Table d47civi_0z3xa.civicrm_membership_status Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id int unsigned 10  √ 
civicrm_membership.status_id FK_civicrm_membership_status_id C
civicrm_membership_log.status_id FK_civicrm_membership_log_status_id C
Membership Id
name varchar 128  √  null Name for Membership Status
label varchar 128  √  null Label for Membership Status
start_event varchar 12  √  null Event when this status starts.
start_event_adjust_unit varchar 8  √  null Unit used for adjusting from start_event.
start_event_adjust_interval int 10  √  null Status range begins this many units from start_event.
end_event varchar 12  √  null Event after which this status ends.
end_event_adjust_unit varchar 8  √  null Unit used for adjusting from the ending event.
end_event_adjust_interval int 10  √  null Status range ends this many units from end_event.
is_current_member tinyint 3  √  null Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).
is_admin tinyint 3  √  null Is this status for admin/manual assignment only.
weight int 10  √  null
is_default tinyint 3  √  null Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found.
is_active tinyint 3  √  1 Is this membership_status enabled.
is_reserved tinyint 3  √  0 Is this membership_status reserved.

Table contained 7 rows at mer. avr. 13 16:52 EDT 2016

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc PRIMARY

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