. | |
civicrm_product | thumbnail | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Full or relative URL to image thumbnail. | |
civicrm_queue_item | data | text | 65535 | √ | null | Serialized queue | |
civicrm_queue_item | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_queue_item | queue_name | varchar | 64 | Name of the queue which includes this item | |||
civicrm_queue_item | release_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | date on which this job becomes available; null if ASAP | |
civicrm_queue_item | submit_time | datetime | 19 | date on which this item was submitted to the queue | |||
civicrm_queue_item | weight | int | 10 | ||||
civicrm_recurring_entity | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Recurring Entity Child ID | |
civicrm_recurring_entity | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Physical tablename for entity, e.g. civicrm_event | |||
civicrm_recurring_entity | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_recurring_entity | mode | tinyint | 3 | 1 | 1-this entity, 2-this and the following entities, 3-all the entities | ||
civicrm_recurring_entity | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | Recurring Entity Parent ID | |||
civicrm_relationship | case_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_case | |
civicrm_relationship | contact_id_a | int unsigned | 10 | id of the first contact | |||
civicrm_relationship | contact_id_b | int unsigned | 10 | id of the second contact | |||
civicrm_relationship | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional verbose description for the relationship. | |
civicrm_relationship | end_date | date | 10 | √ | null | date when the relationship ended | |
civicrm_relationship | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Relationship ID | ||
civicrm_relationship | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | is the relationship active ? | |
civicrm_relationship | is_permission_a_b | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | is contact a has permission to view / edit contact and related data for contact b ? |
civicrm_relationship | is_permission_b_a | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | is contact b has permission to view / edit contact and related data for contact a ? |
civicrm_relationship | relationship_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | id of the relationship | |||
civicrm_relationship | start_date | date | 10 | √ | null | date when the relationship started | |
civicrm_relationship_type | contact_sub_type_a | varchar | 64 | √ | null | If defined, contact_sub_type_a in a relationship of this type must be a specific contact_sub_type. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | contact_sub_type_b | varchar | 64 | √ | null | If defined, contact_sub_type_b in a relationship of this type must be a specific contact_sub_type. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | contact_type_a | varchar | 12 | √ | null | If defined, contact_a in a relationship of this type must be a specific contact_type. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | contact_type_b | varchar | 12 | √ | null | If defined, contact_b in a relationship of this type must be a specific contact_type. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional verbose description of the relationship type. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Primary key | ||
civicrm_relationship_type | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this relationship type currently active (i.e. can be used when creating or editing relationships)? | |
civicrm_relationship_type | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this relationship type a predefined system type (can not be changed or de-activated)? | |
civicrm_relationship_type | label_a_b | varchar | 64 | √ | null | label for relationship of contact_a to contact_b. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | label_b_a | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional label for relationship of contact_b to contact_a. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | name_a_b | varchar | 64 | √ | null | name for relationship of contact_a to contact_b. | |
civicrm_relationship_type | name_b_a | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Optional name for relationship of contact_b to contact_a. | |
civicrm_report_instance | args | varchar | 255 | √ | null | arguments that are passed in the url when invoking the instance | |
civicrm_report_instance | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contact table. | |
civicrm_report_instance | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Report Instance description. | |
civicrm_report_instance | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this instance for | |||
civicrm_report_instance | drilldown_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to instance ID drilldown to | |
civicrm_report_instance | email_cc | text | 65535 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to | |
civicrm_report_instance | email_subject | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Subject of email | |
civicrm_report_instance | email_to | text | 65535 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to | |
civicrm_report_instance | footer | text | 65535 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to | |
civicrm_report_instance | form_values | text | 65535 | √ | null | Submitted form values for this report | |
civicrm_report_instance | grouprole | varchar | 1024 | √ | null | role required to be able to run this instance | |
civicrm_report_instance | header | text | 65535 | √ | null | comma-separated list of email addresses to send the report to | |
civicrm_report_instance | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Report Instance ID | ||
civicrm_report_instance | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this entry active? | |
civicrm_report_instance | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_report_instance | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | when combined with report_id/template uniquely identifies the instance | |
civicrm_report_instance | navigation_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to navigation ID | |
civicrm_report_instance | owner_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contact table. | |
civicrm_report_instance | permission | varchar | 255 | √ | null | permission required to be able to run this instance | |
