class CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity extends CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity
This class is for activity functions.
Activity status types |
Activity status types |
Activity status types |
protected int | $resultCopies | How many times has this instance been cloned. | from CRM_Core_DAO |
static null | $_nullObject | from CRM_Core_DAO | |
static array | $_nullArray | from CRM_Core_DAO | |
static | $_dbColumnValueCache | from CRM_Core_DAO | |
static array | $_testEntitiesToSkip | Define entities that shouldn't be created or deleted when creating/ deleting test objects - this prevents world regions, countries etc from being added / deleted | from CRM_Core_DAO |
static object | $_factory | The factory class for this application. | from CRM_Core_DAO |
static | $_checkedSqlFunctionsExist | from CRM_Core_DAO | |
protected array | $_options | internal variable for DAO to hold per-query settings | from CRM_Core_DAO |
static string | $_tableName | Static instance to hold the table name. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
static bool | $_log | Should CiviCRM log any modifications to this table in the civicrm_log table. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $id | Unique Other Activity ID | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $source_record_id | Artificial FK to original transaction (e.g. contribution) IF it is not an Activity. Table can be figured out through activity_type_id, and further through component registry. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $activity_type_id | FK to, that has to be valid, registered activity type. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
string | $subject | The subject/purpose/short description of the activity. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
datetime | $activity_date_time | Date and time this activity is scheduled to occur. Formerly named scheduled_date_time. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $duration | Planned or actual duration of activity expressed in minutes. Conglomerate of former duration_hours and duration_minutes. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
string | $location | Location of the activity (optional, open text). | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $phone_id | Phone ID of the number called (optional - used if an existing phone number is selected). | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
string | $phone_number | Phone number in case the number does not exist in the civicrm_phone table. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
longtext | $details | Details about the activity (agenda, notes, etc). | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $status_id | ID of the status this activity is currently in. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $priority_id | ID of the priority given to this activity. Foreign key to civicrm_option_value. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $parent_id | Parent meeting ID (if this is a follow-up item). This is not currently implemented | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
bool | $is_test | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity | |
int | $medium_id | Activity Medium, Implicit FK to civicrm_option_value where option_group = encounter_medium. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
bool | $is_auto | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity | |
int | $relationship_id | FK to Relationship ID | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
bool | $is_current_revision | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity | |
int | $original_id | Activity ID of the first activity record in versioning chain. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
string | $result | Currently being used to store result id for survey activity, FK to option value. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
bool | $is_deleted | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity | |
int | $campaign_id | The campaign for which this activity has been triggered. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $engagement_level | Assign a specific level of engagement to this activity. Used for tracking constituents in ladder of engagement. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
int | $weight | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity | |
bool | $is_star | Activity marked as favorite. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
timestamp | $created_date | When was the activity was created. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
timestamp | $modified_date | When was the activity (or closely related entity) was created or modified or deleted. | from CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity |
static array | $_exportableFields | Static field for all the activity information that we can potentially export. | |
static array | $_importableFields | Static field for all the activity information that we can potentially import. |
Disables usage of the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Mode if necessary
Re-enables ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode as necessary.
Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object.
Execute a query by the current DAO, localizing it along the way (if needed).
Static function to set the factory instance for this class.
Factory method to instantiate a new object from a table name.
Initialization for all DAO objects. Since we access DB_DO programatically we need to set the links manually.
Returns foreign keys and entity references.
Deletes items from table which match current objects variables.
Given an associative array of name/value pairs, extract all the values that belong to this object and initialize the object with said values
Store all the values from this object in an associative array this is a destructive store, calling function is responsible for keeping sanity of id's.
Create an attribute for this specific field. We only do this for strings and text
Get the size and maxLength attributes for this text field.
Check if there is a record with the same name in the db.
Check if there is a given column in a specific table.
Scans all the tables using a slow query and table name.
Checks if a constraint exists for a specified table.
Checks if CONSTRAINT keyword exists for a specified table.
Checks if the FK constraint name is in the format 'FK_tableName_columnName' for a specified column of a table.
Check whether a specific column in a specific table has always the same value.
Check whether a specific column in a specific table is always NULL.
Check if there is a given table in the database.
Find a DAO object for the given ID and return it.
Get all the result records as mapping between columns.
Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and GET the value of another column in that record
Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and SET the value of another column in that record
Get sort string.
Fetch object based on array of properties.
Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.
Execute an unbuffered query.
