class CRM_Contact_Form_Contact extends CRM_Core_Form

This class generates form components generic to all the contact types.

It delegates the work to lower level subclasses and integrates the changes back in. It also uses a lot of functionality with the CRM API's, so any change made here could potentially affect the API etc. Be careful, be aware, use unit tests.



Constants for attributes for various form elements attempt to standardize on the number of variations that we use of the below form elements


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision


All checkboxes are defined with a common prefix. This allows us to have the same javascript to check / clear all the checkboxes etc If u have multiple groups of checkboxes, you will need to give them different ids to avoid potential name collision


protected object $_state The state object that this form belongs to from CRM_Core_Form
protected string $_name The name of this form from CRM_Core_Form
protected string $_title The title of this form from CRM_Core_Form
array $_defaults The default values for the form. from CRM_Core_Form
mixed $_options (QUASI-PROTECTED) The options passed into this form from CRM_Core_Form
protected array $_paymentProcessors Available payment processors. from CRM_Core_Form
array $_paymentProcessorIDs Available payment processors (IDS). from CRM_Core_Form
protected int $_paymentProcessorID Default or selected processor id. from CRM_Core_Form
protected int $_is_pay_later_enabled Is pay later enabled for the form. from CRM_Core_Form
protected object $_renderer The renderer used for this form from CRM_Core_Form
protected array $_dateFields An array to hold a list of datefields on the form so that they can be converted to ISO in a consistent manner from CRM_Core_Form
static protected CRM_Core_Smarty $_template Cache the smarty template for efficiency reasons from CRM_Core_Form
protected bool $unsavedChangesWarn Indicate if this form should warn users of unsaved changes from CRM_Core_Form
array $ajaxResponse What to return to the client if in ajax mode (snippet=json) from CRM_Core_Form
array $urlPath Url path used to reach this page from CRM_Core_Form
protected string $context Context of the form being loaded. from CRM_Core_Form
bool $submitOnce from CRM_Core_Form
CRM_Core_Controller $controller from CRM_Core_Form
static array $html5Types Extra input types we support via the "add" method from CRM_Core_Form
string $_contactType The contact type of the form.
string $_contactSubType The contact type of the form.
int $_contactId The contact id, used when editing the form
int $_gid The default group id passed in via the url.
int $_tid The default tag id passed in via the url.
protected string $_dedupeButtonName Name of de-dupe button
protected string $_duplicateButtonName Name of optional save duplicate button.
protected $_editOptions
protected $_oldSubtypes
array $_greetings The array of greetings with option group and filed names.
bool $_parseStreetAddress Do we want to parse street address.
bool $_isContactSubType Check contact has a subtype or not.
array $_preEditValues Lets keep a cache of all the values that we retrieved.



No description


Set context variable.

__construct(object $state = NULL, const|enum|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::NONE, string $method = 'post', string $name = NULL)

Constructor for the basic form page.


Set translated fields.

addClass(string $className)

Add one or more css classes to the form.


Register all the standard rules that most forms potentially use.

add(string $type, string $name, string $label = '', string|array $attributes = '', bool $required = FALSE, array $extra = NULL)

Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.


Build all the data structures needed to build the form.


Form submission of new/edit contact is processed.

mainProcess(bool $allowAjax = TRUE)

Main process wrapper.


The postProcess hook is typically called by the framework.


Build the form object.


Set default values for the form.


add the rules (mainly global rules) for form.


Performs the server side validation.


Core function that builds the form.

addButtons(array $params)

Add default Next / Back buttons.


Getter function for Name.


Getter function for State.


Getter function for StateType.


Getter function for title.

setTitle(string $title)

Setter function for title.


Assign billing type id to bltID.


No description

assignPaymentProcessor(bool $isPayLaterEnabled)

This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.

formatParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $fields)

Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.

prepareParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $params)

Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.


Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.

handlePreApproval(array $params)

Handle pre approval for processors.

setOptions(mixed $options)

Setter function for options.


Render form and return contents.


Getter function for renderer.


Use the form name to create the tpl file name.


A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.


Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.

error(string $message, int $code = NULL, CRM_Core_DAO $dao = NULL)

Error reporting mechanism.

set(string $name, mixed $value)

Store the variable with the value in the form scope.

get(string $name)

Get the variable from the form scope.


