class CRM_Member_Form_Search extends CRM_Core_Form_Search
Membership search.
Class is a pane in advanced search and the membership search page.
Constants for attributes for various form elements attempt to standardize on the number of variations that we use of the below form elements |
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision |
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision |
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision |
All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision |
protected object | $_state | The state object that this form belongs to | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected string | $_name | The name of this form | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected string | $_title | The title of this form | from CRM_Core_Form |
array | $_defaults | The default values for the form. | from CRM_Core_Form |
mixed | $_options | (QUASI-PROTECTED) The options passed into this form | from CRM_Core_Form |
int | $_action | (QUASI-PROTECTED) The mode of operation for this form | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected array | $_paymentProcessors | Available payment processors. | from CRM_Core_Form |
array | $_paymentProcessorIDs | Available payment processors (IDS). | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected int | $_paymentProcessorID | Default or selected processor id. | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected int | $_is_pay_later_enabled | Is pay later enabled for the form. | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected object | $_renderer | The renderer used for this form | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected array | $_dateFields | An array to hold a list of datefields on the form so that they can be converted to ISO in a consistent manner | from CRM_Core_Form |
static protected CRM_Core_Smarty | $_template | Cache the smarty template for efficiency reasons | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected bool | $unsavedChangesWarn | Indicate if this form should warn users of unsaved changes | from CRM_Core_Form |
array | $ajaxResponse | What to return to the client if in ajax mode (snippet=json) | from CRM_Core_Form |
array | $urlPath | Url path used to reach this page | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected string | $context | Context of the form being loaded. | from CRM_Core_Form |
bool | $submitOnce | from CRM_Core_Form | |
CRM_Core_Controller | $controller | from CRM_Core_Form | |
static array | $html5Types | Extra input types we support via the "add" method | from CRM_Core_Form |
protected int | $_force | Are we forced to run a search | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected string | $_searchButtonName | Name of search button | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected string | $_actionButtonName | Name of action button | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
array | $_formValues | Form values that we will be using | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected bool | $_done | Have we already done this search | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected string | $_context | What context are we being invoked from | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected array | $_taskList | The list of tasks or actions that a searcher can perform on a result set. | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected array | $entityReferenceFields | Declare entity reference fields as they will need to be converted to using 'IN'. | |
protected array | $searchFieldMetadata | Metadata for fields on the search form. | from CRM_Core_Form_Search |
protected array | $_queryParams | The params that are sent to the query. | |
protected bool | $_single | Are we restricting ourselves to a single contact. | |
protected bool | $_limit | Are we restricting ourselves to a single contact. | |
protected string | $_prefix | Prefix for the controller. |
Constructor for the basic form page.
Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.
Processing needed for buildForm and later.
The post processing of the form gets done here.
Build the form object.
This virtual function is used to set the default values of various form elements.
This is a virtual function that adds group and global rules to the form.
Return a descriptive name for the page, used in wizard header.
This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.
Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.
Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.
Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.
Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.
Store the variable with the value in the form scope.
Assign value to name in template by reference.
Appends values to template variables.
Returns an array containing template variables.
No description
No description
No description
Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit
No description
Add a search for a range using date picker fields.
Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.
Adds a select based on field metadata.
Adds a field based on metadata.
Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form
Add date.
Function that will add date and time.
Add a currency and money element to the form.
Add currency element to the form.
Create a single or multiple entity ref field.
Convert all date fields within the params to mysql date ready for the BAO layer. In this case fields are checked against the $_datefields defined for the form and if time is defined it is incorporated
Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.
Get contact if for a form object. Prioritise - cid in URL if 0 (on behalf on someoneelse) (@todo consider setting a variable if onbehalf for clarity of downstream 'if's - logged in user id if it matches the one in the cid in the URL - contact id validated from a checksum from a checksum - cid from the url if the caller has ACL permission to view - fallback is logged in user (or ? NULL if no logged in user) (@todo wouldn't 0 be more intuitive?)
Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g
Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)
Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.
Assign billing name to the template.
Builds the list of tasks or actions that a searcher can perform on a result set.
Set the form values based on input and preliminary processing.
Add any fields described in metadata to the form.
Global validation rules for the form.
Get the validation rule to apply to a function.
Get the defaults for the entity for any fields described in metadata.
Convert any submitted text fields to use 'like' rather than '=' as the operator.
Add checkboxes for each row plus a master checkbox.
Get the label for the sortName field if email searching is on.
Get the label for the sortName field if email searching is off.
Get the label for the group field.
Get the label for the tag field.
we allow the controller to set force/reset externally, useful when we are being driven by the wizard framework
Get the label for the group field.
If this search has been forced then see if there are any get values, and if so over-ride the post values.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 200
in CRM_Core_Form at line 207
Set context variable.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 268
__construct(object $state = NULL, const|enum|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::NONE, string $method = 'post', string $name = NULL)
Constructor for the basic form page.
We should not use QuickForm directly. This class provides a lot of default convenient functions, rules and buttons
in CRM_Core_Form at line 311
Set translated fields.