Execute a query.
Wrapper to validate internal DAO options before passing to DB_mysql/DB_Common level
Execute a query and get the single result.
Compose the query by merging the parameters into it.
Make a shallow copy of an object and all the fields in the object.
Method that copies custom fields values from an old entity to a new one.
Cascade update through related entities.
Given the component id, compute the contact id since its used for things like send email
Fetch object based on array of properties.
Escape a list of strings for use with "WHERE X IN (.
Creates a test object, including any required objects it needs via recursion createOnly: only create in database, do not store or return the objects (useful for perf testing) ONLY USE FOR TESTING
Deletes the this object plus any dependent objects that are associated with it.
Set defaults when creating new entity.
No description
No description
Build a list of triggers via hook and add them to (err, reconcile them with) the database.
Because sql functions are sometimes lost, esp during db migration, we check here to avoid numerous support requests
Given a list of fields, create a list of references.
List all tables which have hard foreign keys to this table.
Add custom tables that extend contacts to the list of contact references.
Add custom ContactReference fields to the list of contact references
Lookup the value of a MySQL global configuration variable.
Update the fields array to also hold keys for pseudoconstant fields that relate to contained fields.
Get options for the called BAO object's field.
Provides documentation and validation for the buildOptions $context param
Get SQL where clause for SQL filter syntax input parameters.
SQL has a limit of 64 characters on various names: table name, trigger name, column name . Sets the internal options to be used on a query wrapper to pass internal DAO options down to DB_mysql/DB_Common level
Set api filter.
No description
This returns the final permissioned query string for this entity
ensure database name is 'safe', i.e. only contains word characters (includes underscores) and dashes, and contains at least one [a-z] case insenstive.
Transform an array to a serialized string for database storage.
Transform a serialized string from the database into an array.
No description
Get exportable fields with pseudoconstants rendered as an extra field.
Return a mapping from field-name to the corresponding key (as used in fields()).
Returns the list of fields that can be imported
Returns the list of fields that can be exported
Returns the list of indices
Check if there is absolute minimum of data to add the object.
Delete the activity.
Delete activity assignment record.
Process the activities.
Create an activity.
Get the list Activities.
Filter the activity types to only return the ones we actually asked for Uses params['activity_type_id'] and params['activity_type_exclude_id']
Get an array of components that are accessible by the currenct user.
Get the activity Count.
No description
Send the message to all the contacts.
Send SMS. Returns: bool $sent, int $activityId, int $success (number of sent SMS)
Send the sms message to a specific contact.
Send the message to a specific contact.
Combine all the importable fields from the lower levels object.
Add activity for Membership/Event/Contribution.
Get activity subject on basis of component object.
Get Parent activity for currently viewed activity.
Get total count of prior revision of currently viewed activity.
Get all prior activities of currently viewed activity.
Find the latest revision of a given activity.
Create a follow up a given activity.
Get Activity specific File according activity type Id.
Restore the activity.
Return list of activity statuses of a given type.
Check if activity is overdue.
Get the exportable fields for Activities.
Get the allowed profile fields for Activities.
This function deletes the activity record related to contact record.
Does user has sufficient permission for view/edit activity record.
Check if the logged in user has permission for the given case activity.
Check if the logged in user has permission to access the given activity type.
Get the activity types the user is permitted to access.
No description
Checks if user has permissions to edit inbound e-mails, either basic info or both basic information and content.
Get the list of view only activities
Wrapper for ajax activity selector.
Copy custom fields and attachments from an existing activity to another.
Get activity contact.
Get source contact id.
Send activity as attachment.
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 213
Class constructor.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 130
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 139
Class destructor.
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 709
Returns the names of this table
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 159
init(string $dsn)
Initialize the DAO object.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 185
static DB_common
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 194
Disables usage of the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Mode if necessary
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 206
Re-enables ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode as necessary.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 219
assignTestFK(string $fieldName, $fieldDef, array $params)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 264
assignTestValue(string $fieldName, array $fieldDef, int $counter)
Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 376
Reset the DAO object.
DAO is kinda crappy in that there is an unwritten rule of one query per DAO.
We attempt to get around this crappy restriction by resetting some of DAO's internal fields. Use this with caution
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 396
static string
getLocaleTableName(string $tableName)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 418
query(string $query, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)
Execute a query by the current DAO, localizing it along the way (if needed).