Getter for action.

setAction(int $action)

Setter for action.

assign(string $var, mixed $value = NULL)

Assign value to name in template.

assign_by_ref(string $var, mixed $value)

Assign value to name in template by reference.

append(array|string $tpl_var, mixed $value = NULL, bool $merge = FALSE)

Appends values to template variables.

get_template_vars(string $name = NULL)

Returns an array containing template variables.

addRadio(string $name, $title, $values, array $attributes = [], null $separator = NULL, bool $required = FALSE)

No description

addYesNo(int $id, $title, bool $allowClear = FALSE, null $required = NULL, array $attributes = [])

No description

addCheckBox(int $id, $title, $values, null $other = NULL, null $attributes = NULL, null $required = NULL, null $javascriptMethod = NULL, string $separator = '<br />', bool $flipValues = FALSE)

No description


No description

addDefaultButtons(string $title, string $nextType = 'next', string $backType = 'back', bool|string $submitOnce = FALSE)

Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit

addDateRange(string $name, string $from = '_from', string $to = '_to', string $label = 'From:', string $dateFormat = 'searchDate', bool $required = FALSE, bool $displayTime = FALSE)

No description

addDatePickerRange(string $fieldName, string $label, bool $isDateTime = FALSE, bool $required = FALSE, string $fromLabel = 'From', string $toLabel = 'To')

Add a search for a range using date picker fields.


Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.


Explicitly declare the entity api name.


Explicitly declare the form context.

addSelect($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)

Adds a select based on field metadata.

addField($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE, bool $legacyDate = TRUE)

Adds a field based on metadata.

addProfileSelector(string $name, string $label, string $allowCoreTypes, string $allowSubTypes, array $entities, bool $default = FALSE, string $usedFor = NULL)

Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form


No description


No description

static CRM_Core_Smarty

No description


No description


No description

setVar($name, $value)

No description

addDate(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, array $attributes = NULL) deprecated

Add date.

addDateTime(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL) deprecated

Function that will add date and time.

addMoney(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL, bool $addCurrency = TRUE, string $currencyName = 'currency', null $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE)

Add a currency and money element to the form.

addCurrency(string $name = 'currency', null $label = NULL, bool $required = TRUE, string $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE, bool $setDefaultCurrency = TRUE)

Add currency element to the form.

addEntityRef(string $name, string $label = '', array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)

Create a single or multiple entity ref field.

convertDateFieldsToMySQL(array $params)

Convert all date fields within the params to mysql date ready for the BAO layer. In this case fields are checked against the $_datefields defined for the form and if time is defined it is incorporated


No description


Function that can be defined in Form to override or.

validateMandatoryFields(array $fields, array $values, array $errors)

Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.


Get contact if for a form object. Prioritise - cid in URL if 0 (on behalf on someoneelse) (@todo consider setting a variable if onbehalf for clarity of downstream 'if's - logged in user id if it matches the one in the cid in the URL - contact id validated from a checksum from a checksum - cid from the url if the caller has ACL permission to view - fallback is logged in user (or ? NULL if no logged in user) (@todo wouldn't 0 be more intuitive?)


Get the contact id that the form is being submitted for.


Get the contact id of the logged in user.

addAutoSelector(array $profiles = [], array $autoCompleteField = [])

Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g


No description


Add the options appropriate to cid = zero - ie. autocomplete

getProfileDefaults(mixed $profile_id = 'Billing', int $contactID = NULL)

Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)


Sets form attribute.


Sets form attribute.

setPageTitle(string $entityLabel)

Sets page title based on entity and action.

addChainSelect(string $elementName, array $settings = [])

Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.

addTaskMenu(array $tasks)

Add actions menu to results form.

assignBillingName(array $params = [])

Assign billing name to the template.

getCurrency(array $submittedValues = [])

Get the currency for the form.


