class CRM_Core_Permission_UnitTests extends CRM_Core_Permission_Base


array $permissions permission mapping to stub check() calls


translatePermission(string $perm, string $nativePrefix, array $map)

Translate permission.


Get the current permission of this user.

whereClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user.

getPermissionedStaticGroupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user when trying to see groups.

group(string $groupType = NULL, bool $excludeHidden = TRUE)

Get all groups from database, filtered by permissions for this user

groupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get group clause for this user.

check(string $str, int $userId = NULL)

Given a permission string, check for access requirements

checkGroupRole(array $array)

Given a roles array, check for access requirements

permissionEmails(string $permissionName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific permission.

roleEmails(string $roleName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific role.


Determine whether the permission store allows us to store a list of permissions generated dynamically (eg by hook_civicrm_permissions.)

upgradePermissions(array $permissions)

Ensure that the CMS supports all the permissions defined by CiviCRM and its extensions. If there are stale permissions, they should be deleted. This is useful during module upgrade when the newer module version has removed permission that were defined in the older version.

static array

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation of the given module.

getAllModulePermissions(bool $descriptions = FALSE)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation in all enabled CiviCRM module extensions.


NULL|string translatePermission(string $perm, string $nativePrefix, array $map)

Translate permission.


string $perm Permission string e.g "administer CiviCRM", "cms:access user record", "Drupal:administer content", "Joomla:action:com_asset"
string $nativePrefix
array $map Array($portableName => $nativeName).

Return Value

NULL|string a permission name

string getPermission()

Get the current permission of this user.

Return Value

string the permission of the user (edit or view or null)

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string whereClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user.


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

string getPermissionedStaticGroupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user when trying to see groups.


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

array group(string $groupType = NULL, bool $excludeHidden = TRUE)

Get all groups from database, filtered by permissions for this user


string $groupType Type of group(Access/Mailing).
bool $excludeHidden exclude hidden groups.

Return Value

array array reference of all groups.

string groupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get group clause for this user.


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

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check(string $str, int $userId = NULL)

Given a permission string, check for access requirements


string $str The permission to check.
int $userId

bool checkGroupRole(array $array)

Given a roles array, check for access requirements


array $array The roles to check.

Return Value

bool true if yes, else false

permissionEmails(string $permissionName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific permission.


string $permissionName Name of the permission we are interested in.

roleEmails(string $roleName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific role.


string $roleName Name of the role we are interested in.

bool isModulePermissionSupported()

Determine whether the permission store allows us to store a list of permissions generated dynamically (eg by hook_civicrm_permissions.)

Return Value


upgradePermissions(array $permissions)

Ensure that the CMS supports all the permissions defined by CiviCRM and its extensions. If there are stale permissions, they should be deleted. This is useful during module upgrade when the newer module version has removed permission that were defined in the older version.


array $permissions Same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().



See also


static array getModulePermissions($module)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation of the given module.

Note: At time of writing, this is only used with native extension-modules, so there's one, predictable calling convention (regardless of CMS).



Return Value

array Array of permissions, in the same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().

See also


array getAllModulePermissions(bool $descriptions = FALSE)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation in all enabled CiviCRM module extensions.


bool $descriptions

Return Value

array Array of permissions, in the same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().