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 447
setFactory(object $factory)
Static function to set the factory instance for this class.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 457
factory(string $table = '')
Factory method to instantiate a new object from a table name.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 469
Initialization for all DAO objects. Since we access DB_DO programatically we need to set the links manually.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 484
Defines the default key as 'id'.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 499
Tells DB_DataObject which keys use autoincrement.
'id' is autoincrementing by default.
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 224
static array
Returns foreign keys and entity references.
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 242
static array
Returns all the column names of this table
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 535
Get/set an associative array of table columns
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 558
save(bool $hook = TRUE)
Save DAO object.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 610
delete(bool $useWhere = FALSE)
Deletes items from table which match current objects variables.
Returns the true on success
for example
Designed to be extended
$object = new mytable(); $object->ID=123; echo $object->delete(); // builds a conditon
$object = new mytable(); $object->whereAdd('age > 12'); $object->limit(1); $object->orderBy('age DESC'); $object->delete(true); // dont use object vars, use the conditions, limit and order.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 628
log(bool $created = FALSE)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 669
copyValues(array $params, bool $serializeArrays = FALSE)
Given an associative array of name/value pairs, extract all the values that belong to this object and initialize the object with said values
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 725
storeValues(object $object, array $values)
Store all the values from this object in an associative array this is a destructive store, calling function is responsible for keeping sanity of id's.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 747
static array|null
makeAttribute(array $field)
Create an attribute for this specific field. We only do this for strings and text
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 800
static array
getAttribute(string $class, string $fieldName = NULL)
Get the size and maxLength attributes for this text field.
(or for all text fields) in the DAO object.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 842
static bool
objectExists(string $value, string $daoName, string $daoID, string $fieldName = 'name', string $domainID = NULL)
Check if there is a record with the same name in the db.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 871
static bool
checkFieldExists(string $tableName, string $columnName, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)
Check if there is a given column in a specific table.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 880
static array
Scans all the tables using a slow query and table name.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 901
static bool
isDBMyISAM(int $maxTablesToCheck = 10)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 919
static string
Get the name of the CiviCRM database.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 933
static bool
checkConstraintExists(string $tableName, string $constraint)
Checks if a constraint exists for a specified table.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 960
static bool
schemaRequiresRebuilding(array $tables = ["civicrm_contact"])
Checks if CONSTRAINT keyword exists for a specified table.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 995
static bool
checkFKConstraintInFormat(string $tableName, string $columnName)
Checks if the FK constraint name is in the format 'FK_tableName_columnName' for a specified column of a table.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1023
static bool
checkFieldHasAlwaysValue(string $tableName, string $columnName, string $columnValue)
Check whether a specific column in a specific table has always the same value.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1039
static bool
checkFieldIsAlwaysNull(string $tableName, string $columnName)
Check whether a specific column in a specific table is always NULL.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1054
static bool
checkTableExists(string $tableName)
Check if there is a given table in the database.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1073
static bool
checkTableHasData(string $tableName)
Check if a given table has data.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1083
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1103
static CRM_Core_DAO
findById(int $id)
Find a DAO object for the given ID and return it.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1117
Returns all results as array-encoded records.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1131
fetchGenerator(string $type = 'dao')
Return the results as PHP generator.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1153
Returns a singular value.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1174
fetchMap(string $keyColumn, string $valueColumn)
Get all the result records as mapping between columns.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1199
static string|null
getFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $returnColumn = 'name', string $searchColumn = 'id', bool $force = FALSE)
Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and GET the value of another column in that record
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1252
static bool
setFieldValue(string $daoName, int $searchValue, string $setColumn, string $setValue, string $searchColumn = 'id')
Given a DAO name, a column name and a column value, find the record and SET the value of another column in that record
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1277
static string
getSortString(array|object $sort, string $default = NULL)
Get sort string.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1310
static object
commonRetrieve(string $daoName, array $params, array $defaults, array $returnProperities = NULL)
Fetch object based on array of properties.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1335
deleteEntityContact(string $daoName, int $contactId)
Delete the object records that are associated with this contact.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1360
static CRM_Core_DAO
executeUnbufferedQuery(string $query, array $params = [], bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE)
Execute an unbuffered query.