Is the form in view or edit mode.

blockSetDefaults(array $defaults)

Do the set default related to location type id, primary location, default country.

static bool
formRule(array $fields, array $errors, int $contactId, string $contactType)

Global validation rules for the form.

static bool
blockDataExists(array $fields)

Is there any real significant data in the hierarchical location array.

checkDuplicateContacts(array $fields, $errors, int $contactID, string $contactType)

That checks for duplicate contacts.

parseAddress(array $params)

Parse all address blocks present in given params and return parse result for all address blocks, This function either parse street address in to child elements or build street address from child elements.

static null|string
parseAddressStatusMsg(array $parseResult)

Check parse result and if some address block fails then this function return the status message for all address blocks.

static string
ordinalNumber(int $number)

Convert normal number to ordinal number format.

updateMembershipStatus(array $deceasedParams)

Update membership status to deceased.


in CRM_Core_Form at line 200
string getContext()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 207

Set context variable.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 268
CRM_Core_Form __construct(object $state = NULL, const|enum|int $action = CRM_Core_Action::NONE, string $method = 'post', string $name = NULL)

Constructor for the basic form page.

We should not use QuickForm directly. This class provides a lot of default convenient functions, rules and buttons


object $state State associated with this form.
const|enum|int $action The mode the form is operating in (None/Create/View/Update/Delete)
string $method The type of http method used (GET/POST).
string $name The name of the form if different from class name.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 311
protected setTranslatedFields()

Set translated fields.

This function is called from the class constructor, allowing us to set fields on the class that can't be set as properties due to need for translation or other non-input specific handling.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 318
addClass(string $className)

Add one or more css classes to the form.


string $className

in CRM_Core_Form at line 326

Register all the standard rules that most forms potentially use.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 379
HTML_QuickForm_Element add(string $type, string $name, string $label = '', string|array $attributes = '', bool $required = FALSE, array $extra = NULL)

Simple easy to use wrapper around addElement.

Deal with simple validation rules.


string $type
string $name
string $label
string|array $attributes (options for select elements)
bool $required
array $extra (attributes for select elements). For datepicker elements this is consistent with the data from CRM_Utils_Date::getDatePickerExtra

Return Value

HTML_QuickForm_Element Could be an error object

at line 148

Build all the data structures needed to build the form.

at line 874

Form submission of new/edit contact is processed.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 494
mainProcess(bool $allowAjax = TRUE)

Main process wrapper.

Implemented so that we can call all the hook functions.


bool $allowAjax FIXME: This feels kind of hackish, ideally we would take the json-related code from this function. and bury it deeper down in the controller

in CRM_Core_Form at line 520

The postProcess hook is typically called by the framework.

However in a few cases, the form exits or redirects early in which case it needs to call this function so other modules can do the needful Calling this function directly should be avoided if possible. In general a better way is to do setUserContext so the framework does the redirect

at line 741

Build the form object.

at line 403
array|NULL setDefaultValues()

Set default values for the form.

Note that in edit/view mode the default values are retrieved from the database

Return Value

array|NULL reference to the array of default values

at line 561

add the rules (mainly global rules) for form.

All local rules are added near the element

See also


in CRM_Core_Form at line 559
bool validate()

Performs the server side validation.

Return Value

bool true if no error found



in CRM_Core_Form at line 587

Core function that builds the form.

We redefine this function here and expect all CRM forms to build their form in the function buildQuickForm.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 650
addButtons(array $params)

Add default Next / Back buttons.


array $params Array of associative arrays in the order in which the buttons should be displayed. The associate array has 3 fields: 'type', 'name' and 'isDefault' The base form class will define a bunch of static arrays for commonly used formats.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 723
string getName()

Getter function for Name.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 732
object getState()

Getter function for State.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 741
int getStateType()

Getter function for StateType.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 752
string getTitle()

Getter function for title.

Should be over-ridden by derived class.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 762
setTitle(string $title)

Setter function for title.


string $title The title of the form.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 772

Assign billing type id to bltID.



in CRM_Core_Form at line 781
int getPaymentProcessorID()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 794
protected assignPaymentProcessor(bool $isPayLaterEnabled)

This if a front end form function for setting the payment processor.

It would be good to sync it with the back-end function on abstractEditPayment & use one everywhere.


bool $isPayLaterEnabled



in CRM_Core_Form at line 832
protected array formatParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $fields)

Format the fields in $this->_params for the payment processor.

In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.


array $fields

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 848
protected array prepareParamsForPaymentProcessor(array $params)

Format the fields in $params for the payment processor.

In order to pass fields to the payment processor in a consistent way we add some renamed parameters.


array $params Payment processor params

Return Value

array $params

in CRM_Core_Form at line 896
protected preProcessPaymentOptions()

Handle Payment Processor switching for contribution and event registration forms.

