class CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_5_13_alpha1


static array

Get translatable columns.

static array

Get a table indexed array of the indices for translatable fields.

static array

Get tables with translatable fields.

static array

Get a list of widgets for editing translatable fields.


at line 44
static array columns()

Get translatable columns.

Return Value

array A table-indexed array of translatable columns.

at line 216
static array indices()

Get a table indexed array of the indices for translatable fields.

Return Value

array Indices for translatable fields.

at line 260
static array tables()

Get tables with translatable fields.

Return Value

array Array of names of tables with fields that can be translated.

at line 274
static array widgets()

Get a list of widgets for editing translatable fields.

Return Value

array Array of the widgets for editing translatable fields.