Table d47civi_0z3xa.civicrm_event Generated by
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int unsigned 10  √ 
civicrm_events_in_carts.event_id FK_civicrm_events_in_carts_event_id C
civicrm_participant.event_id FK_civicrm_participant_event_id C
title varchar 255  √  null Event Title (e.g. Fall Fundraiser Dinner)
summary text 65535  √  null Brief summary of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on Event Registration form and can be used on other CMS pages which need an event summary.
description text 65535  √  null Full description of event. Text and html allowed. Displayed on built-in Event Information screens.
event_type_id int unsigned 10  √  0 Event Type ID.Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = event_type.
participant_listing_id int unsigned 10  √  0 Should we expose the participant list? Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = participant_listing.
is_public tinyint 3  √  1 Public events will be included in the iCal feeds. Access to private event information may be limited using ACLs.
start_date datetime 19  √  null Date and time that event starts.
end_date datetime 19  √  null Date and time that event ends. May be NULL if no defined end date/time
is_online_registration tinyint 3  √  0 If true, include registration link on Event Info page.
registration_link_text varchar 255  √  null Text for link to Event Registration form which is displayed on Event Information screen when is_online_registration is true.
registration_start_date datetime 19  √  null Date and time that online registration starts.
registration_end_date datetime 19  √  null Date and time that online registration ends.
max_participants int unsigned 10  √  null Maximum number of registered participants to allow. After max is reached, a custom Event Full message is displayed. If NULL, allow unlimited number of participants.
event_full_text text 65535  √  null Message to display on Event Information page and INSTEAD OF Event Registration form if maximum participants are signed up. Can include email address/info about getting on a waiting list, etc. Text and html allowed.
is_monetary tinyint 3  √  0 If true, one or more fee amounts must be set and a Payment Processor must be configured for Online Event Registration.
financial_type_id int unsigned 10  √  null Financial type assigned to paid event registrations for this event. Required if is_monetary is true.
payment_processor varchar 128  √  null Payment Processors configured for this Event (if is_monetary is true)
is_map tinyint 3  √  0 Include a map block on the Event Information page when geocode info is available and a mapping provider has been specified?
is_active tinyint 3  √  0 Is this Event enabled or disabled/cancelled?
fee_label varchar 255  √  null
is_show_location tinyint 3  √  1 If true, show event location.
loc_block_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK_civicrm_event_loc_block_id N
FK to Location Block ID
default_role_id int unsigned 10  √  1 Participant role ID. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = participant_role.
intro_text text 65535  √  null Introductory message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the top of Event Registration form.
footer_text text 65535  √  null Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form.
confirm_title varchar 255  √  null Title for Confirmation page.
confirm_text text 65535  √  null Introductory message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the top of Event Registration form.
confirm_footer_text text 65535  √  null Footer message for Event Registration page. Text and html allowed. Displayed at the bottom of Event Registration form.
is_email_confirm tinyint 3  √  0 If true, confirmation is automatically emailed to contact on successful registration.
confirm_email_text text 65535  √  null text to include above standard event info on confirmation email. emails are text-only, so do not allow html for now
confirm_from_name varchar 255  √  null FROM email name used for confirmation emails.
confirm_from_email varchar 255  √  null FROM email address used for confirmation emails.
cc_confirm varchar 255  √  null comma-separated list of email addresses to cc each time a confirmation is sent
bcc_confirm varchar 255  √  null comma-separated list of email addresses to bcc each time a confirmation is sent
default_fee_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK to civicrm_option_value.
default_discount_fee_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK to civicrm_option_value.
thankyou_title varchar 255  √  null Title for ThankYou page.
thankyou_text text 65535  √  null ThankYou Text.
thankyou_footer_text text 65535  √  null Footer message.
is_pay_later tinyint 3  √  0 if true - allows the user to send payment directly to the org later
pay_later_text text 65535  √  null The text displayed to the user in the main form
pay_later_receipt text 65535  √  null The receipt sent to the user instead of the normal receipt text
is_partial_payment tinyint 3  √  0 is partial payment enabled for this event
initial_amount_label varchar 255  √  null Initial amount label for partial payment
initial_amount_help_text text 65535  √  null Initial amount help text for partial payment
min_initial_amount decimal 20,2  √  null Minimum initial amount for partial payment
is_multiple_registrations tinyint 3  √  0 if true - allows the user to register multiple participants for event
max_additional_participants int unsigned 10  √  0 Maximum number of additional participants that can be registered on a single booking
allow_same_participant_emails tinyint 3  √  0 if true - allows the user to register multiple registrations from same email address.
has_waitlist tinyint 3  √  null Whether the event has waitlist support.
requires_approval tinyint 3  √  null Whether participants require approval before they can finish registering.
expiration_time int unsigned 10  √  null Expire pending but unconfirmed registrations after this many hours.
allow_selfcancelxfer tinyint 3  √  0 Allow self service cancellation or transfer for event?
selfcancelxfer_time int unsigned 10  √  0 Number of hours prior to event start date to allow self-service cancellation or transfer.
waitlist_text text 65535  √  null Text to display when the event is full, but participants can signup for a waitlist.
approval_req_text text 65535  √  null Text to display when the approval is required to complete registration for an event.
is_template tinyint 3 0 whether the event has template
template_title varchar 255  √  null Event Template Title
created_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK_civicrm_event_created_id N
FK to civicrm_contact, who created this event
created_date datetime 19  √  null Date and time that event was created.
currency varchar 3  √  null 3 character string, value from config setting or input via user.
campaign_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK_civicrm_event_campaign_id N
The campaign for which this event has been created.
is_share tinyint 3  √  1 Can people share the event through social media?
is_confirm_enabled tinyint 3  √  1 If false, the event booking confirmation screen gets skipped
parent_event_id int unsigned 10  √  null Implicit FK to civicrm_event: parent event
slot_label_id int unsigned 10  √  null Subevent slot label. Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = conference_slot.
dedupe_rule_group_id int unsigned 10  √  null FK_civicrm_event_dedupe_rule_group_id R
Rule to use when matching registrations for this event
is_billing_required tinyint 3  √  0 if true than billing block is required this event

Table contained 6 rows at mer. avr. 13 16:52 EDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc PRIMARY
campaign_id Performance Asc FK_civicrm_event_campaign_id
created_id Performance Asc FK_civicrm_event_created_id
dedupe_rule_group_id Performance Asc FK_civicrm_event_dedupe_rule_group_id
loc_block_id Performance Asc FK_civicrm_event_loc_block_id
event_type_id Performance Asc index_event_type_id
parent_event_id Performance Asc index_parent_event_id
participant_listing_id Performance Asc index_participant_listing_id

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