civicrm_report_instance | report_id | varchar | 64 | FK to civicrm_option_value for the report template | |||
civicrm_report_instance | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Report Instance Title. | |
civicrm_saved_search | form_values | text | 65535 | √ | null | Submitted form values for this search | |
civicrm_saved_search | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Saved Search ID | ||
civicrm_saved_search | mapping_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to civicrm_mapping used for saved search-builder searches. | |
civicrm_saved_search | search_custom_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to civicrm_option value table used for saved custom searches. | |
civicrm_saved_search | select_tables | text | 65535 | √ | null | the tables to be included in a select data | |
civicrm_saved_search | where_clause | text | 65535 | √ | null | the sql where clause if a saved search acl | |
civicrm_saved_search | where_tables | text | 65535 | √ | null | the tables to be included in the count statement | |
civicrm_setting | component_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Component that this menu item belongs to | |
civicrm_setting | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID if the setting is localized to a contact | |
civicrm_setting | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When was the setting created | |
civicrm_setting | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this setting | |
civicrm_setting | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this menu item for | |||
civicrm_setting | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_setting | is_domain | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this setting a contact specific or site wide setting? | |
civicrm_setting | name | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Unique name for setting | |
civicrm_setting | value | text | 65535 | √ | null | data associated with this group / name combo | |
civicrm_sms_provider | api_params | text | 65535 | √ | null | the api params in xml, http or smtp format | |
civicrm_sms_provider | api_type | int unsigned | 10 | points to value in civicrm_option_value for group sms_api_type | |||
civicrm_sms_provider | api_url | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_sms_provider | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | SMS Provider ID | ||
civicrm_sms_provider | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_sms_provider | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_sms_provider | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Provider internal name points to option_value of option_group sms_provider_name | |
civicrm_sms_provider | password | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_sms_provider | title | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Provider name visible to user | |
civicrm_sms_provider | username | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_state_province | abbreviation | varchar | 4 | √ | null | 2-4 Character Abbreviation of State/Province | |
civicrm_state_province | country_id | int unsigned | 10 | ID of Country that State/Province belong | |||
civicrm_state_province | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | State/Province ID | ||
civicrm_state_province | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of State/Province | |
civicrm_status_pref | check_info | varchar | 255 | √ | null | These values are per-check, and can't be compared across checks. | |
civicrm_status_pref | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this Status Preference for | |||
civicrm_status_pref | hush_until | date | 10 | √ | null | expires ignore_severity. NULL never hushes. | |
civicrm_status_pref | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Status Preference ID | ||
civicrm_status_pref | ignore_severity | int unsigned | 10 | √ | 1 | Hush messages up to and including this severity. | |
civicrm_status_pref | name | varchar | 255 | Name of the status check this preference references. | |||
civicrm_status_pref | prefs | varchar | 255 | √ | null | These settings are per-check, and can't be compared across checks. | |
civicrm_subscription_history | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Contact Id | |||
civicrm_subscription_history | date | datetime | 19 | Date of the (un)subscription | |||
civicrm_subscription_history | group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Group Id | |
civicrm_subscription_history | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Internal Id | ||
civicrm_subscription_history | method | varchar | 8 | √ | null | How the (un)subscription was triggered | |
civicrm_subscription_history | status | varchar | 8 | √ | null | The state of the contact within the group | |
civicrm_subscription_history | tracking | varchar | 255 | √ | null | IP address or other tracking info | |
civicrm_survey | activity_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = activity_type | |
civicrm_survey | bypass_confirm | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Bypass the email verification. | |
civicrm_survey | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to the Campaign. | |
civicrm_survey | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Survey was created. | |
civicrm_survey | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this Survey. | |
civicrm_survey | default_number_of_contacts | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Default number of contacts to allow for survey. | |
civicrm_survey | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Survey id. | ||
civicrm_survey | instructions | text | 65535 | √ | null | Script instructions for volunteers to use for the survey. | |
civicrm_survey | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this survey enabled or disabled/cancelled? | |
civicrm_survey | is_default | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this default survey? | |
civicrm_survey | is_share | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Can people share the petition through social media? | |
civicrm_survey | last_modified_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that Survey was edited last time. | |
civicrm_survey | last_modified_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who recently edited this Survey. | |
