class CRM_Utils_Network
Simple static helpers for network operations
static bool
waitForServiceStartup($host, $port, int $serverStartupTimeOut, float $interval = 0.333)
Try connecting to a TCP service; if it fails, retry. Repeat until serverStartupTimeOut elapses.
static bool
checkService(string $host, string $port, string $serverConnectionTimeOut)
Check whether a TCP service is available on $host and $port.
at line 51
static bool
waitForServiceStartup($host, $port, int $serverStartupTimeOut, float $interval = 0.333)
Try connecting to a TCP service; if it fails, retry. Repeat until serverStartupTimeOut elapses.
at line 76
static bool
checkService(string $host, string $port, string $serverConnectionTimeOut)
Check whether a TCP service is available on $host and $port.