class CRM_Core_BAO_Block


static array $requiredBlockFields Fields that are required for a valid block.


static array
getValues(string $blockName, array $params)

Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object and store the values in the values array

static array
retrieveBlock(Object $block, string $blockName)

Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object and store the values in the values array

static bool
dataExists(array $blockFields, array $params)

Check if the current block object has any valid data.

static bool
blockExists(string $blockName, array $params)

Check if the current block exits.

static array
getBlockIds(string $blockName, int $contactId = NULL, null $entityElements = NULL, bool $updateBlankLocInfo = FALSE)

Get all block ids for a contact.

static object
create(string $blockName, array $params, null $entity = NULL, int $contactId = NULL)

Takes an associative array and creates a block.

blockDelete(string $blockName, int $params)

Delete block.

handlePrimary(array $params, $class)

Handling for is_primary.

sortPrimaryFirst(array $locations)

Sort location array so primary element is first.

static int
primaryComparison(array $location1, array $location2)

compare 2 locations to see which should go first based on is_primary (sort function for sortPrimaryFirst)


at line 60
static array getValues(string $blockName, array $params)

Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object and store the values in the values array


string $blockName Name of the above object.
array $params Input parameters to find object.

Return Value

array Array of $block objects.

at line 106
static array retrieveBlock(Object $block, string $blockName)

Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object and store the values in the values array


Object $block Typically a Phone|Email|IM|OpenID object.
string $blockName Name of the above object.

Return Value

array Array of $block objects.

at line 137
static bool dataExists(array $blockFields, array $params)

Check if the current block object has any valid data.


array $blockFields Array of fields that are of interest for this object.
array $params Associated array of submitted fields.

Return Value

bool true if the block has data, otherwise false

at line 157
static bool blockExists(string $blockName, array $params)

Check if the current block exits.


string $blockName Bloack name.
array $params Associated array of submitted fields.

Return Value

bool true if the block exits, otherwise false

at line 181
static array getBlockIds(string $blockName, int $contactId = NULL, null $entityElements = NULL, bool $updateBlankLocInfo = FALSE)

Get all block ids for a contact.


string $blockName Block name.
int $contactId Contact id.
null $entityElements
bool $updateBlankLocInfo

Return Value

array formatted array of block ids

at line 223
static object create(string $blockName, array $params, null $entity = NULL, int $contactId = NULL)

Takes an associative array and creates a block.


string $blockName Block name.
array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
null $entity
int $contactId

Return Value

object CRM_Core_BAO_Block object on success, null otherwise

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static blockDelete(string $blockName, int $params)

Delete block.


string $blockName Block name.
int $params Associates array.

at line 411
static handlePrimary(array $params, $class)

Handling for is_primary.

$params is_primary could be # 1 - find other entries with is_primary = 1 & reset them to 0 # 0 - make sure at least one entry is set to 1 - if no other entry is 1 change to 1 - if one other entry exists change that to 1 - if more than one other entry exists change first one to 1


array $params



at line 481
static sortPrimaryFirst(array $locations)

Sort location array so primary element is first.


array $locations

at line 492
static int primaryComparison(array $location1, array $location2)

compare 2 locations to see which should go first based on is_primary (sort function for sortPrimaryFirst)


array $location1
array $location2

Return Value
