class CRM_Utils_Address

Address Utilities


static string
format(array $fields, string $format = NULL, bool $microformat = FALSE, bool $mailing = FALSE, null $tokenFields = NULL)

Format an address string from address fields and a format string.

static array

No description

static string
getFormattedBillingAddressFieldsFromParameters(array $params, int $billingLocationTypeID)

Extract the billing fields from the form submission and format them for display.


at line 59
static string format(array $fields, string $format = NULL, bool $microformat = FALSE, bool $mailing = FALSE, null $tokenFields = NULL)

Format an address string from address fields and a format string.

Format an address basing on the address fields provided. Use Setting's address_format if there's no format specified.

This function is also used to generate a contact's display_name and sort_name.


array $fields The address fields.
string $format The desired address format.
bool $microformat If true indicates, the address to be built in hcard-microformat standard.
bool $mailing If true indicates, the call has been made from mailing label.
null $tokenFields

Return Value

string formatted address string

at line 288
static array sequence($format)



Return Value


at line 328
static string getFormattedBillingAddressFieldsFromParameters(array $params, int $billingLocationTypeID)

Extract the billing fields from the form submission and format them for display.


array $params
int $billingLocationTypeID

Return Value
