Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||||||||||
id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
Contribution ID |
contact_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | null |
FK to Contact ID |
financial_type_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
FK to Financial Type for (total_amount - non_deductible_amount). |
contribution_page_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution |
payment_instrument_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
FK to Payment Instrument |
receive_date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
when was gift received |
non_deductible_amount | DECIMAL | 20,2 | √ | 0.00 |
Portion of total amount which is NOT tax deductible. Equal to total_amount for non-deductible financial types. |
total_amount | DECIMAL | 20,2 | null |
Total amount of this contribution. Use market value for non-monetary gifts. |
fee_amount | DECIMAL | 20,2 | √ | null |
actual processor fee if known - may be 0. |
net_amount | DECIMAL | 20,2 | √ | null |
actual funds transfer amount. total less fees. if processor does not report actual fee during transaction, this is set to total_amount. |
trxn_id | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
unique transaction id. may be processor id, bank id + trans id, or account number + check number… depending on payment_method |
invoice_id | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
unique invoice id, system generated or passed in |
currency | VARCHAR | 3 | √ | null |
3 character string, value from config setting or input via user. |
cancel_date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
when was gift cancelled |
cancel_reason | TEXT | 65535 | √ | null |
receipt_date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
when (if) receipt was sent. populated automatically for online donations w/ automatic receipting |
thankyou_date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
when (if) was donor thanked |
source | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
Origin of this Contribution. |
amount_level | TEXT | 65535 | √ | null |
contribution_recur_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
Conditional foreign key to civicrm_contribution_recur id. Each contribution made in connection with a recurring contribution carries a foreign key to the recurring contribution record. This assumes we can track these processor initiated events. |
is_test | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
is_pay_later | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
contribution_status_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | 1 |
address_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
Conditional foreign key to We insert an address record for each contribution when we have associated billing name and address data. |
check_number | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
campaign_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | √ | null |
The campaign for which this contribution has been triggered. |
tax_amount | DECIMAL | 20,2 | √ | null |
Total tax amount of this contribution. |
creditnote_id | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
unique credit note id, system generated or passed in |
revenue_recognition_date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | null |
Stores the date when revenue should be recognized. |
invoice_number | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
Human readable invoice number |
is_template | TINYINT | 3 | √ | 0 |
Shows this is a template for recurring contributions. |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
PRIMARY | Primary key | Asc | id |
check_number | Performance | Asc | check_number |
FK_civicrm_contribution_address_id | Performance | Asc | address_id |
FK_civicrm_contribution_campaign_id | Performance | Asc | campaign_id |
FK_civicrm_contribution_contact_id | Performance | Asc | contact_id |
FK_civicrm_contribution_contribution_page_id | Performance | Asc | contribution_page_id |
FK_civicrm_contribution_contribution_recur_id | Performance | Asc | contribution_recur_id |
FK_civicrm_contribution_financial_type_id | Performance | Asc | financial_type_id |
index_contribution_status | Performance | Asc | contribution_status_id |
index_creditnote_id | Performance | Asc | creditnote_id |
index_source | Performance | Asc | source |
index_total_amount_receive_date | Performance | Asc/Asc | total_amount + receive_date |
received_date | Performance | Asc | receive_date |
UI_contrib_invoice_id | Must be unique | Asc | invoice_id |
UI_contrib_payment_instrument_id | Performance | Asc | payment_instrument_id |
UI_contrib_trxn_id | Must be unique | Asc | trxn_id |