class CRM_Contribute_BAO_Query extends CRM_Core_BAO_Query
static | $_contribOrSoftCredit | ||
static | $_contribRecurPayment |
Get legacy fields which we still maybe support.
Get table names.
Function get the searchable fields for contribution.
If contributions are involved, add the specific contribute fields.
Get from clause.
Check if soft credits are enables.
Get return properties for soft credits.
Get the list of fields required to populate the selector.
Do any products exist in this site's database.
Function you should avoid.
Get the metadata for fields to be included on the search form.
Add all the elements shared between contribute search and advanced search.
Add the where for dates.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 41
addCustomFormFields(CRM_Core_Form $form, array $extends)
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 69
static protected array
Get legacy fields which we still maybe support.
These are contribution specific but I think it's ok to have one list of legacy supported params in a central place.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 87
Getter for the qill object.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 97
searchAction($row, int $id)
Possibly unnecessary function.
at line 1066
Get table names.
in CRM_Core_BAO_Query at line 111
static protected string
getFieldName(array $values)
Get the name of the field.
at line 49
static array
getFields(bool $checkPermission = TRUE)
Function get the searchable fields for contribution.
This is basically the contribution fields plus some related entity fields.
at line 73
select(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
If contributions are involved, add the specific contribute fields.
at line 116
where(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Get where clause.
at line 153
whereClauseSingle(array $values, CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Get where clause for a single value.
at line 520
static NULL|string
from(string $name, string $mode, string $side)
Get from clause.
at line 657
initializeAnySoftCreditClause(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query $query)
Initialise the soft credit clause.
at line 679
static bool
isSoftCreditOptionEnabled(array $queryParams = [])
Check if soft credits are enables.
at line 719
static array
softCreditReturnProperties(bool $isExportMode = FALSE)
Get return properties for soft credits.
at line 741
static array
selectorReturnProperties(array $queryParams)
Get the list of fields required to populate the selector.
The default return properties array returns far too many fields for 'everyday use. Every field you add to this array kills a small kitten so add carefully.
at line 778
static bool
Do any products exist in this site's database.
at line 799
static array|NULL
defaultReturnProperties(int $mode, bool $includeCustomFields = TRUE)
Function you should avoid.
This function returns default properties for contribution queries. However, they are far more than are required in 'most' cases and you should always try to return the return properties you actually require.
It would be nice to throw an e-notice when this is called but it would trash the tests :-(.
at line 907
Get the metadata for fields to be included on the search form.
at line 927
buildSearchForm(CRM_Contribute_Form_Search $form)
Add all the elements shared between contribute search and advanced search.
at line 1093
static bool
buildDateWhere(array $values, object $query, string $name, string $field, string $title)
Add the where for dates.