class CRM_Custom_Form_CustomData
this class builds custom data
addToForm(CRM_Core_Form $form, null|string $subType = NULL, null|string $subName = NULL, null|int $groupCount = 1, null|int $contact_id = NULL)
Generic wrapper to add custom data to a form via a single line in preProcess.
preProcess(CRM_Core_Form $form, null|string $subName = NULL, null|string $subType = NULL, null|int $groupCount = NULL, string $type = NULL, null|int $entityID = NULL, null $onlySubType = NULL)
No description
static array
static array
setGroupTree(CRM_Core_Form $form, string $subType, int $gid, bool $onlySubType = NULL, bool $getCachedTree = TRUE)
Add the group data as a formatted array to the form.
at line 56
addToForm(CRM_Core_Form $form, null|string $subType = NULL, null|string $subName = NULL, null|int $groupCount = 1, null|int $contact_id = NULL)
Generic wrapper to add custom data to a form via a single line in preProcess.
$this->getDefaultEntity() must be defined for the form class for this to work.
If the postProcess form cannot use the api & instead uses a BAO function it will need. $params['custom'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::postProcess($submitted, $this->_id, $this->getDefaultEntity());
at line 98
preProcess(CRM_Core_Form $form, null|string $subName = NULL, null|string $subType = NULL, null|int $groupCount = NULL, string $type = NULL, null|int $entityID = NULL, null $onlySubType = NULL)
at line 177
static array
setDefaultValues(CRM_Core_Form $form)
at line 186
buildQuickForm(CRM_Core_Form $form)
at line 204
static array
setGroupTree(CRM_Core_Form $form, string $subType, int $gid, bool $onlySubType = NULL, bool $getCachedTree = TRUE)
Add the group data as a formatted array to the form.