civicrm_survey | max_number_of_contacts | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Maximum number of contacts to allow for survey. | |
civicrm_survey | recontact_interval | text | 65535 | √ | null | Recontact intervals for each status. | |
civicrm_survey | release_frequency | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Number of days for recurrence of release. | |
civicrm_survey | result_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Used to store option group id. | |
civicrm_survey | thankyou_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | text and html allowed. displayed above result on success page | |
civicrm_survey | thankyou_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Title for Thank-you page (header title tag, and display at the top of the page). | |
civicrm_survey | title | varchar | 255 | Title of the Survey. | |||
civicrm_system_log | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional Contact ID that created the log. Not an FK as we keep this regardless | |
civicrm_system_log | context | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | JSON encoded data | |
civicrm_system_log | hostname | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Optional Name of logging host | |
civicrm_system_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Primary key ID | ||
civicrm_system_log | level | varchar | 9 | √ | info | error level per PSR3 | |
civicrm_system_log | message | varchar | 128 | Standardized message | |||
civicrm_system_log | timestamp | timestamp | 19 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of when event occurred. | ||
civicrm_tag | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time that tag was created. | |
civicrm_tag | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this tag | |
civicrm_tag | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional verbose description of the tag. | |
civicrm_tag | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Tag ID | ||
civicrm_tag | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_tag | is_selectable | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this tag selectable / displayed | |
civicrm_tag | is_tagset | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civicrm_tag | name | varchar | 64 | Name of Tag. | |||
civicrm_tag | parent_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Optional parent id for this tag. | |
civicrm_tag | used_for | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_tell_friend | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |||
civicrm_tell_friend | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. | |||
civicrm_tell_friend | general_link | varchar | 255 | √ | null | URL for general info about the organization - included in the email sent to friends. | |
civicrm_tell_friend | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Friend ID | ||
civicrm_tell_friend | intro | text | 65535 | √ | null | Introductory message to contributor or participant displayed on the Tell a Friend form. | |
civicrm_tell_friend | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_tell_friend | suggested_message | text | 65535 | √ | null | Suggested message to friends, provided as default on the Tell A Friend form. | |
civicrm_tell_friend | thankyou_text | text | 65535 | √ | null | Thank you message displayed on success page. | |
civicrm_tell_friend | thankyou_title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Text for Tell a Friend thank you page header and HTML title. | |
civicrm_tell_friend | title | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_timezone | abbreviation | char | 3 | √ | null | ISO Code for timezone abbreviation | |
civicrm_timezone | country_id | int unsigned | 10 | Country Id | |||
civicrm_timezone | gmt | varchar | 64 | √ | null | GMT name of the timezone | |
civicrm_timezone | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Timezone Id | ||
civicrm_timezone | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Timezone full name | |
civicrm_timezone | offset | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_uf_field | field_name | varchar | 64 | Name for CiviCRM field which is being exposed for sharing. | |||
civicrm_uf_field | field_type | varchar | 255 | √ | null | This field saves field type (ie individual,household.. field etc). | |
civicrm_uf_field | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after this field. | |
civicrm_uf_field | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before this field. | |
civicrm_uf_field | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_uf_field | in_selector | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this field included as a column in the selector table? | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this field currently shareable? If false, hide the field for all sharing contexts. | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_multi_summary | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Include in multi-record listing? | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_required | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this field required when included in a user or registration form? | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this field reserved for use by some other CiviCRM functionality? | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_searchable | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is this field included search form of profile? | |
civicrm_uf_field | is_view | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | the field is view only and not editable in user forms. | |
civicrm_uf_field | label | varchar | 255 | To save label for fields. | |||
civicrm_uf_field | location_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Location type of this mapping, if required | |
civicrm_uf_field | phone_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Phone Type Id, if required | |
civicrm_uf_field | uf_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which form does this field belong to. | |||
civicrm_uf_field | visibility | varchar | 32 | √ | User and User Admin Only | In what context(s) is this field visible. | |
civicrm_uf_field | website_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Website Type Id, if required | |
civicrm_uf_field | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Controls field display order when user framework fields are displayed in registration and account editing forms. | ||