This function is called from the class constructor, allowing us to set fields on the class that can't be set as properties due to need for translation or other non-input specific handling.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 318
addClass(string $className)
Add one or more css classes to the form.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 326
Register all the standard rules that most forms potentially use.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 379
add(string $type, string $name, string $label = '', string|array $attributes = '', bool $required = FALSE, array $extra = NULL)
Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.
Deal with simple validation rules.
at line 78
Processing needed for buildForm and later.
at line 226
The post processing of the form gets done here.
Key things done during post processing are - check for reset or next request. if present, skip post procesing. - now check if user requested running a saved search, if so, then the form values associated with the saved search are used for searching. - if user has done a submit with new values the regular post submissing is done. The processing consists of using a Selector / Controller framework for getting the search results.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 494
mainProcess(bool $allowAjax = TRUE)
Main process wrapper.
Implemented so that we can call all the hook functions.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 520
The postProcess hook is typically called by the framework.
However in a few cases, the form exits or redirects early in which case it needs to call this function so other modules can do the needful Calling this function directly should be avoided if possible. In general a better way is to do setUserContext so the framework does the redirect
at line 145
Build the form object.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 148
This virtual function is used to set the default values of various form elements.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 549
This is a virtual function that adds group and global rules to the form.
Keeping it distinct from the form to keep code small and localized in the form building code
in CRM_Core_Form at line 559
Performs the server side validation.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 587
Core function that builds the form.
We redefine this function here and expect all CRM forms to build their form in the function buildQuickForm.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 650
addButtons(array $params)
Add default Next / Back buttons.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 723
Getter function for Name.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 732
Getter function for State.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 741
Getter function for StateType.
at line 373
Return a descriptive name for the page, used in wizard header.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 762
setTitle(string $title)
Setter function for title.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 772
Assign billing type id to bltID.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 781
in CRM_Core_Form at line 794
assignPaymentProcessor(bool $isPayLaterEnabled)
This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.
It would be good to sync it with the back-end function on abstractEditPayment & use one everywhere.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 832
protected array
formatParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $fields)
Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.
In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 848
protected array
prepareParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $params)
Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.
In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 896
Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.
This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.
However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.
This function overlaps assignPaymentProcessor, in a bad way.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 948
handlePreApproval(array $params)
Handle pre approval for processors.
This fits with the flow where a pre-approval is done and then confirmed in the next stage when confirm is hit.
This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.
However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 973
setOptions(mixed $options)
Setter function for options.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 982
Render form and return contents.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1000
Getter function for renderer.
If renderer is not set create one and initialize it.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1012
Use the form name to create the tpl file name.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1035
A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.
This includes calling the hook to prevent us from having to copy & paste the logic of calling the hook.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1048
Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.
i.e. we do not override.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1062
error(string $message, int $code = NULL, CRM_Core_DAO $dao = NULL)
Error reporting mechanism.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1080
set(string $name, mixed $value)
Store the variable with the value in the form scope.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1092
get(string $name)
Get the variable from the form scope.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1101
Getter for action.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1111
setAction(int $action)
Setter for action.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1123
assign(string $var, mixed $value = NULL)
Assign value to name in template.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1135
assign_by_ref(string $var, mixed $value)
Assign value to name in template by reference.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1147
append(array|string $tpl_var, mixed $value = NULL, bool $merge = FALSE)
Appends values to template variables.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1158
get_template_vars(string $name = NULL)
Returns an array containing template variables.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1172
addRadio(string $name, $title, $values, array $attributes = [], null $separator = NULL, bool $required = FALSE)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1204
addYesNo(int $id, $title, bool $allowClear = FALSE, null $required = NULL, array $attributes = [])
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1230
addCheckBox(int $id, $title, $values, null $other = NULL, null $attributes = NULL, null $required = NULL, null $javascriptMethod = NULL, string $separator = '<br />', bool $flipValues = FALSE)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1277
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1293
addDefaultButtons(string $title, string $nextType = 'next', string $backType = 'back', bool|string $submitOnce = FALSE)
Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1324
addDateRange(string $name, string $from = '_from', string $to = '_to', string $label = 'From:', string $dateFormat = 'searchDate', bool $required = FALSE, bool $displayTime = FALSE)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1346
addDatePickerRange(string $fieldName, string $label, bool $isDateTime = FALSE, bool $required = FALSE, string $fromLabel = 'From', string $toLabel = 'To')
Add a search for a range using date picker fields.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1372
Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.
Used by addField method.
Return string
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1391
Classes extending CRM_Core_Form should implement this method.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 418
Explicitly declare the form context for addField().
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1423
addSelect($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)
Adds a select based on field metadata.
TODO: This could be even more generic and widget type (select in this case) could also be read from metadata Perhaps a method like $form->bind($name) which would look up all metadata for named field
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1507
addField($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE, bool $legacyDate = TRUE)
Adds a field based on metadata.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1710
addProfileSelector(string $name, string $label, string $allowCoreTypes, string $allowSubTypes, array $entities, bool $default = FALSE, string $usedFor = NULL)
Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1729
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1736
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1743
static CRM_Core_Smarty
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1750
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1780
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1788
setVar($name, $value)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1807
addDate(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, array $attributes = NULL)
deprecated Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.