This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.

However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.

This function overlaps assignPaymentProcessor, in a bad way.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 948
protected handlePreApproval(array $params)

Handle pre approval for processors.

This fits with the flow where a pre-approval is done and then confirmed in the next stage when confirm is hit.

This function is shared between contribution & event forms & this is their common class.

However, this should be seen as an in-progress refactor, the end goal being to also align the backoffice forms that action payments.


array $params

in CRM_Core_Form at line 973
setOptions(mixed $options)

Setter function for options.


mixed $options

in CRM_Core_Form at line 982
string toSmarty()

Render form and return contents.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1000
object getRenderer()

Getter function for renderer.

If renderer is not set create one and initialize it.

Return Value


at line 1228
string getTemplateFileName()

Use the form name to create the tpl file name.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1035

A wrapper for getTemplateFileName.

This includes calling the hook to prevent us from having to copy & paste the logic of calling the hook.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1048
string overrideExtraTemplateFileName()

Default extra tpl file basically just replaces .tpl with .extra.tpl.

i.e. we do not override.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1062
error(string $message, int $code = NULL, CRM_Core_DAO $dao = NULL)

Error reporting mechanism.


string $message Error Message.
int $code Error Code.
CRM_Core_DAO $dao A data access object on which we perform a rollback if non - empty.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1080
set(string $name, mixed $value)

Store the variable with the value in the form scope.


string $name Name of the variable.
mixed $value Value of the variable.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1092
mixed get(string $name)

Get the variable from the form scope.


string $name Name of the variable

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1101
int getAction()

Getter for action.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1111
setAction(int $action)

Setter for action.


int $action The mode we want to set the form.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1123
assign(string $var, mixed $value = NULL)

Assign value to name in template.


string $var Name of variable.
mixed $value Value of variable.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1135
assign_by_ref(string $var, mixed $value)

Assign value to name in template by reference.


string $var Name of variable.
mixed $value Value of variable.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1147
append(array|string $tpl_var, mixed $value = NULL, bool $merge = FALSE)

Appends values to template variables.


array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
mixed $value The value to append.
bool $merge

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1158
array get_template_vars(string $name = NULL)

Returns an array containing template variables.


string $name

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1172
HTML_QuickForm_group addRadio(string $name, $title, $values, array $attributes = [], null $separator = NULL, bool $required = FALSE)


string $name
array $attributes
null $separator
bool $required

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1204
addYesNo(int $id, $title, bool $allowClear = FALSE, null $required = NULL, array $attributes = [])


int $id
bool $allowClear
null $required
array $attributes

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1230
addCheckBox(int $id, $title, $values, null $other = NULL, null $attributes = NULL, null $required = NULL, null $javascriptMethod = NULL, string $separator = '<br />', bool $flipValues = FALSE)


int $id
null $other
null $attributes
null $required
null $javascriptMethod
string $separator
bool $flipValues

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1277

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1293
addDefaultButtons(string $title, string $nextType = 'next', string $backType = 'back', bool|string $submitOnce = FALSE)

Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to the form with a customized title for the main Submit


string $title Title of the main button.
string $nextType Button type for the form after processing.
string $backType
bool|string $submitOnce

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1324
addDateRange(string $name, string $from = '_from', string $to = '_to', string $label = 'From:', string $dateFormat = 'searchDate', bool $required = FALSE, bool $displayTime = FALSE)


string $name
string $from
string $to
string $label
string $dateFormat
bool $required
bool $displayTime

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1346
addDatePickerRange(string $fieldName, string $label, bool $isDateTime = FALSE, bool $required = FALSE, string $fromLabel = 'From', string $toLabel = 'To')

Add a search for a range using date picker fields.


string $fieldName
string $label
bool $isDateTime Is this a date-time field (not just date).
bool $required
string $fromLabel
string $toLabel

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1372
protected getApiAction()

Based on form action, return a string representing the api action.

Used by addField method.

Return string

at line 134

Explicitly declare the entity api name.

at line 141

Explicitly declare the form context.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1423
HTML_QuickForm_Element addSelect($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)

Adds a select based on field metadata.