This is a wrapper around new functionality exposed with CRM-17748.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1401
static CRM_Core_DAO|object
executeQuery(string $query, array $params = [], bool $abort = TRUE, null $daoName = NULL, bool $freeDAO = FALSE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE, bool $trapException = FALSE, array $options = [])
Execute a query.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1456
isValidOption(array $options)
Wrapper to validate internal DAO options before passing to DB_mysql/DB_Common level
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1491
static string|null
singleValueQuery(string $query, array $params = [], bool $abort = TRUE, bool $i18nRewrite = TRUE)
Execute a query and get the single result.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1529
static string
composeQuery(string $query, array $params = [], bool $abort = TRUE)
Compose the query by merging the parameters into it.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1576
freeResult(null $ids = NULL)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1623
static CRM_Core_DAO|bool
copyGeneric(string $daoName, array $criteria, array $newData = NULL, string $fieldsFix = NULL, string $blockCopyOfDependencies = NULL, bool $blockCopyofCustomValues = FALSE)
Make a shallow copy of an object and all the fields in the object.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1713
copyCustomFields(int $entityID, int $newEntityID)
Method that copies custom fields values from an old entity to a new one.
Fixes bug CRM-19302, where if a custom field of File type was present, left both events using the same file, breaking download URL's for the old event.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1768
static CRM_Core_DAO|null
cascadeUpdate(string $daoName, $fromId, $toId, array $newData = [])
Cascade update through related entities.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1813
static array
getContactIDsFromComponent($componentIDs, string $tableName, string $idField = 'id')
Given the component id, compute the contact id since its used for things like send email
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1848
static object
commonRetrieveAll(string $daoName, string $fieldIdName = 'id', int $fieldId, $details, array $returnProperities = NULL)
Fetch object based on array of properties.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1875
Drop all CiviCRM tables.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1897
static string
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1926
static string
escapeStrings(array $strings, string $default = NULL)
Escape a list of strings for use with "WHERE X IN (.
..)" queries.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1945
static string
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 1973
static object|array|NULL
createTestObject(string $daoName, array $params = [], int $numObjects = 1, bool $createOnly = FALSE)
Creates a test object, including any required objects it needs via recursion createOnly: only create in database, do not store or return the objects (useful for perf testing) ONLY USE FOR TESTING
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2062
deleteTestObjects(string $daoName, array $params = [])
Deletes the this object plus any dependent objects that are associated with it.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2110
setCreateDefaults(array $params, $defaults)
Set defaults when creating new entity.
(don't call this set defaults as already in use with different signature in some places)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2130
static string
createTempTableName(string $prefix = 'civicrm', bool $addRandomString = TRUE, null $string = NULL)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2150
static bool
checkTriggerViewPermission(bool $view = TRUE, bool $trigger = TRUE)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2198
debugPrint(null $message = NULL, bool $printDAO = TRUE)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2222
triggerRebuild(string $tableName = NULL, bool $force = FALSE)
Build a list of triggers via hook and add them to (err, reconcile them with) the database.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2233
Because sql functions are sometimes lost, esp during db migration, we check here to avoid numerous support requests
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2250
dropTriggers(string $tableName = NULL)
Wrapper function to drop triggers.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2261
createTriggers(array $info, string $onlyTableName = NULL)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2272
static array
createReferenceColumns(string $className)
Given a list of fields, create a list of references.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2295
Find all records which refer to this entity.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2324
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2361
static array
getReferencesToTable(string $tableName)
List all tables which have hard foreign keys to this table.
For now, this returns a description of every entity_id/entity_table reference. TODO: filter dynamic entity references on the $tableName, based on schema metadata in dynamicForeignKey which enumerates a restricted set of possible entity_table's.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2386
Get all references to contact table.
This includes core tables, custom group tables, tables added by the merge hook and the entity_tag table.
Refer to CRM-17454 for information on the danger of querying the information schema to derive this.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2418
appendCustomTablesExtendingContacts(array $cidRefs)
Add custom tables that extend contacts to the list of contact references.
CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getAllCustomGroupsByBaseEntity seems like a safe-ish function to be sure all are retrieved & we don't miss subtypes or inactive or multiples - the down side is it is not cached.
Further changes should be include tests in the CRM_Core_MergerTest class to ensure that disabled, subtype, multiple etc groups are still captured.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2435
appendCustomContactReferenceFields(array $cidRefs)
Add custom ContactReference fields to the list of contact references
This includes active and inactive fields/groups
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2453
static mixed
getGlobalSetting(string $name, mixed $default = NULL)
Lookup the value of a MySQL global configuration variable.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2477
appendPseudoConstantsToFields(array $fields)
Update the fields array to also hold keys for pseudoconstant fields that relate to contained fields.
