class CRM_Core_Lock implements LockInterface



lets have a 3 second timeout for now


static bool $jobLog This variable (despite it's name) roughly translates to 'lock that we actually care about'.
protected bool $_hasLock
protected $_name
protected $_id


static LockInterface
createGlobalLock(string $name)

Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(). Locks are shared across all Civi instances on the same MySQL server.

static LockInterface
createScopedLock(string $name)

Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(), but apply prefixes to the lock names.

static LockInterface
createCivimailLock(string $name) deprecated

Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(), but conditionally apply prefixes to the lock names (if civimail_server_wide_lock is disabled).

__construct(string $name, int $timeout = NULL, bool $serverWideLock = FALSE)

Initialize the constants used during lock acquire / release


No description

acquire(int|null $timeout = NULL)

Acquire lock.


No description


No description


No description

hackyHandleBrokenCode(string $jobLog)

CRM-12856 locks were originally set up for jobs, but the concept was extended to caching & groups without understanding that would undermine the job locks (because grabbing a lock implicitly releases existing ones) this is all a big hack to mitigate the impact of that - but should not be seen as a fix. Not sure correct fix but maybe locks should be used more selectively? Or else we need to handle is some cool way that Tim is yet to write :-) if we are running in the context of the cron log then we would rather die (or at least let our process die) than release that lock - so if the attempt is being made by setCache or something relatively trivial we'll just return TRUE, but if it's another job then we will crash as that seems 'safer'


at line 75
static LockInterface createGlobalLock(string $name)

Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(). Locks are shared across all Civi instances on the same MySQL server.


string $name Symbolic name for the lock. Names generally look like "worker.mailing.EmailProcessor" ("{category}.{component}.{AdhocName}").

Categories: worker|data|cache|... Component: core|mailing|member|contribute|...

Return Value


at line 91
static LockInterface createScopedLock(string $name)

Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(), but apply prefixes to the lock names.

Locks are unique to each instance of Civi.


string $name Symbolic name for the lock. Names generally look like "worker.mailing.EmailProcessor" ("{category}.{component}.{AdhocName}").

Categories: worker|data|cache|... Component: core|mailing|member|contribute|...

Return Value


at line 108
static LockInterface createCivimailLock(string $name) deprecated


Use MySQL's GET_LOCK(), but conditionally apply prefixes to the lock names (if civimail_server_wide_lock is disabled).


string $name Symbolic name for the lock. Names generally look like "worker.mailing.EmailProcessor" ("{category}.{component}.{AdhocName}").

Categories: worker|data|cache|... Component: core|mailing|member|contribute|...

Return Value


at line 130
__construct(string $name, int $timeout = NULL, bool $serverWideLock = FALSE)

Initialize the constants used during lock acquire / release


string $name Symbolic name for the lock. Names generally look like "worker.mailing.EmailProcessor" ("{category}.{component}.{AdhocName}").

Categories: worker|data|cache|... Component: core|mailing|member|contribute|...

int $timeout The number of seconds to wait to get the lock. 1 if not set.
bool $serverWideLock Should this lock be applicable across your entire mysql server. this is useful if you have multiple sites running on the same mysql server and you want to limit the number of parallel cron jobs - CRM-91XX

at line 149

at line 183
bool acquire(int|null $timeout = NULL)

Acquire lock.

The advantage of mysql locks is that they can be used across processes. However, only one can be used at once within a process. An attempt to use a second one within a process prior to mysql 5.7.5 results in the first being released.

The process here is 1) first attempt to grab a lock for a mailing job - self::jobLog will be populated with the lock id & a mysql lock will be created for the ID.

If a second function in the same process attempts to grab the lock it will enter the hackyHandleBrokenCode routine which says 'I won't break a mailing lock for you but if you are not a civimail send process I'll let you pretend you have a lock already and you can go ahead with whatever you were doing under the delusion you have a lock.


int|null $timeout The number of seconds to wait to get the lock. For a default value, use NULL.

Return Value




at line 216
bool|null|string release()

Return Value

bool|null|string Trueish/falsish.

at line 236
bool|null|string isFree()

Return Value

bool|null|string Trueish/falsish.

at line 245
bool isAcquired()

Return Value


at line 262
bool hackyHandleBrokenCode(string $jobLog)

CRM-12856 locks were originally set up for jobs, but the concept was extended to caching & groups without understanding that would undermine the job locks (because grabbing a lock implicitly releases existing ones) this is all a big hack to mitigate the impact of that - but should not be seen as a fix. Not sure correct fix but maybe locks should be used more selectively? Or else we need to handle is some cool way that Tim is yet to write :-) if we are running in the context of the cron log then we would rather die (or at least let our process die) than release that lock - so if the attempt is being made by setCache or something relatively trivial we'll just return TRUE, but if it's another job then we will crash as that seems 'safer'


string $jobLog

Return Value