TODO: This could be even more generic and widget type (select in this case) could also be read from metadata Perhaps a method like $form->bind($name) which would look up all metadata for named field


$name Field name to go on the form.
array $props Mix of html attributes and special properties, namely. - entity (api entity name, can usually be inferred automatically from the form class) - field (field name - only needed if different from name used on the form) - option_url - path to edit this option list - usually retrieved automatically - set to NULL to disable link - placeholder - set to NULL to disable - multiple - bool - context - see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext
bool $required

Return Value




in CRM_Core_Form at line 1507
mixed addField($name, array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE, bool $legacyDate = TRUE)

Adds a field based on metadata.


$name Field name to go on the form.
array $props Mix of html attributes and special properties, namely. - entity (api entity name, can usually be inferred automatically from the form class) - name (field name - only needed if different from name used on the form) - option_url - path to edit this option list - usually retrieved automatically - set to NULL to disable link - placeholder - set to NULL to disable - multiple - bool - context - see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext
bool $required
bool $legacyDate Temporary param to facilitate the conversion of fields to use the datepicker in a controlled way. To convert the field the jcalendar code needs to be removed from the tpl as well. That file is intended to be EOL.

Return Value

mixed HTML_QuickForm_Element void



in CRM_Core_Form at line 1710
addProfileSelector(string $name, string $label, string $allowCoreTypes, string $allowSubTypes, array $entities, bool $default = FALSE, string $usedFor = NULL)

Add a widget for selecting/editing/creating/copying a profile form


string $name HTML form-element name.
string $label Printable label.
string $allowCoreTypes Only present a UFGroup if its group_type includes a subset of $allowCoreTypes; e.g. 'Individual', 'Activity'.
string $allowSubTypes Only present a UFGroup if its group_type is compatible with $allowSubypes.
array $entities
bool $default //CRM-15427.
string $usedFor

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1729
null getRootTitle()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1736
string getCompleteTitle()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1743
static CRM_Core_Smarty getTemplate()

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1750



in CRM_Core_Form at line 1780
null getVar($name)



Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1788
setVar($name, $value)



in CRM_Core_Form at line 1807
addDate(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, array $attributes = NULL) deprecated

deprecated Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.

Add date.


string $name Name of the element.
string $label Label of the element.
bool $required True if required.
array $attributes Key / value pair.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1896
addDateTime(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL) deprecated

deprecated Use $this->add('datepicker', ...) instead.

Function that will add date and time.


string $name
string $label
bool $required
null $attributes

in CRM_Core_Form at line 1922
HTML_QuickForm_Element addMoney(string $name, string $label, bool $required = FALSE, null $attributes = NULL, bool $addCurrency = TRUE, string $currencyName = 'currency', null $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE)

Add a currency and money element to the form.


string $name
string $label
bool $required
null $attributes
bool $addCurrency
string $currencyName
null $defaultCurrency
bool $freezeCurrency

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 1952
addCurrency(string $name = 'currency', null $label = NULL, bool $required = TRUE, string $defaultCurrency = NULL, bool $freezeCurrency = FALSE, bool $setDefaultCurrency = TRUE)

Add currency element to the form.


string $name
null $label
bool $required
string $defaultCurrency
bool $freezeCurrency
bool $setDefaultCurrency

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2006
HTML_QuickForm_Element addEntityRef(string $name, string $label = '', array $props = [], bool $required = FALSE)

Create a single or multiple entity ref field.


string $name
string $label
array $props Mix of html and widget properties, including:. - select - params to give to select2 widget - entity - defaults to Contact - create - can the user create a new entity on-the-fly? Set to TRUE if entity is contact and you want the default profiles, or pass in your own set of links. see CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getEntityRefCreateLinks for format note that permissions are checked automatically - api - array of settings for the getlist api wrapper note that it accepts a 'params' setting which will be passed to the underlying api - placeholder - string - multiple - bool - class, etc. - other html properties
bool $required

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2055
convertDateFieldsToMySQL(array $params)

Convert all date fields within the params to mysql date ready for the BAO layer. In this case fields are checked against the $_datefields defined for the form and if time is defined it is incorporated


array $params Input params from the form.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2075



in CRM_Core_Form at line 2093

Function that can be defined in Form to override or.

perform specific action on cancel action

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2105
static validateMandatoryFields(array $fields, array $values, array $errors)

Helper function to verify that required fields have been filled.