This is relevant where we want to offer both the ID field and the label field as an option, e.g. search builder.
It is currently limited for optionGroupName & id+ name+ FK combos for purposes keeping the scope of the change small, but is appropriate for other sorts of pseudoconstants.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2531
static array|bool
buildOptions(string $fieldName, string $context = NULL, array $props = [])
Get options for the called BAO object's field.
This function can be overridden by each BAO to add more logic related to context. The overriding function will generally call the lower-level CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2542
Populate option labels for this object's fields.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2568
static array
buildOptionsContext(string $context = NULL)
Provides documentation and validation for the buildOptions $context param
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2588
getFieldSpec(string $fieldName)
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2631
static NULL|string|array
createSQLFilter(string $fieldName, array $filter, string $type = NULL, string $alias = NULL, bool $returnSanitisedArray = FALSE)
Get SQL where clause for SQL filter syntax input parameters.
SQL version of api function to assign filters to the DAO based on the syntax $field => array('IN' => array(4,6,9)) OR $field => array('LIKE' => array('%me%)) etc
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2696
static array
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2733
static string
shortenSQLName(string $string, int $length = 60, bool $makeRandom = FALSE)
SQL has a limit of 64 characters on various names: table name, trigger name, column name .
For custom groups and fields we generated names from user entered input which can be longer than this length, this function helps with creating strings that meet various criteria.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2759
setOptions(array $options) Sets the internal options to be used on a query
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2772
_setDBOptions(array $options) wrapper to pass internal DAO options down to DB_mysql/DB_Common level
at line 2808
setApiFilter(array $params)
Set api filter.
at line 903
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2845
static array
getSelectWhereClause(string $tableAlias = NULL)
This returns the final permissioned query string for this entity
With acls from related entities + additional clauses from hook_civicrm_selectWhereClause
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2868
static bool
ensure database name is 'safe', i.e. only contains word characters (includes underscores) and dashes, and contains at least one [a-z] case insenstive.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2890
static string|null
serializeField(array|null $value, int $serializationType)
Transform an array to a serialized string for database storage.
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2924
static array|null
unSerializeField(string|null $value, $serializationType)
Transform a serialized string from the database into an array.
at line 2849
static array
in CRM_Core_DAO at line 2966
static array
getExportableFieldsWithPseudoConstants(string $baoClass)
Get exportable fields with pseudoconstants rendered as an extra field.
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 697
static array
Return a mapping from field-name to the corresponding key (as used in fields()).
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 718
Returns if this table needs to be logged
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 729
static array
import(bool $prefix = FALSE)
Returns the list of fields that can be imported
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 741
static array
export(bool $prefix = FALSE)
Returns the list of fields that can be exported
in CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity at line 753
static array
indices(bool $localize = TRUE)
Returns the list of indices
at line 69
static bool
dataExists(array $params)
Check if there is absolute minimum of data to add the object.
at line 88
static CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity
retrieve(array $params, array $defaults)
at line 158
static mixed
deleteActivity(array $params, bool $moveToTrash = FALSE)
Delete the activity.
at line 262
deleteActivityContact(int $activityId, int $recordTypeID = NULL)
Delete activity assignment record.
at line 287
static CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity|null|object
create(array $params)
Process the activities.
at line 642
static bool
logActivityAction(CRM_Core_DAO_Activity $activity, string $logMessage = NULL)
Create an activity.
at line 679
static array
getActivities(array $params)
Get the list Activities.
at line 853
static array|null
Filter the activity types to only return the ones we actually asked for Uses params['activity_type_id'] and params['activity_type_exclude_id']
at line 944
static array
activityComponents(bool $excludeComponentHandledActivities = TRUE)
Get an array of components that are accessible by the currenct user.
This means checking if they are enabled and if the user has appropriate permission.
For most components the permission is access component (e.g 'access CiviContribute'). Exceptions as CiviCampaign (administer CiviCampaign) and CiviCase (accesses a case function which enforces edit all cases or edit my cases. Case permissions are also handled on a per activity basis).
Checks whether logged in user has permission to the component.
at line 985
static int
getActivitiesCount(array $input)
Get the activity Count.
at line 1003
static int
createEmailActivity(int $userID, string $subject, string $html, string $text, string $additionalDetails, int $campaignID, array $attachments)
at line 1074
static array
sendEmail(array $contactDetails, string $subject, $text, $html, string $emailAddress, int $userID = NULL, string $from = NULL, array $attachments = NULL, string $cc = NULL, string $bcc = NULL, array $contactIds = NULL, string $additionalDetails = NULL, array $contributionIds = NULL, int $campaignId = NULL)
Send the message to all the contacts.
