class CRM_Utils_Zip

Utilities for working with zip files


static mixed
findBaseDirName(ZipArchive $zip)

Given a zip file which contains a single root directory, determine the root's name.

static array(string)
findBaseDirs(ZipArchive $zip)

Given a zip file, find all directory names in the root

static string|bool
guessBasedir(ZipArchive $zip, $expected)

Determine the name of the folder within a zip.

static bool
createTestZip(string $zipName, array $dirs, array $files)

An inefficient helper for creating a ZIP file from data in memory.


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static mixed findBaseDirName(ZipArchive $zip)

Given a zip file which contains a single root directory, determine the root's name.


ZipArchive $zip

Return Value

mixed FALSE if #root level items !=1; otherwise, the name of base dir

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static array(string) findBaseDirs(ZipArchive $zip)

Given a zip file, find all directory names in the root


ZipArchive $zip

Return Value

array(string) no trailing /

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static string|bool guessBasedir(ZipArchive $zip, $expected)

Determine the name of the folder within a zip.


ZipArchive $zip

Return Value

string|bool Return string or FALSE

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static bool createTestZip(string $zipName, array $dirs, array $files)

An inefficient helper for creating a ZIP file from data in memory.

This is only intended for building temp files for unit-testing.


string $zipName file name.
array $dirs Array, list of directory paths.
array $files Array, keys are file names and values are file contents.

Return Value
