class CRM_Case_BAO_Query extends CRM_Core_BAO_Query
Get legacy fields which we still maybe support.
Getter for the qill object.
No description
Get fields.
Given a list of conditions in query generate the required where clause.
Build from clause.
No description
This includes any extra fields that might need for export etc.
Get the metadata for fields to be included on the case search form.
Add all the elements shared between case search and advanced search.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 41
addCustomFormFields(CRM_Core_Form $form, array $extends)
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 69
static protected array
Get legacy fields which we still maybe support.
These are contribution specific but I think it's ok to have one list of legacy supported params in a central place.
at line 596
Getter for the qill object.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 97
searchAction($row, int $id)
Possibly unnecessary function.
at line 677
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 111
static protected string
getFieldName(array $values)
Get the name of the field.
at line 42
static array
getFields(bool $excludeActivityFields = FALSE)
Get fields.
at line 58
select(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Build select for Case.
at line 222
where(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Given a list of conditions in query generate the required where clause.
at line 264
whereClauseSingle(array $values, CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Where clause for a single field.
CRM-17120 adds a test that checks the Qill on some of these parameters. However, I couldn't find a way, other than via test, to access the case_activity options in the code below and invalid sql was returned. Perhaps the options are just legacy?
Also, CRM-17120 locks in the Qill - but it probably is not quite right as I see 'Activity Type = Scheduled' (rather than activity status).
See CRM_Case_BAO_QueryTest for more.
at line 524
static string
from(string $name, string $mode, string $side)
Build from clause.
at line 606
static array|null
defaultReturnProperties($mode, bool $includeCustomFields = TRUE)
at line 655
static array|null
extraReturnProperties(string $mode)
This includes any extra fields that might need for export etc.
at line 693
Get the metadata for fields to be included on the case search form.
at line 721
buildSearchForm(CRM_Case_Form_Search $form)
Add all the elements shared between case search and advanced search.