class CRM_Core_Action

The core concept of the system is an action performed on an object. Typically this will be a "data model" object as specified in the API specs. We attempt to keep the number and type of actions consistent and similar across all objects (thus providing both reuse and standards)



Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


Different possible actions are defined here. Keep in sync with the constant from CRM_Core_Form for various modes.


static array $_names Map the action names to the relevant constant. We perform bit manipulation operations so we can perform multiple actions on the same object if needed
static array $_description The flipped version of the names array, initialized when used


static int
resolve(string $str)

Called by the request object to translate a string into a mask.

static int
map(mixed $item)

Given a string or an array of strings, determine the bitmask for this set of actions

static int
mapItem(string $item)

Given a string determine the bitmask for this specific string.

static string
description(int $mask)

Given an action mask, find the corresponding description

static string
formLink(array $links, int $mask, array $values, string $extraULName = 'more', bool $enclosedAllInSingleUL = FALSE, null $op = NULL, null $objectName = NULL, int $objectId = NULL)

Given a set of links and a mask, return the html action string for the links associated with the mask

static array|null
filterLinks(array $links, int $mask, array $values, null $op = NULL, null $objectName = NULL, int $objectId = NULL)

Given a set of links and a mask, return a filtered (by mask) array containing the final links with parsed values and calling hooks as appropriate.

static string
replace(string $str, array $values)

Given a string and an array of values, substitute the real values in the placeholder in the str in the CiviCRM format

static int
mask(array $permissions)

Get the mask for a permission (view, edit or null)


at line 116
static int resolve(string $str)

Called by the request object to translate a string into a mask.


string $str The action to be resolved.

Return Value

int the action mask corresponding to the input string

at line 135
static int map(mixed $item)

Given a string or an array of strings, determine the bitmask for this set of actions


mixed $item Either a single string or an array of strings.

Return Value

int the action mask corresponding to the input args

at line 158
static int mapItem(string $item)

Given a string determine the bitmask for this specific string.


string $item The input action to process.

Return Value

int the action mask corresponding to the input string

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static string description(int $mask)

Given an action mask, find the corresponding description


int $mask The action mask.

Return Value

string the corresponding action description

Given a set of links and a mask, return the html action string for the links associated with the mask


array $links The set of link items.
int $mask The mask to be used. a null mask means all items.
array $values The array of values for parameter substitution in the link items.
string $extraULName Enclosed extra links in this UL.
bool $enclosedAllInSingleUL Force to enclosed all links in single UL.
null $op
null $objectName
int $objectId

Return Value

string the html string

Given a set of links and a mask, return a filtered (by mask) array containing the final links with parsed values and calling hooks as appropriate.

Use this when passing a set of action links to the API or to the form without adding html formatting.


array $links The set of link items.
int $mask The mask to be used. a null mask means all items.
array $values The array of values for parameter substitution in the link items.
null $op
null $objectName
int $objectId

Return Value

array|null The array describing each link

at line 372
static string replace(string $str, array $values)

Given a string and an array of values, substitute the real values in the placeholder in the str in the CiviCRM format


string $str The string to be replaced.
array $values The array of values for parameter substitution in the str.

Return Value

string the substituted string

at line 387
static int mask(array $permissions)

Get the mask for a permission (view, edit or null)


array $permissions

Return Value

int The mask for the above permission