civicrm_uf_group | add_captcha | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should a CAPTCHA widget be included this Profile form. | |
civicrm_uf_group | add_to_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | foreign key to civicrm_group_id | |
civicrm_uf_group | cancel_URL | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Redirect to URL when Cancle button clik . | |
civicrm_uf_group | created_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this UF group was created. | |
civicrm_uf_group | created_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_contact, who created this UF group | |
civicrm_uf_group | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Optional verbose description of the profile. | |
civicrm_uf_group | group_type | varchar | 255 | √ | null | This column will store a comma separated list of the type(s) of profile fields. | |
civicrm_uf_group | help_post | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display after fields in form. | |
civicrm_uf_group | help_pre | text | 65535 | √ | null | Description and/or help text to display before fields in form. | |
civicrm_uf_group | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_uf_group | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this form currently active? If false, hide all related fields for all sharing contexts. | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_cms_user | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should we create a cms user for this profile | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_edit_link | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should edit link display in profile selector | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_map | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Do we want to map results from this profile. | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_proximity_search | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should we include proximity search feature in this profile search form? | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_reserved | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this group reserved for use by some other CiviCRM functionality? | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_uf_link | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should we display a link to the website profile in profile selector | |
civicrm_uf_group | is_update_dupe | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Should we update the contact record if we find a duplicate | |
civicrm_uf_group | limit_listings_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Group id, foreign key from civicrm_group | |
civicrm_uf_group | name | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of the UF group for directly addressing it in the codebase | |
civicrm_uf_group | notify | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_uf_group | post_URL | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Redirect to URL. | |
civicrm_uf_group | title | varchar | 64 | Form title. | |||
civicrm_uf_join | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Foreign key to the referenced item. | |
civicrm_uf_join | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Name of table where item being referenced is stored. Modules which only need a single collection of uf_join instances may choose not to populate entity_table and entity_id. | |
civicrm_uf_join | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique table ID | ||
civicrm_uf_join | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this join currently active? | |
civicrm_uf_join | module | varchar | 64 | Module which owns this uf_join instance, e.g. User Registration, CiviDonate, etc. | |||
civicrm_uf_join | module_data | longtext | 2147483647 | √ | null | Json serialized array of data used by the ufjoin.module | |
civicrm_uf_join | uf_group_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which form does this field belong to. | |||
civicrm_uf_join | weight | int | 10 | 1 | Controls display order when multiple user framework groups are setup for concurrent display. | ||
civicrm_uf_match | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_uf_match | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | Which Domain is this match entry for | |||
civicrm_uf_match | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | System generated ID. | ||
civicrm_uf_match | language | varchar | 5 | √ | null | UI language preferred by the given user/contact | |
civicrm_uf_match | uf_id | int unsigned | 10 | UF ID | |||
civicrm_uf_match | uf_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | UF Name | |
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Table that this extends | |||
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Default MySQL primary key | ||
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | time_completed_in_minutes_10 | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | time_scheduled_in_minutes_9 | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | volunteer_need_id_7 | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_civivolunteer_4 | volunteer_role_id_8 | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_constituent_information_1 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | ||||
civicrm_value_constituent_information_1 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_value_constituent_information_1 | marital_status_2 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_constituent_information_1 | marriage_date_3 | datetime | 19 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_constituent_information_1 | most_important_issue_1 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_donor_information_3 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Table that this extends | |||
civicrm_value_donor_information_3 | how_long_have_you_been_a_donor_6 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_donor_information_3 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Default MySQL primary key | ||
civicrm_value_donor_information_3 | known_areas_of_interest_5 | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_food_preference_2 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Table that this extends | |||
civicrm_value_food_preference_2 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Default MySQL primary key | ||
