ACL Entity.
ActionSchedule Entity.
Activity entity.
ActivityContact Entity.
Address Entity.
Campaign entity.
Contacts - Individuals, Organizations, Households.
ContactType entity.
Contribution entity.
ContributionPage entity.
CustomField entity.
CustomGroup entity.
CustomGroup entity.
Domains - multisite instances of CiviCRM.
Email entity.
Retrieves information about all Api4 entities.
EntityTag - links tags to contacts, activities, etc.
Event entity.
Group entity.
GroupContact entity - link between groups and contacts.
GroupNesting entity.
GroupOrganization entity.
IM entity.
LocationType entity.
MailSettings entity.
Mapping entity.
MappingField entity.
Navigation entity.
Note entity.
OpenID entity.
OptionGroup entity.
OptionValue entity.
Participant entity, stores the participation record of a contact in an event.
Phone entity.
Relationship entity.
RelationshipType entity.
CiviCRM settings api.
For setting "hush" preferences for system check alerts.
A collection of system maintenance/diagnostic utilities.
Tag entity.
UFField entity - aka profile fields.
UFGroup entity - AKA profiles.
UFJoin entity - links profiles to the components/extensions they are used for.
UFMatch entity - links civicrm contacts with users created externally
Website entity.