class CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting
File contains functions used in civicrm configuration.
Create civicrm settings. This is the same as add but it clears the cache and reloads the config object
Add civicrm settings.
Retrieve the settings values from db.
Evaluate locale preferences and activate a chosen locale by updating session+global variables.
No description
Takes a componentName and enables it in the config.
Disable specified component.
Set enabled components.
No description
No description
at line 47
create(array $params)
Create civicrm settings. This is the same as add but it clears the cache and reloads the config object
at line 61
add(array $params)
Add civicrm settings.
at line 89
static array
Retrieve the settings values from db.
at line 135
applyLocale(SettingsBag $settings, string $activatedLocales)
Evaluate locale preferences and activate a chosen locale by updating session+global variables.
at line 234
static string
doSiteMove(array $defaultValues = [])
at line 300
static bool
enableComponent(string $componentName)
Takes a componentName and enables it in the config.
Primarily used during unit testing
at line 328
static bool
disableComponent(string $componentName)
Disable specified component.
at line 351
setEnabledComponents(array $enabledComponents)
Set enabled components.