class CRM_Core_Permission_DrupalBase extends CRM_Core_Permission_Base


array $permissions permission mapping to stub check() calls from CRM_Core_Permission_Base
protected bool $_viewAdminUser Is this user someone with access for the entire system.
protected $_editAdminUser
protected bool $_viewPermission Am in in view permission or edit permission?
protected $_editPermission
protected array $_viewPermissionedGroups The current set of permissioned groups for the user.
protected $_editPermissionedGroups


translatePermission(string $perm, string $nativePrefix, array $map)

Translate permission.


Get the current permission of this user.

whereClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user.

getPermissionedStaticGroupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user when trying to see groups.

group(string $groupType = NULL, bool $excludeHidden = TRUE)

Get all groups from database, filtered by permissions for this user

groupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get group clause for this user. The group Clause filters the list of groups that the user is permitted to see in a group listing.

check(string $str, int $userId = NULL)

Given a permission string, check for access requirements

checkGroupRole(array $array)

Given a roles array, check for access requirements

permissionEmails(string $permissionName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific permission.

roleEmails(string $roleName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific role.


No description

upgradePermissions(array $permissions)

No description

static array

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation of the given module.

getAllModulePermissions(bool $descriptions = FALSE)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation in all enabled CiviCRM module extensions.


No description


NULL|string translatePermission(string $perm, string $nativePrefix, array $map)

Translate permission.


string $perm Permission string e.g "administer CiviCRM", "cms:access user record", "Drupal:administer content", "Joomla:action:com_asset"
string $nativePrefix
array $map Array($portableName => $nativeName).

Return Value

NULL|string a permission name

at line 215
string getPermission()

Get the current permission of this user.

Return Value

string the permission of the user (edit or view or null)

string whereClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user.


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

string getPermissionedStaticGroupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get the permissioned where clause for the user when trying to see groups.


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

at line 78
array group(string $groupType = NULL, bool $excludeHidden = TRUE)

Get all groups from database, filtered by permissions for this user


string $groupType Type of group(Access/Mailing).
bool $excludeHidden exclude hidden groups.

Return Value

array array reference of all groups.

at line 151
string groupClause(int $type, array $tables, array $whereTables)

Get group clause for this user. The group Clause filters the list of groups that the user is permitted to see in a group listing.

For example it will filter both the list on the 'Manage Groups' page and on the contact 'Groups' tab

the aclGroup hook & configured ACLs contribute to this data. If the contact is allowed to see all contacts the function will return ( 1 )


int $type The type of permission needed.
array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause.
array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause.

Return Value

string the group where clause for this user

check(string $str, int $userId = NULL)

Given a permission string, check for access requirements


string $str The permission to check.
int $userId

at line 266
bool checkGroupRole(array $array)

Given a roles array, check for access requirements


array $array The roles to check.

Return Value

bool true if yes, else false

at line 295
permissionEmails(string $permissionName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific permission.


string $permissionName Name of the permission we are interested in.

roleEmails(string $roleName)

Get all the contact emails for users that have a specific role.


string $roleName Name of the role we are interested in.

at line 282
bool isModulePermissionSupported()

Return Value


at line 326
upgradePermissions(array $permissions)


array $permissions Same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().

static array getModulePermissions($module)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation of the given module.

Note: At time of writing, this is only used with native extension-modules, so there's one, predictable calling convention (regardless of CMS).



Return Value

array Array of permissions, in the same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().

See also


array getAllModulePermissions(bool $descriptions = FALSE)

Get the permissions defined in the hook_civicrm_permission implementation in all enabled CiviCRM module extensions.


bool $descriptions

Return Value

array Array of permissions, in the same format as CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions().

at line 232
string getContactEmails($uids)



Return Value