Also insert a contact activity in each contacts record.
at line 1251
static array(bool
sendSMS(array $contactDetails = NULL, array $activityParams, array $smsProviderParams = [], array $contactIds = NULL, int $sourceContactId = NULL)
Send SMS. Returns: bool $sent, int $activityId, int $success (number of sent SMS)
at line 1403
static bool|PEAR_Error
sendSMSMessage(int $toID, $tokenText, array $smsProviderParams = [], int $activityID, int $sourceContactID = NULL)
Send the sms message to a specific contact.
at line 1482
static bool
sendMessage(string $from, int $fromID, int $toID, string $subject, $text_message, $html_message, string $emailAddress, int $activityID, null $attachments = NULL, null $cc = NULL, null $bcc = NULL)
Send the message to a specific contact.
at line 1552
static array
importableFields(bool $status = FALSE)
Combine all the importable fields from the lower levels object.
The ordering is important, since currently we do not have a weight scheme. Adding weight is super important and should be done in the next week or so, before this can be called complete.
at line 1608
static array
getContactActivity(int $contactId)
at line 1683
static bool|NULL
addActivity(object $activity, string $activityType = 'Membership Signup', int $targetContactID = NULL, array $params = [])
Add activity for Membership/Event/Contribution.
at line 1772
static string
getActivitySubject(object $entityObj)
Get activity subject on basis of component object.
at line 1829
static int
getParentActivity(int $activityId)
Get Parent activity for currently viewed activity.
at line 1857
static int
Get total count of prior revision of currently viewed activity.
at line 1896
static array
getPriorAcitivities($activityID, bool $onlyPriorRevisions = FALSE)
Get all prior activities of currently viewed activity.
at line 1948
static int
getLatestActivityId(int $activityID)
Find the latest revision of a given activity.
at line 1981
static CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity|null|object
createFollowupActivity(int $activityId, array $params)
Create a follow up a given activity.
at line 2017
static string|bool
getFileForActivityTypeId(int $activityTypeId, string $crmDir = 'Activity')
Get Activity specific File according activity type Id.
at line 2048
static CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity
restoreActivity(array $params)
Restore the activity.
at line 2068
static array
getStatusesByType(int $type)
Return list of activity statuses of a given type.
Note: activity status options use the "grouping" field to distinguish status types. Types are defined in class constants INCOMPLETE, COMPLETED, CANCELLED
at line 2093
static bool
isOverdue(array $activity)
Check if activity is overdue.
at line 2106
static array
exportableFields(string $name = 'Activity')
Get the exportable fields for Activities.
at line 2206
static array
Get the allowed profile fields for Activities.
at line 2247
static true/null
cleanupActivity(int $contactId)
This function deletes the activity record related to contact record.
This is conditional on there being no target and assignee record with other contacts.
at line 2294
static bool
checkPermission(int $activityId, int $action)
Does user has sufficient permission for view/edit activity record.
at line 2382
static protected bool
isContactPermittedAccessToCaseActivity(int $activityId, int $action, int $activityTypeID)
Check if the logged in user has permission for the given case activity.
at line 2402
static protected bool
hasPermissionForActivityType(int $activityTypeID)
Check if the logged in user has permission to access the given activity type.
at line 2416
static protected array
Get the activity types the user is permitted to access.
The types are filtered by the components they have access to. ie. a user with access CiviContribute but not CiviMember will see contribution related activities and activities with no component (e.g meetings) but not member related ones.
at line 2441
static protected array
at line 2478
static bool
Checks if user has permissions to edit inbound e-mails, either basic info or both basic information and content.
at line 2493
static array
Get the list of view only activities
at line 2512
static array
getContactActivitySelector(array $params)
Wrapper for ajax activity selector.
at line 2725
copyExtendedActivityData(array $params)
Copy custom fields and attachments from an existing activity to another.
at line 2772
static null
getActivityContact(int $activityId, int $recordTypeID = NULL, string $column = 'contact_id')
Get activity contact.
at line 2791
static null
getSourceContactID(int $activityId)
Get source contact id.
at line 2830
static bool
sendToAssignee(object $activity, array $mailToContacts, array $params = [])
Send activity as attachment.