Typically called within the scope of a FormRule function


array $fields
array $values
array $errors

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2124
protected NULL|int setContactID()

Get contact if for a form object. Prioritise - cid in URL if 0 (on behalf on someoneelse) (@todo consider setting a variable if onbehalf for clarity of downstream 'if's - logged in user id if it matches the one in the cid in the URL - contact id validated from a checksum from a checksum - cid from the url if the caller has ACL permission to view - fallback is logged in user (or ? NULL if no logged in user) (@todo wouldn't 0 be more intuitive?)

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2179
int|null getContactID()

Get the contact id that the form is being submitted for.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2186

Get the contact id of the logged in user.

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2215
addAutoSelector(array $profiles = [], array $autoCompleteField = [])

Add autoselector field -if user has permission to view contacts If adding this to a form you also need to add to the tpl e.g

{if !empty($selectable)}




array $profiles Ids of profiles that are on the form (to be autofilled).
array $autoCompleteField
  • name_field
    • id_field
    • url (for ajax lookup)

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2240

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2256

Add the options appropriate to cid = zero - ie. autocomplete

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2280
array getProfileDefaults(mixed $profile_id = 'Billing', int $contactID = NULL)

Set default values on form for given contact (or no contact defaults)


mixed $profile_id (can be id, or profile name).
int $contactID

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2299

Sets form attribute.

See also


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2307

Sets form attribute.

See also


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2315
setPageTitle(string $entityLabel)

Sets page title based on entity and action.


string $entityLabel

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2344
HTML_QuickForm_Element addChainSelect(string $elementName, array $settings = [])

Create a chain-select target field. All settings are optional; the defaults usually work.


string $elementName
array $settings

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2379
addTaskMenu(array $tasks)

Add actions menu to results form.


array $tasks

in CRM_Core_Form at line 2496
string assignBillingName(array $params = [])

Assign billing name to the template.


array $params Form input params, default to $this->_params.

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2531
string getCurrency(array $submittedValues = [])

Get the currency for the form.


array $submittedValues Array allowed so forms inheriting this class do not break. Ideally we would make a clear standard around how submitted values are stored (is $this->_values consistently doing that?).

Return Value


in CRM_Core_Form at line 2553
protected bool isFormInViewOrEditMode()

Is the form in view or edit mode.

The 'addField' function relies on the form action being one of a set list of actions. Checking for these allows for an early return.

Return Value


at line 461
blockSetDefaults(array $defaults)

Do the set default related to location type id, primary location, default country.


array $defaults

at line 597
static bool formRule(array $fields, array $errors, int $contactId, string $contactType)

Global validation rules for the form.


array $fields Posted values of the form.
array $errors List of errors to be posted back to the form.
int $contactId Contact id if doing update.
string $contactType

Return Value

bool email/openId

at line 1103
static bool blockDataExists(array $fields)

Is there any real significant data in the hierarchical location array.


array $fields The hierarchical value representation of this location.

Return Value

bool true if data exists, false otherwise

at line 1157
static checkDuplicateContacts(array $fields, $errors, int $contactID, string $contactType)

That checks for duplicate contacts.


array $fields Fields array which are submitted.
int $contactID Contact id.
string $contactType Contact type.

at line 1251
array parseAddress(array $params)

Parse all address blocks present in given params and return parse result for all address blocks, This function either parse street address in to child elements or build street address from child elements.


array $params of key value consist of address blocks.

Return Value

array as array of success/fails for each address block

at line 1354
static null|string parseAddressStatusMsg(array $parseResult)

Check parse result and if some address block fails then this function return the status message for all address blocks.


array $parseResult An array of address blk instance and its status.

Return Value

null|string $statusMsg string status message for all address blocks.

at line 1386
static string ordinalNumber(int $number)

Convert normal number to ordinal number format.

like 1 => 1st, 2 => 2nd and so on...


int $number number to convert in to ordinal number.

Return Value

string ordinal number for given number.

at line 1423
null|string updateMembershipStatus(array $deceasedParams)

Update membership status to deceased.

function return the status message for updated membership.


array $deceasedParams having contact id and deceased value.

Return Value

null|string $updateMembershipMsg string status message for updated membership.