Add date.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1896
addDateTime(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL)
deprecated Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.
Function that will add date and time.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1922
addMoney(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL, bool $addCurrency = TRUE, string $currencyName = 'currency', null $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE)
Add a currency and money element to the form.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 1952
addCurrency(string $name = 'currency', null $label = NULL, bool $required = TRUE, string $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE, bool $setDefaultCurrency = TRUE)
Add currency element to the form.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2006
addEntityRef(string $name, string $label = '', array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)
Create a single or multiple entity ref field.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2055
convertDateFieldsToMySQL(array $params)
Convert all date fields within the params to mysql date ready for the BAO layer. In this case fields are checked against the $_datefields defined for the form and if time is defined it is incorporated
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2075
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2093
Function that can be defined in Form to override or.
perform specific action on cancel action
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2105
validateMandatoryFields(array $fields, array $values, array $errors)
Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.
Typically called within the scope of a FormRule function
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2124
protected NULL|int
Get contact if for a form object. Prioritise - cid in URL if 0 (on behalf on someoneelse) (@todo consider setting a variable if onbehalf for clarity of downstream 'if's - logged in user id if it matches the one in the cid in the URL - contact id validated from a checksum from a checksum - cid from the url if the caller has ACL permission to view - fallback is logged in user (or ? NULL if no logged in user) (@todo wouldn't 0 be more intuitive?)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2179
Get the contact id that the form is being submitted for.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2186
Get the contact id of the logged in user.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2215
addAutoSelector(array $profiles = [], array $autoCompleteField = [])
Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g
{if !empty($selectable)}
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2240
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2256
Add the options appropriate to cid = zero - ie. autocomplete
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2280
getProfileDefaults(mixed $profile_id = 'Billing', int $contactID = NULL)
Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2299
Sets form attribute.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2307
Sets form attribute.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2315
setPageTitle(string $entityLabel)
Sets page title based on entity and action.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2344
addChainSelect(string $elementName, array $settings = [])
Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 365
addTaskMenu(array $tasks)
Add actions menu to search results form.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2496
assignBillingName(array $params = [])
Assign billing name to the template.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2531
getCurrency(array $submittedValues = [])
Get the currency for the form.
in CRM_Core_Form at line 2553
protected bool
Is the form in view or edit mode.
The 'addField' function relies on the form action being one of a set list of actions. Checking for these allows for an early return.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 100
protected array
Builds the list of tasks or actions that a searcher can perform on a result set.
To modify the task list, child classes should alter $this->_taskList, preferably by extending this method.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 116
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 123
addSearchFieldMetadata(array $searchFieldMetadata)
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 164
Set the form values based on input and preliminary processing.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 198
Add any fields described in metadata to the form.
The goal is to describe all fields in metadata and handle from metadata rather than existing ad hoc handling.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 239
static array
formRule(array $fields, array $files, object $form)
Global validation rules for the form.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 271
protected string
getValidationTypeForField(string $entity, string $fieldName)
Get the validation rule to apply to a function.
Alphanumeric is designed to always be safe & for now we just return that but in future we can use tighter rules for types like int, bool etc.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 297
protected array
getEntityDefaults(string $entity)
Get the defaults for the entity for any fields described in metadata.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 332
Convert any submitted text fields to use 'like' rather than '=' as the operator.
This excludes any with options.
Note this will only pick up fields declared via metadata.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 349
addRowSelectors(array $rows)
Add checkboxes for each row plus a master checkbox.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 382
Add the sort-name field to the form.
There is a setting to determine whether email is included in the search & we look this up to determine which text to choose.
Note that for translation purposes the full string works better than using 'prefix' hence we use override-able functions to define the string.
at line 169
protected string
Get the label for the sortName field if email searching is on.
(email searching is a setting under search preferences).
at line 180
protected string
Get the label for the sortName field if email searching is off.
(email searching is a setting under search preferences).
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 425
Add generic fields that specify the contact.
at line 201
protected string
Get the label for the group field.
at line 192
protected string
Get the label for the tag field.
We do this in a function so the 'ts' wraps the whole string to allow better translation.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 485
we allow the controller to set force/reset externally, useful when we are being driven by the wizard framework
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 499
Get user submitted values.
Get it from controller only if form has been submitted, else preProcess has set this
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 523
protected array
Get the form values.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 538
Set the metadata for the form.
in CRM_Core_Form_Search at line 548
Handle force=1 in the url.
Search field metadata is normally added in buildForm but we are bypassing that in this flow (I've always found the flow kinda confusing & perhaps that is the problem but this mitigates)
at line 210
protected string
Get the label for the group field.
at line 301
If this search has been forced then see if there are any get values, and if so over-ride the post values.
Note that this means that GET over-rides POST :) & that force with no parameters can be very destructive.