civicrm_value_food_preference_2 | soup_selection_4 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_volunteer_commendation_6 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Table that this extends | |||
civicrm_value_volunteer_commendation_6 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Default MySQL primary key | ||
civicrm_value_volunteer_commendation_6 | volunteer_project_id_12 | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_volunteer_information_5 | camera_skill_level_11 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_value_volunteer_information_5 | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Table that this extends | |||
civicrm_value_volunteer_information_5 | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Default MySQL primary key | ||
civicrm_view_case_activity_recent | activity_date_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this activity is scheduled to occur. Formerly named scheduled_date_time. | |
civicrm_view_case_activity_recent | activity_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | FK to, that has to be valid, registered activity type. | ||
civicrm_view_case_activity_recent | case_id | int unsigned | 10 | Case ID of case-activity association. | |||
civicrm_view_case_activity_recent | id | int unsigned | 10 | 0 | Unique Other Activity ID | ||
civicrm_view_case_activity_recent | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the status this activity is currently in. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_view_case_activity_upcoming | activity_date_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date and time this activity is scheduled to occur. Formerly named scheduled_date_time. | |
civicrm_view_case_activity_upcoming | activity_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | 1 | FK to, that has to be valid, registered activity type. | ||
civicrm_view_case_activity_upcoming | case_id | int unsigned | 10 | Case ID of case-activity association. | |||
civicrm_view_case_activity_upcoming | id | int unsigned | 10 | 0 | Unique Other Activity ID | ||
civicrm_view_case_activity_upcoming | status_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ID of the status this activity is currently in. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | duration | int | 10 | √ | null | Length in minutes of this volunteer time slot. | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | end_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Used for specifying fuzzy dates, e.g., I have a need for 3 hours of volunteer work to be completed between 12/01/2015 and 12/31/2015. | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Need Id | ||
civicrm_volunteer_need | is_active | tinyint | 3 | 1 | Is this need enabled? | ||
civicrm_volunteer_need | is_flexible | tinyint | 3 | 0 | Boolean indicating whether or not the time and role are flexible. Activities linked to a flexible need indicate that the volunteer is generally available. | ||
civicrm_volunteer_need | project_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to civicrm_volunteer_project table which contains entity_table + entity for each volunteer project (initially civicrm_event + eventID). | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | quantity | int | 10 | √ | null | Number of volunteers required for this need. | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | role_id | int | 10 | √ | null | Implicit FK to option_value row in volunteer_role option_group. | |
civicrm_volunteer_need | start_time | datetime | 19 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_volunteer_need | visibility_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Implicit FK to option_value row in visibility option_group. Indicates whether this need is offered on public volunteer signup forms. | |
civicrm_volunteer_project | campaign_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | The campaign associated with this Volunteer Project. | |
civicrm_volunteer_project | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Full description of the Volunteer Project. Text and HTML allowed. Displayed on sign-up screens. | |
civicrm_volunteer_project | entity_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_volunteer_project | entity_table | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
civicrm_volunteer_project | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Project Id | ||
civicrm_volunteer_project | is_active | tinyint | 3 | 1 | Is the project active. Enabling volunteering for an event or other project sets this TRUE. | ||
civicrm_volunteer_project | loc_block_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Location Block ID | |
civicrm_volunteer_project | title | varchar | 255 | The title of the Volunteer Project | |||
civicrm_volunteer_project_contact | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the Contact for this record | |||
civicrm_volunteer_project_contact | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civicrm_volunteer_project_contact | project_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the Volunteer Project for this record | |||
civicrm_volunteer_project_contact | relationship_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | Nature of the contact's relationship to the Volunteer Project (e.g., Beneficiary). See option group volunteer_project_relationship. | |||
civicrm_website | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID | |
civicrm_website | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Unique Website ID | ||
civicrm_website | url | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Website | |
civicrm_website | website_type_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | Which Website type does this website belong to. | |
civicrm_word_replacement | domain_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Domain ID. This is for Domain specific word replacement | |
civicrm_word_replacement | find_word | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Word which need to be replaced | |
civicrm_word_replacement | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Word replacement ID | ||
civicrm_word_replacement | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | Is this entry active? | |
civicrm_word_replacement | match_type | varchar | 16 | √ | wildcardMatch | ||
civicrm_word_replacement | replace_word | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Word which will replace the word in find | |
