
12 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
civicrm_address.master_id FK_civicrm_address_master_idN
civicrm_contribution.address_id FK_civicrm_contribution_address_idN
civicrm_loc_block.address_2_id FK_civicrm_loc_block_address_2_idN
civicrm_loc_block.address_id FK_civicrm_loc_block_address_idN

Unique Address ID

contact_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_address_contact_idC

FK to Contact ID

location_type_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Which Location does this address belong to.

is_primary TINYINT 3 0

Is this the primary address.

is_billing TINYINT 3 0

Is this the billing address.

street_address VARCHAR 96 null

Concatenation of all routable street address components (prefix, street number, street name, suffix, unit
number OR P.O. Box). Apps should be able to determine physical location with this data (for mapping, mail
delivery, etc.).

street_number INT 10 null

Numeric portion of address number on the street, e.g. For 112A Main St, the street_number = 112.

street_number_suffix VARCHAR 8 null

Non-numeric portion of address number on the street, e.g. For 112A Main St, the street_number_suffix = A

street_number_predirectional VARCHAR 8 null

Directional prefix, e.g. SE Main St, SE is the prefix.

street_name VARCHAR 64 null

Actual street name, excluding St, Dr, Rd, Ave, e.g. For 112 Main St, the street_name = Main.

street_type VARCHAR 8 null

St, Rd, Dr, etc.

street_number_postdirectional VARCHAR 8 null

Directional prefix, e.g. Main St S, S is the suffix.

street_unit VARCHAR 16 null

Secondary unit designator, e.g. Apt 3 or Unit # 14, or Bldg 1200

supplemental_address_1 VARCHAR 96 null

Supplemental Address Information, Line 1

supplemental_address_2 VARCHAR 96 null

Supplemental Address Information, Line 2

supplemental_address_3 VARCHAR 96 null

Supplemental Address Information, Line 3

city VARCHAR 64 null

City, Town or Village Name.

county_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_address_county_idN

Which County does this address belong to.

state_province_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_address_state_province_idN

Which State_Province does this address belong to.

postal_code_suffix VARCHAR 12 null

Store the suffix, like the +4 part in the USPS system.

postal_code VARCHAR 64 null
usps_adc VARCHAR 32 null

USPS Bulk mailing code.

country_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_address_country_idN

Which Country does this address belong to.

geo_code_1 DOUBLE 22 null


geo_code_2 DOUBLE 22 null


manual_geo_code TINYINT 3 0

Is this a manually entered geo code

timezone VARCHAR 8 null

Timezone expressed as a UTC offset - e.g. United States CST would be written as “UTC-6”.

name VARCHAR 255 null
master_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null FK_civicrm_address_master_idN

FK to Address ID


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
FK_civicrm_address_contact_id Performance Asc contact_id
FK_civicrm_address_country_id Performance Asc country_id
FK_civicrm_address_county_id Performance Asc county_id
FK_civicrm_address_master_id Performance Asc master_id
FK_civicrm_address_state_province_id Performance Asc state_province_id
index_city Performance Asc city
index_is_billing Performance Asc is_billing
index_is_primary Performance Asc is_primary
index_location_type Performance Asc location_type_id
index_street_name Performance Asc street_name