civicrm_worldregion | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Country Id | ||
civicrm_worldregion | name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | Region name to be associated with countries | |
cividiscount_item | active_on | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When is this discount activated? | |
cividiscount_item | amount | varchar | 255 | Amount of discount either actual or percentage? | |||
cividiscount_item | amount_type | varchar | 4 | Type of discount, actual or percentage? | |||
cividiscount_item | autodiscount | text | 65535 | √ | null | Some sort of autodiscounting mechanism? | |
cividiscount_item | code | varchar | 255 | Discount Code. | |||
cividiscount_item | count_max | int | 10 | Max number of times this code can be used. | |||
cividiscount_item | count_use | int | 10 | 0 | Number of times this code has been used. | ||
cividiscount_item | description | varchar | 255 | Discount Description. | |||
cividiscount_item | discount_msg | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Discount message | |
cividiscount_item | discount_msg_enabled | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | Is discount message is available for promotion? | |
cividiscount_item | events | text | 65535 | √ | null | Serialized list of events for which this code can be used | |
cividiscount_item | expire_on | datetime | 19 | √ | null | When does this discount expire? | |
cividiscount_item | filters | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Discount Filters. | |
cividiscount_item | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Discount Item ID | ||
cividiscount_item | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | null | Is this discount active? | |
cividiscount_item | memberships | text | 65535 | √ | null | Serialized list of memberships for which this code can be used | |
cividiscount_item | organization_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID for the organization that originated this discount | |
cividiscount_item | pricesets | text | 65535 | √ | null | Serialized list of pricesets for which this code can be used | |
cividiscount_track | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Contact ID for the contact that used this discount | |
cividiscount_track | contribution_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to contribution table. | |
cividiscount_track | description | text | 65535 | √ | null | Discount use description | |
cividiscount_track | entity_id | int unsigned | 10 | Foreign key to the referenced item | |||
cividiscount_track | entity_table | varchar | 64 | Name of table where item being referenced is stored | |||
cividiscount_track | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | Discount Item ID | ||
cividiscount_track | item_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | FK to Item ID of the discount code | |
cividiscount_track | used_date | datetime | 19 | √ | null | Date of use | |
civirule_action | class_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | created_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | created_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_action | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_action | label | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | modified_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_action | name | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | class_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | created_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | created_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_condition | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_condition | label | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | modified_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_condition | name | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | created_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | created_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_rule | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_rule | label | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | modified_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | name | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | trigger_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule | trigger_params | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_action | action_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_action | action_params | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_action | delay | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_action | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_rule_action | ignore_condition_with_delay | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civirule_rule_action | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_rule_action | rule_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_condition | condition_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_condition | condition_link | varchar | 3 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_condition | condition_params | text | 65535 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_condition | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_rule_condition | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_rule_condition | rule_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_log | contact_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_rule_log | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_rule_log | log_date | datetime | 19 | ||||
civirule_rule_log | rule_id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | class_name | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | created_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | created_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | cron | tinyint | 3 | √ | 0 | ||
civirule_trigger | id | int unsigned | 10 | √ | |||
civirule_trigger | is_active | tinyint | 3 | √ | 1 | ||
civirule_trigger | label | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | modified_date | date | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | modified_user_id | int | 10 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | name | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | object_name | varchar | 45 | √ | null | ||
civirule_trigger | op | varchar | 45 | √ | null |